Jan 31 2007, 05:23 PM
Agent =/= Hacker
Jan 31 2007, 05:43 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
This is not about technology (!!!), this is about consistency.
The persona is only interacting with the node, it is not running on the node (I know this for sure, because the persona uses the commlinks attributes, not the nodes it is interacting with). Why does the agent have to RUN on the node to interact with it? And why CAN an agent interact with a node while loaded onto a persona, but CANT when not with a persona?
Consistency, not technology! Do it either this way or that, but please be consistent.
Yours, Serbitar, spiraling down into madness, LUNACY, INSANITY. |
But there is a difference between consistency and everything being the same....I am getting the feeling, at least from this thread of posts, that you will only be satisfied with the core rules once every category of things is written out as being the same...its a noble pursuit, but I just don't see that being SR4, to me, at least.
You want every node to act the same, every rating to mean the same (e.g. 6/6/6/6 coffee machine being equivalent to a 6/6/6/6 commlink), no difference between a TM and a traditional hacker, no difference between IC v. Agents v. Personas...
While I agree with some of your points and efforts to introduce consistency across the board, I don't agree with all of them. I don't understand why you have a great need to have an agent run and act exactly like a this regard, I prefer the difference between the agents and personas...consistency in this, would be a bad move...again, IMO.
Jan 31 2007, 05:44 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Jan 30 2007, 11:13 PM) | Has that sunk in? I just made a guy with bigger numbers than you in everything for less BP than it cost you to get 5 complex forms.
And it only ever gets worse, because the Hacker can be an Adept. And the Hacker can have points left over to be a Face or a Street Sam. And the Hacker can get cyberware, and so on and so forth.
Really. This is a known balance issue. It's not up for debate, it's egg on the face of the initial design team of 4th edition Shadowrun.
-Frank |
I'm going to repeat a couple of points that keep getting ignored. One, the hacker or hacker adept is not running better numbers out of the box. IF you have a permissive GM, maybe he is, but oddly, super-commlinks with 6/6/6/6 are one of the few things that actually have an availability code now, same with rating 6 software.
If you aren't using those rules in your games, then sure, it's EASY to just get super hardware and software. But the rules are there, and I don't see why a brand new Runner should start with anything he can't get 'off the shelf'.
Hardware has an availability 16 for each component. That's sixteen hits on an extended test. Software is gonna be a 12, with a six freaking month interval for system... how many runs can your TM run in a year? If you just randomly decide super systems are available at the stuffer shack then sure, your Technomancer has a balance issue. But then, you aren't using RAW, are you?
And why, oh why, do you never rebutt on the threading issue? A Technomancer can get double his CF rating by threading. That makes up for a hell of a lot.
Jan 31 2007, 06:41 PM
QUOTE (Thain @ Jan 31 2007, 06:23 PM) |
Agent =/= Hacker |
QUOTE (deek) |
But there is a difference between consistency and everything being the same....I am getting the feeling, at least from this thread of posts, that you will only be satisfied with the core rules once every category of things is written out as being the same...its a noble pursuit, but I just don't see that being SR4, to me, at least.
x+x = y
y+x = z
x+x+x = z
x+x != z
for all definitions of x
Its called logic, It cant be broken, though you have the choice of what to put in for x.
Rotbart van Dainig
Jan 31 2007, 06:53 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
x+x = y y+x = z
x+x+x = z x+x != z
for all definitions of x |
Except 0.
Jan 31 2007, 06:56 PM
QUOTE (Spike) |
I'm going to repeat a couple of points that keep getting ignored. One, the hacker or hacker adept is not running better numbers out of the box. IF you have a permissive GM, maybe he is, but oddly, super-commlinks with 6/6/6/6 are one of the few things that actually have an availability code now, same with rating 6 software. |
Actually, noone is talking about starting with a 6/6/6/6 Commlink. We're talking about a 5/5/6/6 Commlink. See, a Response and Signal of 6 is outside the starting availability. But getting a Rating 6 ine everything else is well within the starting availabilities.
