Sep 15 2008, 04:13 AM
Turn my glove orange, and wave the 'come on' signal to Nix. Wait for him to get up here, touch his arm, and send a quick signal along the skinlink - <<@Nix [Caliph] - You're break man. Bring the ghost up, use your ghost sight, and open the doors for me. We're gonna clear this floor room by room, then go downstairs and repeat the process till the shooting starts.>>.
Point to the door in the room - the "little Orphan's room." Scuttle up to the door and stack beside it. Count down from 3 with my fingers, and clear through, fast, scanning in lowlight and ultrasound.
Sep 16 2008, 12:02 AM
THe "Little Orphan's Room" is little more than a unisex bathroom, a half dozens sinks in the center, with a door on each side labeled "Boys" and "Girls". No one appears to be inside.
Roll Infiltration -1 for "old rickety floor", plus mods for gear
Sep 16 2008, 01:29 AM
Move through the room, clear the stalls, roof, floor, hit the other side, and move. One down, clear. Stack against the hallway and move again... Once the breach is up, quick and quiet till the shooting starts. Afterwards, plain old quick is good enough.
[ Spoiler ]
Gear doesn't add to my infiltration dice, it subtracts from the observer's dice. I have -4 to visual identification from the chameleon suit, -6 to thermal identification (thermal baffles on the chameleon suit), -2 to astral identification (astral chameleon edge). Nothing to spoof ultrasound or scent, unless you count the fact that I'm also emitting an ultrasound signal, which would make me show up a like a ginormous room-sized target. With all Caliph's been through, you might actually get a scent bonus against him for "stank."
Infiltration 4 + Agility 7 - "old rickety floor": 10d6 -[6,3,1,2,6,4,2,5,6,5] = 5 hits.
Sep 16 2008, 03:59 AM
OOC: Cast Levitation. Buy hits and drainNix summons mana about himself and levitate up to him companion. He stays as near the building as he dares to avoid being seen. Now able to see inside the building he checks out the room from the astral before levitating down. Switching his vision back and forth, he notices the ward as he approaches the open window.
Well ain't that a pile of troll dung.He takes a moment to assense the ward to determine the force and if it is a standard ward.
OOC: Assensing, sustaining levitation: [5,1,6,5,2,3,5,5] = 5 hits
Sep 22 2008, 11:06 PM
Nix - 0335 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Outside the Orphanage
Even with attuning his senses, Nix still cannot seem to sense the ward that is still obviously there.
Magical Background or Magical Theory knowledge skill, -1 modifier
Caliph - 0335 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
Moving quickly but quietly, rolling along heel toe passed sleeping orphans, Caliph comes to the end of the communal sleeping room to the hall outside. It doesn't take a scout to hear the gentle back and forth creaking of a chair just a few feet away in the hallway. Cutting the pie, Caliph spots a lone security guard ten feet away in a small swivel chair, a little ways away from the head of the stairs. He appears to be manipulating something on his AR, apparently unaware of much else around him.
Sep 23 2008, 05:42 PM
Caliph - 0335 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd FloorThe word shit starts in my brain as I start moving forward. He hasn't seen me, this'll be easy. Hands let go of the AK, it drops to the end of its sling. Step, brain plugs the directional jammer on full force at the dude. Step, spur pops out of the arm, shoulder lowers, hand goes for his mouth. Last step, slide behind him, spur arm reaches around and presses the spurs against his throat. Fidget, press hard against his mouth, try to jimmy him between me and the stairs.
[ Spoiler ]
Closest thing to an unarmed skill I have is cyber implant (blades), which I'm going to roll with edge. Just trying to get behind him, put a hand on his mouth and spurs on his throat, hug him close so he can't move too much.
Agility 7 + Blades 1 + Cyber-implant 2 + Edge 3: 13d6 -> 1,1,5,4,1,3,4,2,2,3,6,4,5; 3 hits, rerolling the 6: [6], again [5].
5 hits total. penalize as appropriate given the wierd move i'm trying.
Sep 24 2008, 10:16 PM
[ Spoiler ]
It's not exactly a Blades move, but then, it isn't quite Unarmed either. Even applying a generous modifier however, it's done well enough with the successes you've got.
