Mar 18 2008, 04:57 AM
The prisoner is still asleep, the fresh victim of antoher stun bolt. Approxiametly 15 minutes after rummaging groggily around the safe house, a message beeps on Nix's comm.
<<<<<@Nix[Virginia] The Package is at your door in the duffle bag I'd pick it up before someone else does.>>>>[ Spoiler ]
Inisde the black duffel on the 'porch' is a weeks worth of ration bars, probably former MREs for the PCC or Ute military, one suit of form fitting body armor (adjustable) a flyer for a local take out called Brick Oven, and a collection of 10 Rating 5 tranq patches.
Mar 20 2008, 02:11 PM
Saturday, Aug 14th - Sometime after midnight - Orem - The Safe HouseAwaking somewhat refreshed, but aching from his wounds, he is happy at least to be on the upswing.
If not for magical healing, what would we do...? He can feel the ache of his wounds and checks them, but the effects of the magical healing from the day before have great reduced their effects and negated any criticality associated to them.
He checks the package, grabs a bite to eat and releases the spirit.
Your service is fulfilled. You are released.As he eats he watches the shape shifter, waiting for him to begin to regain consciousness. When he starts coming around, Nix reaches mana out towards his mind.
OOC: Mindprobe [1,3,5,3,5,1,4,2,1,6] = 3 hits
Edge Refreshed?
Mar 20 2008, 02:37 PM
2 hits on Resistance test. Nix achieves one net hit, allowing him to probe surface thoughts
Nix's spell edge's into the waking man's mind, hedging in against his defenses. Reflexively, he resists, his stuborn will fighting back with little more than rage and stubborness. Pushing past his defenses, Nix is able to peel back the first layer of his mind. His thoughts are erratic and nonsensical at the moment, the man having just woken andfinding himself under assault. The thoughts are confused and angry, hurt, and struggling to fight back,although it's all he can do at the moment to try to resist. Nix does manage to get a sense of failure and doom from the man's mind through the maelstrom of chaotic thoughts.
Edge has not refreshed as you've only had a few hours of interrupted sleep here and there. Get a solid 8 hours of real rest and you'll be good on Edge. I'll be nice and allow one point back.
Mar 20 2008, 03:07 PM
OOC: If you're allowing one point now, I definitely need to use that on the Mind Probe. Edge: [4,3,2,3,6,4,5] = 2 hits for a total net of 3.
Mar 21 2008, 03:08 AM
3-4"The caster can view anything the subject conciously knows and can view the subject's memories."Feeling the stubborn resistance, Nix, focuses his will, drawing upon his own anger and frustration. He forces the spell deeper into the shifter's mind, laying bare all he knows.
[ Spoiler ]
OK, what do you want to know? What do you search for?
Mar 21 2008, 03:42 AM
Kneeing near the bound shapeshifter, Nix feels its mind, its memories. Time to finish this.
He begins to sift, first looking to see if this shapeshifter is the beast that Aiden saw back at Johnson's house. He seeks the shapeshifter's name, his connection to WalkingHawk, why the boy was taken, where the boy is now and how much he/they know about Nix and crew. He searches to find if Johnson or Virginia have traitors working for them.
Mar 21 2008, 02:24 PM
The man's name is Adam StoneClaw, and he is not a shapeshifter. He is part of a cabal of Ute shamans who call themselves the Blood of the People. They are a secret group intent on throwing out the PCC from their tribal lands, returning the Ute territory to it's rightful people. Adam is something of an enforcer of the People, and works closely with WalkingHawk, identifying and eliminating threats. He is not the one that kidnapped the boy.
Adam underwent a ritual unique to the group that merged his body with the spirit of a shapeshifter. He knows there was more to it than this, but that is the limits of his understanding to it. He remembers little of the ritual, but there was blood involved, and an animal sacrifice. Adam is not a Ute, but a navajo, which was why he was chosen for the ritual, to become a SkinWalker. The boy was taken to undergo the ritual as well.
Adam does not know much about the Johnson, or whether they have any spies within their group. He does know quite a lot about Nix and co, as WalkingHawk's spirit Ally spied on them, and they were able to employ a hacker to hack Caliph's commlink after he contacted Walkinghawk. He also killed their friend Aiden in his hotel room while he was on a vision quest.
Mar 22 2008, 03:24 AM
As the rush of information streams into his head, Nix tries to shift through the horror that is unfolding in his mind. Aiden was right.. Though it seems to have cost him his life.... Oh SHIT!
While maintaining his spell, he grabs his com. He checks to insure that the shadow-proxies are in place that Spider set up for rerouting his calls are in place.
