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And in other news, Cain and Savage Worlds have announced their pending marriage this summer. Good luck to the happy couple!
So far my group has not had any issues of stepping on toes. We have 2 different types of Sams, a Faceman and a Technomancer.
Savage Worlds is a pretty cool system.
QUOTE (mfb @ Mar 17 2006, 12:57 PM)
QUOTE (Brahm)
Congratulations, you just joined the conversation.

congratulations, you're not paying attention. i'm talking about natural skill levels and advancement caps. i've been talking about that since my first post in this thread. the augmented maximum is completely unrelated to my point.

Your point of what, being able to dominate in a fantasy cyberish-punkish setting without any sort of augmentation? wobble.gif

So, did you finish off that dominate character yet? biggrin.gif
most of the previous page is dedicated to explaining in detail what my point is. if you are unable to read it and/or understand it, i'm not going to waste time re-explaining it--especially in light of the fact that, judging from your posts, your only purpose here is to bait people you don't like.
QUOTE (mfb @ Mar 21 2006, 05:02 PM)
most of the previous page is dedicated to explaining in detail what my point is. if you are unable to read it and/or understand it, i'm not going to waste time re-explaining it.

All that time spent and you didn't actually finish the character?

I repeat: Show me the character. Not bits of a character. Not parts of a character with a handwave of "oh there is lots of BP for this or that". But an actual 400BP character.
there's no point. the relevant parts of the character are complete. the rest is just details that will not make or break the character in terms of its intended purpose. unless you can show me how the character i created doesn't make my point, using the remaining resources available to the character?
QUOTE (mfb @ Mar 21 2006, 05:10 PM)
the relevant parts of the character are complete.

No, they were not. You were trying to claim that a starting character could dominate in a field without leaving large flaws in themselves.

10 dice! For crying out loud, 10 dice difference. Even taking into account your inability to see that an extra 3 dice are important to someone with an Attribute+Skill of 12 when you are trying to do something difficult, can you really think that is dominating?
this post tells me that you have not read and/or understood the previous page's worth of posting. there's no point in discussing things further until you rectify that.
QUOTE (mfb)
this post tells me that you have not read and/or understood the previous page's worth of posting. there's no point in discussing things further until you rectify that.

Read it. But still you are handwaving about this and that, and making statements without real examples with real characters. To examine and turn over and see what the real headroom is. This is why I said, and continue to say:

Show me the character.
you've read, it, now work on understanding it. if you're still talking about 400bp characters, that means you don't understand it.
QUOTE (mfb @ Mar 21 2006, 05:22 PM)
you've read, it, now work on understanding it. if you're still talking about 400bp characters, that means you don't understand it.

A rundown of what your are saying on that page:

- lack of headroom between starting characters and the top end
- lack of difference between where incompetent ends and you hit the top end.
- voodoo math about percetage of achievement already made by the average character
- characters that cheeze past the lack of headroom and roll lots of dice are not challengable

However you still haven't retracted this notion about the field dominate starting character, so it seems like as good a place as any to start. Especially since it is on the path to dealing with these other issues you raised. I noticed the "5 dice doesn't matter" stuff before, but to keep it on track I set that stuff aside because we'd get to it.

Or are you just here to piss in people's cornflakes?
if you don't see a guy with 12 base dice in his main combat skill, who has no real combat weaknesses (once you've dropped a few points elsewhere and bought up Dodge and Perception, as noted previously), as not dominating combat, i don't know what to tell you. unless he's caught unwares (which will greatly reduce the combat effectiveness of any character not specifically geared towards improvisation in combat), he's going to be rolling more dice than anybody else on his team, and probably more dice than most of the opposition he faces. wise expenditure of his remaining resources will net him 2-3 IPs, decent armor, and decent weaponry. in any combat his team runs into, he's going to be getting a higher body count than anybody besides--possibly--a combat mage. maybe you've got a different idea about what 'dominate' means, but that pretty much covers it as far as i'm concerned.

but if you're calling a basic comparison of percentages "voodoo", i'm not sure what more i can do in the way of helping you to understand.
Just finish the character so there are hard numbers to deal with and these things can be addressed.

but if you're calling a basic comparison of percentages "voodoo", i'm not sure what more i can do in the way of helping you to understand.