There's a muffled attempt at a scream, and a bit of noise as the rolling chair
almost rolls out from beneath the man, but is held in place by Caliph holding him close against him. The guards hands latch immediately onto Caliph's arm, his eyes wide with panic and shock as he reflexively struggles.
Strength check (2) to keep him held in place
Sep 25 2008, 02:06 AM
Caliph - 0335 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
Hold on, hard. Wedge the flat of the inside (index/middle space) spur against his adam's apple, pull in, choke him just a bit. All I gotta do is flick the wrist to the blade and he dies. Grab, hold, keep choking just a bit until he stops struggling. He keeps struggling, I choke harder. He starts
winning the struggle, then his future prospects become very, very, short and unpleasant.
"Be cool, brother. Relax. Don't struggle. I don't want to hurt you. Stay calm, answer my questions. When you decide to stop panicking, blink slowly twice if you're gonna cooperate."[ Spoiler ]
Gonna burn some edge on this one, too... don't like the idea of failing at this stage.
Strength 6 + Edge 3 = [6,1,1,5,3,3,2,2,5] = (28) Rerolling the 6: [2]. 3 successes. Whew!
Sep 25 2008, 10:51 PM
It takes a minute before the panic subsides, but the man gets his feet down on the floor, stablizing himself, his neck strained high, the blade cutting just a bit against his throat. Getting a good close look at him, he's a human of perhaps his thirties, probably full blooded native, wearing a shabby looking uniform that has the orphanage's name on it. His arms out wide to balance, straining to stay up, breathing, and from killing himself, the man blinks very slowly and deliberately twice. Caliph can feel his neck straining as he tries to breathe without upsetting the delicate balance that so far is keeping blood from spraying out of his arteries.
Sep 26 2008, 01:59 AM
Caliph - 0336 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
"That's cool. I'm going to open my fingers a bit, ease up the pressure on your throat. You twitch, you resist, you'll scare me, and neither of us want that. Tell me your name, how long you've worked here, and how many people - guards, kids, all of it, there are in this building. Whisper quietly. Kids are sleeping."
This part is hard, 'cause if he's going to make a move, it'll be now or near the end of the conversation. I deliver that little speech in an almost subvocal whisper, since my mouth is right by his ear and we're hugged up together all friendly. I cue up the text message for his answers, and get ready to blast a message to Spider on the quick telling him to check the answers against the orphanage's log. I want to know if this guy's info is on the payroll and if the number of people he gives me are the same as the records.
Sep 27 2008, 03:31 PM
Caliph - 0336 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
The guard inhales deeply, catching his breath and recovering for a moment.
... My ... my name is Kuruk ... I've I've worked here for about four months. I work the night shift ... uhhh.... there's 96 kids here, and uh, two other guards, Heva and Niahossi. They're down stairs.
Caliph can see him getting himself together somewhat, but although he has a solid build, Kuruk doesn't look like he's ready to try being a hero any time soon.
Sep 27 2008, 07:16 PM
Caliph - 0336 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
<<@Spider (Caliph) - PRIORITY HIGH - Check the records: How many guards are on the payroll, and are any of them named Huruk, Heva, or Niahossi? How many kids does the orphanage have listed on its official records?>>
Gotta give him an open question, stall for time while Spider gets back to me. To the guard: "Now we're getting somewhere, Huruk. Answer as if your life depends on it - Is there any other security that might interrupt our little conversation? Make things awkward - sticky - for you and I? Why in hell are all three guards here tonight? Right now? What about the day shift?"
While I'm stalling, blast a quick message to Nix and curse at the lack of signals discipline: <<@Nix (Caliph) - Where the fuck are you?>>
Sep 28 2008, 01:54 AM
<<<@Caliph{Spider} On it. Back in 1.>>>>Caliph feels pressure against the blade Kuruk gukps deeply.
There's always three guards, day, swing, and gr...err night shift.
There's umm... cameras on the stairs too.A moment later, Caliph's AR is pinged by spider again.
<<<<@Caliph[Spider} Confirm total 12, repeat 1.2. guards employed by this orphanage. Three, again 3, on each shift. Confirm 'Heva and Niahossi. No "Huruk", but I've got a "Kuruk.
Number of little hellions checks out. Ninety-six, again 9.6. Weird thing is, all first names , all native names, no anglos. No last names either, but that probably makes sense for an orphanage.