<<@Spider [Nix] I need one of your agents to do a full check on my com for compromise or back doors. One of my team mate's coms were compromised.>>
<<@Caliph [Nix] The bill for Uncle Frank's hospital stay arrived and they are expecting you to pay. Uncle Frank gave them your LTG. They are sending a bill.>> It was times like these that Nix was glad he and Caliph worked out some code phrases. They hadn't had to use them since leaving Seattle, but now was one of those times.
<<@Virginia [Nix] Caliph's coms are compromised. The people seeking the boy may attempt a hit on him.>> It is about this time he's glad the group didn't run the team net software. In any case, he turned back to shape shifter. Concentrating, he looked for any place the boy might be that the prisoner was aware of.
Mar 22 2008, 12:50 PM
Again sifting through memories, Nix finds a clear memory of a bulding he recalls seeing only hours ago. Mere blocks from the Police Station in Orem is a small orphanage, notable for it's very out of place, almost gothic looking design. It's a small building, only three stories tall, with yellow stucco walls chipped away to show the concrete beneath in many places. Well over a hundred years old, the building may neverhave seen better days, it looks so run down. Situated next to a small local grocers, the yard to the orpahange is seperated by a wrought iron black fence surrounding the property. The man is sure that's where the children were being taken.
Mar 22 2008, 09:03 PM
Nix begins looking for names and descriptions of members of the group. He begins making verbal notes into his com as he sees them. His first focus is members of the local security force, beyond Walking Hawk, and security that may be at the building.
Mar 23 2008, 04:51 PM
The orphange is a Catholic organization, although there are no actual nuns present. However, one woman, Sister Isabelle, is aware that some of the children brought to her have a 'special nature' and watches over them closely. Beyond that, security is minimal.
Adam knows no one else in the SecForce, as that was WalkingHawk's area, and it is generally best for the members to keep a distance between them except when necessary.
The other fox shapeshifter, Kamisi, is the one that kidnapped the boy, and also killed Aiden. Nix has a clear picture from Stoneclaw's mind of a native man, tall and toned, but wiry. His hair is dark, with unnatural streaks of red and white through it. He tends to wear hide clothing like many Ute natives, according the the memories of him. Adam's impressions of him are 'sly' and dangerous.
Mingan Grayson is the one that Adam reports to. He is not a shapeshifter, has not undergone the ritual at all. He leads the 'enforcement' arm of the People, and is a powerful Wolf shaman. He is an older native man, a human, probably in his mid 60s. His gray hair is worn long and tied back but loose, making him look a little wild. He has a powerful build, even for a young man, and is very physical.
The Blood of the People is very secretive, arrayed in a cell like manner. Adam has seen perhaps a dozen shamans total, but only knows the names of two more; Nar-A-Coots, the shaman that brought Adam himself to the ritual, is a tribal shaman, living south of the town of Benjamin. His tribe is small, and follows the back to nature traditions the PCC is working against to 'modernize' the Ute territory. Nar-A-Coots is a troll, a tall and imposing figure, but surprisingly charismatic and even headed. He is also an older man, somewhere in his 50s, making it likely he was one of the first to UGE.
The other is a more prominent social figure Tow-Ich Black Hawk, a tribal leader and Ute nationalist. Tow-ich is a politician, a good looking human man in his 40s, with long black hair worn in a braid. He usually wears suits rather than tribal leathers, and is usually in the company of his bodyguards. Tow-ich is a radical like the rest of them, but presents himself as a moderate and a voice of reason. 'Black Hawk' is an assumed name, taken from the Black Hawk wars in the 1800s, a name he wears as a badge of honor and resentment against anglos.
Mar 24 2008, 12:38 AM
He had to move fast. Looking over at his captive, he reflects deep inside himself. Several options immediately presented themselves, most of them he didn't like. He had the shape shifter now and feared letting him go, but feared worse becoming like them by following through on one of those options.
He collected a hair sample, hit the man with one of the tranq patches and decided that moving him out of the ward would be the worst decision possible. He checked his com to see if Spider's or one of his agents had completed their work yet....
Mar 24 2008, 10:23 PM
Message waiting
<<<<Nix - CommSec shows secure. No dummy Admin accounts. Some minor flags, so somone might have browsed, but it could be aggressive spam or basic trojans. Will change out IC for
500. same grade, different brand. Let me know if you're interested. - Spider>>>>Second message waiting, dating an hour ago.
<<<@ Nyx [Trixy] Nyx, I don't know what you're trying to get over on me, but my bots have been searching out your supposed "leads" for hours now. None of the links you provided bring up anything but blank files or errored out or crashed sites. Nothing in the news site clippings either. Maybe you just get more sleep after doing one of those "dream quests' buddy.
Apr 2 2008, 05:31 AM
Nix uploads the 500

to Spider.
<<@Spider [Nix] Better safe than sorry.>>He then gets back to the other message...
