Mar 31 2005, 03:29 PM
KAZE :Gangleader of the 7Serpents, Japanese male in his 20's, charismatic and always planning the next big thing. Spends alot of time on the phone with whoever is pulling the strings.
Bad-Bones: War Boss, Large male with some slight ork'ish features. His tattoos show he has made his bones, along with some prison tat's he recently got in Silcox. You can see in his eyes and his stance that fury is waiting just beneath, waiting to escape.
Associate members:
SPINNER: Elf male, who likes to juggle and spin his 2 knives.
TUB's: Ork male, hugh beer belly that barely fits in his jacket
SPANKY: Attractive Ork female, can you guess what she's into?
LIMEY: Human male, bike and leathers are a Lime green color
DEE: as in Twidley-dee, Ork male who is incredibly dumb, but a good guy.
SPACE: Human male, spends alot of time high( BTL, or Bliss)
JACKED UP JIM: James, a Human male, burned out user who seems to be trying to recover.
CARL THE SNARL: Troll male whose hair lip makes it seem like he's always snarling.He tends to drool too.
BRENDA THE BREEDER: Tough as nails Human female, who hops from bed to bed in the gang.
JAZZY: Human male who spends all his time on his bike or talking about it.
CHAINS: scrawny ork male, chain smokes
TW: Dwarf male, whose lowered bike gave him the nick name TRAINING-WHEELS (TW)
JUNKS: Human male, drives a pieced together rapier with some cosmetic parts missing.
SLAMMY: Ork male who always ends up in jail for minor stuff, at least one week a month is spent inside.
TIX: Human male who has over 300 speeding tickets.
DODGE: Ork male, put the dent in the Rastas fender (it's a Dodge)
SKUNK: Ork male who doesnt bath much...at all
Mar 31 2005, 03:53 PM
Forever Tacoma gang
Pullyup's Anti-Gang unit
LT. Michael Blaine
Sgt O'rourke "Red" *
Ofc. James Malcolm "Hassles"
Ofc. Dominic Levy " Grumps"*
Ofc. David Smith " Smiley"*
Ofc. Jeffrey Rogers "Patdown"*
Ofc. Steven Jacobs "Beats" *
* means they are crooked ( but will still bring you down if apperances need to maintained or they are under quota)
Various gangs run protection for smugglers on Route 7
Mar 31 2005, 06:50 PM
Lucky 7's: Go-gang on route 7, traditional bikers (Harley's) own the patch of 'crete next to the serpents
The Plague-Bringers: Street gang consisting of Ghouls ( care to guess about their
intiation practices?
THE NATIONS COUNSEL: The counsel of gangs in the sprawl.( huh? the gangs have a counsel? Yes, in a world of ego's its easy to see it forming. Every gang has a charter,established boundaries, and leaders.This like the U.N. is how wars are ended...or started. Every "Established" gang has a voice, your terrotory and numbers determine how big a voice.The Ancients,Cutters, and The Merlyns are the big players with the biggest voices in the counsel.) Gang warfare for turf and honor are an excepted way of life, however if it starts to effect the whole sprawl and most likely affect the bigger gangs profits then they step in.It's mostly a parody of any actual counsel but, hey its a game you have to play.
The Spikes: Lord Torgo's crew.
The U.B.C.: (Under Bridge Crew) street gang composed of Trolls and Orks based on your southern most territory along rt.7. They control the surface streets around the over pass of rt 7.
Mar 31 2005, 08:05 PM
If youre wondering about the counsel rent " The Warriors" its a film from the late 70's, or early 80's.Its a good rental for anyone who plans to play on this. No great acting or anything but, it gives abit of gangers life,and covers the counsel bit briefly.