So you have a Response 5 and a Signal 5, and a Rating 6 System, Firewall, Attack, Stealth, etc. Why bother? Because it's expensive and difficult to upgrade all that crap to Rating 6 once play has begun, so you might as well have the 6 now even if it just runs at 5 until you get a better Response.
Technomancers do that same thing - they start with every Complex Form they are allowed to have at Rating 6 because it's fucking expensive to buy the CFs up to 6 once play starts (6 Karma a piece, fuck that noise!) - we are talking about making characters for the long haul here.
And as to inevitable question: Can you really upgrade your Commlink before play starts? Hellz yeah you can! The Sample Hacker on p. 96 of the basic book does exactly that.
Jan 31 2007, 07:05 PM
I'm sorry, but you'll just have todeal with a certain amount of inconsistency...
Agents aren't Hackers.
I prefer to look at it as a distinguishing factor, because imho it follows quite logically from the fluff and mechanics of the setting. But more importantly, it keeps the players the stars rather than their equipment.
An Agent can not interact remotly with a node because it cannot. I don't know why, and I don't care why. The thing that distinguishes a Hacker from an Agent - and makes the Hacker better - is that the Hacker can use his cyberdeck's ratings, and the Agent is limited to the power of the node.
If the Agent is operating alongside its Hacker, then it can work with the commlinks ratings... but the hacker has to be there.
Agents aren't Hackers.
Hackers can do things Agents can't. Because the hackers are players and the agents are numbers on a sheet. Sometimes we need to do things that distinguish the stars of the story from the background players.
Why does Captain Kirk prove immune to the alien mind control, but not Red Shirt #456?
Because Kirk is the Big Damn Hero.
Why does the Enterprise fly from Venus to Mars in an hour in Episode 12, but take four days in Episode 47?
Because the ship moves "at the speed of plot."
Why hire a Hacker, instead of buying an Agent?
Because your freind Bob's street sammy bought it last game session, and he rolled up a new hacker character.
Agents aren't Hackers.
Players get to do cool stuff, NPCs don't.
Jan 31 2007, 07:39 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
Actually, noone is talking about starting with a 6/6/6/6 Commlink. We're talking about a 5/5/6/6 Commlink. See, a Response and Signal of 6 is outside the starting availability. But getting a Rating 6 ine everything else is well within the starting availabilities.
So you have a Response 5 and a Signal 5, and a Rating 6 System, Firewall, Attack, Stealth, etc. Why bother? Because it's expensive and difficult to upgrade all that crap to Rating 6 once play has begun, so you might as well have the 6 now even if it just runs at 5 until you get a better Response.
Technomancers do that same thing - they start with every Complex Form they are allowed to have at Rating 6 because it's fucking expensive to buy the CFs up to 6 once play starts (6 Karma a piece, fuck that noise!) - we are talking about making characters for the long haul here.
And as to inevitable question: Can you really upgrade your Commlink before play starts? Hellz yeah you can! The Sample Hacker on p. 96 of the basic book does exactly that.
-Frank |
Using the prefigured archetypes to reflect character generation has a long history of not working. I recall that you couldn't make the archetypes in 1st edition using the rules without cheating... a reward for taking a premade character as I recall.
Like I've said before, part of your complaint is that TM's spend Karma to upgrade and Hacker's don't. JUST LIKE Mages/Adepts vs. StreetSams... in a debate as old as the game. This doesn't reflect that the hacking rules alone are broken, only that character improvement isn't level between the money geeks and the mana geeks (now resonance geeks...). If you play with a GM who is stingy with the nuyen, making runners fight for beer money, then the karma crowd has an advantage when it comes to improvement. If the GM hands out the cash rewards like candy then it's the gadget freaks who get ahead...
Yes, a TM winds up more of a specialist, having to make a few more hard calls in creating his character,but he can compete with even your Hacker Adept with threading and sprites, even out of the box. And if you are talking 'long haul', then you'll prefer the TM, who is uncapped, to the hacker or hacker adept who can start with a maximum dice pool at character creation and never get any better. Damn the karma costs.