<<@Trixy [Nix] The conspiracy runs deep. Hold on to your hat cause you may have an exclusive real soon. You got anyone in Salt Lake?>>The shape shifter deep in another drug induced coma,
Nix heads out.
I hate to leave him here, but its better than the alternative.. If I take him out of the ward, they are sure to find him. He locks the door as he goes, figuring that the real criminals already know not to mess with that apartment. He drops a watcher there anyway.
Just in case someone comes sniffing around.OOC: Buy hits and drain for two hours.Nix climbs into the car and pulls out onto the street. Time to see if Virginia is over the shock and awake enough to be coherent now.
<<@Virginia [Nix] I have a lead. I may need some muscle backup and a clean up team. I expect this to get dirty if the intel is good.>>He dreads another fight so soon. He luck is pretty much spent on this deal, but time is short. Weeks have already passed and he may already be too late...
Apr 10 2008, 12:12 AM
<<<<@ Nyx[Trixxy] I know people. But you'd better have something better to go on than ghost stories and wild bandersnatch trails this time, soka? If I'm putting my rep on the line for yo, I need something concrete.>>>>
The reply from Virginia comes almost immediately:
<<<<@Nix[Virginia] I still have Carter on retainer. Basic muscle I can call on, but something of higher caliber will take time. Ar eyou and Caliph not up to it?>>>>>
Apr 17 2008, 12:54 PM
It hadn't been long, but there was still no reply from Caliph. Nix would know pretty soon if something was up there. Caliph was a survivor and a pretty mean opponent in his own right, but these people are serious and there had been several team casualties already. As he headed out into the street, he set a course for Caliph and the van. Time for another moment of truth.
<<@Virgina [Nix] Not sure what we are going to run into. Recon will be limited at best. If the target is present, this will go hard and fast. I will advise when I have finished my initial on site assessment.>>
Looking back at Trixy's response, Of course they are covering their tracking and planting false leads.
<<@Trixy [Nix] These guys are real good at covering their tracks in real time. If your people are slow pulling the data, that's where the issue is. Have I ever let you down? I'll have more specifics to provide you in a few. Just running out the details.>>
For now, his focus is Caliph.
May 5 2008, 03:51 AM
Caliph -Saturday, Aug 14th - Sometime after midnight - Somewhere in the desert
After dropping Nix and arranging for transport, the tiltcraft heads out into the desert, into the many mountainous areas that make this stretch of God's Brown Earth a haven for smugglers of all types. After some time, the craft sets down in a narrow valley. Area lights come up, after it's touched down, the rigger pilot having no need for any extraneous guidance. No one talks to caliph, leaving him to his half melted vehicle and his thoughts, apparently assuming the same sort of deep trauma they would suffer undre similar conditions.
Once finally on the ground, a simple tow equiped truck rolls out, a grease jock hopping out a moving to great Caliph.
Howdy there Slim. Name's Jek, but you can just call me Jek. Heh heh, now that's just a litle joke there, tryin' to lighten the air a bit. Jek's mannerisma and accent are Texan through and through. He's extremely gangly for an ork, and his higher pitched voice seems to belong to a bad caricature from the sims than an actual person. Still, his greasy coer alls and caloused hands speak well of him.
Naw I know yer gonna be in all kind of a wreck ova' what jis happ'nd there, but we can fix 'er up, you bet. Won't be real clean mind ya', as we ain't got the proper fa-cil-i-ties here, but we can get yer rear end there closed up, get some of yer systems back on line, 'prolly even get 'er movin we put some real elbow grease into it. Wadda say there?
He leans in winking as if sharing some sort of conspiratorial secret hand shake, initiating Caliph into a new Club of Grease Monkey United. Still, he seems genuine enough, and eager to get to work on a hunk of steel and components half melted to slag.
Caliph - 0215 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Somewhere in the desert
Past couple hours passed by in a blur. Shot walkinghawk, but the air spirit screwed with me enough that I couldn't take out his car and beat the shit out of the mother fucker. It's OK - got the scent of his blood loaded into my olfactory scanner. The dumbshit will never rest easy again, because I will kill him. Not much of an issue.
Leave most of the negotiating down to Nix, he don't need my help for that sort of shit and I got to inventory what's left of my truck. When we get in the tilt-wing I make sure the smugglers strap it down and chock the wheels right; ain't their shit on the line and they're just gonna want to get out of there fast. Nix gives me a once over with the medkit, since that voodoo healing shit don't work on me. I physically inventory my stuff once we're on the move, and get more pissed by the minute. Half the tracer RFID tags are burnt out in between the vehicle fire and the lightning; most of the stuff is gone. Engine block is still good, but they'll pop a shit-fit if I start her inside the helicopter, so I drain the batteries a bit to heat up a samovar of tea and spike it generously with what's left of my moonshine and some honey. My still is broke, which will take several more hours of work.