You are comparing two numbers as though they are the final capabilities of what they accomplish. Which is not the case. A given percentage difference in a stat in SR3 does not have the same meaning as the same percentage difference in SR4.
you finish it. i don't care about the damn character. it's proven my point to my satisfaction.

the percentages do mean the same thing if you're looking at the question of how street-level a character is in SR3 versus SR4--which is my point.
QUOTE (mfb @ Mar 21 2006, 06:15 PM)
you finish it. i don't care about the damn character. it's proven my point to my satisfaction.

.... which is far short of actual ingame odds. That was the thing about the blind sniper example too. It proved your point to your satisfaction. But when it was worked out to the ultimate ingame odds difference of SR3 versus SR4 isn't so big at all. This is not unlike that at all.

So yes, I certainly understand you not wanting to go to the end of it. But that doesn't change that in fact that you haven't actually proven a vast difference in the ingame outcome.
Kremlin KOA
only if you houseruled the difference away
for the love of Mike. i'm not talking about the in-game difference. i give up.
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA)
only if you houseruled the difference away

It wasn't a house rule. He had created a situation where it wasn't an Opposed Test, so setting the Threshold is standard procedure.

Hell, it wasn't even that different if you just used Threshhold 1.
QUOTE (mfb @ Mar 21 2006, 06:48 PM)
for the love of Mike. i'm not talking about the in-game difference. i give up.

Indeed. But isn't that where the rules have their meaning? How can you judge rules without first and foremost considering what the actual result of using them? question.gif
Kremlin KOA
actually at a threshhold of 1 the difference was pronounced.

and yes setting a threshhold is standard procedure but in the specific example setting it at other than 1 is against the spirit of the rules because the additional difficulty is already in the dice pool modifiers, and adding it to thethreashhold as well ismerely using GM fiat
I would preface this by saying that I completely disagree with mfb, although for reasons entirely different than the objections brought forth recently. That being said, I think this whole "finish the character" thing is a little silly. I think his example illustrates the faults that he sees rather succinctly. Let's look. (I apologize if I am identifying you as the wrong gender mfb, damn my lack of non-gender specific pronouns.)

We are spending 50 points on Elf + 3 Edge. 350 to go.

We blow all 200 on stats. Even with a 6 Agility that leaves a decent spread:

3 Strength
7 Agility (With the PQ that let's us have an 8 agility this should cost 50, not 65)
5 Reaction
3 Body
3 Logic
4 Intuition
3 Logic
3 Charisma

200 points, not bad all around. Nothing lower than average. 150 points to go.

Positive and negative qualities: We need the thing that lets us have a stat 1 higher and the thing that lets us have a skill one higher. We can grab some negative qualities to balance these. Take stuff that will be neat/fun to play/that you can exploit depending on the style of your game. Still 150 to go.

We want Synaptic Accelerator (1), Reflex Recorder (Firearms), and some muscle toner (I think we can get 3 for 12 availability)
I think that is 80k + 25k + 24k= 129k. (Sorry no book at work) We grab cybereyes for smartlink and vision modes for, what, 10k at most? Add 21k for toys and a decent commlink and thats 160k for 32 BPs. 118 to go.

Let's spend 10 on contacts. 108.

Now we have 108 for skills. This gets a little tight I admit.

We grab Longarms 6(24)
Pistols 4 (16)
Automatics 4 (16)
Dodge 2 [8]
Influence group 1 (10)
Athletics group 1 (10)
Data Search 1(4)
Computers 1(4)
Perception 2 [8]
Infiltration 2 [8]

That's the last 108.

Now what we have is a starting character with 2 Initiative passes and throws 19 dice to shoot a smartlinked longarm and 17 for other guns. He can grab a specialty in-game for his longarm of choice and get 21. He only needs one more agility, one more longarms, and one more muscle toner. After that, all his karma can go to improve his skills, which are not bad, but need some work.