Mar 31 2005, 09:56 PM
Looks like ya got you're P's and Q's covered. Not bad, and I'll have to remember that bit on Dodge. That way I can smack him in the back of tha' head fer cost'in me so much loot. Dane's got a hefty price tag on his shop services... Not to mention the Herb I loose in the deals
Apr 1 2005, 01:11 AM
well ya can'd be tinkin me gonna do it wit out me gettin eiree firt ma mon
Apr 1 2005, 01:13 AM
besides Dane's still cheaper then anyone else
with the cost of protection as high as it is
Apr 1 2005, 01:32 AM
Just so everyone is clear how much do you charge? A Shadow mechanic is 100 yen an hour ( as a Lvl 1 contact, 50-75 yen/hour as a lvl 2 contact,and 25-50 yen/hour as a lvl 3 contact)
Apr 1 2005, 05:02 AM
Had my PC's all done and posted.. then went to Edit* and it got Frag'ed.. Sorry... I will try and post again tomorrow.... it's gett'in to late here.
Apr 1 2005, 06:52 AM
Three things.
1. Are there any hardcore members besides us? The list was only the associate members.
2. Is James (from my background) just a wannabe then? Just asking so I know his status within the gang, as I probably should know this.
3. Is it possible to get a description of the gang's turf? Like how many blocks by how many blocks, what kind of neighborhood (residental, business, red light, etc), any 'neutral' zones of significance (schools, hospitals, etc)? I also liked the geographical descriptions of our rivals, can we get a complete one? Like who's bordering our N,W,S,E, etc, major roads or highways that are in and around our turf in addition to I-7, etc.
Finally, would it be possible to compile all this and previous information stated about the gang (initiation rituals, members, enemies, geography, colors, operations, etc) into one place, perhaps in a spoiler post to put as the introductory post in the IC or OOC thread when you start it, so we don't have to hunt for it every time we need to know the answer to a question we should know? That would be wonderful, if you wouldn't mind.
I'll have the character to you sometime this weekend. Thanks for your patience!
Apr 1 2005, 01:38 PM
Rat's got something going there.. That would be nice! I spent about 20mins last night look'in up Info to compile about the gang. I don't mind the time, not much else goin' on at 12:00 round the casa. But it would be sweet to have it all at my Fingertips...
Apr 1 2005, 01:43 PM
Oh and beav. Got your message on the cell this morn, i'f yeah check this post, Rock on' I'll give yeah a call soon.
Apr 1 2005, 02:56 PM
To answer the Questions.
1.Are there any Hardcore besides the PC'S? At this time no.Reason is there are 6 PC Hardcore and 2 NPC hardcore and 17 others, If i used those for Hardcore it would ruin the balance.
2. Is Jacked Up Jim the James from your Background? Yes, i couldnt resist and he is an associate not a fringe or wannabe.
3. Your Turf:
Beginning at the junction of Interstate 512, your patch of 'crete is on route 7 through Loveland for 18 miles(the 507 also intersects wit Rt.7). The boundary is at the RoadHouse Tavern which is nuetral for you and The Lucky 7's go-gang. In the northern part of Loveland along route 7 you control 8 blocks by 2 blocks in the mainly run down bussiness area,on the south side of route 7, and 8 blocks by 1 block on the northern side of route 7.These areas are considered Redlight district for the Ft. Lewis soldiers on off duty time.In this area there are no nuetral areas between you and the Forever Tacoma gang ( the FT's are Mafia sponsored, you are Yakuza sponsored...conflicts of interests you know)
The Plague-Bringers are located to the north of your your Loveland turf. Origionally they had only 4 members and 3 blocks now they have 10 members and have control the 8 blocks bordering yours.
Apr 1 2005, 03:17 PM
Oh and yes i plan to add all the gang info into a spoiler on the IC thread...good idea WinterRat.
Apr 1 2005, 04:29 PM
Sorry for all the questions, I just think it's a cool campaign and want to flesh everything out as thoroughly as possible, especially in our turf, which I think it important. Are there any significant buildings or locations located within our turf? Schools, hospitals, clubs, bars, warehouses we store our stuff in, garage to repair bikes/vehicles, gang hangouts/headquarters? Do we have multiple bases of operations or places to hang, or just one central venue? Do we allow anyone else to operate in our turf, or do we run everything, except what we cede/operate for the Yakuza?
Apr 1 2005, 04:53 PM
I have to say, this campaign sounds great to me too.
I haven't had the chance to play a character that has never been above the third story in a building before.
I am a bit nervous about the combat aspect, as the only cyber I'm installing is a balance augmenter, but hey, why would a ganger have the million nuyen sammy loadout?