Once we're done with that, I check over the light machinegun and wince a bit at the simple ass jam - fucking plastic links they're using on these new ammo batches got dried out and brittle in the desert. Set my agent to remind me to oil the links on a twice-weekly basis. set to work re-linking the ammo I can. My gun kit is still good, so at least that's possible. Take one of my packs out and store the LMG in there. Take the big ruck out, reinventory all my survival gear, and change it around a bit. Give myself a whore's bath with some baby wipes and put them in a pocket. Burn 'em later. Dump my armor coat and put on my chameleon suit; I expect to be gettin' my guns off later.
We touch down after a while. I'm feeling fairly good from the moonshine and tea. Roll the hunk of metal out the back door, and wait for the link up. Plug a grid for the site in case shit goes to hell and keep my ruck nearby - who knows if these guys tracked the evac bird. Beat up pickup with a tow rig shows up as I'm sitting there and a skinny-ass mechanic pops out. My cyberscanner picks up a pistol and a few peices of chrome, but he ain't a threat.
Damn, ol' boy, you from down about the estacado? Been a minute since I heard that kinda talkin'. This ol' boy won't be rolling for a while, la razza probly got it marked. I 'spect I'll be helping you out fixin' it up for a while, but I'll probably have to disappear to let the assholes who fucked it up get what's comin' to em. I'd'ruther get 'er rolling again first, check out the suspension and shit, that sort of crap; makin' 'er pretty will take more time'an effort than it's worth. I ride her pretty hard under normal circumstances, so a coat of primer and rhino-lining the back end'll do 'er up nice.
I need to resight my rifles. I can boresight 'em, but I'd'ruther get a true zero. I got supressors on all the shit, so don't need to worry 'bout the neighbors. Don't worry bout the noise..
Small talk for a while, while he once-overs the car. Clear moon tonight, so nothin' to keep us orks from workin' late. I stake out a range and pull out some regular ammo - no sense wasting the good shit. Put a paper target out, sight the shit in on the laser dod then fire a test group. 3 rounds, half inch group by the time I'm done, not bad. Take a hit off my teacup to keep me steady and sight the LMG in just the same. Use the suppressed barrel, of course...
When the flash message from Nix comes in, I smile, pop out a quick message: <<@Nix (Caliph) - hey, did you get Frank's doctor's name? Call me at home.>>. Then I pop the half-empty EXplosive clip into the long gun and blow the throwaway commlink into pieces. Smile a bit and take a slug off my teacup, 'cause it's gonna be a good day tomorrow.
May 10 2008, 03:15 AM
Nix - 0230 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Somewhere in the desert
The response from Caliph was a welcome relief. He sends the agent on a quick return to Spider's ship to retrieve Caliph's other com. He never kept it local in case his own com was compromised.
<<@Caliph [Nix] On the way. Spider's given my coms the twice over and put an agent on overwatch.>>
It was time to turn the tables and return to the offensive. As he drove out to get he sole remaining teammate, he kept replaying the information in is mind. The conspiracy is vast.. Got to find a way to use that against them.
This is one of those days when Nix asks himself why he hadn't starting teaching theomatracacy at a university somewhere and stopped running. Gonna get myself killed on this one yet... Down to two bound spirits and shape shifters hunting us.
When he finally picks up Caliph, he is more happy to have a distraction from his own random thoughts than anything else. "Welcome aboard. It don't look like much... Come to think of it, it's not."
As he pulls out headed for the orphanage, he brings Caliph up to speed. He provides all the details from his interrogation. "Any specific tactics you'd like to use here?"
May 11 2008, 09:41 PM
Nix pulls up to the range as Jek and I finish hooking up the truck, stowing and inventorying the shit inside, that sort of crap. He's professional, so he doesn't resent a little bit of intrusion as I make sure he knows I'm counting my crap and won't take it getting stole. Nix is driving some peice of shit pickup that looks like it would break down if it tried to tow the bumper of my vehicle. I dump ruck in the back and motion for him to take the passenger's seat. Get Jek's phone number from him and give him a 'peace' sign and a shout out to Raul for coming through on short notice.
Whoa, dog, slow the hell down. What the hell's the story? Remember, I've been trying to get myself recombobulated here. Listen a minute as Nix tells the shit he pulled off the dumbshit's brain. Prod him with questions on the shit that leaps to mind, but unfortunately I'm trying to prod a man who's sitting unconscious in some magic cage a ways away; Nix is just the third party. Pissed as hell that you can't simrig magic perceptions and shit - getting this stuff verbally can't clue me in to the details I want.
