Sep 12 2007, 06:33 PM
Caliph - Friday, April 13th - 1051 - West Valley PD HQ - To the Evidence Room!
Using a point of edge on this one, so:
Charisma 2 - Default 1 + Edge 3 + Modifier 1 = 5d6 = [3,4,5,4,5]
2 successes
Sep 13 2007, 01:24 AM
Caliph - Friday, April 13th - 1051 - West Valley PD HQ - To the Evidence Room!The bored looking caucasian man , sitting slumpt over, hand on his cheek so that it pushes up his jowels, doesn't even look up as he hits a few AR keys and sends over a digital copy of a file.
'Dere ya' go.He never bothers even making eye contact.
[ Spoiler ]
Can't believe you pulled that crap off. I rolled zero successes and a glitch.
The evidence file is a large document compilation of paper work form the case. Apparently there is almost no physical evidence. They do have a piece of hair found at the scene, believing to belong to a history criminal identified as a SINless, by the name of Jarek. The sample was apparently no longer viable by the time it was found.
Sep 13 2007, 02:02 AM
Caliph - Friday, April 13th - 1055 - West Valley PD HQ - To the Evidence Room![ Spoiler ]
Yeah, but Caliph is going to go ahead and convince himself that he's the absolute god of negotiation...
Word... Listen, you've met Dances on Clouds, he's a bastard. He's been breaking my balls and threatening formal complaints and crap because he can't find something. He thinks it might have been put in the box with the other evidence. I need to get a quick look in the evidence box to show him that I've looked. I'd really appreciate if you could bring it up to the front here, so I could get a look at it.[ Spoiler ]
Same roll, again with edge... I'm not adding the +1 bonus, you can if you feel like it: Charisma 2 - Default 1 + Edge 3 (4d6) = [4,6,4,1], rerolling the 6: [2], 1 success. Hopefully this'll do it, not like I'm asking him for much.
And wait for his reaction. If he goes to get it, I'm going to thumb my olfactory sensor on and get a quick read of everything in there. Eyeball it in lowlight and thermo and ultrasound and all that crap.
Sep 13 2007, 04:56 AM
Wha' .... oh, hey man, you're gonna need an authorization form for handling any physical evidence. Hey, where's yer badge man?
Now he sits up a little more. He doesn't look exaclty suspicious yet, but he jsut got a lot more attentive
Sep 14 2007, 01:09 AM
I don't work for you guys. I'm a private investigator hired on by Dances on Clouds. And I don't need to handle the physical evidence, just need to take a look at it and show him that the stuff he wants isn't in there. Literally, if you could just bring the box down and open up some of the baggies, I can show him that this isn't what he needs. Yall can handle whatever you got in there better than I can. It would prevent him from getting his panties in a bundle about stuff that's better handled by professionals. Make things much easier for me and you.
Sep 14 2007, 01:29 AM
Etiquette Test -5[ Spoiler ]
suspicious -2 (he's a bit more than just 'suspicious,, but he's not hotile in the sense taht he's attacking you, and he's not prejudice
harmful to NPC -3
Sep 14 2007, 01:52 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Don't get why this is so hard. I'm not asking him to let me in the cage, I'm not asking him to let me touch the evidence. He's already given me the case file, which is probably a lot more harmful to him than this request, which no one will EVER see. Only reason I haven't shown him the bona fides from Dances-On-Clouds is I haven't heard a response from you regarding whether or not he'll get back to me. But, roll, at -5:
Etiquette 1 + Native American 2 + Charisma 2 + Edge 3 - Modifier 5 = 3d6: [2,6,5]
(link), rerolling the 6: [3] (2 successes)
Sep 14 2007, 02:47 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Correct, Clouds hasn't gotten back to you yet. he's not exactly "on call".
he shouldn't have given you the case files in the first place, and he certainly couldn't be giving you any access to the evidence. There's no reason that you should have access to it, even if you are hired by Dances'. he shouldn't have given you the evidencefile either but he blew his roll aginst your Con test specatacularly. Now he's compensating.
BTW, for reference, debates on ruling would go in the OOC. I kow I don't use the OOC a lot, so it's no biggie. Just better arranged that way I think.

