Duration: (6 – Body) hours, minimum 1 hour
Effects: +1 Willpower, forces Awakened characters to astrally perceive
Also known as “bad karma,” this substance is derived by Caribbean
houngans from an Awakened form of kelp. Naturally laden with nicotine
and THC, deepweed is especially enticing to the Awakened and is
sometimes used to dose targets for possession. It is ingested or inhaled.
Deepweed forces any magically active user to astrally perceive,
even if the user is an adept without astral perception ability. Once its
effects have worn off, deepweed users may suffer a –1 to all dice pool
modifiers for an equal duration.
Deepweed users say that the drug is relaxing and opens the mind.
While it may be so, there are still dangers inherent in forced astral perception,
such as attracting unwanted attention. Roleplaying the effects
of deepweed may mean portraying someone who seems not completely
“present”—she isn’t.
This drug would actually not be that useful against a dragon. But they are much less deadly in astral. Having the equivalent of about 8 strength instead of 30-40. Still they would just powerbolt or stun bolt you to death as someone else said.
Type: P • Action: Complex • Range: Touch • Duration: Special
Some spirits lack the ability to materialize, so they must
possess vessels in order to interact with the physical plane.
Each possession attempt requires a Complex Action in
which the spirit touches the vessel’s aura and then accesses
the physical plane and attempts to possess a vessel so that it
may stay there. The spirit makes an Opposed Test pitting its
Force x 2 against the vessel’s Intuition + Willpower Test (for
living vessels). For inanimate vessels, the spirit makes a Force
x 2 (vessel’s Object Resistance) Test. Apply a +6 dice pool
bonus to the spirit if the vessel has been previously prepared
(see Vessel Preparation, p. 86). If the test fails, the spirit is
immediately forced back into the astral plane. If the test succeeds,
the possession takes hold: the vessel and the critter are
considered a single dual-natured entity for the duration. For
the detailed effects of Possession, refer to the Possession and
Vessels sidebar (p. 102).
A possessing spirit may be ejected from the vessel into
the astral plane with a normal Banishing Test (p. 180, SR4).
If the possession fails or the spirit is banished, the critter may
not attempt to possess that vessel again until the sun next rises
or sets. For more details, see Spirits and Vessels, p. 95.
Just possessing a dragon an holding onto the body until the dragon's spirit dies would be most easily done buy using a powerful spirit, edge, and real world luck. They can't use twist of fate unless they are aware of the action and can see it. But if the dragons spirit is dead it would make sense that the dragon does not resist the inhabitation change and the result is almost always a true form spirit. True form would be pointless.
Type: P • Action: Auto • Range: Self • Duration: Special
While most spirits live on the astral plane, able to affect
the physical world only transiently through materialization or
the possession of vessels, a spirit with Inhabitation exists on the
physical plane continuously. An inhabiting spirit permanently
merges with a prepared vessel, and cannot be separated with
Banishing or even by the spirit’s choice. An inhabiting spirit
is not disrupted until the vessel is killed from Physical damage
overflow (see p. 244, SR4). If the vessel inhabited by the spirit
was living, the spirit gains complete control over the body and
some access to its memories (see sidebar). During merging,
the vessel’s original spirit (if present) is consumed and for all
intents and purposes that character is essentially lost (though,
as always, gamemasters may decide otherwise if appropriate to
their stories).
In order to inhabit a vessel, a spirit must
have the assistance of a magician of an appropriate
tradition who must prepare the intended
vessel in advance (see Vessel Preparation,
p. 86) within a magical lodge with a Force
equal or higher than the spirit’s. Once the vessel
has been enchanted, the spirit may use the
Inhabitation power upon it immediately. The
process of inhabitation takes a number of days
equal to the spirit’s Force. At the end of that
period, the spirit makes an Opposed Test pitting
its Force x 2 against the host’s Willpower
+ Intuition. The spirit’s conjurer (if any) may
influence the result by adding her Binding
skill to either dice pool as desired. If the spirit
is attempting to inhabit an inanimate vessel,
the spirit rolls Force x 2 versus the vessel’s
Object Resistance threshold (p. 174, SR4).
To determine the results, compare the net
hits with the Inhabitation table and check the
Inhabitation Merges sidebar (p. 100). If the
vessel rolls a critical glitch, the result is always
a true form. If the spirit gets a critical glitch,
the merging is unsuccessful and the vessel is
immune to future inhabitation attempts by
that spirit.
The period of inhabitation is trying for
both vessel and spirit. If the vessel is removed
from the lodge before completion, both the
spirit and host will die (gamemaster’s discretion).
At the end of the inhabitation period,
the spirit takes full control over the host as determined
by who won the Opposed Test and
to what degree. For more details, see Spirits
and Vessels, p. 95.
It seems that with inhabitation unlike possession the vessel must be prepared. So a few days to prepare the vessel, and a few days to inhabit.
The body of a magician or mystic adept is considered a
prepared vessel for any spirit he conjures, no special preparation
needed. Likewise, an astrally projecting character’s
empty body counts as an available vessel, whether it has been
specially prepared or not.
Page 95 street magic
So really it would be relatively easy to take over and permanently steal the body of an astrally projecting dragon with a possession spirit ally but it would be much harder to inhabit them.
If a comatose dragon still resits with its full intuition+willpower then it would then be possible inhabit them for a flesh form or hybrid form spirit/dragon.
This does not mean getting to the dragon and kidnapping them would be at all easy of course.