So, wait a minute here - kid's in an ORPHANAGE? In the middle of the city? This is too fucking easy. Only thing we gotta worry about is these motherfuckers coming in and trying to move him tonight. There's a better than average chance they've already done so. You get your hacker contact to police up the gridguide and the police dispatch for walkinghawk's vehicle, maybe try to get some of the public security cameras in the area to look for the dirty coyotes you mentioned, and I'll shoot them dead. We want to draw police attention if they try to snatch the kid from the orphanage. Specifically, we want to draw in multiple police agencies. If we get through the night without them moving, soon as the place opens up we stroll in, confirm the kid's there, and call Johnson and have his company move an official security delegation in there for a visit. If you can move some surveillance onto the site now that would help. We also need to get the little piece of shit you've got in a ghost cage out. Either I kill the shitbag or we put him out there as bait to draw the fuckers in. We ain't gettin' paid to kill these fucks, but I wouldn't shed any tears if we had to.
May 12 2008, 03:21 AM
Happy to let Caliph drive, Nix listens as his partner begins tossing out ideas for how to handle the situation... and of course vent a little hatred for these fanatic dren-eaters. "I don't think they've moved him yet. He's behind a ward, where they can stop magical searching and attacks. If they move him out, he is vulnerable. Two other big issues. First, I think they are building towards a ritual. We may already be too late. Finally, they have people in police agencies. We can't trust hardly anyone not inside this vehicle."
May 12 2008, 09:55 PM
"Course we can't trust anyone in the police. But even if they're all dirty, they can't be seen in public attempting to prevent a father extracting his son from an orphanage. They'd be run out of the city on a rail. Plus, that's why we bring news and Johnson's corpsec."
If they do the ritual at the fucking orphanage, then I'll even have more fun killing them all. But a good recon of the place is critical. There's only two of us, which means we need to go in prepared. They got more magic than we do. That's why we need your hacker friend. I'll snoop for signals, but since I ain't got the big antenna on my truck it'll be harder to get as much coverage.
May 21 2008, 07:25 PM
Nix nods. Its obvious he doesn't like it, but there seems to be little to do otherwise. "I'll give him a call. Hopefully, he's available."
<<@Spider [Nix] I think I need some computer backup. Are you available pretty quickly? We will pay for your time.>>
May 21 2008, 09:10 PM
The reply comes almost immediately. The decker must be logged into his system somewhere.
<<<<@Nix[Spider] - That depends on exactly what type of what and what preps needed. But I'm available at the moment for something short tem. Assuming half up front of course.
Details? Comm line is secure.>>>>
May 22 2008, 03:34 AM
<<@Spider [Nix] The job is to take over the security system at Orem Orphanage. We are days late and yen short on this run and need to run an extraction there. Since we are at an all or nothing proposition, finesse is a luxury. Obviously we don't want to set off any alarms, but we need to hit it fast. If you can take control without setting off any alarms, we will be able to catch up some ground from earlier tonight.... What does half come to?>>
May 23 2008, 12:09 AM
<<<<<@Nix[Spider] ... You .... want me to hack an orphanage? .... Holy crap Nix you're turning into one ruthless fragger. Alright ... call if 500 and call it a day. Should be a cake walk. I'll give it a scan and get back to you in a nano.>>>>
A minute later, a second message appears.
<<<<<@Nix[Spider] OK slight change of plans. Records show the sight has a security system (they save a good chunk of change on it with the insurer) but it's not on the grid surprisingly. Think you can get me a patch on a maglock of camera or something? Any way you can splice in your comm to the system should be plenty to get me inside. >>>>>
May 27 2008, 11:43 AM
Nix smirks at the first com message. Spider must be REALLY multi-tasking on this one...
<<@Spider [Nix] Hey Bud, time for a different brand of memory enhancers. This orphanage is on the dark side and we are still looking for a kidnapped kid. We have very good intel that he is here.>>
<<@Spider [Nix] We will be there soon and you can use my com as a base.>>
Turning to Caliph, "Ok. Spider will be working on the security system. How about working our way from the top down? This way we only have to fight our way out instead of in and out.... Unless he is in the basement..."
May 28 2008, 12:19 AM
<<<<<@Nix [Spider] Suuure ya' are. Just don't go bumpin' off any nunns and I got your back. Ring me before you go. I'll be online.>>>>
Jun 2 2008, 12:40 AM
As they near the orphanage, Nix says to Caliph. Give me a minute, gonna give it the once over. With that, he leans back in the seat and lets his spirit leave his body. One in astral, he calls forth a Spirit of Man. Head my call. Come forth. Watch over and guard us. He commands when the spirit appears. Then, leaving the spirit with his body and Caliph, he flies towards the orphanage to gauge the astral security as well as mundanes watching it over.
Aug 26 2008, 12:41 PM
Reaching out into the astral, Nix spreads his spirit and flies towards the orphanage.