Sep 14 2007, 03:09 AM
1 successOK look pal, I can't give you access to that stuff. I shouldn't even be giving you access to that! He poitns to indicate the file download he just sent.
Why don't you just quit while you're ahead pal. You might be doin''a good thing, but rules is rules.He actually seems a bit sympathetic to Caliph's position, but looks set in his decision.
Sep 14 2007, 10:22 PM
Caliph - Friday, April 13th - 1058 - West Valley PD HQ - To the Evidence Room!
You little shit... Read through the file really quick, come up with the one line case summary. Forward it to his commlink real quick, attach the commcode for my throwaway fake ID on there. Dump the evidence manifest onto my main commlink (through the skinlink) and zero it off the throwaway.
"Aight then. I'm out. Reread the first line of that case summary. Little kid missing. Three weeks. No leads. I'm trying to find the guy who did it. You ever have a crisis of conscience or decide to actually do some shit rather than hide behind your rules, run a chemsniffer over the hairs in that evidence box and send the chemical profile to that commcode. Till then, have a nice fucking life. That kid sure as hell isn't.
Catch myself. The fucktard deserved a bit of a guilt tripping, maybe that will work where courtesy didn't. About face and walk out of the police station, quick time.
Sep 14 2007, 11:21 PM
Nix - Friday, April 13th 10:58 - Motel Room
Not having gotten a reply to his text from Caliph and Aiden being out of body, Nix kicks back in the motel room and relaxes for a bit. The waiting is the hardest part.
Sep 15 2007, 12:56 AM
Caliph - Friday, April 13th - 1058 - West Valley PD HQ - To the Evidence Room![ Spoiler ]
Since you seem to be on a roll...
Roll Leadershi
Sep 15 2007, 02:32 AM
Caliph - Friday, April 13th - 1058 - West Valley PD HQ - To the Evidence Room!
Charisma 2 - Default 1 = 1d6... (big money, no whammies): [4] (DOH!)
Sep 16 2007, 01:06 AM
Caliph - Friday, April 13th - 1110 - West Valley PD HQ - To the Evidence Room!
Alaykum Salaam my ass out of the police station, and not at all unhappy for it. Still a bit pissed at the evidence clerk guy for being an asshole. Part of me wants to see if I can track his scent back to his vehicle and slash his tires or kill him or something petty like that, but that would be immature. Then I think about WalkingHawk, and realize who really pissed me off today... certainly wasn't a clerk, just doing his job.
Light a cigarette, walk back down to the donut shop I parked by, grab my thermos and refill it with some coffee. Get back to the vehicle and pour about 4 fingers of moonshine into there. Coffee and moonshine is good for frayed nerves.
Stub out my cig, lean up against the vehicle, and compose a message back to Nix and Eyes: <<@ALL (Caliph) - Some information from police station. See attached file package, which includes the case file and the dumped paperwork that the evidence room was carrying. (attachment.pkg) Note the hairs recovered from a dude named Jarek. Couldn't get access to those hairs. Recon was conducted to standard, but I won't know whether any leads will come of that till I can get back with Dances on Clouds. then, I'm in a holding pattern reviewing the data I recovered.>>
After that, I get into my van and move a ways down the road, preferably to a nice off-road spot where I can camp out for a few hours and review this info at my leisure. Dive into the files, trying to get a good picture, first, of what exactly the cops actually did.
Sep 16 2007, 01:47 AM
File Bullet Points- Checked Security Camers in the are for errant/out of place vehicles - No leads
- Examined Area Around home for Prints, etc - Walking Hawk finds and turns over stray hair to CSI
- Checked Home for oOther Signs of Entry - None
- Astra lExaminatino of Site - No Spell Signatures Present
- Interviewed Parent/Guardian for known "Enemies" - No leads
- Background check on Parent/Guardian for Potential links to Dissapearnace - Pending
- Interviewed Neighbors for Observatinos - No Leads
- Interviewed Teacher in Ref. to Abductee's Home Life - No leads
- Checked against Known Sex Offenders in Locale - Pending - unlikely given locale
- Investigating Biological mother - Location - Orem - Ute - Humanis Policlub Chapter House
- Magical Tracking Attemped - unsuccessful
- Request for Examination of Parent/Guardian's Matrix/Phone Use for Investigation - Pending
Sep 16 2007, 02:25 PM
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 11:15 - Motel Room
<<@All [Nix] No new leads, except the Jarek. A few answers to unknowns. Thanks. I should have more information soon.>>
Nix then dives into the details in the included package.
