Zen Shooter01
Aug 25 2005, 04:40 PM
So when is it going to be available?
Aug 25 2005, 04:46 PM
No earlier than tomorrow, and probably not until next week.
Aug 25 2005, 04:48 PM
Are we there yet?
It'll be done when it is done. Adam is likely working on at this very momment. At least he damn well better be.
He was hoping to finish it sometime tomorrow, but sometimes crap happens. How long it takes for the online stores to get a finished PDF up for sale i don't know.
Aug 25 2005, 04:48 PM
Adam estimated tomorow in the guess thread so who knows. I'm not getting my hopes up, already been disapointed once by his claims.
Aug 25 2005, 05:01 PM
Like we need a third thread discussing this.
Zen Shooter 01, you are a firk ding blast fraggin' hoop head in need of an asshat!!! (Now you flame me.) (maybe that'll get the thread locked?)
Zen Shooter01
Aug 25 2005, 05:08 PM
Sorry for the repetition, but I didn't see any thread titled SR4 PDF, so.
I was raised in an isolated rural area of America, where they still believe, quaintly, that when somebody tells you they will do something by a certain time, they mean it, and they deliver. Especially when they choose their own delivery date.
I don't fit in very well with this newfangled modern world where the customers ask, When will it be available? And the company answers, "March 9th, 1562," and we all smile and nod our heads.
Aug 25 2005, 05:24 PM
Crossing fingers for friday...we are suppose to start our campaign on friday
Aug 25 2005, 05:30 PM
QUOTE (Zen Shooter01) |
Sorry for the repetition, but I didn't see any thread titled SR4 PDF, so.
I was raised in an isolated rural area of America, where they still believe, quaintly, that when somebody tells you they will do something by a certain time, they mean it, and they deliver. Especially when they choose their own delivery date.
I don't fit in very well with this newfangled modern world where the customers ask, When will it be available? And the company answers, "March 9th, 1562," and we all smile and nod our heads. |
I could always be on time too if i padded my schedule enough. However in the big, bad city this is not always allowed.
That said if it is going to be tight it should be stated up front that it is an attempt.....which is what Adam did......this time (likely after he learned from last time).
Aug 25 2005, 05:35 PM
QUOTE (blakkie) |
I could always be on time too if i padded my schedule enough. However in the big, bad city this is not always allowed.
That said if it is going to be tight it should be stated up front that it is an attempt.....which is what Adam did......this time (likely after he learned from last time). |
In the big bad city, if you miss your deadline you don't get to take vacation. So don't go on about that padding stuff. You should build enough time into your schedule to account for a bit of the unforseable.
NOTE: This is not a shot at adam in particular, meerly commenting on blakkie's statement. Adam's working hard and I realize this, and apreciate his efforts.
Aug 25 2005, 05:39 PM
It would be wierd if the pdf were available before the printed book is in stores.
Seems like it would canabilize print sales, which would make the retailers & distributors & possibly fanpro (depending on which form gets them more money, and how many double sales they think they can get) less money... but then rpg publishing might not have the level of orginization to even think about covering such possibilities. For game software the retail distributors often have an exclusive for months before electronic sales are allowed.
Aug 25 2005, 05:40 PM
Zen, I grew up in a similar area. I also learned that sometimes, despite telling folks you'll have it by a certain time, you can't. In which case, you can hem 'n haw and make excuses... or you can say, "Look, I'm sorry, but it's going to be late. I'll do my best to get it out ASAP, but I want to do it right instead of giving you half a product."
Y'know what? Adam went with the latter. He's going to give us our product with the quality he promised, and he apologized for being late.
Now, you can be mad. You can take your money elsewhere. But, you don't have to "smile and nod [your] head," as you put it. It just doesn't do any good to stomp your feet about it. Say you're not happy, but there's no need to come off as if you were personally treated badly.
Aug 25 2005, 05:51 PM
It would be wierd if the pdf were available before the printed book is in stores.