Aug 26 2008, 06:30 PM
I turn the car around to the little grocery store abutting the orphanage and links into the car's comm system. Start running a battery of tests looking for signals coming from the Orphanage - even if it ain't on the grid, there should be something I can sniff out unless they're ruthlessly paranoid. Try for the easy ones first - the gas meters and water meters, that sort of thing.
Switch the chameleon suit to bright safety orange and get out of the car. Smoke a cigarette before I go in to buy my groceries. Scope out the other cars and people around the lot, the side of the building through the fence. Whatever's convenient.
Aug 29 2008, 06:36 PM
Nix - 0315 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - Outside the Orphanage
The orphanage looks the same a before, with no activity on the down town streets around it. At this hour, most decent people are still dreaming their way into the weekend, making for an ideal time to do some Work.
Caliph - Roll Scan
Nix - Roll Assensing looking for Wards
Aug 30 2008, 01:55 AM
Nix - 0315 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - Outside the Orphanage in Astral SpaceAssensing: [2,6,6,6,3,1,4,3] = 3 hits
Aug 30 2008, 08:14 PM
Caliph - 0315 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - Parking lot outside the Orphanage
Scan: Scan 3 + Electronic Warfare 1 + Communications 2 = 6 dice, extended test:
6d6’ [2,5,3,3,2,3] = 1 hit
6d6’ [3,4,4,6,2,5] = 2 hit
6d6’ [6,6,1,5,2,3] = 3 hit
6d6’ [5,4,4,3,6,5] = 3 hit
6d6’ [4,4,1,6,1,4] = 1 hit
Looking for any commo:
Sniffer 6 (RF signal scanner) + Electronic Warfare 1 + Communications 2 = 9 dice: 9d6’ [4,2,5,5,4,1,1,3,6] = 3 hits
Looking around in general:
Intuition 5 + Perception 4 + Visual 2 + Vision Enhancement 3 = 14 dice: 14d6 [1,4,5,5,1,5,6,4,5,4,5,6,1,2] = 7 hits
Aug 31 2008, 05:18 PM
Nix - 0315 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - Outside the Orphanage in Astral Space
Astral space around the orphanage is calm and clean, with little of the usual spikes of energies found in cities. Although relavtively clean, the site has a sense of anxiety attached to it, mixed in with a cloud of other lingering emotions. There is no sign of a ward or other astral presences around the building.
Caliph - 0315 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - Parking lot outside the Orphanage
Scanning the site, Caliph easily comes up with a link to the orphanage's local node, as well as the private linked node for local emergency support services and the municipal utility service links.
There are no out going signals at the moment from the building, although there are a few detectable comms insidethe building, which has apparently never heard of Wifi blocking measures. The streets are quiet and clear except for the rare car. Even the next door grocery store is quiet, except for the sound of a loading door at the back, no doubt early morning stockers finishing up.
Aug 31 2008, 07:54 PM
Nix - 0315 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - Outside the Orphanage in Astral Space
Nix looks to the spirit and issues his first command, "Defend Caliph and myself."
He send calls forth a watcher. "Go to Caliph, tell him the following..."
A moment later the shimmering form of a native American brave appears to Caliph. "Nix says that the outside is clear. He is going to check inside."
After sending the watcher, Nix begins to probe the orphanage. His goal is to survey the inside, but he moves carefully to check for wards and so as to not alert guards if possible.
Caliph - 0315 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - Parking lot outside the OrphanageSmile as the hits scroll across my field of vision and flash into my brain. This is too easy. Whistle a little bit under my breath as I open up the back door of the ar and pull the myomeric data cable out of my ruck. Tuck the AK in my gym bag over the shoulder and clos eup the car. Strolll over to near the wrought iron fence and slowly slip the data coable onto the cround, order it to slither towards the municipal connection box. Once it gets there, wait a couple heartbeats, then plug the data cable into my cyberarm and blast a message to spider.
<<@Spider (Caliph) - link to the local network active, slaved through this node. Connection will be open unless people start having a probem with me being here. Hit it up. Need the security system slaved to call Iris Systems Corpsec with an attention direct, all the priority you can give it, to Arthur Dances on Clouds if it gets punched. Cameras and records would be nice for the rest. Give yoursself a back door and way to erase the logs if this is a dry hole.>>And I wait for a response and keep an eye back towards the car and loading dock. Unzip the gym bag, since I'm a sitting duck here. Stash it underneath and make like a rock.
[ Spoiler ]
Infiltration 4 + Agility 7 = 11d6 [3,2,4,3,3,6,6,1,2,1,5] = 3 hits
also remember the chameleon suit modifier and the thermal dampening modifier for anyone looking for him.