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 12:00 - Motel Room to Restaurant
Now we know where the wife is and why the husband wants nothing to do with her. I think the hair is just a plant to throw off the cops, but we'll have to be more thorough than the police were in that regard.... Time for lunch. Nix leaves Aiden's body after checking to insure that he is still alive and heads down the street to a restaurant.
He picks at his lunch, his mind occupied on the problem at hand. I hope my contacts can do something with the data I handed them.... We're quickly exhausting any leads here..... If I get nothing from Spider, then I'll look into this Jarek.
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 12:55- Motel Room
Returning to the motel room, Nix is anxious to put on the trode rig and plunge into the matrix - screaming towards the Seattle grid in the blink of an eye.
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 12:55- Ten Forward, Spider's Node, Seattle Grid
Stepping out of the Starfleet shuttle craft he walks the short walk down the hall to Ten Forward. He gets a drink at the bar and steps over to the windows. Gazing out he sees they are in orbit around a large planet. The quantity of blue suggests some sort of water planet, though the number of islands definitely scream 'vacation world'.
Looking back around the lounge, it is nearly deserted. The few stragglers in here all appear to be part of the program. I imagine that the guests are playing down on the planet. A few more moments to think about the ridiculous nature of the whole thing and he wonders, How many people spend every waking hour possible locked away in this dream world? Is this so much better to them than the real world? Looking at his own hands, he does not have an answer...
Sep 17 2007, 01:34 AM
Dump file doesn't seem to hold much that we don't already not know... This is pissing me off. Sit for sec, pace. Smoke another cigarette, scan the perimeter for some type of desert creature that I can shoot and eat.
I don't like this WalkingHawk dude. There's holes in this casefile - security records trying to detect a matrix attack on the local neighborhood, maybe even Dancydude's house. I don't know. Maybe this dude's on the take or something. Maybe he's already neglected another similar kidnapping case...
SHIT. Was there another case within the jurisdiction or correspondence of this police department, that I could've looked into? Dump into the casefile, start browsing it for mention of similar cases or correspondence with other police organizations. Have the Pueblo corporate police been called yet? Seems like too many kidnappings for somebody not to have noticed...
Forward a message to Nix, asking him to look into the same: <<@Nix (Caliph) Yo, dawg, were there any other cases within the immediate vicinity? Maybe I can check up on some of the victims families. Maybe some of the police have corresponded with each other. Maybe a MORE recent case?>>
Sep 17 2007, 02:17 AM
looking through the case file, there are no corroborated or referenced cases mentioned.
Sep 17 2007, 02:51 AM
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 12:56 - Ten Forward, Spider's Node, Seattle GridThe beeping com pulls him out of his stupor and introspection.
Caliph. Nearby cases? Nix attempts to cross reference the data to their proximity to Dances-with-Clouds home. He also checks for the abductions that are closest in time to the boy's.
OOC: 5,3,6,4,5,1 = 3 hitsHe looks through the data and sends the results to
Sep 17 2007, 08:39 PM
There are a number of hits in the same city. It's not suprising however, as they're within corporate housing areas. West Valley tends to lean more towards that tax bracket, and the other areas that come up match the same sort of concentration, including some areas in Easter Orem, Springville up the "Provo Canyon" , and a number of areas in Ogden. There are however, noe in Salt Lake City it's self.
Sep 18 2007, 02:38 AM
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 12:59 - Ten Forward, Spider's Node, Seattle Grid
Nix sits in Ten Forward. Well... Nothing but time.... He looks over the correlated data again. Salt Lake City no hits? Should it? It can't be that simple could it? He cross references the data to a map. There's a hole right there in Salt Lake City! Why are there holes? Because serial kidnappers don't hunt in their own back yard...
