Nov 12 2008, 08:21 PM
Get us a DZ somewhere that ain't in the middle of town and we can drop ya'. Your shit already looks so hot it's goddam steamin' and I don't mind sayin' I'm in a hurry to off load your crew. Just get us a spot fast, and out of Salt Lake!
Nov 14 2008, 05:40 PM
<<Don't I know it. Brother, we're literally in the same bird... Begin relocating to the vicinity of these coordinates, and I'll review for a specific concealed DZ shortly. >>
Motion to Nix to get a headset, if there's another one around him. He needs to hear this.
Reboot my commlink and hit a message to Dances in the clear: <<@Dances (Caliph) - Sir, this channel is not secure. We're compromised. We need to meet you at the location we first met face to face. Timing is urgent.>>
Nov 20 2008, 12:39 AM
Hell in a hand basket... Why do they always turn bad? Nix sighed. It was beginning to look like this was the run they just can't seal the deal on. He grabs a headset at Caliph's motion wondering just what else could go wrong.
Nov 20 2008, 04:30 AM
<<<@Caliph [Dances] - I understand. We will be there. Please hurry, I'll be taking the fastest possible route.>>>>[ Spoiler ]
I'm assuming then that you're sending the pilot corrdinates near by Dances' residence?
Nov 20 2008, 04:33 AM
Nov 20 2008, 05:12 AM
[ Spoiler ]
Yep! Remember that extensive recon caliph did that turned up fruitless for clues? Wellp, he's sending coordinates near dances house, and then he's going to run through the area and find the nearest covered DZ to the house that will fit a banshee and has an easy path to the house.
To dances:
<<@Dances (Caliph) - Sir. Roger. Out.>>Switch over to the headset:
Aight, here's the general vicinity. I'm reviewing for a good DZ. Get back to you in 3.>>Times like these I wish I had my old parachuting softs. Never had time or money to learn it, but damn that old bit of software would be nice. Oh, and a 'chute, too.
Nov 20 2008, 05:18 AM
The pilot keys his comm back to Caliph. Roger that partner. I'll see where I can get you in that DZ. You takin' the Family Circus you got back there to the suburbs huh? That's a much cooler locale chummer. We can do that.
The bird dips and banks, heading north, the whine of the turbines kicking up as the pilot changes course. The entirity of the detour takes perhaps 5 minutes as the T-bird takes a round about course, coming into a parking lot, the turbines roaring to bring the bird down onto the pavement in a complete vertical touchdown, the shaman's spirits on hand to keep the roar as quiet as possible.
All right kids and kriminals, we got a touch down in 10. Get those jammies and jump suits off my bird so we can high tail it.
Nov 20 2008, 06:28 AM
As we get 3 minutes out to the parking lot I ID'd, slam a message to Dances - <<@Dances (Caliph) - Sir: 3 minutes out. Are yall on station? Give me the commcode of your security people and have them do something clearly visible from the air and distinctive.>>
Switch to the pilot. <<Alright, they should be doing something clearly visible. Tell me what you see, and I'll confirm that it's our guys.>>
Wait for the confirmation...
1 minute out, I have the kids stand up and grab each other's shirts, first kid out grabbing the back of my rucksack. I tell them to hold on and follow me.
Hit ground, sprint out, towards the nearest thing that looks like Dances.
Nov 22 2008, 03:15 AM
<<<<@Caliph{Dances} We're en route in a helicopter. They give me an ETA of 5 minutes. I've instructed our pilot to give a repeating light flash with the lamp on the copter. >>>
A comm frequency and encryption key follows.
The pilot lands the bird, launching a roto drone to keep over watch for their incoming chopper.
We'll give you one minute before we pull up roots and call it a night. Should give you a little time to make visual confirmation.
The rotodrone launches, heading high up into the morning sky, the dawning sun beginning to color sky a pale pink. The counter clicks down as the children rush out of the massive t-bird, hitting the cool asphalt in bare feet and pajamas, glued to Nix's side. At 16 seconds remaining, the drone is able to pick out the signal light flashing, coming from the expected north.
I'm showing three birds total; reading Hughes Air Stallion and two profiles matching that of yellow jacket attck copters. Hope that's your ride chummer or your day just got a lot more interesting.
Indeed, moments later, Caliph recieves a second message from Dances.
@Caliph {Dances} <<< Within visual range. Our pilots are reporting a 'border runner panzer', whatever that is, on the 'tarmac'. Am I correct in assuming that is you?