And if six karma is a lot to you to improve something, I have to wonder what 'improvement' table you've been reading??? To take a skill to level three costs six karma. To take a skill to level 6 costs 18! That's for a single point increase.
Jan 31 2007, 08:49 PM
Like I've said before, part of your complaint is that TM's spend Karma to upgrade and Hacker's don't. JUST LIKE Mages/Adepts vs. StreetSams... |
No. I'm aghast that the Technomancers spends
ONE THOUSAND KARMA to equal a Hacker Adept shortly after chargen. We aren't talking the arcane mysteries of whether 1.5 million

is worth 200 Karma (some games it is, some games it isn't). We're asking ourselves whether
ONE THOUSAND KARMA is worth 11k. Righty-o. That's slightly more than one month's rent at high lifestyle vs.
ONE THOUSAND KARMA.OK, now are we on the same page? The uncapped nature of the Technomancer does not come into being unto he has amassed a thousand Karma points. I have never heard of any character in any edition
ever amassing that many Karma points to rub together.
So yeah, in the "long run" eventually the Hacker Adept will be good at more things, and the Technomancer will be more of a specialist. That is, the Technomancer will have a dice pool of 16 whle hacking and the Hacker Adept will have a dicepool of only 15. And the Hacker Adept will have spent one
thousand Karma on other things. He'll be, for example, a Master Face, because it only costs 170 Karma to go from a Charisma of 1 and no social skills to a Charisma of 6 and an Influence Group of 6. Heck, he'll be a full scale Pornomancer now, because getting himself 3 ranks of Kinesics and a few levels of Improved Ability: Ettiquette only sets him back another 33 Karma.
The Technomancer's bulge is:
- Ridiculously small.
- Not even available until the game has been going on for years after most campaigns have long since ended.
- Comes at the cost of the Hacker Adept becoming a legendary master at 4 additional spheres of endeavor.
Really. Stop waving your hands and put up some math. This is grotesquely stacked against the Technomancer at every level of play. Beginning characters, advanced characters, it don't matter - the only good Technomancer is a Technomancer Rigger who doesn't Hack at all and just lets Machine Sprites pilot Steel Lynxes.
And if six karma is a lot to you to improve something, I have to wonder what 'improvement' table you've been reading??? |
Six Karma is a metric ass tonne when you realize that there are 20 Complex Forms. Just to equal the Program Ratings that a Hacker Adept begins play with, you're talking about shilling out 120 Karma - assuming for the moment that you could start play with all 20 CFs. Which you can't. In reality you're only allowed to start with 10 with the TM you put forward - which in turn means that you're actually going to be spending 280 Karma just to equal the Program Ratings that the Hacker began play with - and as previously noted that is more Karma than the Hacker Adept needs to go from a zero start to world-class mastery in a single field.
Jan 31 2007, 09:22 PM
I know you have to be smoking serious crap with that thousand karma. I know, because I'm a game geek who has sat down and made 'thousand karma characters' for shits and giggles. At a thousand karma you are talking a runner who's got every stat at max, has bought up a few fun advantages and has his top use skills maxed out and is starting to work on other skills just floating in the background.
I mean, in the 2k karma challenge on this forum I goofed off and when I hit about 1600 karma I ran out of things to spend it on.. until I made an adept who was initiating.. and I'm not even one of those efficiency nazi's that figure the bp cost of attributes makes them a better buy than skills for Karma....
Never mind the fact that.. and I'm starting to sound like a broken record but you haven't deigned to respond yet, the Threading ability... which is FREE, allows the Technomancer to keep up even with your broke ass adept idea. Never mind the fact that the TM does not NEED 20 Complex forms.
Right now your argument is not to dissimilar from someone bitching that adepts are weak compared to sammy's because the sammy can have straight nine in his physical stats at the start and the Adept needs to spend 500 karma to initiate that level of magic to keep up. Never mind what the adept can do that the sammy can only imagine... like doubling his skill pool or multitasking or...
Technomancers shouldn't be trying to compete on raw numbers across the board. It's not their strength. They can specialize much better, and if they don't have, they can improvise much better.