I agree with mfb that one can make a character like this, at chargen, that is within a few dice of the top (tell me how to get more, I may have missed some). It looks like he is 5 dice from top and three of those (Specialty and muscle toner) are pretty easy to get. Thus his complaint is legit as far as I am concerned.

However, as I have said before, I would never make a character like this to play. I feel that this does NOT represent a "beginning" character, and this is someone who has received a LOT of training in the fine art of raining bullet-laden death on one's enemies. I still feel that the ability to make such a character is not a reason to do so, and I do not fault a system for letting me do so.

EDIT: Cute putting an 8 in parentheses creates an emote like so: (cool.gif How frustrating.
Hey, waddya know? Shift a couple of skills and stats around considering he's an ork, add some cyber for variety, and that's the sam in my current group.
Kremlin KOA
hey that guy remins me of the killer in 'The Professional'
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA @ Mar 21 2006, 07:05 PM)
actually at a threshhold of 1 the difference was pronounced.

It was somewhere around 45% versus 20% before Combat Pool, which if you put in your maximum from the use it or lose it CP brought things very close. I forget which one was above the other at that point, likely still a bit easier with SR4. Then trying to factor in Karma Pool and Edge, that have a much longer range impact on your character's performance, and what weapon was being used try guesstimate soaking it got even more vague and overlapping.

and yes setting a threshhold is standard procedure but in the specific example setting it at other than 1 is against the spirit of the rules because the additional difficulty is already in the dice pool modifiers, and adding it to thethreashhold as well ismerely using GM fiat

Nope. The Opposed Test is effectively a dynamic Threshold. Naming the Threshold is just replacing the opposing roll dice that were ruled gone. The penalties are there for when the dynamic Threshold is in place, therefore independant of the Threshold.

EDIT Oops, looked a little closer. Toner is limited to Level 2, Avail is Rating x 5.

That character is still at least 6(?) dice short of topping out that Skill+Attribute, not including the Specialize. Sure those 18 dice will do fine shooting paper discs down at the range. But give him 6 boxes of P and S, shooting a smartlinked longarm through a smoke grenade in otherwise favorable lighting at medium range and he is down to about 8 dice. Against a modestly cybered Reaction of 7 standing out in the open and not using Full Defense the shooter is going to score a hit on the target roughly 50% of the time, and one-shot kill the target far less often than that.

At that point those extra dice definately mean something. They mean a hell of a lot infact. The difference in the specialized Skill between a strong, functional starting character and a developed character only shows strongly when they are faced with at least a moderately difficult task. For a difficult shot try giving that target cover while it is actively using Full Defense, and top it off by making it critical that the target be brought down within that IP by the shooter. If the target has halfway decent armor and a bit of Edge to defend with things are looking very bleak for the starting character succeeding.

For better or worse, SR4 gunfire does generally favor the attacker over the defender. If it didn't you'd end up with a lot longer combat sequences. However the character you built is nothing close to dominant in the so-called field of shooting longarms. His Edge of 3 and only 2 IP alone hold him short of that even before being short on dice.
Kremlin KOA
QUOTE (Brahm)
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA @ Mar 21 2006, 07:05 PM)
actually at a threshhold of 1 the difference was pronounced.

It was somewhere around 45% versus 20% before Combat Pool, which if you put in your maximum from the use it or lose it CP brought things very close. I forget which one was above the other at that point, likely still a bit easier with SR4. Then trying to factor in Karma Pool and Edge, that have a much longer range impact on your character's performance, and what weapon was being used try guesstimate soaking it got even more vague and overlapping.

and yes setting a threshhold is standard procedure but in the specific example setting it at other than 1 is against the spirit of the rules because the additional difficulty is already in the dice pool modifiers, and adding it to thethreashhold as well ismerely using GM fiat

Nope. The Opposed Test is effectively a dynamic Threshold. Naming the Threshold is just replacing the opposing roll dice that were ruled gone. The penalties are there for when the dynamic Threshold is in place, therefore independant of the Threshold.

