Mar 25 2007, 06:46 PM
fail as in she didn't beat the cadavaer man. Not really "failed" just didn't "win"
And yeah, you can take more than one wound. At least that's how I've always interpreted it. Do you disagree or have something that says otherwise? In the ED 1st edition it doesn't really say either way. Plus it makes things nice and rough IMO. What do you think?
Maybe you should give the next opponents numbers too, to make it easier keeping track of them. Cadaverman 1, cadaverman 2 etcpp. |
Think I will. I'm used to being able to supply visual aids, and obviously can't over this. Will work on clarity.
Mar 25 2007, 08:01 PM
OK, some LP Rewards real Quick here.
Cadaver man :110LP
Roleplaying: 150
tactics: 50
Plan B:
Cadaver man:110LP
Rolepalying:200 LP (bonuns for excellent descriptions)
Tactics: 50
Idea: 50 (Evidence Analysis and Astral Sight from Wndling)
410 LP
Cadaver Men: 220 LP
Roleplaying: 300 (RPing someone totally out of their element)
Tactics:50 (good Defenseive Posture, Aggresive attack etc)
570 LP
Mar 25 2007, 11:26 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
And yeah, you can take more than one wound. At least that's how I've always interpreted it. Do you disagree or have something that says otherwise? In the ED 1st edition it doesn't really say either way. Plus it makes things nice and rough IMO. What do you think? |
It's open to speculation, that's true. In my campaign we play that you can get only one wound per hit, but I'm fine with your interpretation/ rule too.
Mar 25 2007, 11:34 PM
One thing to bear in mind is that I've only either DMd ED or taught the person that was DMing. SO if something is different , fel free to bring it up.
Mar 25 2007, 11:38 PM
We had a longer discussion on the question if one can get more then one wound. In the end, it boiled down to "gamemaster's call".
Here's what the EPC of RedBrick says:
If a character suffers a number of Damage Points from a
single attack equal to or greater than his Wound Threshold, he
also takes a Wound.
Mar 25 2007, 11:48 PM
"a" wound would mean one.
But that jsut seems so .. weak.... I dunnoo, mayeb we should put it to a vote
I always like my gaems a bt more lethal
Lady Door
Mar 25 2007, 11:50 PM
Even though I'm a player, I've always thought being able to take more then one wound gave the game a little more depth. So, I guess I would vote for being able to sustain multiple wounds... why do I have the feeling I will regret this position later?
Mar 26 2007, 12:00 AM
Hey, those wounds can be inflicted on others jsut as well. I can think of a number of nasty horrors that took a real bad hit that put a few wounds on them taht saved a few of your characters.
As for Joppstown, your rough map of the area puts it right next to the villa\ge of Vanten, where you're headed, as well as Amden and Coel.
Mar 26 2007, 12:02 AM
Navigation Check
Joppstown is the soutern most town in the 4 villages of Amden's Valley. Amden being the western most, Vanten the northern, and Coel the eastern most, up in the foot hills of the Thunder Mts.
Mar 26 2007, 12:03 AM
The campaigns I GM'ed where lethal enough with even "only one wound per hit".... But I'm fine with your rule - as you said, we can inflict it on others too.
All I need now is Flame Arrow.
Mar 26 2007, 12:24 AM
where lethal enough |
what is this "lethal enough" you speak of?
Mar 26 2007, 12:26 AM
Most of the time combat ends wth at least one character unconscious and the rest having several wounds. And I killed more then a dozen PCs in the last five years of playing (most of them in the first two years, but my players still remember that).
Mar 26 2007, 12:28 AM
I feel that I have perfected the fine art of bringing people right to the brink of death but just knocking on the door. It's a fine art I've honed over the years.
STill love to hear some of your GM ing stories though.
Mar 26 2007, 12:32 AM
I don't like to kill characters, but from time to time it happens. And it reminds the players that even mid- to high-circle characters are mortal.