Jan 31 2007, 09:57 PM
Sweet, so I can Thread as a TM for free? So that means all those CF that I would have to buy up with Karma for huge costs I could just raise up when I need them? But wait, what is that you say? I have to resist fading each and every time I do this?
What, there's more? The fading could do physical damage if my CF is threaded above to a rating above my Resonance?
So what someone would normally pay for in cash I have to pay with in pain and blood... Oh well, I guess the only good thing about it is the fact that CF's can go above rank 6, even though I have a -2 on all other dicepools for each CF I have threaded...
Jan 31 2007, 09:58 PM
I know you have to be smoking serious crap with that thousand karma. I know, because I'm a game geek who has sat down and made 'thousand karma characters' for shits and giggles. At a thousand karma you are talking a runner who's got every stat at max, has bought up a few fun advantages and has his top use skills maxed out and is starting to work on other skills just floating in the background. |
Did you read the assessment of the characters involved?
Let's consider your suggested Technomancer:
All 5s in all of his Mental Stats. Resonance 6. 10 Complex Forms at 6. That's about maximized for a starting character.
But he's got to compete with a Hacker Adept who is going to have Improved Ability, which is worth 3 dice. And all Programs at 6. For the Technomacer to match that dicepool (15), he needs to raise his Complex Forms to 9. That costs 7+8+9 = 24 Karma on each of the 10 CFs he already has (240 Karma), and 2+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 46 Karma on eahc of the CFs he doesn't already have (460 Karma). And he needs to raise his Mental Stats to 6 at 18 Karma a piece (72 Karma), and he needs to buy his Resonance up to 9, costing 21+24+27 (72) Karma for the Attribute, and 13 + 16 + 19 (48) Karma for the Submergence. And he has to purchase his Electronics and Cracking Groups up to 6 (they start at 4), which costs 55 Karma a piece (for another 110 Karma).
That's 240 + 460 + 72 + 72 + 48 + 110 = 1002 Karma
Really. I'm not fucking kidding about the 1000 Karma you need to spend just to equal the Hacker Adept. You haven't even taken a single step into the "uncapped" territory that you keep bringing up.
And yes, I am aware how completely ridiculous it is for any character to spend one thousand Karma on anything. It's just not going to happen. No campaign is going to maintain interest long enough to do that.
Rotbart van Dainig
Jan 31 2007, 10:02 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
And yes, I am aware how completely ridiculous it is for any character to spend one thousand Karma on anything. It's just not going to happen. No campaign is going to maintain interest long enough to do that. |
Campaings may not.
Jan 31 2007, 10:11 PM
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig) |
QUOTE (FrankTrollman @ Jan 31 2007, 11:58 PM) | And yes, I am aware how completely ridiculous it is for any character to spend one thousand Karma on anything. It's just not going to happen. No campaign is going to maintain interest long enough to do that. |
Campaings may not.
You know what he meant.
Jan 31 2007, 10:13 PM
I've seen a few campaigns that have. One of the characters that did was from second edition, and "evolved" into 4th. The other two that lasted that long were from 3rd edition. The campaigns weren't continuos. The characters have been through a number of campaigns/GMs/One Nighters. But it does happen sometimes.
And then of course there's Cash for Karma. I've seen plenty of characters, mostly shaman types taht will take everything from the run except their medium life style costs and throw it in to karma. I don't allwo that in my game ,although I do allow some, because it throws of the balance very quickly. but it does happen.
Rotbart van Dainig
Jan 31 2007, 10:14 PM
QUOTE (cetiah) |
You know what he meant. |
Honestly, no - I don't.
Jan 31 2007, 10:21 PM
QUOTE (Rotbart van Dainig) |
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Jan 31 2007, 08:41 PM) | Consistency:
x+x = y y+x = z
x+x+x = z x+x != z
for all definitions of x |
Except 0. |
OK ok, ill add y != z
Jan 31 2007, 10:25 PM
QUOTE (Thain @ Jan 31 2007, 08:05 PM) |
Agents aren't Hackers.
Players get to do cool stuff, NPCs don't. |
Unnaceptable for me.