All in all this looks like its gonna kick ass.
Would you like a sheet posted here or PM'ed to you Hobbe?
Apr 1 2005, 06:43 PM
More good questions Winter.
I plan putting more in the spoiler but, i will quench yours and most likely others thirst for knowlege.
I will start with do you allow anyone else to operate within the turf, except what we cede or operate for the yakuza? The answer is No. All the rackets the gang are into filter into the pockets of the Yakuza. In fact the Forever Tacoma gang which is your main rival in Loveland is Mafia affliated( affiliated not run by).The Yaks and the Mafia both want Loveland entirely.
Do you have a garage to work on bikes? Yes and no. Dane owns a shop which has been deemed a gang crashpad/Hang-out.
Does the gang have a Hang-out/Headquarters? Yes, it is an abandoned Truck stop( it has an old resturant, a small motel: 2 stories, 12 rooms,the pumps have been dismantled)
As far as clubs, strip joints, bars etc.. that i will cover in the spoiler.
Schools,hospitals....none in our turf
Apr 1 2005, 06:54 PM
The picture just keeps getting better and better. It has been awhile since I have played a good campaign. Thanks again, Hobbegoblin for putting this game together.
How about a code for the gang?
What are members allowed and not allowed to do?
At what penalty?
What have been some previous rulings of the Counsel in the past?
Apr 1 2005, 07:29 PM
I'll answer the code thing first:
Loyalty to the gang, dont skim or steal from the gang, help your fellow gang member even if the odds are stacked against you.
Penalty as little as loss of respects, Torture or death possibly by torture...you can draw and quarter from bikes, You can be dragged behind a bike, my personal favorite is called The Rash....a bike is propped up or lain down, the face is applied to the rear tire as the throttle is cranked...if the victim is lucky it's only first gear.
As far as allowed or not allowed to do i need specifics.
The counsel has stopped the Ancients from completly destroying the Spikes or even attacking them. The counsel ruled that although their anti-elf policy they have never attacked the Ancients so, no real grounds. Also the very thought of the Ancients moving in a couple of chapters of the gang to wage war scares the crap out of all the gangs. The decision was a surprise as the Ancients have a strong voice....The Cutters were against it from the start ( old rivalries) but, the Merlyns voted it down too. The normally absent Nighthunter rep, Jimmy "the Claw", voted for it..citing "i'd pay to see the Daisy-eater and Trog war"
<<<Jimmy "the claw" a known gang member of the infamous AntiMetahuman gang the Nighthunters was found beaten to death in an alley in South Renton. In an apparently unrelated incident the funeral home at which "the claw" was holding his wake has been recieving large floral arrangements of....Daiseys
-Kim Toritoa channel 13 News>>>
Apr 1 2005, 09:01 PM
I had to edit the turf a bit, The 5 is like nowhere close.It's fixed in the post.Also the 702 intersects with the 7 but, thats a long way from your patch of 'crete. I encourage anyone with the Seattle book ( new or the old one) to look at route 7.
You get a Freebie if you can tell me its signifigance.
Apr 1 2005, 09:01 PM
double posted last
Apr 2 2005, 01:23 AM
Well here you go… My Pc’s has finally been updated and created… This one should be OK.
Harald Yarland (Hęnni) or Yardy to some
Human (Rastafarian)
Street Shaman: Snake Totem
Combat Pool 5D6
Spell Pool 6D6
Initiative 5 + 1D6
Stats[ Spoiler ]
B 3
Q 4
S 3
C 5
I 6
W 6
E 6
M 6
R 5
EdgesPirate Family
talismongerExtra Contact
FlawsPolice Record
· Smuggling, Active Piracy and Falsifying ID on a passport
Distinctive Style: Rastafarian
Skills[ Spoiler ]
Active Skills
Aura Reading 3
Car 2
Conjuring 2
Etiquette 3
Pistol 3
Sorcery 3
Stealth 2
Unarmed Combat 2
Knowledge Skills
Gang Politics 4
Gang Territories 4
Traditional Horticultural 4
Rasta Way 6
Spell Design 3
*Sortilege 4
Talismongering 3
General Cannabis Knowledge 2
Languages: Jamaican, City Speak and Magic Talk
Life Style: Squatter 315Ą
Magic*Spells are geased by Euphoria; Hęnni like most Jamaica Shamans believe his powers are brought on by a constant state of Euphoria. If the Jamaican doesn’t at least enter this state once daily his connection to magi is lost.
