Mar 29 2007, 08:09 AM
Fast Forward a few hours, I would say.
Mar 29 2007, 08:10 AM
s think about how that would work for a second. Say an average man is 5'10". We all have a fair idea of what an average sized man measures to. Now cut that in half. Twice.
I don't think windling men get a lot of play. Not that way at least.
Mar 29 2007, 08:13 AM
Grinder, it is 1am here, and our son had us up most of last night. I don't think we're gonna last much longer here. Perhaps you should just prepare a post for what you're gonna do when you get up and we'll look at it tomorrow.
The longer I sit here the more typos I have to correct.
Mar 29 2007, 08:17 AM
No problem. Ralo is going to visit the blacksmith, that's for sure.
Have nice dreams - don't know if it's a good idea to talk about windling's anatomy before going to bed.
Mar 29 2007, 08:21 AM
Morgana is trying to, but I think lack of sleep is goign to start screweing with her. That -2 is from being damn sleepy.
Mar 29 2007, 08:22 AM
Wonder where it came from. She should take a rest too.
Mar 29 2007, 08:24 AM
yup. stupid successes on will tests.
That's what I say to that.
Mar 29 2007, 08:29 AM
Seems as if she beats you.
Lady Door
Mar 30 2007, 03:05 AM
Still waiting to see if I can meet with Alexander.... waiting, sweetheart, waiting....
Apr 1 2007, 02:00 AM
By now, you guys are probably aware of the shadows.
You two (Plan B, Grinder) have no idea how lucky you are. I made the control check against Morgana, and missed by 1.
Added Elder Hommond and Bryce to the Cast of Shadows on page 1, half way down.
Really going to have to organize that more.
Lady Door
Apr 1 2007, 02:42 AM
DID you SEE that damage roll?!?!
*does the llama dance*
"Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh..."
Apr 1 2007, 02:59 AM
Black Razor updated in Morgana Thread Items
Apr 1 2007, 05:23 PM
Legend Points AwardsGrinder/Ralo[ Spoiler ]
Role playing
Joppstown 50LP
Travel to Coel 20LP
The Council 100LP
Char Dev 30LP
Humor 80LP
The Shadow 65LP
Game Progress 300LP
All-round RP 300LP
945 LP
+310 previous
1255 total
Plan B/Morgana[ Spoiler ]
Role Playing
Joppstown 70LP
Travel to Coel 30LP
The Council 100LP
Char dev 50LP
Humor 40LP
The Shadow 90LP
Game Progress 300LP
All-Round RP 300LP
+410 prev
1390 Total
Alex/Alexander[ Spoiler ]
Elder Hommond 50LP
Bryce 80LP
Mybruje 60
Char Dev 200LP
Game Progress 300LP
All Round Rp 400LP
1090 LP
+570 previous
1660 total
Apr 1 2007, 05:59 PM
Questor of Mynbruje
[ Spoiler ]
Ideals: Justice, Compassion, Empathy, Truth
The Questors of Mybruje imitate their passion by devoting their lives to seeking truth and Justice. They dedicatea lla their efforts to restoring balanceto lives and communities, laboring to show criminals the error of their ways, helping society administor justice compasssionately, and clearing the names of the wrongly accused.
Mynbrule's Questors serve their Passion in many ways. Some act as officials in Citadels, towns, and villages. Others travel throughout Barsaive randomly or along prescribed routes., adjucating disputes and righting injustices.Everyone accepts the words of a Questor of Mynbruje as Law, though such Questors often travel with other adepts and magicians as protection against those who seek to evade judgement.
Acts of Devotion
Minor: Ease an Accused Person's Suffering
Major: Reveal a Falsehood
Zealous:Prove a criminal's guilt or innocence. If the circumstances make the qustor's task easier, this becomes a minor act of devotion. For example, if the questor seeks to prove the accused person's innocence and the accused dies before he can be questioned, the questor may assume the accused is innocent, because someone obviously has something to hide.
Questor powers
Increase Perception
Step Number: Rank + Willpower
The Increase Perception power allows the Questor to increase his perception step.The Questor makes an Increase Perception Test against a Difficulty Number of 7.A successful test raises the Questor's Perception step by a number of steps equal to her Questor Talent.The powe rlasts for a number of minutes equal to the test result minus 7. The Increased Perception step also changes the steps of all abilities, talents, and skills based on perception.