Seems like it would canabilize print sales, which would make the retailers & distributors & possibly fanpro (depending on which form gets them more money, and how many double sales they think they can get) less money... but then rpg publishing might not have the level of orginization to even think about covering such possibilities. For game software the retail distributors often have an exclusive for months before electronic sales are allowed. |
I don't think the PDF will canabalize sales realy. Flipping through a pdf is alot slower than say flipping open a book to a certain page. And its alot easeir to skim through the actual book not to mention pass it around if you want to show someone something. I for one will get both because of the advantages of both.
Zen, I grew up in a similar area. I also learned that sometimes, despite telling folks you'll have it by a certain time, you can't. In which case, you can hem 'n haw and make excuses... or you can say, "Look, I'm sorry, but it's going to be late. I'll do my best to get it out ASAP, but I want to do it right instead of giving you half a product."
Y'know what? Adam went with the latter. He's going to give us our product with the quality he promised, and he apologized for being late. |
I'll agree with that to a point. The consumer, the fans, were not told it was going to be late, we were not informed there were problems, untill the day after. The dumpshock forums is not the entire community, nor is it even a majority of it. I know plenty of people I play with now and have in the past who don't come here. I'm here because someone on drivethru said that adam was posting her about the state of the pdf.
Aug 25 2005, 05:52 PM
QUOTE (Shadow_Prophet) |
You should build enough time into your schedule to account for a bit of the unforseable. |
AKA padding the schedule.
Aug 25 2005, 06:03 PM
QUOTE (Kesh) |
I'll do my best to get it out ASAP, but I want to do it right instead of giving you half a product."
Y'know what? Adam went with the latter. He's going to give us our product with the quality he promised, and he apologized for being late. |
Actually he's going with the former, that being "I want to do it right"
The latter would be "giving you half a product."
Aug 25 2005, 06:53 PM
Look, I'll admit this: I'm not happy with it being late either. Nor am I happy with the idea we may have to wait until next week. But you know what? I don't hold Adam at fault.
Adam worked his ass off pulling an overnighter attempting to get it finished by the due date, which by a post on here was a surprise to him. He didn't have to do that. He could have simply posted something on the site calling that date an error. But the point is that he tried. That counts for something in the rural areas, and I hope it still counts for something in the corporate world.
Now, do I hope it will be out tomorrow? Yes. Adam is working his ass off to make that so. However, does that mean I'm going to get pissed at Adam if it's not? No. There are too many things that can go wrong in 24 hours that can easily prevent the PDF from being finished. And none of those involve the PDF program itself. With the amount of work he potentially has to do and the number of potential problems, the idea we might not see it until next week is an idea I hope is wrong but one I know is a possibility. And you know what? Not a single one of those problems are things Adam can do anything about.
Will I be disappointed if the PDF is delayed? Yes. Will I be angry? Maybe. Will I blame Adam? No.
Aug 25 2005, 06:56 PM
QUOTE (Sabosect) |
Look, I'll admit this: I'm not happy with it being late either. Nor am I happy with the idea we may have to wait until next week. But you know what? I don't hold Adam at fault.
Adam worked his ass off pulling an overnighter attempting to get it finished by the due date, which by a post on here was a surprise to him. He didn't have to do that. He could have simply posted something on the site calling that date an error. But the point is that he tried. That counts for something in the rural areas, and I hope it still counts for something in the corporate world.
Now, do I hope it will be out tomorrow? Yes. Adam is working his ass off to make that so. However, does that mean I'm going to get pissed at Adam if it's not? No. There are too many things that can go wrong in 24 hours that can easily prevent the PDF from being finished. And none of those involve the PDF program itself. With the amount of work he potentially has to do and the number of potential problems, the idea we might not see it until next week is an idea I hope is wrong but one I know is a possibility. And you know what? Not a single one of those problems are things Adam can do anything about.
Will I be disappointed if the PDF is delayed? Yes. Will I be angry? Maybe. Will I blame Adam? No. |
I couldn't say that any better...so I guess I just have to say "me too!"