Sep 18 2007, 10:40 PM
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 13:31 - Ten Forward, Spider's Node, Seattle GridNix's comm beeps as he receives a message from Spider.
<<<< Nix [Spider]Sorry for the wait, here's your DL. It took quite a bit of hacking to confirm all of this. It looks like someone's been cleaning up their trail Some of the information you sent me no longer exists on the matrix. Apparently someone knows you're on their trail, so watch your back.
At first glance, it looked like part of the problem with the investigations was under staffed PDs. Not enough detectives to carry the case loads in the spikes, so less time was given to each. At a closer look, a number of Security Force officers have moved on. As in Dead. Most of them are of apparent natural causes such as heart and other health issues, car crashes, and the like. There's also a rise in death's on the job. How kidnapping case cops get kiled on the job I don't know It's supicious.
Obviously the PDs commanders have noticed, but they're keeping it quiet while their equivelant of IA does their work. That there should tell you something. Not even I could get into the IA files though, so I don't know specifically who they're investigating.
Either way, I backed up what was remaining of your data, and took some extra time to look at the electronic finger prints left behind, so I can look for him/her later. I set some traps.
I'll let you know more when I have more.>>>>
Sep 19 2007, 01:52 AM
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 13:31 - Ten Forward, Spider's Node, Seattle Grid
Reading the message, Nix sprays his virtual drink across the room. Drek! Frell! He jumps up and runs out of the lounge and down the hall. As he goes, he sends a quick message to Spider:
<<@Spider [Nix] Thanks for the info, I appreciate it! If this works out I will have some good nuggets for you to stow away in your data files....>>
The moment he hits the shuttle door, he exits the node and flies through cyber-space and back to his body. Sitting up with a jerk he looks across the room again at Aiden's body- its spirit who knows where... What is he up to...?
Shaking his head, Nix recovers from his momentary distraction and he composes his message, the fog in his brain begins to clear.
<<@Caliph/MagPye [Nix] We should meet up. The people we are looking for are working backwards to find us as well. We are getting close. Whoever they are, they are knocking out security force officers as well.... and Internal Affairs is looking into it. We just stepped into the big time and they may be on the force.. maybe even high up....>>
Sep 20 2007, 07:13 PM
Caliph - Friday, April 13th - 1340 - Out of town, nicely concealed, catnapping.
Wake up from my nap, review my messages, see the urgent one from Nix. Blink a bit at the fact that he tried to contact MagPye... Nice little gesture, but a bit too much info on there for someone who's out of the team, at least for the moment. C'est la vie.
Back to Nix: <<@Nix (Caliph) - I can pick you up in 45 minutes. Be ready. I didn't get a good feeling from the dude at the police department. If yall don't need a ride from me, I can finger and track his car before I meet Dances-On-Clouds tonight to update him. I can also attempt to procure that hair sample, but I'll need yall around for that.>>
I hope he remembers to bump the time up... shit gets stressful, people forget security...
Pull out my AK and give it a quick wipe down and lube while I'm waiting for the response. Same with the Ares alpha. The sniper rifle should still be good. I wonder if she'll get some play pretty soon...
Sep 20 2007, 10:12 PM
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 13:41 -Motel Room, Salt Lake City Area, PCC
Quick reply from Caliph... Good... Looks like we are a three- Nix looks to Aiden's still form... Perhaps -two- man team. The deification is definitely hitting the ventilation here...
<<@Caliph [Nix] I'll be ready, but Aiden is out of it. Not entirely sure what's up there....? I'd definitely like to elicit more information from any persons you had issues .. Though I'd prefer a method that provides for a full proof method of questioning... See you soon.>>
Sep 21 2007, 01:07 AM
Caliph - Friday, April 13th - 1340 - Moving out of camp
Get the reply from Nix, go back to the van and get on the road as I compose my response. <<@Nix (Caliph) - Moving out in 15. See you there. While I'm on the road, can you search the data I sent you for info on the detectives who showed up to the investigation, and the Pueblo news for their current status? Also, can you search any public records for info on this "Jarek" guy?>>.