[ Spoiler ]
Analyze Truth 5
Clairaudience 3
Clairvoyance 3
Detect Magic 3
Mind Probe 2
ManaBall 4
Antitoxin 2
Control Thought 3
Gear[ Spoiler ]
Ares Predator SA / 9M / Con 4 / 15c
w/ Under mount Laser-sight Con –1
Flechette Ammo (2clips)Regular Ammo (3clips)Gang “Colors” Jacket / Reinforced 5/3
Cellphone: 20485*33
VehicleDodge Ram Full Size VanStats[ Spoiler ]
Body 4
Handling 4/8
Speed 85 (getting with Dane to sup it up.)
Accel 4
Signature 2
Armor 2
Autopilot 2
Sensor 0
Cargo 50 cf load 1200
Seating 1 + 1 Reinforced Passenger seat
Fuel diesel 100 liters
Economy 4 km/l
ApartmentSmall Apartment on the third floor # 305 Loveland Lakes (a run down Complex in northern Loveland)
[ Spoiler ]
Area: E
Located in a Seedy Part of Loveland.. Which that places it anywhere
Comforts: Low
Running Water, Hydro-System veggies, shared washing facilities, central heating
Entertainment: Squatter
Drinking with homies or sitting out on the fire escape and getting lit. There is usually stuff going on down at Dane's Garage and the Truck Stop that entertains.
Furnishing: Low
Sofa, Kitchen table, and a few odds and
Security: Low
Front doors been kicked in a few times so now he locks with a chain and props a chair. But the chickens will usually squawk if some one tries to enter at night.
Space: Middle
Two Bedrooms, Kitchen area and Living room. (but mostly Plants. Cannabis, Philodendron, Spathyphilum, Hibiscus and Various Vegetables are grown with his hydro-system *see Flaw)
Hasty Access (rear fire escape)
Concerned Neighbor’s (people in his building are always on alert, and some may be Gangers from the 7serpent *TBA)
Victory Garden (home use hydroponics farm)
Infestation (rats that like me gonga’)
Disgruntled Service (no maintenance what so ever)
Underpaid Security (no Lonestar really even cares about this place)
ContactsFukos (Talismonger) Ork Male Street Shaman: Rat
Fixer ((Gang Affiliated))
TBA contact lvl 1
Street Contact
24go Clerk Human Female (where I buy all my bluntz and papers)
Apr 2 2005, 01:34 AM
looks cool. mine will be finished soon
Apr 2 2005, 02:40 AM
any other questions/concerns i can answer?
Apr 2 2005, 02:49 AM
So far this is the list of responsibilities in the gang ( subject to change and up for discussion)
Henni- counselor/Advisor
Lee- Bagman, payoffs of various people to include the gang.
Tatsu- Drummer: co-ordinates things on the streets
Survivor- Bad-Bones right hand man; sort of the sheriff in the area
Mugzy- Floater learning the ropes
Apr 2 2005, 04:27 AM
Yeah hurry up an get this sucker rollin'... Hehehe
Just kiddin' it sound cool dude.. Like usual, spent plenty O' time work'in out all the ropes, so it will run as seamless as possible. I cannot wait to do abit of Writting.. Better go dust of my Dictionary and Get the keys in line... Well this is about my last post.. unless anyone ask's a question. I'll see you all (yall for the southern'ers like me'self ) in game on the 5th'. Peace be wit' jah'
Apr 2 2005, 08:11 AM
Hobbe- Lee has many suggestions for organizing the gang's business operations to run more efficiently (surprise surprse). Could that be part of his job description as well, or is it already part of his role? I wasn't sure from the description.