Nov 22 2008, 05:20 AM
<<*ENCRYPTED* @Dances (Caliph) - Sir. Roger, ID confirmed. I'm tracking a cargo bird and two little birds.>>
Switch over to the pilot's net: <<That's us. You want COD or should I link with our boy when I grab my ride?>>
Motion to Nix to keep the kids together, and wait for the bossman to show. Resling the big gun and put the AK in the fore.
Nov 22 2008, 10:56 PM
A payday in cash is worth two in credit chummer.
Nov 23 2008, 04:54 AM
<<Fair nuff. Then you're sitting here till their birds touch down.>>
Nov 23 2008, 02:25 PM
Nix stood quiet throughout the trip.
Caliph had a good hand on the logistics, no sense adding too many cooks to the stew.
When the touch down, he allows
Caliph to depart first and then ushers children after his teammate, saving
Jonus for last. Finally, he &
Jonus depart the T-Bird.
Caliph debates payment time,
Nix frowns a little.
<<@Caliph [Nix] We owe then 10k , right?>>
Nov 23 2008, 03:36 PM
Quick hit to nix: <<Dances should have 12K certified credstick on hand for them. Told him to get it ready. I'll get it and pay the bird, watch the ghostworld. Ain't clear yet.>>
Move out into the yard, plug an LZfor the Stallion to touchdown in the AO. Move down there, radio up to Dances: <<@Dances (Caliph) - Sir. I've marked an LZ for your bird. I'm in the middle of the lot. Please have the credstick we discussed ready, so I can get our ride out of here.>>
Nov 25 2008, 08:18 PM
Caliph hears an irritated grunt and explative from the cockpit, but the t-bird waits just the same, engine idling a bit high. The Native Shaman Rupert hops out with Caliph and Nix, keeping an eye on things outside as the Hughes circles once, then settles down to the asphalt, the yellow jackets still circling, keeping over watch.
First out is a quartet of CorpSec troops, armored in black and kevlar, with assault rifles at the ready. The Shadowrunners get a small sense of relief from the weapons focusing on their surroundings, and not on them. Dances-On-Clouds is the nexy uot, at a run, headed for the runners and his son.
The boy pulls away from the runners, making a dead run for his father. Azhe'e!
A native man in a dark suit follows Dances at a more controlled pace, carefully sliding one hand into his pocket, the drawing it back out with a small collection of cred sticks. He approaches Nix, focusing on him, while the Corp Sec scures the area.
Nov 26 2008, 06:27 AM
Nix winces as the t-bird crew pops a gasket over the changed conditions. He mentally kicks himself in the ass for not taking better control of the situation. Caliph was like a brother to him, though an abrasive brother would didn't always think through the social implications. These guys are not gonna want to talk to us again for a long time...
The sight of the troops landing gives him momentary cause for concern until they turn outward. Dances arrival gives Nix his first breath in minutes. As Nix catches the directed gaze of the suit, he also adjusts course to the accountant while making eye contact with Dances and nodding.
He establishes a matrix connection for the first time since the ripple and accesses via a monitored board.
<<Captain Kirk [Lost Sheep Red Shirt] Romulans are closing in and have been expelled from the ship. Could use an escort.>>
When I get to Seattle, I really need to buy that man a huge beer.
He returned his focus to the suit. I hope Dances is as generous as he is grateful.
Nov 26 2008, 07:45 PM
The Crop Suit takes the fore, Dances-On-Clouds an Jonus quickly retreating to the helipcopter, escorted by one of the CropSec crew. Mr. Suit steps up offering a nod of his head. He's a full blooded native, wearing his black hair long and in a braid, with beads intertwined in a pattern. He has a good build for a suit, which probably means a lot of time at a corporate gym, or augmentation, which means money either way. He has no obvious weaponry a distinctive bulges under his tailored pin stripe suit.
Evening to you gentlemen. You may call me Mr. Johnson. My apologies for the somwhat unorthodox manner with which this matter has been resolved. We prefer to handle these matters through more professional channels, rather than authorizing independent actions by our employees. However given the circumstances and conditions, our evaluation of your teams performance is exemplary.
I have here for you the agreed upon remander of your payment, on behalf of your client. Here is my e-card as well. I think that we can do business in the future. That is, of course, assuming that I can trust to your discretion in this matter. We would like very much to see that the rest of this matter is handled internally.
Mr Jonhnson sends his card to their commlinks, while offering the credsticks, counting 20K each, plus an additional stick of 12 thousand.
Nov 26 2008, 09:16 PM
My brain's on the kids and the bird when corp touches down. Try to make sure the other kids don't bolt when Jonus breaks rank.