skill 8 n sr3 on a TN 17 test gives 20% chance... I think we found the problem in Brahm's maths here
try a 7% chance
and about a 14% chance for 16 dice, ie Maxed out combat pool

yes the threshold replaces the opposed test,because the defender is effectively being penalized al his dice due to being UNAWARE OF THE ATTACK, if ya wanna give him a long shot test, that would be cool. but otherwise setting the threshold higher is giving someone automatic successes on a dodge test based on being oblivious... if that is the case

What is the points cost forthe positive quality 'Blonde and stupid/' in your games Because I want the stupidity based automatic successes on as many tests as i can get it for
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA @ Mar 21 2006, 09:48 PM)
skill 8 n sr3 on a TN 17 test gives 20% chance... I think we found the problem in Brahm's maths here
try a 7% chance
and about a 14% chance for 16 dice, ie Maxed out combat pool

Sorry, I was just going from memory. Didn't feel like doing the search. Truthfully the full Threshold 1 senario didn't stick in my mind that much because it was horse-pucky anyway. You have the link to the thread?

yes the threshold replaces the opposed test,because the defender is effectively being penalized al his dice due to being UNAWARE OF THE ATTACK, if ya wanna give him a long shot test, that would be cool. but otherwise setting the threshold higher is giving someone automatic successes on a dodge test based on being oblivious... if that is the case

I believe it was actually mfb making up his own ruling taking away the opposing dice to start with. Which I was cool with. But it still doesn't mean the Threshold has to be 1. The shooter still has to accomplish something. If you just set all your Thresholds to 1 for tasks you certainly are going to have a tough time of things, and your players are going to have an unnaturally easy one. The target is already penalized plenty by not being able to bring his abilities to bear on the situation, which would tend to make it much more difficult to hit him than a Threshold 2.

What is the points cost forthe positive quality 'Blonde and stupid/' in your games Because I want the stupidity based automatic successes on as many tests as i can get it for

If Blonde & Stupid translates to it always being Threshold 2 to be hit by a weapon then I'd give that one out for free. Although that is metagaming a bit since the player would have to be Blonde & Stupid themselves to take it for the PC. smile.gif
Kremlin KOA
you feel threshold 2? still 14% vs 26% that is a significant difference, but not awe inspiring.

and that was the 12 dice guy
if ya make him the 15 dice guy vs the 18 dice dice sr3 guy (top end starting adepts, both of them, not fully rorted but chunky)
you get 65% versus 15%

now the differences are significant and frightening

oh and the blonde thing... well I always like to add a joke

speaking of jokes, look at michael Jackson

QUOTE (Kremlin KOA @ Mar 21 2006, 10:14 PM)
you feel threshold 2? still 14% vs 26% that is a significant difference, but not awe inspiring.

Where is the link? I thought this was 2 dice in SR4 he had whittled it down to in his example. For Threshold 2 that is 11% chance. Not that I would consider 26% to 14% that significant a swing given how out of the way and unlikely to occur the example really was, by mfb's own admission.

Of course you could change things around again and make it 1 die higher. After all we are dealing with very nebulous things. It is pretty hard to translate a particular value of firearms combat Skill in SR3 to a particular level of the mental Attribute Intuition in SR4. Which made the example all the more silly, and deliciously ironic how close it worked out to in the end since he had tried so hard to make a screwed up example.
Kremlin KOA
he whittled it down to three dice

and i used the odds calculator table in the community projects site for the sr4 stuff
and did the sr3 odds on a calculator
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA @ Mar 21 2006, 10:29 PM)
he whittled it down to three dice

and i used the odds calculator table in the community projects site for the sr4 stuff
and did the sr3 odds on a calculator


EDIT I'm curious because he tried to use the example at least couple of times. I'm wondering how well he cooked it up that last time.
Kremlin KOA
I am not searching for the link
but he has always used tghe 12 dice sniper
ad blind is -6 while extreme range is -3
QUOTE (Kremlin KOA)
I am not searching for the link
but he has always used tghe 12 dice sniper
ad blind is -6 while extreme range is -3

He's often used that numeric example, but he's often used it to portray examples that would not be represented in that fashion by the rules. The important part is that the blind attack modifier doesn't include the ability to shoot at a target whose location is unknown - it's just the inability to visually line the target up with your weapon.