Ponder the walkinghawk problem. Quick reread of pertinent bits of the file, seeing if they did any follow up on the Jarek guy.
Friday, April 13th - 1415
Pull up to the team doss and park a bit down the road. Walk past the doss about a block and circle around, come at it from the back. Let myself in at the service entrance with a thermos full of spiked coffee and some donuts, and yell "Wake up lovers, the in-laws are here!"
Wince a little bit as the annoying joke leaves my mouth, because I'm sure it'll seem like a bit from left field.
Sep 21 2007, 03:08 AM
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 13:41 -Motel Room, Salt Lake City Area, PCCNix reads the text,
He didn't just ask me to try public data searching...? Ok, let's do this!Nix does his best, but is far from pleased with the results.
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 14:15 -Motel Room, Salt Lake City Area, PCCBeing a little parnoid,
Nix stops his spell with just sparks flying off his finger tips as he realizes that
Caliph, as opposed to the the bad guys just burst into the room.. "
Chummer. You got to be more careful.... A lightning bolt would do horrible things to your hair do.."
[ Spoiler ]
Browse(3) + Data Search(1)4,3,1,5 = 1 hit
4,4,3,4 = 0 hit
3,1,1,4 = 0 hit
4,1,1,6 = 1 hit (2 total hits)
Sep 22 2007, 03:52 AM
A few of the detectives come up on public data searches as employees/officers with the Security Force. The names match against information from Spider as well. There's nothing available on "Jarek" unsuprisingly.
Sep 23 2007, 02:15 AM
Grab a big sip of coffee and give Nix a saintly smile, as if I could do nothing wrong... "Hair like this cannot be damaged by your puny lightning. This is truly the hair of Zeus, thunder-bringer himself."
"Any rate, I went down to the police station and ended up talking my way into the data I sent you. I was driving, so I didn't wanna have a go at doing the searches. I'll check it out in a few. There's something up with the cops at that station, and I wouldn't mind paying some of them a visit or checking them out."
"What have you and sleepyhead been doing while I've been gone?"
Sep 23 2007, 06:32 AM
Nix - Friday, April 13th - 14:15 - Motel Room, Salt Lake City Area, PCC
Caliph's reply catches Nix off guard... just like all the off-beat stuff he does. With an upbeat tone he adds his own two cents, "All hail hair forged in the fire pit of the gods; Our secret weapon is now revealed!" Looking over at Aiden's immobile form, "I thought he was astrally scouting, but given the time he has been gone and the fact that he does not appear to be suffering any ill affects... I am beginning to think he may be on an astral quest. We didn't discuss this before hand, so I'm not sure what is the foundation for the question. There are no spirits guarding his body.."
Looking back to Caliph, Nix continues, "I gathered the basic info and an old friend in the online information business looked into it. The two big tricks with this is that they are aware that we are searching, they are clearing tracks and cleaning up behind themselves. Data and people. My contact is trying to find digital footprints and has set some digital traps on some of the data not yet cleansed. He said he will contact me later. He also said it looks like Internal Affairs is involved, but their is too much IC on the system for him to get anything out of it. By the way, given that his info is really putting us on track, I want to insure that we compensate him when this is done."
Nix takes a breath. He's said alot but there's more, "I think there is a dirty cop involved. We need to analyze the data further and see if there is a common officer somehow within the cases... What do you think?"
Sep 23 2007, 09:47 PM
Caliph - Friday, April 13th - 14:15 -Motel Room, Salt Lake City Area, PCC
"We have data to analyze further? Do we know which other PDs responded to the various cases? I already looked into this data - taps finger on head - to see if there's any correspondence noted with other police departments. When it comes down to it, though, any lead we can get is better than me just sneaking out tonight and stalking WalkingHawk for a while."
Sep 23 2007, 10:53 PM
Nix nods, "Ok, if you've already analyzed it then I'm not sure what to do next... Perhaps Walkingbear is our only lead at the moment then... unless my contact finds something additional. I'll leave an elemental here watching his body and go with you."