Apr 2 2005, 05:45 PM
The jobs i posted are the ones that will be assigned ( tenatively assign, if a PC has a particular strong reason they should have a job or a job not listed then...present it to me please) at the beginning of game play...in the introduction portion ( you'll see how i do this). You (Lee) specifically are chosen for this assignment as a way to break you into the management portion of the gang. Your mentality isnt up to slinging BTL, or roughing up business men for protection money,( and the obvious hook that you need money was way to hard to pass up [ insert manical laugh]) There is also a reason it is you and not another PC but that is OOC.....am i sowing seeds of intrigue?
I for one am anxious to begin, and any and all questions/concerns you have i'll address as quickly as possible.
Apr 2 2005, 06:09 PM
Winter, i dont think i actually answered your question in that last post.
The way business is run is shoddy at best so, any suggestions you have will have to be in cooperation with Tatsu.Tatsu is THE co-ordinator of street biz ( also known as the Drum ) Tatsu had a very convincing backstory as to why he would be appointed to that particular job. If you do have suggestions ( and a college educated PC would) then that should be roleplayed between you two...with a little OOC talk to smooth out miscommunications. I have taken steps to ensure it is necessary to interact with eachother in the course of play ( everyone in the game).....and possible start rivalries, or friendships. ( I can accomplish this because I am a control freak and a Meglomaniac)
There will be a period of reorganization, this is why I am starting those with the criminal flaw recently getting out of jail/prison. ( I didnt explain that part in earlier posts because i didnt want PC's having alot of time to create master plans, some of you have ( ahem...Tatsu..) this is a GM monkey wrench to your attempts [insert maniacal laugh here]) relax its only a small wrench.
Apr 2 2005, 06:21 PM
This is not to say that Tatsu has the final word in Biz it is just his job to A. organize/monitor/coordinate already established biz, and B. To find new markets for established biz/ create new biz.
Apr 2 2005, 06:27 PM
*whistles innocently*
That police record is going to be a pain to work around. It will make it harder for Tatsu to be an effective earner for the gang but it'll be a blast RPing all of that, I'm sure.
Will our PCs with the criminal record have to deal with parole officers?
Apr 3 2005, 12:34 AM
I was just wondering the same thing myself, flipshow.
Also I guess with Tatsu being the one, in charge of "the biz", the big scary troll would almost be his right hand man, to make sure that all channels of income don't get "clogged", which is no problem for me or Mitch, that what he lives for, and painting. If anything could be said about Mitch Baker it would be that he has a "way" with people. This run is shapping up to be a very fun play, and interesting.
Apr 3 2005, 02:07 AM
Actually Kiedo you arent his right hand man unless he specifies that you are. Your business is collections, Tatsu's job is making sure all the business are working, or should i say working effectively ie....BTL sells are down so, Tatsu pulls from your crew to sell( you're a big troll right?, so you can handle a scale down), or in another case maybe a group of stores have banded together and paid for protection..a street sam, other gang etc...Tatsu pulls fro the available pool of members to help deal with it. In short he is a Personnel manager of sorts.
The parole thing? you have a lenient parole officer ( can you say bribed), you must still call in but, the visit is only rarely.
Apr 3 2005, 02:19 AM
Ahh, that makes sense. Then they would know each other pretty well for above stated reasons. By the way, what would my crew consist of, I know you've got a better view of the gang than I do, it being your brain child and all, so I'll let you allocate any not already commited members you can spare to the collections department. Mitch doesn't need a big crew as you said, he's a troll after all, but he does like to have back up in the event of a VAC or two. He'd have able bodied people for his team due to the nature of what they do, but they don't have to be trolls, or even orks. Mitch has no meta bias to speak of, hell he'd had his butt handed to him a few times by a dwarf so he respects all meta-humans.
Apr 3 2005, 03:23 AM
I wasnt going to do the allocating as the gangers are mostly floaters...grab whats available at the time. Later during game play you and the others may want permanent crew members but, thats more of familularity than anything else. Every one in the gang has the responsiblility to get things done, you as individuals assigned to jobs are responsible to get it done. Can this cause conflict for available manpower? i hope so...i mean it just may.
Apr 3 2005, 08:56 PM
Ok. I think I got my character pretty much ready to rock and roll.
The newcomer floater works beautifully for the character I want to play, Hobbe.
So, without further ado, I offer for your approval, Crash.