Essentially all of his complaints on this topic boil down to two things:

1. He has rather unrealistic ideas about what you can do by taking a blind fire modifier in SR4.

2. He thinks the penalty for shooting at extreme range is insufficient.

That's it. I'll even grant him 2. as a given. Sure, range penalties should probably be -1, -3, -5. Whatever. Why is this worth multiple flame wars themselves spanning dozens of pages each? I'm literally baffled.

Making a perception test to locate your target doesn't make the blindfire penalties go away, and the blindfire penalties don't waive your requirement to make that perception test. Making a perception test to find an enemy at extreme range when you can't see is really hard. Mfb's example has been invalid since he started posting it, it's been explained at length, and he keeps bringing it up anyway because sometimes we're just too tired of explaining the same thing over and over again and then it looks like he's got a point again.

Kremlin KOA
funny I was working on clue based sniping from Enemy at the Gates
Frank is correct. SR4 specifically states typical situations where Full Cover/Blind Fire modifiers apply and none come even close to not knowing where the target is in the first place - and before anyone gets their panties in a knot, neither did SR3 RAW.
Your point of what, being able to dominate in a fantasy cyberish-punkish setting without any sort of augmentation?

*You're* the one who started talking about unaugmented characters. Don't try and change the subject just because you're losing the argument. We notice that sort of thing.

Essentially all of his complaints on this topic boil down to two things:

1. He has rather unrealistic ideas about what you can do by taking a blind fire modifier in SR4.

2. He thinks the penalty for shooting at extreme range is insufficient.

I'm going to mirror his complaint on #1. I've said it here and in other threads: after a certain point, it doesn't matter how many penalties you have, you'll always have the same number of dice to make the test with. Someone with a higher Edge is going to be more likely to pull off the impossible shot, regardless of what their skills are.

If you've got an Edge of 8, and your dice pool has dropped to zero, you may as well blindfold yourself, default to a weapon skill, and call a shot against 20+ points of armor. You'll still get the same 8 dice.
QUOTE (Cain)
I'm going to mirror his complaint on #1. I've said it here and in other threads: after a certain point, it doesn't matter how many penalties you have, you'll always have the same number of dice to make the test with. Someone with a higher Edge is going to be more likely to pull off the impossible shot, regardless of what their skills are.

If you've got an Edge of 8, and your dice pool has dropped to zero, you may as well blindfold yourself, default to a weapon skill, and call a shot against 20+ points of armor. You'll still get the same 8 dice.

Basically you're right.

When your dice pool dropped to zero due to extreme circumstances, it

(a) doesn't matter if you just dropped to 0 or perhaps -2 or -356...

(b) a person with high Edge is in advantage.

Ad (a):
To design a game system that has a flawless probabilities-curve over the whole spectrum is hard.

To design one that is also quite intuitive to learn and not over-complicated to play is almost impossible.

As long, as the system works for most circumstances and is easily adjustable in the extremes by the GMs common sense, it is fine to me.

Ad (b):
Well... isn't that what Edge represents... wink.gif

Kremlin KOA
just read the list
and yes they list the ways it applies
Enemy at the Gatesstyle sniping and 'that @#$%^&* mage just used an iinvisibility spell" are the two that applied in both sr3 and sr4

the first is less common that the second in any SR game I have played... the second is far too common
QUOTE (Waltermandias)
However, as I have said before, I would never make a character like this to play.  I feel that this does NOT represent a "beginning" character, and this is someone who has received a LOT of training in the fine art of raining bullet-laden death on one's enemies.  I still feel that the ability to make such a character is not a reason to do so, and I do not fault a system for letting me do so.


Wally, if I get this framed and send it to you, will you sign it for me? Just say "To my biggest fan."
You bet! And that signature will be worth a lot of money when I am all rich and famous-like! cool.gif
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