Let Nix handle the johnson. Don't even listen to his spiel - grab the 12K credstick, slot and verify, then pass directly to Rupert with a word - 2K tip, in exchange for the BS. See yall later in the week.
Pull my attention back to the group, as Johnson finishes his spiel.
Nov 26 2008, 10:40 PM
As Caliph stalks up grabs the travel expenses credit stick and then returns to the bird, Nix scowls. He was getting a little put off with Caliph being everywhere and making so many command decisions. Last he saw, the street sam was with Dances. At this point, a vacation will do us good. He figures to leave that conversation for the ride back.
He turns back to the new Mr Johnson. It's been a long run, I've had nearly died more than once, a member of the team did and some major bad asses are now VERY unhappy with us and this zoot-suit prick is gonna try and short us?
The agreed upon nuyen exchanging hands via credsticks, Nix nods to the new Johnson as he accepts the e-card and provides back a simple ARO with one of his drop numbers. "Of course. We do seem to find ourselves with one outstanding issue: We are in process arranging transportation for the other children and those arrangements are not yet finalized."
Nov 29 2008, 03:59 AM
The Johnson nods.
I understand. The company has given me authorization to take them into corporate custody. You will, of course, be compensated accordingly. I assume they are of some finanical value to you?
Nov 29 2008, 05:39 PM
Once I get the bird paid off, while Nix works on the Johnson, I'm kinda useless. Look for an awning or area to take the remaining kids where they can sit down and wait. Give them the second grade version of what we're waiting for.
Nov 29 2008, 06:20 PM
"Yes. There are public rewards on a number of them and probably private parties seeking the rest." He pauses a moment reflecting on his words, noticing Caliph herding the remaining children. "Given the heinous nature of the crime committed against them, our first goal was simply to extract them from harms way. That said, every nuyen helps against the enemies we just made."
He glances over towards Dances, insuring the executive is clear of earshot. "There is more. In a ceremony medella, the boy's spirits where to be bound with some spirit, I presume a derivative of beast. This makes them powerful... and controllable." He considers a number of options now. The young man bound at the safe-house was no longer himself. His soul had been tainted, possibly forever. There is nothing Nix could do to help him. Eventually they would get access to such a person and perhaps they could save the boys if they had access to an adult to study. Of course, they are suits. That means they might want to replicate it.
Thinking to the damage to Caliph's ride, he needed to try and milk this run for every nuyen. He waits for the suit to place a number on the value of the rewards before mentioning the wolf-spirit merge at the safe-house. Of course, the potential that Virginia had been compromised was also at the front of his mind.... as well as Spider's silence.
Nov 30 2008, 01:12 AM
We will see to it through your already arranged intermediary that you receive your just compensation.
As for the boy and what he has been through, we will take into consideration what you've uncovered. We will see what can be done to reintegrate these young people.
Nov 30 2008, 04:22 AM
"Excellent" he replies to the comment about Virginia providing the additional rewards. He shifts the conversation to his last topic item. "We potentially have one of the agents. Is that of value to you?"
Dec 1 2008, 03:40 AM
Most certainly. Any information pertaining to the persons behind this is of potential value. I assume you don't have this "agent" with you now? Contact me at the comm number I have provided when you do please.
As he speaks, Corpsec patrol vehicles begin arriving. The Sky People have decided that they have had enough. The t-bird lifts off, despite the circling yellow jackets, tearing away into the rising sun. The Johnson directs the Sec team to collect the children as Nix and Caliph watch.
Dec 1 2008, 03:49 AM
As the complexity of the scene continues to increase, Nix watches the power base shift as well. "Absolutely." Money in hand, children being dealt with, the promise of more money inbound as well as a way to tie up the loose end of fox-boy, Nix realizes there is only one thing remaining for the evening. He decides perhaps Virginia is the appropriate party for this last request. He nods to the Johnson as steps away as the children become his concern heading towards his partner.
<<@Virgina [Nix] Delivery made. Both Johnsons are happy. We will need alternate transportation though.>>
As he reaches Caliph, "I'm thinking we sell fox-boy and be done here. Collect our rewards and return to the relative safety of the tarnished Emerald. So-ka?"
Dec 1 2008, 03:57 AM
<<<@Nix{Virginia] Carter is still available. Send me your location and I'll get him to you. I assume the situation is clear, no heat?
Mr Johnson nods in satisfaction as the children are collected and the Sec Team secures the area. I hope to hear from you soon. Until then....
