Feb 25 2004, 08:55 PM
maybe before this run we should do a team building exercise!!
Feb 25 2004, 10:32 PM
Mirage sounds like she doesn't care about killing everyone inside if that saves some bucks. |
@EMP You only quoted the last part of Mirages statement, so I'll repeat some of the rest here for you.
QUOTE (Mirage) |
so I'm prepared to use three or four rounds without claiming expenses from everybody else |
The point is that if I use the full clip (16 rounds), I'd be doing the job for free. It would be a bit like Firmpoint conjuring a force 5 elemental for us.
If Kim or anybody else is prepared to chip in I'll fire more Gamma-Scop rounds

Personally I think having a clip of non-lethal ammo costing 5000 nuyen is a pretty big commitment to not killing people.
I could have bought an Ares Alpha with 300 rounds of double-X for the same price.

Having said that she
is a street sami, and is perfectly prepared to kill,
if necessary. I've looked through quite a lot of the runs on here, and there aren't all that many total pacifist street sami's around. Sorry.
BTW: Mirage (as I thought my posts illustrated) is opposed to all of Firmpoints plans that include premeditated murder of the guards.
Feb 25 2004, 11:35 PM
My point is that Mirage is planning to shoot (and even kill) everyone inside for just 5k. Kim couldn't care less (and would gladly pay) if Mirage was actually shooting everyone inside if something goes wrong.
Feb 26 2004, 11:54 AM
Are there any windows in the warehouse?
Feb 26 2004, 01:37 PM
My point is that Mirage is planning to shoot (and even kill) everyone inside |
Actually I'd prefer not to shoot anybody, and I don't remember saying that I want to shoot everybody, I hope that makes you happier.
I was talking about shooting the gate guards (with non-lethal ammo) in reponse to Todd's suggestion of going through the front gate rather than the fence. After this, we would presumely be using stealth.
QUOTE (Mirage) |
Mirage looks at Firmpoint, "Do you have any non-lethal combat spells? I'd also prefer to avoid wetwork, especially if the reward does not justify the potential penalty." |
I meant the above to mean that I was opposed to killing anybody.
Admittedly Mirage wouldn't be morally opposed to being hired to kill everybody inside, but she would expect to be much better rewarded, and if she's not specifically hired to kill somebody she'll try to avoid it.
Feb 26 2004, 02:57 PM
The problem for Kim is that she wouldn't be morally opposed to being hired to kill those who would have killed everybody inside either. She's not against killing as long as there's a good reason for it.
Kim doesn't get any happier from anything that's said ooc and I have fun playing no matter what happens.
Yum Donuts
Feb 27 2004, 11:44 AM
Bah, I'm a bit out of date reading this.
For the record, I'm not saying Firmpoint wants to go in and kill everyone, I'm saying two things: that I wouldn't have a hangup about doing it if I had to, and that if I were hired to do the job solo, that is how I would do it.
Simply put: I've always marketted myself as a battlemage. I am usually called in to win a fight, and my spell selection shows that. If you want stealth, that's fine, but for Firmpoint, that's working out of his element. and.... oh what the heck I might as well say something IC.
Yum Donuts
Mar 5 2004, 09:32 AM
ooc: I have time now, so I'll post it now. target numbers should be the same for everyone who I am invising, just apply my rolls to whomever I am supposed to be casting on.
Because I know I'll be strained afterwards, I am going to banish and re-summon my watchers now. again, 4 of them force 3, no drain, and durations of 3, 3, 4, and 4 hours.
Each of these is rolled on a separate turn, so I should get full spell pool for each, but am -1 die for illusion spells, so here goes. spell pool spent as indicated, and all spells are at force 5.
casting #1: 7 skill dice, -1 for illusion, +1 for power focus, +6 from spell pool = 13 dice TN 4.
09 08 05 05 05 02 01 04 04 01 01 16 07 = 9 successes. poof! you're invis.
6 willpower vs 3M for drain
05 01 03 02 01 05 = 3 success so no drain with trauma damper.
Casting #2, +1 to skill check and drain check for sustaining one spell (+1 because focused concentration), and 6 spell pool = 13 dice vs. TN 5
03 08 05 01 11 05 04 05 04 01 04 05 03 = 6 successes. 2nd person disappears
6 willpower vs 4M drain
01 23 03 02 04 11 =3 successes, so again, trauma damper kills drain.
Casting #3, +2 to all TNs, saving 2 spell pool for drain. 11 Dice vs. TN 6:
02 02 02 11 01 03 02 02 01 05 03 = 1 success most people here should see through that.
