Sep 19 2005, 06:42 PM
hmm, one solution is for the hacker to go after the security system before the run and basicly put the comlink ids for the diffrent runners on the ok list
does the rules say anything about this?
Sep 19 2005, 10:41 PM
QUOTE (Shayd) |
So much chatter on this thread and so few answers to the question at hand.
OK, lemme try again.
Let's assume there is ZERO risk of anyone ever pentrating your PAN. You have firewall 2000 or whatever, and your hidden mode is jacked up via GMFiat to never ever be detected.
That being said, what would you and why would you hook up particular cyberwares/devices to your wireless device while on a shadowrun? What are the benefits?
I don't necessarily mean in-game dice pool benefits (though those are cool), but what kind of benefits would you give to PCs for having certain things hooked up wirelessly to their PANs? |
On the specific question of if there is any reason to have your ware use wireless within your PAN, the only possibility I can think of is if you want to hook your cyber/device to someone else's PAN, and you don't have a Commlink to handle the communications, which I would consider rare.
Most of the time you have the following:
Devices <-Wired-> PAN <-Wireless-> PAN <-Wired-> Devices
You can turn on the PAN to PAN communication when you need it, e.g. breaking radio silence when it all goes to drek.
But the Device to PAN doesn't need to be wireless ever. In fact it has to be wired if you do want radio silence.
Of course, for most people, by default the Device to PAN is a wireless connection because that's the base configuration.
Note that there may be a rare case where someone has a device installed that may be more effective if operated by someone else. e.g. built in med kit in the cyber limb, but some else has a higher biotech(or equivalent) skill and should operate it remotely. But once again it only matters if the remote user can't simply operate the device through the PAN to PAN connection.