Their business resolved, Mr. Johnson turns, heading for the Hughes and the security of the corporate home office. Quickly the Security agents fall back in, rolling out as soon as the helicopter is off skids. The pair watch as the three helos dissapear into the rising sun, the mobile securtiy rolling out as quickly as they'd arrived. They find themselves alone in the almost eery silence of the coming dawn.
Dec 1 2008, 04:23 AM
Watching the security forces clear out as quickly as they dropped in, Nix replies:
<<@Virgina [Nix] Getting real quiet. [- GPS ARO attachment -] >>
He suddenly feels like the stars of an action trid standing alone after the dust begins to settle at the end of the trid.
Motion Nix out of the parking lot, to whatever cover and concealment is nearby. Now that the circus is over, everybody in the fucking neighborhood is awake, and here we are standing in the middle of an open field, and me carrying more than enough firepower to make security's day.
Settle down a bit, and I light up a well received cigarette and procure a flask from my ankle holster. Take a substantial slug of straight up 'shine.
Still got some errands to run. Gotta grab Eyes's body and his stuff. That kinda stuff. I wanna kill Walkinghawk. He's in a hospital somewhere 'round here. I damn near took his arm off. But that's future Caliph's problem. Present Caliph is worried about Eyes's body, foxy-boy, and getting back to the sky folk's hideout so I can work on my truck, before they peace out of the AO.
That Johnson strike you as suspicious? I ain't one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I don't really see what he wants all this info on the Blood of the People fuckers for. S'pose they could work some investigation at national levels, or hand the investigative packet to higher in the host nation government, and pull some PR credit out of it, but aside from that I don't get why they'd be willing to pay.
If they're paying for all this crap, though, I've got all of the director of the orphanage's computer data - bank accounts, all that shit, stored right here, though. They might want that, too.
All I can say, though, we should keep a copy of all these notes. We pissed some fuckers off last night."
After my spiel, tip the flask towards my boy as an offering and way of salute. The elation of a job well done - well, that and the moonshine - are serving to make me a happy man for the moment.
Dec 3 2008, 03:40 AM
As the sun begins to break on the horizon, Nix feels the connection to his current guardian elemental fade; Its service done. He follows Caliph to a more discreet location to wait. From then on, the rest of the day is a blur: Return to town, find the fox-boy's remains...
Nix keeps his com off most of the time, turning it on occasionally to to check for public replies. At this point, he was compromised. Wholly and completely. The only positive part of this whole helllish nightmare is that his real SIN was not loaded onto his com in case of something just like this... His fake SIN... Thats something different. I really liked that ID too...
The only consolation is that those boys are saved, Caliph survived with me and we got a little bank. No word from Spider... he may be dead as well.
He greets Caliph's news about taking the slow route with mixed emotion. He almost stays with him, but it is time to move. It had happened before, multiple times. He'd stayed too long in Cheyenne when he started out. Almost died then. Almost got caught then. Time to get out of town.
Dec 4 2008, 12:54 PM
The flight back to Seattle is solumn. With Caliph staying in the PCC and the rest of the team dead, Nix is alone.... unless you count the spirit watching over him from the astral. The lack of coms is something new for him. He has kept his off mostly since the ride in the t-bird.
After landing in Seattle and grabbing the bike from the hanger, a throw away com is top of the list. Once home and the real SIN loaded onto the new com, its time to locate Spider. Finding him in Doc Wagon's care, Nix speeds up the recovery using his mojo so that the duo can be on their way. He drops the 27k on Spider and 20k more for new SINs for himself and Caliph. He drops another big wad of cash to pick up the parts for a new com. The best he can afford; The best available. A full on Spider-cleansing of the old com before he starts using it as his secondary com.
Once the mess that is his coms and IDs are sorted out, he moves on to a new place to live. Packing up the library, cleaning up the circle. Gathering his clothes and other personal effects. He moves to Auburn. A loft apartment in downtown Auburn. Sizable with top end security, though wanting in the way of furnishings.
Between setting up his library and re-establishing his circle to time spent meditating on the things he learned from Eyes, the next two weeks fly. The other mage had used Psychometry at Dances' home to divine the abduction. It had been the single most important clue prior to the capture of Fox-Boy. With Eyes gone, it would fall to Nix to fill the shoes of his unfortunate friend in the future.
As much as he would have preferred to give up Shadowrunning for the third time in his life, he knew he couldn't. Time to look for work. He picked up a few enemies on the last run and paranoia is an expensive addiction to feed.... but the question Nix constantly pondered is: Are you paranoid if they are out to get you?