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If you have any questions on the R3 stuff just ask and I'll email you the appropriate text.

Right now, Grendel is in the middle of a darts game at the Burnt Magna, but I'll come up with something appropriate for him to be doing. smile.gif
I;m sorry that I havent submitted a character like I said I would. I'm just getting setteled into my new base and might need a day or two to get settleed in. If this is going to stall the game, I'll step down.
Sorry for the lag getting my character to you. Things got real busy at work today and I didn't have time to take a long enough break to finish. All that is left is getting all the gear, so I shouldn't have a problem finishing tomorrow.
@ Chance

No, no stay in. Just get him to me as soon as you can.


Warpath received, I like the name.
Jr. Woodchuck
Shadow you should already have Delacroix, its the same guy that I've roleplayed, and only roleplayed in your previous two games. Do you still need a copy?
Unfortunetly I don't think I have the character still, and yes I remember who he is omae grinbig.gif Send me a fresh copy of him.
Current players and characters

Jr. Woodchuck = Delecroix (Mage) Not received
TKG = Warpath (Street Sam) received
Chance = Sedyrk (Street Sam) Not received
Grey = Face Not received
Grendel: Grendel (Rigger) received
Fortune: Danny (Shaman) Not received

The last two I haven't heard back from since there originals posts, so for now I am going to assume there in the game but haven't gotten around to letting me know.

Kurb: Decker???

@ Leowulf

Go ahead and make your character up and send him in. Try to be complimentary to what everyone else has made. Feel free to use a character you have played before, don't feel the need to make a whole new one.

Both TKG and Grendel are welcome to post a "what you are up to" post.
The date is 04Nov63 0800hrs PDT
*pant* Finally finished typing up all of that. I've never spent 1,000,000 nuyen.gif before with so many small ticket items. Quite an adventure smile.gif
I know the feeling. smile.gif
Ok. Like I said in my oringinal post, I have a decker and a mage. I have created a new mage as well. I can use any of them, depending on what is most complimentary to the campaign. I like them all smile.gif.

A note on the decker: Not only does she have 4 arms, but I forgot that I made her a really long time ago, using priorities. Not a problem; her stats and skills work and all that. I think I want to redo her cyberware some, since it was before I had M&M or CC. The GM of the game that I made her for had granted us 50 extra karma points and 100,000 nuyen.gif to play with after character creation, before the game even started. It was Chad H with some run where the meet took place in England or something, and the run went to Africa. We never finished the game, since he got banned forever. Anyway, I hope that having 50 extra karma will balance with everyone else's character if I use her. Some of you may remember this decker, named Blackjack, if you were a part of that game or read the thread.

A note on Mage #1: Not as powerful as the decker. I see we may already have two mages. He's balanced in magery, gunplay, and martial arts. Mr. Ghost Dragon, whom I have also used before in games with some of you.

Mage #2, Biomage: Basically a mage who lost an arm, while being a bodyguard, to a spell, realized he was awakened when he saw it coming, and decided to replace it with a cyberarm, rather than a cloned new one, and got some bioware to boot. Never been played.

Since we don't know if the guy who was going to be a decker is still in, I'm going to work on that one and finish it as soon as possible. Her bio was done before. Ghost Dragon is done. Biomage needs a story, but I have the basics in my head. His gear and stats are done.

Anyone have an opinion or care? Not that I care; I just thought I'd ask. wink.gif
I always wondered what happened to Chad. He used to be a very popular GM.

Ok well all your characters osund... interesting. And I think the group could really use a decker so send her to me.

@ Chance

Sedryk is in. Feel free to post on the IC.

Ok, Kurb and Grim are out unfortunetly frown.gif so that is going to bring us to 7. It's okay just more money for you guys. wink.gif
QUOTE (Shadow @ Oct 28 2003, 03:34 PM)
Current players and characters

Jr. Woodchuck = Delecroix (Mage) Not received
TKG = Warpath (Street Sam) received
Chance = Sedyrk (Street Sam) received
Grey = Face Not received
Grendel: Grendel (Rigger) received
Fortune: Danny (Shaman) Not received
Leowulf: Blackjack (Decker) Not received

Happy Wednesday people. It's over the hump time for some of us. I would really like to get this game going by Friday, so far I have heard from all of you and received characters from half of you, so were doing good. I think the remaining characters should be a piece of cake mainly because there all already made.