Sep 24 2007, 12:29 AM
Caliph - Friday, April 13th - 14:15 -Motel Room, Salt Lake City Area, PCC
"Well, if sleepyhead here went off to gallivant in the nether regions of space and time without telling anybody, he's going to get a mother of an ass-chewing when he wakes up. Wanna put a couple ants in his bed?"
"On a more mature note, yeah, we can go down and stake out the police station. Maybe you can figure out some way to get the evidence on this Jarek guy out of the fricking lockup. If I go talk to that asshole again I'll bunch him in the face with my spurs out before we get past the how-ya-doins. I guess you forwarded these files to your boy; do we have any more info on other possible cases? Plenty of stuff to do on a stakeout."
Sit up, stretch, take another bigass swig of coffee and tilt the bulb towards Nix. About face and head towards the van, off to drive out back to where I just came from.
Sep 24 2007, 11:24 PM
Caliph/Nix - Friday, Aug 13th - West Valley PD - 14:40
Its a little harder than one would think finding a good parking spot with a solid ciew of the station. The Ute's streets are as wide as the streets Caliph is used to, and the bulldog is a bit on the large side. After some hunting though, they find a spot with a reasonably good view of the side employee entrance.
Sep 25 2007, 12:24 AM
Caliph/Nix - Friday, Aug 13th - West Valley PD - 14:40Drive slow once I get into the town, so as not to attract much attention. Not a big fan of undue notice, and my truck attracts a lot more attention on-road than off. On the other hand, it fits in better here than it does in Seattle. Pause for a moment there and reconnoiter the immediate area around the parking spot.
Throw on my chameleon suit, one-piece, and shiver a little because it hasn't dried completely. Dump the hood and the gloves in the cargo pocket, again. Turn it to a bright safety orange color, which happens to look appropriately dingy because there's still a few culvert mudstains on it. Dismount the vehicle, yawn, stretch, and record the license plates and public ID codes of all the vehicles in the parking lot.
Dump the maneuver program on the truck, put on the targeting program. Set the processor on the truck's machinegun to start simulating engagement strategies for all the vehicles; I can do that easy through the truck's sensors on solo. Set the sniffer on the truck to start automatically recording and decrypting any commo going from between the vehicles and whatever else; vehicle transceivers are normally more powerful, so I should be able to sniff them from here. Start dumping the data from the vehicles and identifying a list of other nodes and traffic in the area I might want to listen in on. Start also categorizing a list of transmissions from stations that aren't broadcasting a PAN...
Quick word to Nix:
"Wanna do a quick ghostwalk? See what you can pick up around here? Broadcast to my public ID, secure, if you need to reach me."Grab the gym bag from the seat and walk down the street a ways, about a block and a half down from the main entrance to the police station. Pick up a bag lunch from a kiosk on the way. Sit down with my gym bag and my Qwick-Food and relax for a little, polarize my shades, and glance occasionally at the police station. Light a cigarette and dig in to the delicious, delicious soyburger... While I'm there, start sniffing and scanning from the other end...
[ Spoiler ]
Sniffer on the truck: Electronic Warfare Autosoft 3 + RF Signal Scanner 6 = 9 dice: [3,2,1,5,2,2,4,5,4] (2 hits)
Scan from the truck (if necessary): Electronic Warfare Autosoft 3 + Scan 3 = 6 dice: [4,6,6,1,4,5] (3 hits)
Perception from the truck: Sensor 3 + Clearsight 3 + Vision Enhancement 3 = 9 dice: [6,1,2,3,5,1,4,2,4] (3 hits)
Perception from me: Intuition 5 + Perception 4 + Visual 2 + Vision Enhancement 3 = 14 dice: [6,3,6,5,4,2,5,2,6,5,1,2,6,5] (8 hits, WOOT!)
Sniffer from me: Electronic Warfare 1 + Communications 2 + RF Signal Scanner 6 = 9 dice: [1,1,4,5,3,5,3,3,3] (2 hits)
Scan from me: Electronic Warfare 1 + Communications 2 + Scan 3 = 6 dice: [4,6,5,3,4,2] (2 hits)
Sep 27 2007, 12:59 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Need a clarification first ; where precisely is your machine gun?