[ Spoiler ]
Point System - 125 Points
30 Attributes ( 60 pts )

90,000 ( 10 pts)
55 Skills ( 55 Points)
Martin 'Marty' Freeman
AKA: Crash
Human Male
24 Years old
5'11" 168 Lbs.
Brown, Medium Length hair
Green Eyes
Easter Dragon Tattoos on forearms. Skin graft job on left side of body up to shoulder.
Combat Pool: 8d6
Reaction: 6
Initiative: 6 +1d6* (Adrenaline Surge Edge)
Body: 5
Quickness: 6
Strength: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 5
Essence 5.60
Magic: Nil
Active Skills
Bike / Aurora Racing Bike: 5/7
Bike B/R: 5
Car: 3
Unarmed Combat: 5
Clubs: 5
Submachine Guns 5
Pistols: 4
Athletics: 6
Stealth: 2
Ettiquette / Street: 3/5
Gunnery: 4
Biotech: 3
Knowledge Skills:
Area Knowledge (Puyallup): 5
Area Knowledge (Tacoma): 4
Area Knowledge (Ft. Lewis): 4
Gang Identification: 5
Gang Turf: 5
Fences: 3
Lone Star Tactics: 4
English / CitySpeak: 5/7
- R/W: 3
Spanish: 3
- R/W: 1
Balance Augmenter
Lifestyle: 4 Months Low Lifestyle - 2 Room Flat in Silver Spring Neighborhood, Shared wit hhis mother, sister and another family.
Beretta 101T
- 3 Clips Regular Ammunition
Browning Ultra Power
- 3 Clips Regular Ammunition
- 3 Clips Regular Ammunition
Ordinary Clothing x 2
Armor Jacket w/ Fire Resistance 6 (5/3)
Low Light / Thermo Shades
Medikit Rating 6
3 Stimulant Patch Rating: 6
3 Tranq Patch Rating: 6
20 x Doses of Zen
DocWagon Gold Contract
Suzuki Aurora Racing Bike
Handling: 2/4
Speed: 210 ( Base) / 472 ( With Mods)
Acceleration: 11( Base) / 18 ( With Mods)
Body: 2
Armor: 0
Sig: 2 (Base) -5 ( With Mods) <-- Real Loud and Runs Hot
Auto Pilot: 1
Cargo: 1
Load: 40
Engine Customization ( 5 Levels )
Turbocharging: 5
Pintle Mount for SMG Forward
Edges / Flaws
Aptitude: Bike
Home Ground : Puyallup
Vehicle Empathy
Adrenaline Surge
Dependant (1 Point): Sister and Mother. Mostly can take care of themselves but may need protection
Sensitive Neural Structure, Level 2
Astral Impressions
Bennie Swint: Local fence and drug dealer. African Male Human. Gets around in several social circles, and tends to spend his time as a club or bar denizen.
Ron Carlson: Route 7 Roadside Motel Manager / Owner. Caucasian Dwarf Male. Likes to read tabloids, and has a thing for old Kojak reruns and lollipops. Doesn't get out a whole hell of a lot. Lives at the Motel with his wife and 3 kids in the manager's quarters.
That should do 'er all up nicely
If Im missing something, let me know. Im anxious to get this one started
Apr 3 2005, 09:16 PM
Mugzy your character has some discreptencies.
Your B/R needs to belowered to 3
your gunnery needs to be lowered to 3
Some of your gear has ratings and avail above 5: this needs to be downgraded to the set limits
Turbo charging 5? you need to reread the rules..it isnt possible on that vehicle.(i believe the max is equal to 1.5 times the max current speed...with one level always available)
Engine customization 5 with a top end speed of 472 isnt possible either.(Engine cust. adds 30 to speed, or 2 to accel, or a load increase)
This bike even if possible to make is way to over the top for a mere ganger to possess at the beginning of gameplay, scale it down abit and submit it to me again ok.
Looking at my book it would be plausible to build this bike by first glance and no real number crunching but, it is way to much for a street biker to own at gameplay.
Apr 3 2005, 10:28 PM
Gah, my notation was awful.