Jan 31 2007, 10:30 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
QUOTE (Thain @ Jan 31 2007, 08:05 PM) | [...]
Agents aren't Hackers.
Players get to do cool stuff, NPCs don't. |
Unnaceptable for me.
Well, that is the realm of personal preference, not an argument to force a RAW change on everyone else. I like consistency more than the average guy, but its not as much fun if everything is the same. There needs to be some variety to keep things interesting...
I am also in the camp that players get to do cool stuff and NPCs don't...the game is for the players and GM to have fun...while some groups seems to want to pit the players against the GM, I just don't think that is the intended spirit of roleplaying games.
Jan 31 2007, 10:32 PM
This is a forced, illogic rule that need not be that way. It is inconsistent, it is counterintuitive, it is anti streamlining, it is introducing problems, it is unrealistic, it can not be described in game by any means, nobody would or could design a system that workds that way.
Are there any more reasons that you can have against a rule?
Jan 31 2007, 10:38 PM
There are 22 programs by my count; Technomancers can not use Medic, and they get Biofeedback Filter for free.
A Hacker, who for some reason begins play without programs, needs to spend ¥94,200 to get all 22 at Rating 6.
A Technomancer, who for some reason begins play without CF's, needs to spend 440 Karma to get all 20 at Rating 6.
Is one point of karma worth 215 nuyen?
Jan 31 2007, 10:40 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
This is a forced, illogic rule that need not be that way. It is inconsistent, it is counterintuitive, it is anti streamlining, it is introducing problems, it is unrealistic, it can not be described in game by any means, nobody would or could design a system that workds that way.
Are there any more reasons that you can have against a rule? |
I am not arguing that you have a problem with the "agent rule" of not allowing one independently on your own comm... I KNOW you have a problem with it:)
I'm just saying that I don't, and like the way agents != persona...
Jan 31 2007, 10:49 PM
So you like to sacrifice explainability, intuitivity, consistency, reality, less problems and more for this?
You know, in my SGM, agent rules are very easy. It works exactly like a hacker, but substitutes every skill and attribute with its rating.
You dont need extra rules at all. Its just working. And because agents cant specialize, cant have edge and cant get logic 9+ or additional cyberware, it isnt even a problem.
It is intuitive, it is consistent, it is easily explainable, it is realistic, it doesnt make problems, it doesnt destroy your gaming reality, it is not forced but comes quite naturally.
So why do we need this forced system?
Some people tell me that RAW is working. Thats true. Everything is working. If you made no rules and wrote "let the GM decide everythign" this would work. But still, isnt the popurse of rules to provide the best possible solution if something wasnt decided by the GM?
Jan 31 2007, 10:51 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
So you like to sacrifice explainability, intuitivity, consistency, reality, less problems and more for this?
You know, in my SGM, agent rules are very easy. It works exactly like a hacker, but substitutes every skill and attribute with its rating. You dont need extra rules at all. Its just working. And because agents cant specialize, cant have edge and cant get logic 9+ or additional cyberware, it isnt even a problem.
It is intuitive, it is consistent, it is easily explainable, it is realistic, it doesnt make problems, it doesnt destroy your gaming reality, it is not forced but comes quite naturally.
So why do we need this forced system? |
Serbitar, this particular sub-topic might also have something to do with your bias against the grunt rules. You always seem to oppose any attempt to "simplify" NPCs.
Jan 31 2007, 10:57 PM
QUOTE (Thain) |
There are 22 programs by my count; Technomancers can not use Medic, and they get Biofeedback Filter for free.
A Hacker, who for some reason begins play without programs, needs to spend ¥94,200 to get all 22 at Rating 6.
A Technomancer, who for some reason begins play without CF's, needs to spend 440 Karma to get all 20 at Rating 6.
Is one point of karma worth 215 nuyen? |
Wow...I know some whiz players that wish they could get karma that cheaply.
Hmm...SRM4 #1 Parliament of Thieves, Table Rating 0 (0-9 Karma)
The pay is 2500, or 1750 if you deliver the package late. That'd be 11 karma if you cashed it all in or 8 if you delivered it late. Initiate after one delivery run. Not bad.