Perceive Emotion
Step Number: Rank + Perception
The Perceive Emotion power allows a Questor to detect a person's strongest emotion and the focus of the emotion. To use the power, the Questor makes a Perceive Emotion Test against the Spell Defense of the Targeet. If the Test is successful, the game master inform's the character's player of the strongest emotion being felt by the target from moment to moment. The game master also tells the player the target of that emotion. The power lasts for a number of minutes queal to the difference between the Questor's Perceie Emotion test result and the target's Spell Defense. The Questor may learn specific informaion about the target's emotions by asking leading questions.
Ease Suffering
Step Number: Rank+Charisma
The Ease Suffering power allows a Questor to ease a traget's mental and physical suffering. The power cannot heal or permanently remove damage, but it stops pain. In the case of magical pain inflicted on a target, the duration of Ease Suffering might out last the spell, thus proteting the target completely from the magially induced pain. The Ease Suffering power is usefl aainst the pain of Wounds taken during batle, emotional teror caused by horrors, and emotional attacks such as fear spells.
To use this power, the Questor must spend a t least 3 rounds talking to the person whose sufferign he wishes to ease. At the end of the 3 rounds, the Questor makes an Ease Suffering test against the target's Social Defense.If the test is successful, the Questor comofortst he target and prevents him from feeling any pain for the duration of the power, a number of rounds equal to the difference between the test result and the target's Social Defense.
Apr 1 2007, 06:49 PM
The Questor Talent
Accumulating Devotion PointsYou earn devotion points by performing acts in line with your Passion's ideal, such as combat for Thystonius, or proving a false hood with Mynbruje. The devotion points accumulated limit how high you can raise your questor talent. For purposes of tracking Devotion points, and raising Questor Rank, you do not spend DP like you do Legend Points. Rather you keep track of the total DP earned.
Acs of DevotionMinor act of Devotion 20 Points
Major act of Devotion 50 points
Zealous act of Devotion 100 points
Devotion Point Table[ Spoiler ]
DP Total / Max Questor Rank
200 / 2
300 / 3
500 / 4
800 / 5
1300 / 6
2100 / 7
3400 / 8
5500 / 9
8900 / 10
14400 / 11
23300 / 12
37700 / 13
61000 / 14
98700 / 15
Falling Out of FavorIf a questor has an oppurtunity to emulate the Passion. and passes, they lose devotion points equal to the amount they would have gained. For example, if a Questor of Garlen passes on healing a person (a minor act of devotion), they would lsot 20 Devotion Points. If the oppurtunity is a zealous act, they would lsoe 100. If this brings them below their minimum requiredfor a current Questor Rank, their rank goes down. If they fall below Rank 1 , they lsoe their Questor powers completely.
Questor talentThe Questor Talent is raised for the same cost as a Fifth Circle Talent.
Once a Questor has access to the Questor talent, they begin to be able to use their questor powers. Each power can be used 1x/day / per Rank in the Questor talent.
Apr 1 2007, 08:28 PM
Sorry Alex, looks like this is the part where we twiddle our fingers and wait fro Grinder to post. He should still be up, but it is still a weekend where he's at. He may be busy.
Apr 1 2007, 11:03 PM
QUOTE (Grinder) |
Oh, is it so obvious? I was trying to get away as a flying troll. Will have to work on it. |
Apr 1 2007, 11:03 PM
I was at a concert, right back now. And posted alreay (great way to get attention, Alex, btw - "your're a windling, aren't you?"
Apr 1 2007, 11:05 PM
*dies laughing* - sad - Game Over
Apr 1 2007, 11:10 PM
Shameless ad: if you want to see, which old man playing old school hardcore songs I watched tonight, check the
Apr 1 2007, 11:32 PM
nice shameless plug. He's old, but at least he isn't Rolling Stones old. Those guys should really just have them take all the embalming fluids back OUT of their bodies, and go die peacefully.
Oh, and you are a dirty ,dirty windling.
Apr 1 2007, 11:34 PM
The guys released their first EP in 1982 or so. And they're still making good music.
Oh, and you are a dirty ,dirty windling. |
I know, but what can I do against it?
Apr 1 2007, 11:37 PM
*scratches head* What spell is Morgana going to cast?
Apr 1 2007, 11:43 PM
she's weaving "create feamle windling" yay!
Apr 1 2007, 11:44 PM
More power to her!
Lady Door
Apr 1 2007, 11:45 PM
Ewww... ok, now see.. that just gets into a whole nother thing that I don't even want to think about.
Besides, I'm weaving the Water Wings spell. Yep, no more flying for Ralo.
Apr 1 2007, 11:48 PM
You could use "Alter Pattern" to transfer Alex into a female windling...