People who can post IC:


We are definitely getting closer. I hope to see the rest of the characters soon.

Your weather report comes back a little scary. In the last 8 hours 4 inches of rain has fallen. There is a small craft advisory for the Puget sound (wind in excess of 20 knots). The weatherman is calling it potentially, the worst storm in 20 years.
I've got my character done for the most part, just need to get it all typed up on a sheet for you.

Fyi - character name is Jessie.
Heh, I can see how this is going, already. Maybe I should have sprung for amphibious ops on the Brumby.
I've got a boat (Samuvani Chriscraft Otter), if it will help.
Chance your a Raider fan??? 30 extra karma for you! wink.gif
I actually meant for getting across town wink.gif I don't think I'd want to risk being swept out to sea in a floating SUV.
Well you probably don't live in Seattle so I forgive you, but it is a harbor town. So when ever there is a weather report you get it for the harbor, eliot bay, and lake washington, as well as the straits of Wandafuka.
I'd take the karma, but it still wouldn't help my team.
I once spent an RPG doing stupid things because I couldn't grasp the concept of a body of water larger than a small stream that was clear. We were at a "Crystal Lake" in some northern area, and I couldn't get the fact that you could see the bottom for some distance out through my head.

That, and I completely misread how much rain you indicated wink.gif I thought it was 8 inches in 4 hours, which is another story entirely.
@ Chance

Your character is fine but you need convert all that ammo to SR ammo. While you can use the guns from Rayguns site I don't use his rules, I only use the SR rules. So if it uses 9mm ammo to .45 ammo it is a heavy pistol. The 50 ae is special deal, but remember you suffer twice the recoil.
I have my character sheet about half way typed up, I shouldn't have a problem finishing the rest of it tomorrow.
Will do on the ammo conversion, the recoil shouldn;t be a problem, I'm only planning on firing it once a turn anyway. Did you get the background story that I included?
Yes, it was excellent. Ok Grey I will wait with baited breath.
Good morning team, and happy Thursday. The following people still have yet to submit characters.

Jr. Woodchuck = Delecroix (Mage) Not received
Grey = Face Not received
Fortune: Danny (Shaman) Not received
Leowulf: Blackjack (Decker) Not received

I would like these characters by the end of today (October 30th). So I have time to look them over before the adventure starts. Fortune, Leo and Jr I am pretty sure are using previous characters so it should be a snap! I know I am pushing but I want this to be a quick, fun adventure, and most of all, I want us to Finish it.

As soon as you have submitted your characters feel free to post IC, no need to wait for me to say so. It's getting close to GO time people.
Oh yeah, whatever happened to our 2 karma bribes for back stories? wink.gif

Of course, if I ask that, you'll probably notice that I didn't specificly do the 20 questions... but hey wink.gif
There was no bribe, if your character has a 500 word history then you get two (2) bonus karma. You guys wern't waiting for me to tell you were you? I mean it's non negotiable, if you had the 500 words then you got the karma. Easy.
It's in. I've just sent Blackjack to you, Shadow.

Happy gaming, all. cyber.gif
Got 'em. Ok thats 4.

Jr. Woodchuck = Delecroix (Mage) Not received
Grey = Face Not received
Fortune: Danny (Shaman) Not received

to go.

I haven't heard from Fortune or Grey in a while. But I am sure they are hovering over the send button just about ready to send me their characters... right?

Sorry bout that. The last few days at work have been a killer and my computer access at home is limited. Tomorrow should be slower, so I should be able to get the last of the sheet typed up. If I'm getting in the way though, go ahead and start without me, I don't want to cause any problems.
I don't want to go on without you. Just get the character in tomorow, if you could send me a brief description of the character, name, race, archtype etc, it would get us by until I got your sheet.