Sep 28 2008, 07:50 PM
Caliph - 0336 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
Clamp down on him, hard, for a split second, remind him that the spur is still there, maybe nick him a bit. This is taking too long.
"You're not answering me fully, Kuruk, and that's making me angry. What about the magical security? Is there ANYONE, ANYTHING in this building you haven't told me about? Anybody been around here, doing things you don't know about? Maybe someone from the police? I don't care if they've threatened you, because I'm threatening you too, and I'm a lot closer. I really want to give you the benefit of the doubt, and I'll get you and your coworkers out of here alive and well if I trust you."
Sep 28 2008, 09:43 PM
Caliph - 0336 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
I, hey, no, Im telling the truth! It's just us! We're the night shift ! No shamans here! It's just a bunch of kids! We make sure they stay in bed and don't go wandering around, that's it! All they give us is tasers and a panic button! We don't have anything like that, I swear!
Sep 29 2008, 02:46 AM
Caliph - 0336 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
Hand on his mouth presses upwards, hard, against the bottom of his nose. Force his head up, press his nose hard enough to make his eyes water. Spur rests, firm, on his adam's apple. Urgent whisper - "What shamans? Where are they? How many? WHERE?"
Sep 29 2008, 09:03 AM
No shamans man, there's no shamans! I' tellin' you, ok!? They don't have any! I swear!
The man is near panic, still trying to hold his position on the edge of life as the blade closes on his throat.
Sep 30 2008, 01:02 AM
Caliph - 0337 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
Let his nose down, let him breathe again, move back to the flat of the spur against his throat. He's getting too tense, can't think straight. I'm getting tense, counting the seconds in my head till Nix climbs his happy ass in here. Exhale.
"There's something I'm missing out on. I didn't say shit about shamans, you did. Why? Spell it out. I think you're telling me the truth. Now tell me the whole truth, tell me what's going on. Quickly, quietly. Any strange kids come in, kids leave for strange reasons, strange people, wierd things? Any rooms you don't have access to? 1 minute. Convince me you ain't holding out on me."
God I hope this works. This situation is bad. This is my last try before I choke this sucker unconscious. My eyes look down the stairs, and my brain is ticking, waiting. Brain keeps rehearsing kicking him towards the stairs and pulling the gun out. I hate being a sitting duck.
Sep 30 2008, 04:28 AM
[ Spoiler ]
2CSP for descalating the situation a bit.
Kuruk - Composure Test = 2 hitsThere's sweat rolling down Kuruk's brow, but the panic has subsided a bit.
Fuckin' Ghost, you asked if there's something you should know about, I figured that's what you were worried about, fuckin' shamans ok!? That's it!
Kids come and go, I don't really see them much. Only when I cover on the days. They usually just look confused or lost. Our job's to keep them from running away, and keep .... people out. *sigh* I don't know what else to tell you man. We don't access that offices, we jsut watch the kids and the stairs, and walk the yard every hour.
This job pays drek man. I'm not willing to die for a bunch of orphans.Non-PC Spoiler[ Spoiler ]
Roll for Guard's perception test w/ modifiers = 3 hits
Sep 30 2008, 12:45 PM
Minutes had passed as
Nix struggled to understand the nature of this hidden barrier. In the end, he was left with the fact that he was outside and Caliph was inside. He had to act and it had to be now. He relaxes and releases his sustained spell. Using the tried and true techniques he had studied for over a decade for slipping though a barrier,
Nix worked through the barrier taking his spirit with him.
Press through barrier: [4,6,5,1,5,5,4,3,5,5,6] = 7 hits
Sep 30 2008, 05:35 PM
Caliph - 0337 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
"Word. I believe you. Gimme the keys to the building. Keys to the office. Can you get the other two guards out of here? Tell them to get a pizza or something? It'll be better for all of yall."
Oct 2 2008, 03:42 AM
Caliph - 0338 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
Kuruk opens his mouth to answer he and Caliph start at the same time from a shout from below.
Ku!, Hey, keep it down up there man. Everything arctic?
There's panic in Kuruk's eyes as he looks at Caliph, knowing he's moments from death.