Aug 25 2005, 07:02 PM
Why is anyone suprised? Hasn't SR's delivery schedule been 'regularly late'? I've never really paid any attention, but it seems to be a running joke - Fanpro's release dates are almost never met.
The entire SR3 End run of books was second burnered for SR4/Gencon. There's still what, 2? 3? more SR3 books out in pre-print limbo?
Aug 25 2005, 09:15 PM
Bah. I had set my sights for a release one week after gen-con. Then we got a release date much earlier that expecterd. I unwisely got set for the new date. Then it was pushed back, and I burned all my steam before it got released. Now I donīt care anymore. Iīll still get exited when it arrives but...
It may not be a big deal, but it would have been sweet to get the damn thing when I really had my knickers in a twist.
Aug 25 2005, 10:37 PM
I second that.......
Its the anticipation thats a pain, but now that we are removed from the original date, I'll just be glad to get it.
Milo Simpkin
Aug 25 2005, 10:42 PM
Well Adam himself said it should be out tomorrow (friday) and if he wasn't taking a 'star trek engineer' attitude and giving himself plenty of extra time to complete it, after the unfortunate debacle with the previous release date, then I think he is not being as sensible as he could be. Therefore I am certain it will be out tomorrow.
To paraphrase Oscar: To miss one deadline may be regarded as a misfortune; to miss to looks like carelessness.
After the last miss it would be better for him to have said next Monday that Friday and miss it again. Unless they are just hoping that the blad blood engendered for that is irrelevant to sales.
Aug 25 2005, 10:43 PM
Erm, I always thought that Friday date was an estimate made by DSFers and not Adam?
Milo Simpkin
Aug 25 2005, 10:45 PM
Ooops. IF it was then I heartily apologise. I thought I saw a post from him saying he was taking three days off and it should be out on friday.
Aug 25 2005, 10:48 PM
No, Adam himself said it. Want a link to the topic?
Aug 25 2005, 10:48 PM
No, it originated from Adam. I can't remember which thread it was in, but he said he was going to take some "actual vacation vacayion" mon-wed and try to get the .pdf done sometime Friday.
EDIT: Oh yeah it was in
this thread.
Aug 25 2005, 10:51 PM
Aug 25 2005, 10:52 PM
He said that he might be done with it on Friday, but even if he meets that estimate (which wasn't a guarantee by any means) that doesn't necessarily mean that it will be released on that day.
Milo Simpkin
Aug 25 2005, 10:55 PM
Well seeing as the thread was about when we would be able to DL the .pdf. True he said 'suspect'. But all I was saying is if he didn't give himself extra time in there it was a silly thing to say.
Aug 25 2005, 10:59 PM
That's the downside of being just on the outside of the inside by participating in this message board. You get unofficially dribbled bits of information that is earlier but is not as accurate as the official press releases on fanpro's website.
Aug 25 2005, 11:14 PM
QUOTE (Rev) |
That's the downside of being just on the outside of the inside by participating in this message board. You get unofficially dribbled bits of information that is earlier but is not as accurate as the official press releases on fanpro's website. |
You mean like when it said in
SR4 FAQ, Part Six on FanPro's site that the .pdf would be available the Wednesday before GenCon?
Not that I am complaining, i've already got an LE copy of the book.
Aug 26 2005, 02:28 PM
Are we still on target for the PDF today?
Aug 26 2005, 03:09 PM
I hope so.
Aug 26 2005, 04:18 PM
At this point I wish I could stop compulsive checks to here and battlecorps...but I can't
//Roots for Adam
Aug 26 2005, 04:25 PM
Well your not the only one doing constant checks.
Aug 26 2005, 04:27 PM
QUOTE (Stormdrake) |
Well your not the only one doing constant checks. |
At least I'm not alone!
The club of the worn f5!
Aug 26 2005, 04:31 PM
Adam? Are you there? How are you doing, fighter? Status report please.
Aug 26 2005, 04:34 PM
QUOTE (mintcar) |
Adam? Are you there? How are you doing, fighter? Status report please. |
Let the man work, I'm sure he's on it. (Besides, if it is the choice between the PDF and the status report which would you like more?)