Sep 27 2007, 02:41 AM
Nix summons a watcher to sit watch over Aieden's body. That should work for now...
OOC: Buy two hours successes and drain
On the ride with Caliph, Nix is quiet. If the police are involved, this will be doubly problematic. It was bad enough when the police were just indifferent, but now if someone is actively opposing us.... Caliph has been seen, I wonder if they know any of his IDs? Spider said someone is already looking for us... Hopefully Spider will get a line on them soon... Nix finds neither peace nor answers in his musing during the drive.
When they arrive, he takes a careful pass through the area in astral space. He looks over the defenses and defenders of the station in astral space - not to plan an assault, but to determine who might be watching his surveillance.
OOC: Looking for barriers, spirits, watchers, etc?
He arrives back just as Caliph is coming out of the back, changed. He smiles as his teammate asks for a recon. "Already there omae. Got a picture of our target?"
He sends a watcher to keep watch on Calph and another to stay with his own body as he steps off into astral space again.
Sep 27 2007, 03:37 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Pop-up mount on the roll bar between the cab and the back of the truck. Simple pop-up, tucks in where a sun roof would be. External smartlink, so he would just be popping a little bit up so the camera can see out.
To Nix:
"But of course. I see everything.". Send him a quick attachment, with audio/video readings of WalkingHawk and the evidence clerk. Annotate them - Walkinghawk is the suspicious one, the evidence clerk just has the goods...
Oct 1 2007, 11:27 PM
Caliph/Nix - Friday, Aug 13th - West Valley PD - 17:20
As Nix does the astral rounds, he spots something well out of place. The astral form of a hawk isnt altogether unusual around this area. However, this one is certainly no spirit of beast, and it seems to be watching Caliph from a good distance away. The spirit is keeping it's self just inside a buidling window, making it very difficult to spot behind the mirrored surface, except that occassionally it's head or a wing bobs into sight.
Oct 2 2007, 02:39 AM
OOC: Assense the aura of the the spirit 1,1,4,3,5,5,2,4,5 = 3 hits while remaining inconspicuous.
Oct 2 2007, 11:45 PM
It assensses as an Ally spirit. It's force is slightly weaker than Nix's own magical strength.
Oct 3 2007, 01:20 AM
Now we seem to be getting somewhere.... Now, where is your master..? Now would be a time I could have used banishing.... Well, we live with the choices we make... It hadn't succeeded earlier, but he was looking for the boy then... This time he had a lead on Geppetto...
Summon F5 Spirit of Man [1,2,5,5,3,5,2,6,5 = 5 hits]
Spirit Assistance 1,3,6,5,1 = 2 hits
Astral Tracking (1st hour): Intuition(5) + Assensing(2) + Spirit Hits(2): [4,1,1,5,5,3,1,3,6 = 3 hits][ Spoiler ]
Assuming everything works, I'll continue on to the subsequent hours.
Nix withdraws momentarily and summons a spirit of man to assist in his astral search. He then circles around and onto the astral trail connecting this ally spirit to its master.... and off into astral space along the faint silvery thread...
Oct 4 2007, 04:28 AM
Nix summons up a spirit of man within that area. The spirit seems to be in a strange flux between a strong native warrior, and a calm, peaceful being. However, the mere act of summoning the Spirit makes Nix more aware of the astral, and a vague disqueiting feeling within it. Something simply feels ...
[ Spoiler ]
Nothing yet on the tracking. Rob , remeber that the inreval time is 1 hour for astral tracking. It takes some time.
Oct 4 2007, 01:10 PM
The nature of the astral space in the area of the police station gives
Nix a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.
So many things that can go wrong here. So much that hinges on a few choices...[ Spoiler ]
I also realized that I did not roll correct for the spirit, it should have been Intuition(5) + Assensing(5) and I was only rolling 5 dice. No changes to the first hour.
PAH! Should have left well enough alone.... Here's hoping 8 hits is enough!!!