Hey Heva! Yeah, everything's chill. Just this damn... heya, how 'bout a pizza?! These brats aren't gonig anywhere for a while. Me and Niahossi can cover this place easy. How 'bout you run out and get us some brain food?!
Sweat forms on Kuruk's brow as he tries to control his pace. From where he's half crouched, Caliph can see the feet and shins of the man at the bottom of the stairs, who has not quite come forward enough to be seen completely.
Nix - 0338 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - Outside
Focusing his will on the invisible barrier, Nix concentrates, imagining a knife's edge at the end of his hand, creasing then cutting his way through the astral barrier. From all the effect it has, he might as well be cutting at a brick wall with the side of his palm.
Caliph - 0338 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
Stay still, wait, listen. Kuruk's doing what he's told, whcih is good. Easy pressure. Try to threaten as little as possible (given the situation).
Oct 2 2008, 08:15 PM
As the ward failed to yield to his gentle attempts to bypass it, it took all the restraint Nix possessed to keep him from smashing at the invisible barrier. He had spent the better part of two decades studying magic and did not take it well when he came across things he did not understand.
He leaned back for a moment to center his thoughts. He reviewed his technique for bypassing the ward in his mind. Flawless. There is only one conclusion. He grimaced as the thought of who.. or what, created this ward. A shimmer went down his spine. The last thing he wanted to do was to destroy the quickened spell encircling him body; To lose the protections it afforded.
Then he did it. He unwound his quickened spell. He then turns to the spirit providing over watch. Do not disturb the barrier. Hanging in the room, Nix recasts his levitation spell and gentle floats towards the floor and then towards Caliph.
Cast Levitation F3: Buy two hits; Resist DV2 Drain: Buy two hits
Oct 5 2008, 01:35 PM
Nix/Caliph - 0338 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
Nx, roll infiltration , and Visual Perception -2
Nix makes his way onto the third floor as quietly as he can manage in a hurry, hearing voices not far down the hall. There is a flicker on his AR for a moment as Spider re-synchs his connection once the mage passes the wireless barrier.
Caliph hears a long, well practiced sigh from below. *sigh**mutter*fuck, gonna get me fired one day.
Alright Ku, what, whadda ya' wanna get?
Caliph, watching the figure, sees his posture change, the legs angling slightly as he relaxes visibly, then sees the weight shift as he begins to move forward towards the stairs.
Oct 6 2008, 02:54 AM
Nix - 0338 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd FloorPerception: [5,2,6,4,5,4,4] = 3 hits
Infiltration: [3,6,4,3,1,2,2,6] = 2 hitsNix gently floats to the floor. Looking around at the various children, he switches his perceptions to the astral and assenses the area.
Assensing: [3,2,2,3,1,2,5,6] = 2 hitsThe one saving grace appears to be that things are working for the rest of team. Now if I can just get my act together...
Oct 6 2008, 02:58 PM
Nix sees a couple of children stirring, heads rising groggigly, looking towards the voices coming from down the hall.
The astral here is clean, but there is a lingering feeling of unease and sadness. There is still no sign of the mysterious ward that Nix can sense.
Caliph - 0338 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd FloorMy brain is entirely clear. I whisper
"Pepperoni", pull back, and all I can do is count on Kuruk's bullshitting skills. I relax, draw my arms back from Kuruk's head. The free hand grabs his collar at the back, the spur hand tucks in and rests the spur on the back of his head, right at the little hollow where the top vertebra connects to the skull. I draw my elbows in and make myself as small as possible behind him. Can't look out, just tuck in close and breathe easy. I dial my ears down, so that I'm hearing nothing except the conversation.
[ Spoiler ]
Caliph is trying to make himself as small as possible behind Kuruk. He's all decked out in chameleon gear, and he's been stationary for a few minutes. He's not looking out, since that would expose his head to more visiblity. Hopefully the non-sequiter will put Kuruk off guard.
Turn the select sound filter on to pick up only this conversation (bonuses for hearing Heva's reaction?). Jammer's still on full blast.
Caliph will ready the following actions:
Ready a command to the alarm system to trip the fire alarm. Note that the fire alarm should now be triggered to call Johnson's corpsec, not the police.
If he hears the guy downstairs exclaim in suprise, he's going to push Kuruk down the stairs will all his oomph (not stabbing), go for the AK, and trip the alarm.