In the next session, they're going after a Horror that is similar to Chantrel's Horror. Wonder how they're going to manage the battle (that will happen in the Astral space).
Mar 26 2007, 12:35 AM
I live for the details man.
I'm pretty careful to avoid killing . I don't mind droping someone, but try to hold back that last blow. But sometimes, well ,dice don't lie. But I cna't remember the last time I killed a chracter as GM.
Well, ,except for the one guyy that got caught after killing abunch of lone star. He got the chair. BUt not a lot of in combat deaths.
Mar 26 2007, 12:37 AM
I'll let you know how the fight with the Horror turned out.
Oh, and what happened when the Blood Elf with amnesia comes back to Blood Wood after his 11 years of absence (and he still doesn't know if he fled, was exiled or something else
Killing a character shouldn't happen too often, but as you say: sometimes there's no other way...
Mar 26 2007, 12:41 AM
I try to be generous with last chanc ecsalves. THe closest I think was when the thief jsut forgot to lok for a trap in a tower and fell throug hte illusioned floor about 4 stories, and the false floor below dropeed out on to broken furniture.
THat's what happens when you mess around in an illusionists old hide away
but I let him spend all his recovery tests and use a last chance salve
Mar 26 2007, 12:47 AM
Illusion magic is sooo cool.
Last chance salves are a nice bonus for a last recovery test, but they don't help if a character is 30 points or so over his death rating.. or when the character with the salves is far away...
Mar 26 2007, 12:58 AM
Grinder, hope you've got a chance to look at the other threads. WE're geting BttF 2 caught up nicely here. Everything is coming together just perfect.
We've been having fun over at "In With the Family" today, geting some good ol plottin' taking care of. And then there's the stuff going on in BttF 1. Cross over threads are fun.
Mar 26 2007, 01:03 AM
I'll have to dig through BttF1 tomorrow.
Mar 26 2007, 01:05 AM
It's been funny stuff. Hood, SinN's charcter is so self centered he doesn't even realize it. And Dr Holder, Callidus' character is just hilarious. He's so out of his element, and does it very well. Good times all around.
Mar 26 2007, 08:47 AM
How big is the village we're in right now?
Mar 26 2007, 09:04 AM
The village proper can probably accomadate around 100 tightly. In your experience, villages like this rarely have that many within it's borders. But have half again as many on the out lying farms.
Mar 26 2007, 09:17 AM
I thought posts in this color stand for thoughts and not speech?
Lady Door
Mar 26 2007, 09:19 AM
Oops. Apparently, I can read your mind. This is what happens when you post at 2 a.m. Sorry. I'll get Ben to delete the post.
Mar 26 2007, 09:21 AM
All hail the amazing mind reading elf! Ta da!
Seriosuly folks, she's awesome at this. Watch, and be amzaed , as she reads my mind. I am thinking of a number .. between 1 and 3. ALright Mezmerizing Morgana, Read My THoughts!!
Man... she's good.
Mar 26 2007, 09:22 AM
No worries.
Edited my last post; the question what do to with all the corpses is gone.
Mar 26 2007, 09:29 AM
no worries ... and no bodies in the village
at least it saves you the work of stacking
Mar 26 2007, 09:30 AM
Work of stacking? What do you think why I'm looking for survivors?
Mar 26 2007, 09:31 AM
Mar 26 2007, 09:49 AM
Magical Lore - that's a good succes. To your knowledge, horrors and powerful nethermancers.
Mar 26 2007, 09:59 AM
Grinder - you should definetly say "Pah!' more.
Mar 26 2007, 10:00 AM
Whatever makes you happy, I'll do.
Mar 26 2007, 10:02 AM
25 LP
I'll give you both some more in a bit for RPing
Mar 26 2007, 10:07 AM
stoooop posting, I can't keep up and I'm only reading *8->
But more seriously nice one guys and gals great posting and thanks for making the work day go quicker *8->
Mar 26 2007, 10:12 AM
You make me laugh
Mar 26 2007, 10:14 AM
Morgana should throttle the windling for being disorganized
Mar 26 2007, 10:20 AM
Great idea.