Jan 31 2007, 11:12 PM
QUOTE (FrankTrollman) |
But he's got to compete with a Hacker Adept who is going to have Improved Ability, which is worth 3 dice. And all Programs at 6. For the Technomacer to match that dicepool (15),
he needs to raise his Complex Forms to 9.
That costs 7+8+9 = 24 Karma on each of the 10 CFs he already has (240 Karma), and 2+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9 = 46 Karma on eahc of the CFs he doesn't already have (460 Karma). And he needs to raise his Mental Stats to 6 at 18 Karma a piece (72 Karma), and he needs to buy his Resonance up to 9, costing 21+24+27 (72) Karma for the Attribute, and 13 + 16 + 19 (48) Karma for the Submergence. And he has to purchase his Electronics and Cracking Groups up to 6 (they start at 4), which costs 55 Karma a piece (for another 110 Karma). |
He doesn't need to match the adept's permanent dice to match his pool. IF for some reason he needs to get his CF to 9 (say, for the purposes of competeing with your adept) he threads. Threading for three successes isn't a brutal, soul destroying process.
Consider this: Mr 'I need a nine' rolls ELEVEN dice to resist three boxes of stun. Now, he's got the -2 penalty do deal with, so he hands it off to the closest sprite to hold onto while he does his task, then takes it back. He's still rolling with a net gain of one even if he only kept the +3 dice.
Stun DV of 3!!! Oh MY! Totally wrecked him, yessir... he's useless, yup yup.
Now, for the same reason I suggest that no TM is going to want to have all his CF's, certainly not to 6 or more. He doesn't need 'em. Many of the programs are marginal utility programs, crap he doesn't need all that often. When he does need it, he threads it for the application or tasks a sprite to do it. Does he really need "track"? Probably not, and if he does, he's still got it, it's just not his 'go to' program. What about Encryption? Or Reality Filter? What rating does it need? 6? WTF???
When you take a practial look at the list of programs you'll see a lot of stuff that just doesn't get rolled that often. Some of what does get rolled is still optional. Do you need both black hammer and blackout? Decide if you want lethal or nonlethal combat as a default. Hell, unless he's planning to run your drones for you, he doesn't want ECCM much either...
Like I just said, trying to run a TM on a one for one comparison is like the age old adept/sammy debate. They do some stuff the same, some stuff different. If your Technomancers AREN"T threading every run, that's your fault, not the games. Same thing if he doesn't have a small army of sprites at his beck and call. I can't think of one good reason why a TM should start any run without capping out on registered sprites, and maybe calling up a few unregistered to take on the easy work...
Just so you know, I'm not trying to argue an extreme point here. We both agree that Technomancers are overly costly for what they can do. We just have a strong disagreement over 'how much'.
Jan 31 2007, 11:30 PM
You are wrong about one thing, Spike. The Fading damage is PHYSICAL because the CF is being raised above the TM's Resonance of 6. 9>6=physical fading.
Physical fading IS a big thing, even if you have a huge dicepool, just for the fact that you might not soak it all or glitch and have 3P damage+ whatever the GM throws at you.
Putting the 3P aside, what about all the other CFs that the TM couldnt buy at CharGen? Are you suggesting that a TM with a 10 dicepool for threading (4 software + 6 resonance) can reliably get 9 hits? Then after getting those 9 hits, you think the TM can reliably soak 9P Fading with that 11 Will+Res dicepool?
Jan 31 2007, 11:33 PM
What scares me the second most in this thread is that, although TMs are so obiously, extremely uncureably underwpoered, there are still people who are ignorant of this fact and actually argue against this.
Jan 31 2007, 11:49 PM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
What scares me the second most in this thread is that, although TMs are so obiously, extremely uncureably underwpoered, there are still people who are ignorant of this fact and actually argue against this. |
New people, specifically. People who we should be kind to and welcoming. People who we WANT to have posting their opinions and contributing to discussions, remember?