If he hears nothing, he does nothing.
If Kurkuk makes a break for it, he'll stab kuruk as he pushes.
Oct 7 2008, 01:03 AM
.... uh... pepperoni.From where he's crouched, Caliphsees the figure at the bottom of the stairs stop. He swears the man rolls his eyes then turns with a waive, walking away.
Kuruk gives a long sigh of relief, releasing the breath he hadn't realisedhe'd been holding.
[ Spoiler ]
Rob - 4 CSP
Caliph - 0339 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd FloorWait a minute, whisper:
"Good man. Keep still for a sec." Let go of his collar, reach into my back pocket and pull out a pair of zip cuffs, prepositon them a bit. Whipser again,
"Aight, reach for your keys now." As his hands go down towards his pocket, I snap the spur back in, guide his arms together, and cuff his hands. Trick that worked on me when I got captured the first time.
"Alright, I'm going to lie you down on the floor, cuff your feet, and put a quick gag in your mouth. Don't worry about it. If I get through this building safe, I'll come back and let you out - won't even risk your job. If I don't, and problems happen, I'm going to trip the fire alarm, and people will be here soon enough. It'll be easy."When I have him bound and gagged on the floor, I grab the cyberscanner from my pocket and give him a quick once-over. Looking for his keys, commlink, weapons, etc. If he has a headware commlink, then he'll have a real problem.
[ Spoiler ]
Rolling a perception test, using the cyberscanner rating as my perception skill.
Intuition 4 + Cyberscanner 6 = 10 dice: [6,1,2,3,4,6,3,5,4,1] = 3 hits
Oct 7 2008, 03:10 AM
Nix - 0339 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd FloorSeeing the children starting to stir,
Nix fades out of sight.
Cast Invisibility F3: [2,6,5,1,4,5,2,5,1,2,1] = 4 hits
Resist DV2 Drain: Buy 2 hitsNix then slips down the hall to find
Caliph and the security guard.
<<@Caliph [Nix] Sorry. Had some difficulties of the arcane variety.>>
Oct 8 2008, 04:15 PM
Nix/Caliph - 0340 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
Kuruk has a small, standard taser on his, as well as his commlink and a PanicButton device that is not indicating an alarm at the moment. There is also a small set of key cards, numbering three total, on a ring in his pocket. The key cards are unlabeled and identical. He makes no protests save a few grunts here and there as Caliph secures him.
Nix Percetion test -4 (Visual)
Oct 8 2008, 04:29 PM
Nix - 0340 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd FloorVisual Perception: [4,3,2,2,2] + [4,5,2] = 1 hit;
Caliph - 0340 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
Take all of Kuruk's stuff. Lower is gag with a thumb and ask him "Which keycard goes to the office? Will it set off an alarm if I put in the wrong one?"
Finish clearing the top floor, make sure the kids are still more or less sleepy, and when I see Nix, signal to him that there's 1 guard downstairs.
Then, when we're done, begin creeping down the stairs, cutting the pie slowly across until I see what's up.
Oct 9 2008, 07:15 PM
Ummm... honestly, I have no idea. One's for the front and rear door, one's for the offices, and one's for the supply closet. ... Damn kids like to take cleaning supplies and get high. I just ... swipe the keys close to the lock, one of 'em opens it. No alarms, except on the office. They don't want us using it as a lounge.
Moving down the stairs at an agonizingly slow pace to maintain silence, Caliph can't help but hate the fact that his feet will be seen long before he sees anyone else. Moving at a crouch, he comes down to a landing area much like the one he just left, save for a last flight of stairs going down. To the left and right are more dorm bunks, children of varying ages long since asleep. These seem to be younger children than the ones on the third floor, judging by the size of the lumps in the racks.
A lone chair and small end table sit between the flights of stairs, most likely recently vacated by the second guard. Below, Caliph can barely hear the exchange between guards, apparently discussing the merits of soybeef over Soysauge.
Oct 10 2008, 03:09 AM
Nix - 0340 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor
Nix follows Caliph to the stairs, maintaining his invisibility. Knowing that his focus is on the spells, Nix decides that sneaking down the stairs is not an option and instead begins levitating and allowing Caliph some distance to operate.