Aug 26 2005, 04:42 PM
No sign of the man
since his last post, yesterday (8/25) at 5:35pm (EST).
Aug 26 2005, 04:44 PM
Come on. If he sees this heīs already wasting time. And I bet he might be at some point, perhaps as heīs taking a break with coffee and a sandwich. He should allow himself that much.
Anyway. I might be getting more impatient because itīs 7 pm here. Itīs american friday until 8 oclock next morning here, so I guess until then I might stil see it before the weekend.
Aug 26 2005, 04:48 PM
Adam's working hard, so no wonder he's not psting here. And i think that's the way it should be
Aug 26 2005, 04:51 PM
Anyone else got the image of an unshaven, unwashed Adam, sitting in front of his computer, rocking back and forth amidst the litter of 20 cases of Red Bull, watching the hourglass cursor spin for the 4,347th time, muttering to himself "almost there.....almost there..."?
Aug 26 2005, 04:51 PM
Adam's working hard, so no wonder he's not psting here. And i think that's the way it should be |
..and so do I. If he would stop over here for a spell I donīt think he would mind finding a friendly phrased question directed at him though.
Zen Shooter01
Aug 26 2005, 05:06 PM
Spookymonster: I never had any other image of Adam.
For the record, I'm not angry at Adam, particularly. I'm angry at FanPro, generally, for announcing release dates that they know are impossible. I know Adam is working hard - the point is, things should be organized better so that he doesn't have to. Things should be organized better so that not everything is a hair-on-fire emergency. Things should be organized so that books make their release dates. Set the dates further in the future if you have to, I don't mind.
I mean, look at SR4.
"It comes out at Gencon!"
"Well, it will be available at Gencon. For the rest of the world, it streets a month later. Wasn't that clear?"
"What do you mean, most SR players can't make it to Gencon? Are the Germans whining about the distance again? I bet the Australians are bitching, too, then."
"The PDF comes out before Gencon!"
"...Gencon 2006!"
Why couldn't they say something like this?:
"SR4 comes out in Semptember, but those of you lucky enough to be attending Gencon will have a chance at prerelease copies we'll have on sale there!"
Aug 26 2005, 05:26 PM
QUOTE (Zen Shooter01) |
"SR4 comes out in Semptember, but those of you lucky enough to be attending Gencon will have a chance at prerelease copies we'll have on sale there!" |
Yes, that would have been a much better way of informing the masses.
Aug 26 2005, 05:51 PM
"The PDF comes out before Gencon!"
"...Gencon 2006!" |
Yeah, someone at fanpro needs lessons on
Time Mangement and
How to ScheduleHave they ever hit the mark? (And no, getting SR$ to Gencon isn't hitting the mark - I'm talking Hits the streets mark.
Aug 26 2005, 05:55 PM
QUOTE (Eldritch) |
QUOTE | "The PDF comes out before Gencon!"
"...Gencon 2006!" |
Yeah, someone at fanpro needs lessons on Time Mangement and How to ScheduleHave they ever hit the mark? (And no, getting SR$ to Gencon isn't hitting the mark - I'm talking Hits the streets mark. |
What? It always seemed to be about having it for sale at Gencon???
Aug 27 2005, 04:22 AM
So it's almost midnight, think it'll come out?
Aug 27 2005, 04:36 AM
Uhmmm...no? I rather doubt Adam is working late on a Friday night.
Aug 27 2005, 04:45 AM
Your doubt is incorrect.
Slight slowdown since I've been adding in corrections and I'm waiting on the official word on a few more.
Aug 27 2005, 04:46 AM
Aug 27 2005, 04:46 AM
QUOTE (Spookymonster) |
Anyone else got the image of an unshaven, unwashed Adam, sitting in front of his computer, rocking back and forth amidst the litter of 20 cases of Red Bull, watching the hourglass cursor spin for the 4,347th time, muttering to himself "almost there.....almost there..."? |
Replace that with a spinning beachball or watch, now
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