Jan 31 2007, 11:51 PM
QUOTE (cetiah) |
QUOTE (Serbitar @ Jan 31 2007, 06:33 PM) | What scares me the second most in this thread is that, although TMs are so obiously, extremely uncureably underwpoered, there are still people who are ignorant of this fact and actually argue against this. |
New people, specifically. People who we should be kind to and welcoming. People who we WANT to have posting their opinions and contributing to discussions, remember?
I still see no problem with correcting wrong statements even if they are new. You just cant flame them, per forum standards.
Feb 1 2007, 12:00 AM
So, Serbitar... when do your publsihing company release its game?
Feb 1 2007, 12:03 AM
Which one?
Feb 1 2007, 12:06 AM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
What scares me the second most in this thread is that, although TMs are so obiously, extremely uncureably underwpoered, there are still people who are ignorant of this fact and actually argue against this. |
Until the Resonance Pools (Power Focus), Sprite Icons (Summoning or Binding focus), TM Tribes (Initiatory groups), etc... start to get released.
Ugh a Threading Focus would be Brutal (yes with a capital B).
Feb 1 2007, 12:10 AM
Yeah, that will really help the TM to spend some karma. Hes got tons of it anyways.
Feb 1 2007, 12:23 AM
Konsaki: 11 dice provides an average of 3.66 hits per throw. Yes he might glitch.
My apologies for the incorrect type of drain. However, you missed my point, the Technomancer has resources available to him that the hacker and hacker adept do not that IN PART make up for the costliness of his abilities in Karma. I've never argued that they were not overpriced, I merely argued that it is not nearly as bad as Frank and others suggest. I could make the obvious point that none of the pregenerated archtypes are anywhere near this specialized, so we are essentially arguing extreme cases, but I'd gather I'd see another four or five posts suggesting I'm an idiot, so I'll leave it be.
As for needing every CF up to 9, again, what are you doing? Not reading my posts, obviously. First you have your redunant programs... pick one and leave the other alone. You may chose neither if your TM choses to not attack personas (for whatever reason...
Then there are the various utility programs that typically involve no rolls, or such low rolls as to not be important. Do you really need Command: Door? If you do, compile a machine sprite to 6. In fact, a lot of CF's can be replaced by sprites. You could even argue that if a sprite has the CF then the TM doesn't need it at all, but that's pushing things. Do you REALLY want to rely on a fault sprite to protect you in matrix combat?
What about Data Bomb? There are a good handfull of programs that sound more like stuff the corps use on runners. Track is one, sure the TM could use track from time to time, especially once the johnson screws him over, but ten to one the johnson isn't a fellow hacker, and a threaded CF of 3 is fine for that. Or would it help if I made a list of programs that the TM doesn't need?
So. The Technomancer has his feild and the hacker has his.
Of course, talking about sprites leads us into the Agent debate, which I've tried to steer clear of so far...
Rotbart van Dainig
Feb 1 2007, 12:33 AM
Oh, Sprites are beautiful.
They don't care about Response limits, they are always limited in number and if your GM is mean, you can't have a registered Sprite with a rating higher than 8 due to time limits for binding.
That doesn't make them balanced, as a horde of Rating 8 Sprites will devastate any System, but it makes them quite easy to keep track of.
Feb 1 2007, 12:35 AM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
Yeah, that will really help the TM to spend some karma. Hes got tons of it anyways. |
It would however make his karma spending more efficient since the TM version of the magic items applies to multiple rolls instead of just 1. There's a reason why Power foci have high enough availability that you can only start with it at 2 other than fluff reasons...
Feb 1 2007, 12:44 AM
Wow. I have to say that these arguments are nothing if not eloquent. I'm honestly not sure which side of the line I fall on for most of them since every counter arguement seems to sway me one way or the other.
One thing I can't agree with yet, despite the mathematics, is that TMs are weak. I've had two campaigns now where TMs have trumped everything I tried to throw at them by threading Stealth as necessary. I understand that TMs tend to have less dice to roll than hackers -- which is the comparison which Frank has been making -- but I don't agree that this directly correlates to their effectiveness since a TM's effectiveness is based mostly in the creativity of the player and said character's ability to resist drain ... err ... fading.