NSRCG doesn't list B/R under tech. No worries on that or the gunnery. I can put the skills in somewhere else anyway
As far as the gear, I just thought we were limited to avail 5, not rating 5. But that's not an issue, as I can go redo the gear with no problem.
How the Bike broke down was this:
(My stats on it before were stated horribly after looking at what I had down.)
Base Speed: 210
7 Levels or Turbocharging - +15 mph, +7 Accel, -1 Sig Each Level - ( Max Speed 1.5 over base speed) New Top Speed - 315
6 Levels of Engine Customization for Speed ( would bring it to 495, but 1.5 x new speed of 315 = 472.5, rounded down to 472)
But, I do have to say, I kind of agree with you on the 'too big for a ganger to own' theory, looking back at it.
I'll tone it down a bit and see what we cant work out.
I'll also go through my gear and work it out right. I'll have an update tonight
Apr 3 2005, 10:41 PM
cool...Mugzy.I look forward to seeing it
Apr 4 2005, 12:49 AM
Yo' Mugz (Marty Freeman) Hell'z yeah... To bad Dave Mustane booted him out of the band. Dude could Jam... Hobbe might be a stickler for the rules, but not a metal fan that is evident.
No offence hobb, but I have heard that 80's funk you like to crank

Apr 4 2005, 01:03 AM
Hey Beav if ya read this post tonight, got a bit of out of game stuff for ya. Talked to Big Jim and we got a drummer since Geo is hauli'n iz'ass. So we could use your vocals, Jimbo's also got a new bad-ass Vocalizer. It helps add Reverd to your voice, Chorus and many other cool things. That will help with the Alice N' Chains... Lane Staley used Reverb on a lot of his sound to add depth to his voice. Anyway like I said out of Game stuff, sorry Hobb but I didn't want to call and bother beav. So I posted it here. Anyway like I said we're working something out to get together and jam soon. I'll keep you in touch.
Apr 4 2005, 01:11 AM
sounds cool cyd. just let me know a time and Ill work it in. just can't neglect the kid or the kung fu. but I'm sure i could get 1 night a week in. don't worry about calling, you can do it when ever, I have no life anyway.
and I know what your saying about the 80's music. your just wrong there is no real funk. at least not the P-funk.
Apr 4 2005, 02:23 AM
oh yah.....Dave Mustane is a douche anyway.
Apr 4 2005, 02:34 AM
Mugzy...also the home ground avantage cant be used on such a large area as puyllup maybe a street there but not the entire portion of the sprawl. I had written it down to mention earlier but, i must have forgotten until i got a reminder from someone whom i appreciate looking out for me.
Apr 4 2005, 01:33 AM
two more days and its game time. I am looking forward to it. We'll use this thread for OOC once the IC thread goes up.
Apr 4 2005, 03:53 AM
Ok I think I got it down to a more manageable level. I dropped the bike's speed by almost 150, and think it's a better fit. Its quicker than a stock Blitzen (Especially since they are already turbocharged), but its no howling demon machine from beyond either.
I am running into just a couple of questions though:
I was looking at a map of the area on mapquest and was wondering if Rt 7 may be an acceptable slab for Home Ground. It looks like Pacific ave is a big road south from the 512 down almost to a nothin I found called "Ohop Bob" (roughly 22 miles)
Perhaps just for north of Loveland?
My other issues is one most players dont come across:
I need to spend 25,673 nuyen still, and for the life of me can't justify the ideas Ive come up with (Permanent Low lifestyle / second vehicle / Platinum Doc Wagon Service from Gold) I ended up dropping the Balance Augmentor due to avail 8 and the bike was downgraded a couple of notches.
I Have *no* Cyberware or bioware yet..
Does anyone have any suggestions?
[ Spoiler ]
Point System - 125 Points
30 Attributes ( 60 pts )
90,000 ( 10 pts)
55 Skills ( 55 Points)
Martin 'Marty' Freeman
AKA: Crash
Human Male
24 Years old
5'11" 168 Lbs.
Brown, Medium Length hair
Green Eyes
Easter Dragon Tattoos on forearms. Skin graft job on left side of body up to shoulder.