Ok now that we have that out of the way....

The game starts today. If you still haven't gotten your characters to me that's okay. Just try real hard to get them to me today. I want all of you to play, so no talk about "going on without me" unless you really just want to drop out, in which case you suck grinbig.gif .

So the IC will officially start here at 1000 hours ADT (thats alaska daylight time). See you all in 2 hours.

@Grey Of the remaining characters yours is the only one I know nothing about. Could you email me a paragraph about him/her? Name, race, sex etc?
Email sent.
@ Grey

Character recieved. I look forward to the finished copy.

@ Jr.

I found an original copy of delacroix, and I will just use him untill you can get me the updated version.

Game on people!
Ok thats everyone. I hope that I get a response from everyone then I will move on to the next part.

A little bit on postin IC

If you have a game mechanic question please post it on the ooc.

But if you want your character to do something post it IC.


Pulse rounded the corner, Colt Manhunter drawn, there was his target, but it was to easy, so he looked around.

(OOC Perception Check, I have edge: perceptive)

That would work great. As for dice rolling please post your results in the OOC. I trust everyone here to roll there own dice, remember if you cheat, your only cheating yourself.
What kind of border crossing proceedures are we looking at to get to the meet? SoNA standard, or something else?
If I didn't make it clear IC, the meet is on the Seatle side of the border.
Good posts you guys so far. I am still waiting on final characters from...



Jr. Woodchuck

as well as posts from them and Chance.

I would like all characters final by Monday morning. As soon as everyone has posted their "got message/going to bar" post I can move the story a long. I have been planning this game for a while so there shouldn't be any instances of you guys waiting on me (I hope).

So far everything great and I really like it. Let's keep it up and get those post rolling in.
Where, exactly, is the meet point? Major roads nearby, etc? I'm trying to find it on a map so I have a better idea wink.gif

Going to the meet post forthcoming.
I am trying to keep it abstract, so it is a few klicks short of the NAN border east of Seattle. I can't give you exact directions, but essentioally you take highway 90 east, then switch over to old 99 for the trip through the hills. Just shy of the border you would turn off and theres the stop. I actually have an IC post for this I was just waiting for everyone to post that they would go to the meet. I didn't expect people to jump the gun and say they went smile.gif hehe.

Heh, then consider me waiting wink.gif The only reason I ask for a more precise location is because I've got all of these Seattle maps laying around and I'm curious wink.gif

[edit] Yuck, fixed that horrid post I made last night. What's the weather and news for the morning? [/edit]
will make my post later this afternoon, got busy in real life.
QUOTE (Shadow)
I always wondered what happened to Chad.

He was permanently banned just after 9-11.

Pardon my absence everyone, but I've had a hell of a week in the real world. Pain sucks! frown.gif
No problem Fortune, get a post as soon as you can. I understand the RL woes... Hell, we just had a baby so I understand!
Good morning Monday. I hope everyones weekend went well. It looks like everyone made the decision to go to the bar over the weekend and needless to say I was very pleased. I posted the trip and a description of the outside of the bar. Soon I will throw in the inside and you can all move along inside.

I made some assumptions about what some people were driving based on skills on the (incomplete) character sheets or because they didn't say in there posts. Hope I didn't offend.

If anyone has something there character would like to do and that want to keep it private please feel free to email me at my home address, the

As an aside:

If you see an edit tag at the bottom of one of my posts, please read it again, I usually just correct spelling, but it could be important.

Also please make sure you read all the posts smile.gif
I can't for the life of me remember if we decided Zoe was Warpath's fixer contact. In any case, I left the post wide open.
We did smile.gif
I had to resurrect R.R. in some fashion, since his T-Bird bit the big one with what is believed to be no survivors the last time his name came up. biggrin.gif
Jr. Woodchuck
It appears that I can't find Delacroix, well I found him but on a written out character sheet. I had a file version of him, but have yet to find it. So it looks like i'm going to have to type him completely out. As that i'm at work(right now) I will make this a priority tomorrow morning when I wake up (4pm est).
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