Anyway, my real reason for posting here is to let you all know that I'm finding this thoroughly engrossing and hope that, in the end, some resolution might be found.
Oh, and so that I can find where I left off tomorrow!
Feb 1 2007, 12:54 AM
Spike, while I agree that TM's have sprites that can do almost everything for a TM, it does get a little disheartening to have a pet perform all your tasks for you. It would be like having a mage/shaman just summon only spirits to perform any spell he needs verses casting it himself. Yes, going off the beaten path right there, but whatever, you get my drift I hope.
Threading IS very useful for those programs that dont use that often, but it shouldnt be mandatory to thread just because you cant afford a CF due to being a Karma drain. Threading should be an option, just like summoning sprites or spirits.
All the TM abilities were added to make the TM archtype a workable character, but even so, I wish they were balanced a little better.
Feb 1 2007, 01:03 AM
QUOTE (Dashifen @ Feb 1 2007, 01:44 AM) |
Anyway, my real reason for posting here is to let you all know that I'm finding this thoroughly engrossing and hope that, in the end, some resolution might be found.
The solutions are already there.
TMs buy CFs like spells (5 Karma, w00t, streamlining) at Resonance rating.
Fixes everything (well, not the "TMs can have unlimited sprite services") but mostly everything else.
TMS are now comparable to hackers, for short durations even better, but this is balanced due to the fact that they totally suck at everything else and cant have cyberware.
Feb 1 2007, 01:07 AM
QUOTE (Serbitar) |
QUOTE (Dashifen @ Feb 1 2007, 01:44 AM) | Anyway, my real reason for posting here is to let you all know that I'm finding this thoroughly engrossing and hope that, in the end, some resolution might be found.
The solutions are already there.
TMs buy CFs like spells (5 Karma, w00t, streamlining) at Resonance rating.
Fixes everything (well, not the "TMs can have unlimited sprite services") but mostly everything else.
God help me... I agree with Serbitar!
Although, I'd bump it to 6 Karma, as Technomancers do not need to spend Nuyen to purchase formula, nor do they need to pay an instructor.
Of course, I also don't think Technomancers are weak, and am perfectly happy with them as is.
Rotbart van Dainig
Feb 1 2007, 01:07 AM
It's a nice thought, but as CFs are used like skills, not spells, it isn't streamlined.
Feb 1 2007, 01:20 AM
Not if you further streamline and roll Logic+Skill with programm/CF as limit!
I call that ultra stream lined, convenient and 1337.
Not to say that I am really convinced of my matrix system . . .
But even without that you can put at least the "balanced" tag on it.
Rotbart van Dainig
Feb 1 2007, 01:23 AM
In that case, it would be Resonance+Skill, as that is similar to Magic use.
Feb 1 2007, 01:33 AM
Well, do that if you like. I tend to not make all the hackers out there very upset . . .
But it may be a nice "TM only" option. I personally think that rules consistency gains more from having both hackers and TMs rolling the same stats. But thats a very minor point.
Rotbart van Dainig
Feb 1 2007, 01:37 AM
In which case you are back to Skill+CF.
Feb 1 2007, 01:40 AM
Well no, as I am suggesting logic + skill for hackers. (Notice that I wrote CF/program above, so this necessarily had to apply also to hackers)
Feb 2 2007, 12:58 AM
QUOTE (Dashifen) |
Oh, and so that I can find where I left off tomorrow! |
Seems like you didnt.
Feb 2 2007, 01:12 AM
I'm still here

I just didn't feel the need to respond. I've ready your house rules and I do like the concept of making CF/Proggies work as limitations to hits on a Logic + Skill test. To be honest, I've not had much problem with the RAW rules for the matrix in-game. I understand and agree with the loopholes and contradictions within the RAW but in 15 or so months of playing, it's not been an issue. Thus, I see no reason to include house rules at this time.
Feb 2 2007, 01:19 AM
Sure, things are never an issue if you dont want them to be one. As I wrote somewhere in this post: Even a RPG with only one rule "the GM decides everything" would work.
The question is what you expect of rules (which is for everybody himself to decide) and how demanding your players are.