Combat Pool: 8d6
Reaction: 6
Initiative: 6 +1d6* (Adrenaline Surge Edge)
Body: 5
Quickness: 6
Strength: 4
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 6
Willpower: 5
Essence 6.00
Magic: Nil
Active Skills
Bike / Aurora Racing Bike: 5/7
Bike B/R: 3
Car: 3
Unarmed Combat: 5
Clubs: 5
Submachine Guns 5
Pistols: 4
Athletics: 6
Stealth: 2
Ettiquette / Street: 3/5
Gunnery: 3
Biotech: 3
Electronics: 3
Knowledge Skills:
Area Knowledge (Puyallup): 5
Area Knowledge (Tacoma): 4
Area Knowledge (Ft. Lewis): 4
Gang Identification: 5
Gang Turf: 5
Fences: 3
Lone Star Tactics: 4
English / CitySpeak: 5/7
- R/W: 3
Spanish: 3
- R/W: 1
Lifestyle: 4 Months Low Lifestyle - 2 Room Flat in Silver Spring Neighborhood, Shared with his mother, sister and another family.
Beretta 101T
- 3 Clips Regular Ammunition
Browning Ultra Power
- 3 Clips Regular Ammunition
- 3 Clips Regular Ammunition
Ordinary Clothing x 2
Armor Jacket w/ Fire Resistance 5 (5/3)
Handset Cell Phone
Medikit Rating 5
Electronics Tool Kit
Vehicle Tool Kit
3 Stimulant Patch Rating: 5
3 Tranq Patch Rating: 5
20 x Doses of Zen
Shock Glove
DocWagon Gold Contract
Suzuki Aurora Racing Bike
Handling: 2/4
Speed: 210 ( Base) / 330 (With Mods)
Acceleration: 11( Base) / 15 ( With Mods)
Body: 2
Armor: 0
Sig: 2 (Base) / -2 (With Mods)
Auto Pilot: 1
Cargo: 1
Load: 40
4 Levels of Turbocharging ( +60 speed, +4 Accel, -4 Sig)

2 Levels of Engine Customization For Speed ( + 60 Speed)

Pintle Mount for SMG Forward

Edges / Flaws
Aptitude: Bike
Home Ground : (Route 7, North of Loveland?)
Vehicle Empathy
Adrenaline Surge
Dependant (1 Point): Sister and Mother. Mostly can take care of themselves but may need protection
Sensitive Neural Structure, Level 2
Astral Impressions
Bennie Swint: Local fence and drug dealer. African Male Human. Gets around in several social circles, and tends to spend his time as a club or bar denizen.
Ron Carlson: Route 7 Roadside Motel Manager / Owner. Caucasian Dwarf Male. Likes to read tabloids, and has a thing for old Kojak reruns and lollipops. Doesn't get out a whole hell of a lot. Lives at the Motel with his wife and 3 kids in the manager's quarters.
Apr 4 2005, 05:07 AM
Contacts or safehouses.
Contacts = He's a braggart. He must know more people, or at least be trying to get his name out to more people. Perhaps a good contact would be the organizer of a street racing circuit or something like that, or a gambler who bets on the street races.
Safehouses = An additional flophouse he goes to so as not to draw heat on his family.
Better Clothes = Has distinctive style and braggart; he must want to look cool
Cyberweapons = Instead of shock gloves, which would cost money to recharge and replace and what not, I'd think he'd possibly be inclined to have weapons on (on in this case in) him, since I think most people would want weapons on them at all times that can be concealed when living in the rough and tumble edge.
Does he have a kit/shop for vehicle repairs or modifications? Those are just a couple things I'd consider that seem to be quite in character.
Apr 4 2005, 06:46 AM
Hobbe, character is away. PM me anything you would like to discuss, if you please. Thanks! Oh, and I realize I still need to come up with a street name. I'll get right on it.
Apr 5 2005, 02:41 PM
The IC thread is open but, dont post till after my second post please
Apr 5 2005, 03:07 PM
The IC thread is now open, enjoy and roleplay for abit, i'll have an IC event tell you it's Midnight. Once that happens please no more posts till after mine as, this post is the opener for the campaign...where the jobs are divied up and future plans are presented.