Sep 4 2008, 12:29 AM
Nix - - 0315 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - Outside the Orphanage in Astral Space
Nix probes closer to the building, reaching out with his astral senses as he moes to pass through the walls. Carefully, he moves forward, only to find the wall as solid on the astral as it is in the physical realm. There's no sign of a ward that he can sense, but it certainly feels like one.
Caliph - 0315 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - Parking lot outside the Orphanage
THe cable snakes forward, making a connection to an access port with little trouble. A message from Spider ques in to Caliph's AR almost immediately in reply.
<<<<<<@ Caliph [Spider] Will do. Give me two minutes to be sure there are no surprises. Getting comfy around a system that seems to be a "piece of cake" isn't good for a long life.">>>>
Caliph - 0315 Hours, Saturday August 14th - Orem - Hidden in a corner of a parking lot
<<@Spider (Caliph) - Take your time. We ain't in a hurry yet, and I'd like to keep it that way.>>
Sep 5 2008, 01:25 AM
Nix - - 0315 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - In the vehicle near the orphanage
Nix returns to his body and sits up.
<<@Team [Nix] Some sort of astral security. Doesn't appear to be a ward though so I'll need to penetrate the building physically with you.>>
Nix quietly exits the van and slips into the shadows. He stays back from Caliph so as not to compromise his teammates position and vice-versa. As he waits for the go, he switches between the astral and the physical as well as launching his fly-spy to a higher vantage point. This is it. We save this kid and shut this down.
Sep 7 2008, 06:18 PM
Nix/Caliph - 0317 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - In the vehicle near the orphanage
The AR shines with another contact from Spider.
<<<<@Nix/Caliph[Spider] Back gate is open, alarm supressed. Nothing tough there. The system only sweeps it's self every hour, and I just reset it's clock. Rear entrance is open as well. There's a camera that feeds to a digital recorder, already set to loop. Their security is a joke. Only thing that makes it worth the time is that it's isolated.
First floor is nothing of interest. Beds are kept on the second and third. Looks like there's some sort of office at each stair well to keep an eye out for kiddies sneaking out for a mid night snack, so keep your eyes open. Happy hunting. I'll be on the line, should be a half sec delay when you go thorugh the entrance and I hitch over to their system to stay connected.
Caliph - 0317 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - Hidden in the corner of a parking lot
Quick question to Spider: <<@Spider/Nix (Caliph) - Is there a roof entrance or are there alarms on the windows? I don't want to go in through the ground floor if I can avoid it; that's where they'll be looking for me. Nix, get me the big orange bag from the truck. Spider, you'll get dumped for a second when I transfer the commo hook-up.>>
Survey the side of the building for any sort of gutter or handholds that I can use to climb it, or fixtures on the roof I can affix my myomeric rope to. Grapple gun's too noisy. Send a quick cue to the gun bag, tell it to turn orange.
Sep 9 2008, 02:58 PM
Nix - 0317 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - between vehicle and Caliph
Nix slips silently back to the truck for the orange bag.
<<@Caliph [Nix] If you are planning a top side entrance, I can get us up there without climbing. Would also leave hands free to deal with threats.>>
Nix continues to keep his paranoia in high gear watching all three dimensions in both the mundane and the astral. He knows the elemental is watching over them, but one can never be too paranoid....
Sep 10 2008, 12:42 AM
Spider sends an ARO message which highlights the different window access points on each floor. There are windows on all three levels, the lowest floor covered by "stylish" black wrought iron bars. The roof it's self is angled and steep, with a "No Access" ARO on it from the hacker.
Rain gutters do run the length of the old building, with long pour spouts reaching to the ground level, which appear to be securely bolted into place.
Sep 10 2008, 03:46 PM
Nix - 0317 hours, Saturday, August 14th - Orem - Outside the orphanage With Caliph
Reaching his team mate, Nix continues to use AR-based communication:
<<@Caliph [Nix] Looks like our entrance points are limited.>>
Sep 10 2008, 07:33 PM
Caliph - 0325 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Outside the orphanageNod as I reach out and grab the bag. Compose a quick message -
<<@Nix [Caliph]Got something for that... Wait until I've cleared an entrance, then follow me in. You can't use magic on me, so I'll go my own way. Be patient, I ain't in a hurry.>>Pull the SATCOM link out of the bag, pull the data cable out of my arm and plug it into the SATCOM, so
Spider keeps a link. Check my suit, turn the bag into chameleon mode to match, make sure the guns are strapped down well - not clanking - and then put it over the fence. Pull the AK out of the gym bag and take the suppressor out of the stock, put it on the barrel. Clip it to my suit. Hop the fence and hit the dirt on the other side.