8 Dice vs. 5M drain
10 03 03 04 07 03 05 04 = 3 successes (my lucky number tonight) so no drain.
Trying to do better, I drop that spell, and attempt to recast.
Same setup as above
04 10 05 04 02 09 01 05 05 05 03 =2 successes.
I will now burn a karma pool to reroll any non-successes (if this is my one contribution, I'd better make it count)
9 dice vs TN 6:
03 14 03 11 02 01 05 07 09 = 4 more successes (SR Dice roller likes me today)
Drain roll 8 dice vs 5m Drain
05 01 03 01 03 01 03 08 = 2 successes, and again, no drain.
Those of you without a magical background skill may not think much of this, but those of you who work with alot of mages may realize that casting while sustaining one spell, much less 2, is difficult (in addition to what I had, the average mage would have had twice the TN mods).
Mar 5 2004, 11:58 AM
As I mentioned earlier IC Mirage has good stealth features on her coat anyway, so she would have been person #3.
The force of the spell is the target number for resistance. |
I read this like it won't matter how many successes you have casting the spell.
Mar 5 2004, 04:00 PM
Success threshold is still important, you won't be able to see through the invisibility unless you equal or exceed the number of successes the mage generated when casting the spell.
Ok, whatever you say
I just hope you understand that it makes a level 2 invis spell much better than a level 12.
Mar 5 2004, 04:23 PM
Why? The target number for anyone to see through the spell is the spell's force, so higher force invisibility spells will always result in fewer successes. The castor's target number remains the same regardless of the force of the spell. The only benefit s/he receives from a lower force spell is easier drain.
The target number for anyone to see through the spell is not important, since you can cast the spell till you have enough successes.
Mar 5 2004, 04:45 PM
You're assuming that the mage has unlimited time and skill dice/spell pool to cast, which isn't always the case.
I'm sorry this has turned into a discussion of the rules.
Since Kim is invisible now, she'll start to perceive the astral as well as the normal world.
Mar 5 2004, 05:50 PM
Todd is logging in with his Security Account that he setup. First thing he does is call Mirage, then he'll start setting the nessisary camera's to save their data to the host so he can do a loop-back later on. Once that is done he dives into the security system and get ready to surpress any alarm set off by them cutting the fence.
Mar 6 2004, 12:56 AM
Okay, I need perception checks from everyone.
Mar 6 2004, 01:07 AM
Should I make one as well? Todd would be watching them through the cameras while he routes the loopback feed to the security room.
Mar 6 2004, 01:34 AM
Yes, roll for Todd.
Mar 6 2004, 01:37 AM
Perception: 11 10 05 04 04 03 01
Mar 6 2004, 01:41 AM
Both Kim and Todd spot something suspicious at the same time, a gentle mounding of the gravel in a regular pattern in-between the two fencelines. It's possible that they're some sort of ground sensor or, worse, anti-personnel mines.
Mar 6 2004, 04:30 AM
The system shows no pressure plates linked to it.
Yum Donuts
Mar 6 2004, 08:01 PM
Firmpoint's perception: 04 11 02 07 01 05 02 (11 is high)
he is following astrally. I have all 4 watchers with me, and am telling them to keep a lookout for anything living besides us (I believe watchers can recognize additional targets equal to their force, they're force 3 and we have 3 people so that should work. let me know if I'm wrong).
I guess I could roll perception test for them too, but they'll probably just be finding squirrels or something.
02 04 01
02 03 03
01 04 05
04 03 07
FYI: if one of them does report finding a squirrel, I'll rephrase the orders to look for any living metahumans.
I'm also going to do a quick sweep of the grounds outside. do I see anybody about? guards? guard dogs? great dragon cyberzombies waiting invisibly?
Yum Donuts
Mar 6 2004, 08:04 PM
also, what force of physical barrier spell is required to make a flat plate that someone could walk on, and how far apart are the two fences?
Looking at the barrier ratings chart on 124 SR3, rating 2 would be glass, so it could probably support one person at a time, rating 3 would probably support them all. that's just my thoughts though, whatever you think.
Yum Donuts
Mar 7 2004, 08:28 AM
Casting a force 3 barrier spell, using my focus, and 3 dice from spell pool for sorcery check, and the rest for drain.
11 dice vs TN 9:
01 11 03 05 02 04 02 01 04 04 02 = 1 success, the barrier is formed as rating 3.