Water Wings? Why that? It does waterproof Ralos wings, ok, but besides that it doesn't speed him up.
Apr 1 2007, 11:50 PM
1) Poor alex
2) It was a joke
3 ) ....
Apr 1 2007, 11:51 PM
A joke? Who started joking?
Apr 1 2007, 11:55 PM
Not me, I think it was the girl.
Apr 1 2007, 11:59 PM
They always cause trouble...
Lady Door
Apr 2 2007, 12:01 AM
Hey now! Both of you, back in your cages! Don't make me get the pointy stick!
Apr 2 2007, 12:04 AM
Ha! Do you think that impresses me?
Apr 2 2007, 12:13 AM
pointy stick impresses me. I'm within pointy stick range.
Apr 3 2007, 09:10 PM
No long night for me, I have early shift tomorrow.
Btw, have a look at the download section of, the updated discipline design PDF is available now.
Apr 3 2007, 09:12 PM
NP man, a few posts here and there o move things along are all taht's needed.
Apr 3 2007, 09:15 PM
I'm sure I'll get that down. I'm waiting for Dammi to finish the upload of the first draft of Nations of Barsaive 1 anyway.
Btw, mailed him about art. He said that you may want to work on your overall style, to make it more "fitting". Have a look at the discipline design download, there are some new pictures in it (the Messenger, i.e.) to get a feel how Kathy is drawing atm. Not saying that you should copy her style, but maybe you can get some ideas.
You have a good chance to get into Cathay, since there is still artwork needed.
Apr 3 2007, 09:17 PM
Yeha, I suppose that makes sense. the style I try to do I worked out for SR mainly. It would contrast a bit with what I've seen. I'll look over their work to see if I can put out something a bit less stream lined. Let him know that even if I don't get anything back to him, that kind of feed back is actually really helpful. It's great to know the 'why', rahter than just the yes/no. Thanks a bunch. I'll take a look see.
Apr 3 2007, 10:14 PM
Dammi replied and said that maybe Kathy can give you some "coaching", if she has free time. I'll PM you her email-adress when I got it.
Apr 4 2007, 02:02 AM
Wow. That'd be awesome. Feedback and tips, good stuff. Yeah I think that's LP worthy.
I'd give ya more but it'd throw things off.
For you other guys, Alex, Plan B, you too can get LP! Just send/make me cookies!
I like chocolate chip, and peanut butter cookies. Snickerdoodles are good too. Remember I like 'em chewie!
Apr 4 2007, 03:17 AM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
For you other guys, Alex, Plan B, you too can get LP! Just send/make me cookies! |
I'll email you some cookies.
It's official. My computer is now (almost) dead. I am currently running in safe mode with 800 x 600 resolution and 16 colors - woo-hoo!!
At least I can check on things even if I can't see all the colors.
I should have my new computer by Friday or Saturday.
Lady Door
Apr 4 2007, 04:01 AM
QUOTE (Michael) |
It's official. My computer is now (almost) dead. I am currently running in safe mode with 800 x 600 resolution and 16 colors - woo-hoo!! |
Dude... that's hardcore. Way to be! *thumbs up*
Apr 4 2007, 04:05 AM
Good for you Alex. All persevering and all that. 200 LP for oyu too. Keep the damn cookies, I gotta enough porn on here.
Lady Door
Apr 4 2007, 04:11 AM
Oh... that's it. *roots around in the closet* Out comes the pointy stick.
*poke, stab, poke*
Apr 4 2007, 04:23 AM
Dropping her attempts to attune in sheer frustration, Morgana instead pulls her sword from it's scabbard. Screw that. Moving on... |
Additional 50 Legend Points for everyone, for remarks including :
"screw that, Matrices suck"
"hey you're a windling!"
And multiple humorous hunger related remarks.
Lady Door
Apr 4 2007, 04:24 AM
QUOTE (Ben) |
Additional 50 Legend Points for everyone, for remarks including |
Apr 4 2007, 04:25 AM
Oh really?
Three cheers for abuse of power.
Lady Door
Apr 4 2007, 04:29 AM
Apr 4 2007, 04:32 AM
It's good to be the King.
QUOTE (bibliophile20) |
You, sir, are EVIL. |
Shoulda read the fine print.
Apr 4 2007, 07:17 AM
QUOTE (Plan B) |
QUOTE (Michael) | It's official. My computer is now (almost) dead. I am currently running in safe mode with 800 x 600 resolution and 16 colors - woo-hoo!! |
![eek.gif]( Dude... that's hardcore. Way to be! *thumbs up* |
That's not hardcore, that's old school.
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