Mar 26 2007, 10:22 AM
Yeah, I'm full of 'em/
Just so you know, I'm not trying to 'thwart' you two by not having the info you're looking for where you're at. There are reasons for things.
Ok, turning in for the evening now. It's about 2:30 am here. Enojy guys. Callidus, this should give you a chance to catch up on your reading! Could alway go over to In WIth The Family for more mayhem.
Mar 26 2007, 06:11 PM
A little help here.
Ok, I think I know what's going on with poor Alexander. I don't know enough about ED to be sure though. Is that shadow thing a horror or just a particularly nasty spirit? Either way, I am trying to decide how to have Alexander react; however, I need to know what he knows about the world so that he can act out of his knowledge and not some metagaming.
Mar 26 2007, 06:28 PM
well... his first guess would likely be a horror. They're the bed time nightmares, the boogie man, the worst. it could be a horror physically there, but possession is also very common or "Horror marking" where thy're not acutally possessing, but they have a link, and can do things like talk to you, take control, etc.
Mar 28 2007, 05:12 PM
Did you read the Discipline Design-PDF?
(no, not related to the question what's up with Alex' char
Mar 28 2007, 05:18 PM
I love how Ralo just completely ignores the fact that some guy just basically teleported right in front of them, seemlingly read their minds about what they were doing, then dissapeared again. And the thing that he sticks on is "hey, where are you from anyways"?
There's something up with the comp I'm on. It DLd it, but it woiuldn't open. I have to try from MY computer. Unfortunately , Alysha seems to be thinking of it as HER computer at the moment.
Alex's character? He's goign crazy. They put him in a room. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats.
[ Spoiler ]
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They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats. Rats? RATS!? He HATES rats!Rats make him crazy. They put him in a room once. A room with rats.
Mar 28 2007, 05:22 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
I love how Ralo just completely ignores the fact that some guy just basically teleported right in front of them, seemlingly read their minds about what they were doing, then dissapeared again. And the thing that he sticks on is "hey, where are you from anyways"?
Well, I figured that the old man was either an Illusionist or a "powerful NPC from outer space" - either way, he's not traceable, I'm sure. So why bother?
Mar 28 2007, 05:23 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
There's something up with the comp I'm on. It DLd it, but it woiuldn't open. I have to try from MY computer. Unfortunately , Alysha seems to be thinking of it as HER computer at the moment. biggrin.gif |
There should always be a "yours" and a "mine" in a relationship. At least, that's what my ex-ex-girlfriends always said... no that she didn't care about her own advice.
Mar 28 2007, 05:27 PM
Yeah I hear that. Unfortunately I seem to be on the losing end at the moment. We're usually pretty good about 'sharing', but for some reason, the remote and the computer always seem to be the points of contention.
"powerful NPC from outer space" - |
I odn't believe in "powerful NPC from outer space" . Everyone comes from somewhere and is there for a purpose. I don't believe in "Ultimate NPC's" that are there jsut to be super powerful and intimidate.
Edit: And jsut to confuse you more I didn't bring the old man in as a character. Someone else did.
Mar 28 2007, 05:35 PM
QUOTE (fistandantilus3.0) |
Yeah I hear that. Unfortunately I seem to be on the losing end at the moment. We're usually pretty good about 'sharing', but for some reason, the remote and the computer always seem to be the points of contention. |
At least you know where your "problems" are
Well, I wasn't thinking that the NPC was rules-breaking or such. Just that Ralo doesn't have the possibilites to track him - or the time. Getting to the other village is of more importance.
Mar 28 2007, 05:43 PM
All will become clear in time Elder.
Mar 28 2007, 05:47 PM
Oh, how I love that sentence.
Mar 28 2007, 05:51 PM
Ya know, I just noticed.... there's a lot of emoticons when we talk.
And there's a reason that you didn't get "much information" as well. Besides the GM being vague to add mystery.
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