Drain check, 9 dice vs 6S
13 10 05 02 02 05 08 04 01 = 2 successes so I take 2 boxes of stun
making a willpower check to see how long that stun will stick around:
03 09 14 13 05 02 = 5 successes, so I'll get rid of one box every 12 minutes.
Mar 8 2004, 08:15 AM
Since Astral Projection is an exclusive complex action, you must drop any sustained spells if you intend to go astral. (p. 178, SR3)
As near as you can tell, there aren't any personnel currently outside the building.
Todd, on the unedited feed from the security cameras, the barrier allowing Kim to cross the no-man's-land in between the fencelines is clearly visible.
Yum Donuts
Mar 8 2004, 09:11 AM
Bah, you are correct then. in that case, is it safe to assume that I am on the radio and heard about the problem that way? effect is still the same, except that I obviously can't go with them. all comunications then could simply have been over radio. Instead of my doing the sweep of the perimiter, I would have had my watchers do it.
Mar 8 2004, 04:18 PM
Not a problem, that's fine.
Mar 8 2004, 08:37 PM
Sorry I've had a busy weekend and didn't expect things to move so quickly.
I'll post once I've had chance to catch up on all the threads I'm involved in.
Mar 11 2004, 06:21 AM
What happened, things got rolling (finally) and then it died again. Emp? You're the one with the wire cutters.
Yum Donuts
Mar 11 2004, 08:37 AM
bah. if they don't respond in 2 more days I'll just drop the spell and dump them on a mine field.
mine fields are always great for relieving boredom.
Mar 11 2004, 09:31 AM
I'm sorry, I was waiting for an answer.
Mar 11 2004, 05:02 PM
An answer to what?
Mar 11 2004, 05:22 PM
an answer to his question?!
Mar 11 2004, 05:37 PM
An answer to what question?
Mar 11 2004, 08:32 PM
hehehe... sorry, couldnt help myself!
by the way, For this part of the run, Jim (aka Ghost) will be keeping a general look out and seeing what goes on in and around the area
Mar 11 2004, 08:56 PM
While the Mage is using his energy to sustain spells and chill out and Todd is on Overwatch. So Mirage and Kim are the only ones actually going inside?
Mar 12 2004, 12:29 AM
Firmpoint cast three invisibility spells, but as Jim isn't going inside maybe one of them would have been on himself. Then he'd be with Mirage and Kim (especially as we didn't realise at the time that he couldn't accompany us astrally).
I don't think this would be rewriting history too much as we haven't even got through the second fence yet, and Yum Donuts didn't specify who the spells were cast on.
BTW, I'm just waiting for Kim to cut the fence.
Mar 12 2004, 02:40 AM
Since we all seem to have been waiting for someone else to post something I just did. It doesn't feel right having to assume a lot though and I'm not even sure if Kim's still confident in a successful outcome.
Mar 12 2004, 06:06 PM
I need stealth rolls from everyone moving into the depot building.
Mar 13 2004, 03:02 AM
2 3 4 5 7
Mar 14 2004, 12:04 AM
Stealth Roll :05 05 04 04 03 01 (1 extra die for enhanced articulation)
Reroll with Karma pool17 05 02 02 02 01
All Mirage's sensory cyberware is activated, as is her reflex trigger.
Remember that if she hears anything her orientation system, spacial recognizer & high frequency combine to give an extra -4TN to locate the soundPerception Roll :10 05 05 05 02 02 (-1TN, due to perception edge).
Extra perception dice for Olfactory Booster :07 05 05 05 04 02
Complimentary Stealth(Awareness) Roll:05 05 04 03 02
Yum Donuts
Mar 15 2004, 01:04 AM
I thought there were 5 people in the party, so I cast invis accordingly. If there's only 4, then could I have cast invisibility on the van, and had it encompas us, the passengers as well (as long as we stay in the van, of course). That seems to be the least history-rewriting way to do things, I think.
Mar 15 2004, 01:44 AM
I hope that my body will still be invis when I go astral.
Mar 15 2004, 06:42 AM
The spell is being sustained on your physical body. Since it's not you that's sustaining it, there's no problem going astral.
Mar 16 2004, 05:35 PM
The door they just came up to, can I unlock it via matrix, or do they need to do it physically?
Mar 17 2004, 05:07 PM
You can unlock it via the matrix. Roll!
Mar 17 2004, 05:35 PM
Computer + 4 Hacking Pool: 14 10 08 08 05 04 04 04 03 03 01 01
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