OOC: Spirit Rolls(5) + rolls(5) & Nix rolls
Hour 2: Spirit[3,2,5,1,2,6,4,4,6,3] 3 hits -> Nix[4,4,1,4,3,2,5,1,1,5] 2 hits (5 total)
Hour 3: Spirit[3,4,2,2,5,1,2,5,1,1] 2 hits -> Nix[4,6,5,3,5,1,4,1,1] 3 hits (8 total)
Hour 4: Spirit[2,1,3,3,1,1,2,1,1,2] Critical Glitch -> Nix[1,1,5,2,4,3,5] 2 hits (10 total)Nix continues to track the master of the spirit, hoping that he is on the right path and not a wild
goose hawk chase. As his watchers on his own body and that of his teammates expire, he will send more watchers with two hour limit to watch over them.
Oct 6 2007, 03:30 AM
Searching for the traces is like looking for a set of keys you just know you lost in a certain room, but just can't manage to find them there. Finally, the spirit zeroes in on a dwarf man in a nearby building. His aura is unmasked , and it sings with power as he goes about his business in what is apparently his office.
Oct 7 2007, 01:33 PM
Nix hovers around the dwarf.
Now time to determine if this guy and his spirit are related to the abductions. He goes about the business of assensing his aura and looking around for any clues visible from astral space based upon conversations and other observations.
OOC: Assense his aura 4,4,2,3,3,5,6,5,6 = 4 hits
Perception Check: 5,5,1,5,4,1,3,6,5 = 5 hits
Oct 8 2007, 10:04 PM
The man's aura is tense, lik someone who is concentrating hard. However, his aura doesn't seem to match the spirit's at all.
[ Spoiler ]
The last turn's hits are lost from the detour. Mark them off, against your total, although the interval still counts. That will be the game effect of the critical glitch form your assisting spirit.
Oct 10 2007, 03:33 PM
Nix ponders the dwarf's aura then looks to the spirit, standing around awaiting the command for its next service...
$#%)*%_^^_@*^_^!^ He then looks back to the dwarf then back to the spirit one more time. This time he very carefully points out the silvery thread in astral space left by the spirit.
We are tracking this spirit back to its master... If you don't mind..?Nix proceeds to back track with the spirit and proceed onward.. Prayer this is not a dead end or goose chase.
OOC: Spirit Assistance + Nix Tracking
Starting with 8 hits accumulated @ Hour 4
Hour 5: 6,4,4,6,3,3,1,5,1,1 = 3 hits -> 1,4,3,2,4,5,1,1,5,3 = 2 hits (10 hits total)
Hour 6: 3,6,3,4,5,1,5,1,1,1 = 3 hits -> 4,3,4,4,5,4,1,5,5,1 = 3 hits (13 Hits total)
Hour 7: 2,5,4,4,2,2,3,6,1,4 = 2 hits -> 3,1,1,1,5,5,5,3,2 = 3 hits (16 total)
Oct 11 2007, 02:34 AM
As Nix's astral form bounces around the netherplanes,Caliph spots a familiar form in a heavy leather over coat step out of the police station. Detective WalkingHawk walks over to his vehicle , a cobalt blue '67 Mustang.
[ Spoiler ]
BTW, I didn't forget your electronics warfare tests, ther e jsut wasnt' anything pertinent. If you want the details anyway I can go ahead and roll it out.
Oct 12 2007, 05:33 AM
Bingo. Let's see what's up, mr. Man. Are you holding out because you're an asshole, 'cuz you're worried about your safety, or working for the bad guys?Send a quick message to Nix:
<<@Nix (Caliph) - One target moving. Moving to follow.>>.
Get eyes on his vehicle while he's walking up, record all the info I can off of it - license numbers, general description, etc. Take ultrasound, thermo, and lowlight pictures of it. Reorient my radio-freq surveillance towards him, scan the vehicle and it's gridguide connection, start sniffing for traffic routed through either him or the vehicle itself.
Pop a quick alert message to the van, tell it to be prepared to fire up and follow if necessary.
[ Spoiler ]
OOC: I'm going to run a scan and a sniffer on WalkingHawk and his vehicle, respectively. I don't have access to an internet dice roller, or any dice, so if one of yall could roll for me I'd appreciate it. My posts will be sporadic for the next couple weeks, so I can't give you a heads-up as to when I'll be able to check again.