Strap the gun bag to my back and low crawl across the yard, to the nearest rain gutter. Moving slow -
Nix will have to be patient. Gently - quitely - test the strength of the gutter, then shimmy up it - steady and tight - to the roof. Low crawl across the roof, set the LMG down on its tripod, covering the access on the blind side of the building, set to alarm me if it sees anything suspicious. Conceal it under the chameleon bag, and strap the sniper rifle to my back.
Crawl back to the near side of the building, hook the grapple manually, click the microwire to my belt, and slide down to one of the windows. Visually inspect for locks, alarms, traps; get a layout of the room, prepare to jimmy the latch with my forearm spur.
[ Spoiler ]
Lotta stuff that post. If I see the window don't work (trapped, can't get the lock, etc) I'll go for another one. If I see someone inside, we'll figure that out. If I can get in, I'll get in, visually inspect the room, and then hand-arm signal Nix by turning my glove orange and giving him a 'come on' gesture.
Hop the fence: Gymnastics 2 + Agility 7, buying 2 successes: roll 1d6: [5] - 3 successes
Sneaky: Infiltration 4 + Agility 7, buying 2: roll 2d6: [2,4] - 2 successes
Shimmy up the gutter, down to the window: Climb 2 + Agility 7, buying 2: roll 1d6 [5] 3 successes.
If I can't buy hits on that:
Hopping: [4,2,2,4,2,4,4,6,3] - 1 success
Sneaky: [6,6,2,2,5,5,2,4,1,1,2] - 4 successes
Shimmy: [6,2,4,1,5,2,4,3,2] - 2 successes
Visually inspect window:
Perception 4 + Visual 2 + Intuition 5 + Visual Enhancement 3 - [5,2,6,6,6,6,3,1,4,4,6,2,6,2] - 6 successes
Sep 11 2008, 11:32 PM
Caliph - 0333 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Outside the orphanageTaking some time to get things set, Caliph works his way up the rain gutter. The gutter system easily holds his weight, equipped not only to deal with the weather of the Ute region, but the increased effects from the Great Ghost Dance so many years ago. The roof is a trickier deal, slanted at a steep angle to assist with snow run off. However, and honest to Ghost chimney, as well as numerous vent pipes, make tying off a line much easier. Taking a moment to thank whatever Powers May Be that the boy didn't dissapear in the winter, Caliph continues on.
The window it's self is quite simple, using a simple latch lock, although it does look old and very out of use. There are small beds to either side of the third story window. An ARO on Caliph's AR points to a now disabled alarm on the right side of the frame.
Roll Infiltration[ Spoiler ]
Infiltration for jimying the window. Hardware obviously doesn't make much sense, as it is in reference to electronics, which this is not. There is a small pad usually used for alarms systems on the window's side where the ARO is pointing.
Roll modifiers: -2 - old ass partially jammed window, -1 dangling from a rope, -1 improper tool (although likely it is slim enough)
Sep 12 2008, 01:03 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Rolling as for an extended test:
Infiltration 4 + Agility 7 - Situational Modifiers 4 = 7 Dice:
7d6 → [4,6,5,1,6,6,4] = (32)
7d6 → [5,5,1,4,5,2,4] = (26)
7d6 → [1,4,3,4,5,1,6] = (24)
7d6 → [1,4,6,6,6,5,1] = (29)
WOW. The great ghosts were on my side for that one.
Sep 13 2008, 04:18 AM
Nix - 0333 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Outside the orphanage
Minutes passed like days and the last two days seems like sixteen months. Nix watched his sole remaining team mate scale the outer wall and reflected on the team mates lost. He thought about the money they were making on this run and worked to convince himself that they were actually, also, serving a greater good in stopping this.
He switched his senses yet again from the physical world to the astral, keeping watch around them. He knew his spirit was also protecting them on the ethereal realm, but it kept him busy to check there himself. No more surprises.
He smirked to himself. Oh, I'm sure there will be more. It's as though an invisible puppet master is toying with us for his enjoyment. His cynicism runs high, partially due to lack of sleep and partially due to the hell he'd been through.
Coming round robin in his watch back to Caliph, he waited patiently as the man did his thing. We each have our way of handling this.
Sep 14 2008, 06:41 PM
Working the window with patience he didnt feel he had, and time he wasn't sure was left, Caliph manages to clear the lock, sliding the old window without a sound. Cool air blows out of the air conditioned room into Caliph's face, along with the gentle snoring sounds of children.
Inside, as Spide said, banks of bunk beds can be seen to either side, stretching out perhaps a hundred feet in each direction. The floor is a warn hard wood, dark and heavily trafficed. There are no signs of anyone awake that Caliph sees, or guards, although he does see another ARO showing a disabled camera. There is only one exit from this room, a hallway to the far left, and a door on the far right, again with an ARO labeling it "Little Orphan's Room".