Levitation F3: Magic(6) + Spellcasting(5) + Wounds(-1) + Sustain(-2) = dp8; Buy 2 hits
Resist DV2 Drain: Buy 2 hits
<<@Caliph [Book] I'm behind you... >>
Oct 10 2008, 07:30 PM
Caliph - 0340 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 3rd Floor[ Spoiler ]
I don't know if 'invisibility' is one of them, but spells that require a voluntary subject don't work on Caliph, and Nix knows he doesn't like them anyway.
Pause at the stairs, listen to the voices, hand-and-arm signal
Nix to halt. Dial my ears towards the conversation, keep tabs on them.
Start creeping down, extremely slowly, towards bottom of the stairs, look quickly for anywhere to hide. Palm Kuruk's taser into my cyberhand. Hope not to need it.
Oct 13 2008, 08:51 PM
Caliph - 0342 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 2nd Floor
Creeping down between levels, Caliph listens intently to a brief conversation on the merits of pizza toppings. Soon the front door unlocks, opens and closes again, leaving Caliph to listen to the sound of bored idle whistling. There isn't much cover on the stairs, being wide enough to accomodate a small group of people walking up together. However ,distraction seems to be on Caliph's side tonight.
Oct 14 2008, 01:39 AM
Caliph - 0342 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 2nd FloorInstant the door locks, take the opportunity while I've still got time. Signal nix to watch the front door. Sling the AK over my back, taser in the normal hand, spur in the other.
Creep towards the whistling, get close, and attempt to grab the guy like I did Kuruk. Move to jam the taser on his neck, and hold it there till he passes out.
[ Spoiler ]
Infilitration 4 + Agility 7 - Old floor 1 = 10 dice = [5,3,4,5,6,2,4,2,4,3] = 3 hits
I'm going to roll the same for the melee attack roll (agility + blades), but I'm assuming there will be buckets of penalties.
Agility 7 + Blades 1 + Edge 3 = 11 dice = [1,2,6,2,5,3,6,1,6,2,5] = 5 hits, rerolling 3 6s = [3,5,2] = 6 hits total
Oct 14 2008, 01:59 AM
Caliph moves carefully behind the guard, moving ball-toe silently (or silently enough) across the hard wood floors. The guard is completely oblivious as Caliph moves into position, jamming the taser into his neck.
THe shock slams into the man, making him jerk and spasm in Caliph's grip. Caught by surprise, he has little oppurtunity to resist before the heavy taser downs him.
[ Spoiler ]
Resists enough to stay up for three rounds. Does go down though. He has substantial enough penalties from the shock, surprise, and good positioning on Caliph's part that he goes down.
On the other hand, Caliph is facing some shock himself. After all, he's holding a guy that he's tasing. Three rounds of resisting DV 4(S). Apply 1/2 your impact armor, and another 3 dice from his impact armor.
Oct 14 2008, 02:34 AM
Nix glides into position to cover
Caliph. He floats to the floor, releasing the levitation spell, but retains the invisibility for now. He glances into the astral and then back to the mundane. He calls his two remaining spirits to have them at the ready, but holds off giving a command.. yet.
Caliph deals with the guard, he pulls his mask over his face and considers seeking answers in a more direct fashion.
[ Spoiler ]
At the moment, Nix is waiting for Caliph to deal with the guard.
Oct 14 2008, 03:36 AM
Caliph - 0345 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 2nd FloorClench my teeth and hold on as my arm, nerves, cheeks, neck spasm and grit from the electricity running through the man. I knew this was going to happen, but it doesn't make it any more fun.
When he falls limp, let him down gently, lay him out, and pull out some zip cuffs and a gentle gag. Pull out the medkit, and put a quick bandage and salve on the - deep and ugly - taser burn on his neck. That thing gets infected, swells, he dies; don't need that right now. Do a quick search with the cyberscanner, grab his stuff, put it in another bag.
Motion to Nix when the coast is clear, and then move to the front door, check which keycard works it. Mark it in my brain, move to the supply closet, check which one works on it, clear it. Last one left is, hopefully, the office key. Swipe it, and see what happens...
[ Spoiler ]
Round 1: Body 6 + Nonconductive 6 + 1/2 impact 2 + his armor 3 = 17 dice: [4,4,5,2,2,1,2,1,1,3,1,4,5,4,6,6,3] = 4 hits
Round 1: Body 6 + Nonconductive 6 + 1/2 impact 2 + his armor 3 = 17 dice: [5,2,4,2,4,4,6,4,1,6,2,4,2,3,3,1,6] = 4 hits
Round 3: Body 6 + Nonconductive 6 + 1/2 impact 2 + his armor 3 = 17 dice: [2,5,5,6,6,3,5,6,6,6,5,2,4,4,3,1,2] = 9 hits (!)
First Aid: Logic 3 + First Aid 1 + Combat Wounds 2 + Medkit 6 = 12 dice: [4,3,4,4,3,5,3,5,2,2,1,5] = 3 hits
Intuition 5 + Cyberscanner 6 = 11 dice: [2,3,2,5,2,6,5,2,6,2,2] = 4 hits
I've been having a good-rolling time so far... (knock on wood)
Oct 14 2008, 05:23 AM
The downed guard has very little cyber, nothing beyond a datajack and an eye augmentation. He carries a single key, and a taser of the same issue as Kuruk above.
Swiping the keys to the office lock, the light turns green, followed by a soft *thunk* as the maglock disengages.
Oct 14 2008, 11:06 AM
As Caliph finishes with the guard, Nix begins to take inventory of the doors and rooms on the this level. The astral and physical security has been sizable for an orphanage, but he doesn't want to have any surprises. The basement.. Always the basement, he thinks beginning a continued search while Caliph breaks out his first aid kit.
Oct 16 2008, 04:33 AM
After a quick search, Nix discovers the unthinkable ... there is no basement.
Oct 17 2008, 04:04 AM
Caliph - 0346 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 1st floor
Step into the office, do a quick search around for anything of interest - maps, data storage devices, anything even vaguely informative looking that I can swipe. Look for connections - nothing official pointing to our target kid, and I'm not looking forward to waking up all the kids and asking if any of them are dances-on-clouds son. That sounds like a recipe for disaster, but better than leaving with two downed guards and no info...
This fear informs my search, as I try to figure out what the hell's up.
Oct 18 2008, 12:46 AM
Caliph - 0346 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 1st floor
There are three offices sections branching from the main reception office. The Main reception room has two desks, both with desk top computers , among assorted personal nick naks. One door has the "Interviews" labeled on one door, and consists of only a table, water cooler, and a few children's toys.
The other two rooms have names only on them. One is open, with a relatively simple appearance, consiting of a desk, also with computer, three chairs set in front for intervies and one behind, a filing cabinet containing mostly stationary, and a modest collection of Native art.
The Last door, bearing the name 'Ms. MoonSwallow', and bears a lock that does respond to the keys Caliph carries.
Oct 18 2008, 06:38 PM
Caliph - 0346 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 1st floor
Come up to Ms. Moonswallow's door - take a second, let the dirty joke enter and exit my mind unmolested. Motion to Nix to prepare to breach the door, give him the key card.
Send a quick message to spider - <<@Spider (Caliph) - Door. Name 'MoonSwallow' on it. I'm suspicious of it. This door on the net, legit? Any alrams?>>
Wait for the all clear from Spider, if it comes, give nix the countdown and move out as the door opens...
Oct 18 2008, 11:23 PM
Caliph/Nix - 0346 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 1st floor
<<<<@ Caliph[Spider] Yeah, I got that alarm already. Raid away.
Hey ... if her name really is 'swallow', hook up that desktop to your comm. Might have some interesting pictures. Make this thingn worth my time. *Nunns that swallow - wink* >>>>>
Opening the door and quickly clearing the room, Caliph finds another office appointed much like the others; surprisingly humble, little accrutements, and of course a desk top computer. A large picture behind the desk of Christ with the Crown of Thorns looks down at Caliph. Suspecting the nature of this place, Caliph can't help but wonder if his look is accusing him, or the office's usual occupant.
Oct 19 2008, 12:44 AM
Caliph - 0346 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 1st floor
Look over the desktop, fire it up, and hook a data cable from my arm into one of the ports. Open an open channel to the SATCOM and signal Spider to go ahead, scroll the status report across my eyes, all while I secure the door into the room. Motion Nix to look over the rest of the room.