Oct 26 2008, 07:53 PM
Nix- 0411 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 2nd Floor
A few heads tentatively go down, but the rest stay, or sit up more.
Who's that?
What's going on?
mmm,....why's everyone yelling?
I think somebody just got hurt
Sounded like somebody dying...
Oct 26 2008, 07:58 PM
Oct 26 2008, 10:47 PM
Curse myself for a fool, as the man slumps back down. Motion Nix towards the bound guard - maybe he can figure something out with the kids. In the meantime, run through his pockets, run the scanner over him, same old. Grab his commlink, check what was running over his screen.
When I'm done, check how Nix is going, then move to the front door and start to sneak outside. Crawl out low, and start looking for enemy, a good landing zone for the banshee. Banshees are nice - 75' radius for a helicopter, 50' for a T-bird...
Oct 27 2008, 12:40 AM
His screen has a tireless rambling message. Apparently he has relationship problems, probably stemming from the fact that he tries to solve them at 4am.
The street or the parking lot for the Albestroms to the south, right next to the orphanage, would work well.
Oct 27 2008, 12:58 AM
Looking at the time in AR and noting ten minutes to extraction, Nix breaths a tentative breath waiting to see if his best nun impression was enough to calm the children for a few minutes. He just needed 8 minutes. Control for 8 more minutes. It was gonna be hard enough to corral the other five children as it is, but with all thirty awake this was shaping up to be the biggest challenge of the past few days.
Oct 27 2008, 01:21 AM
So far the children have quieted down, watching Nix with anything from curiousity to fear, to anger in a few cases. But no one is saying anything.
Then Nix hears movement upstairs.
Master, others are moving above.
Oct 27 2008, 01:31 AM
"Oh shit!"
<<@Caliph [Nix] The party is starting early. Trouble is coming from overhead, unless Clouds' people are arriving afterall.>>
Nix suddenly feels very small. The strength of the ward forewarns of the horrible response that can be rallied against them. He says a silent prayer that Clouds' people are actually arriving and not the response team coming to eliminate them.
Oct 27 2008, 03:05 AM
Get the message from Nix, and move further into cover. Look for a bush to crawl into to mask myself from the mages that are sure to accompany these assholes. Unsling the sniper rifle, lay it next to me, and queue the running picture-in-picture from the LMG. These fools will not know what hit them.
Start looking for targets...
[ Spoiler ]
Infiltration 4 + Agility 7 = 11 dice: [6,3,1,3,6,3,4,3,4,3,5] = 3 hits
Perception 4 + Visual 2 + Intuition 5 + Visual Enhancement 3 = 14 dice = [5,2,5,1,1,6,5,5,3,5,6,4,5,6] = 8 hits
Perception 4 + Intuition 5 + Audio Enhancement 3 = 12 dice: [3,6,6,4,3,2,2,6,4,2,5,3] = 4 hits
Oct 28 2008, 03:43 AM
There is no sign of hostiles from outside. A few moments later, Nix sees a couple of teenagers in their bed blothes coming down the stairs hesitantly, looking around.
Oct 29 2008, 04:00 AM
<<@Caliph [Nix] Correction, its about to get messy inside. Teens inbound. Assessing threat.>>
Nix shifts his gaze to the astral, acutely aware how much he has slowed since the loss of his quickened spell. He had presumed the third level to be an attic, not another level of sleeping children.
Assensing: Buy 2 hits on each teen
Oct 29 2008, 06:57 AM
The teenagers are alert, most frightened to some extent or another, others with enough bravado to appear actually hostile, but still with fear mixed in. None are magically active or carry cyber ware beyond the most basic.
Oct 29 2008, 10:47 PM
Relax a bit. Pop a message - <<@Nix (Caliph) - On you. Call for help. Getting closer on time.>>. Crawl out of the bush that I dove into, leave the sniper rifle there - the bush is close enough to the road I've been scouting to be worthwhile. Move quietly back to the car and queue the trunk, doors to open. Check quick for any signs of surveillance; if the coast is clear, go for it.
Grab Nix's and my bags, crouched between the car and the street on the other side. Once I've gotten them situated, move FAST. Sprint to the fence, hurl them over the wall, vault the fence, and meet them on the other side. Hate this part, but my rucksack and Nix's luggage doesn't go quite so good with the chameleon suit.
Oct 30 2008, 12:58 AM
Seeing the coast still clear, Caliph clears the wrought iron fence again. Inside, the teen agers move down stairs, the first few coming to a halt when they see Nix standing on the landing. A couple panic and run upstairs, while the rest look a mix of confusion or fear.
A human boy of perhaps 14 years in his underwear gestures at Nix. Hey, who's that?
A larger boy, a ork teenager in boxers and a wife beater built like a football player moves ahead of the pack. Hey man, what the hell you doin' here huh?! His posture is challening, gesturing at Nix as he moves down the stairs.
Oct 30 2008, 01:32 AM
Nix stood on the landing with
Jonus as the teens descended. He was undecided about what course of action to take until the ork stepped up. Then for a moment he was nine and
Dextor Martinez was advancing on him for his weekly smack down. For two months that damn ork whooped his ass and took his lunch money, as cliche as it sounded. Back then, he used his brains to avoid
Dextor until he found new prey. Tonight, the bully will have to learn a valuable lesson.
The teenage ork was every bit the size of a grown man.
Nix moved
Jonus behind him with his right hand and flicked the fingers on his left hand at the ork. The stunbolt would leave him with a headache, but very much alive and fine later.
Force 7 Stunbolt: [2,4,2,2,4,3,2,6,1,6] = 2hits
Resist DV3 Drain: [6,3,3,6,1,2,2,2,3,6] = 3 hits"
Step off Junior. This will be over in a few minutes."
Oct 30 2008, 02:10 AM
Nix- 0412 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - 2nd Floor
The stunbolt slams into the young ork, knocking him back up a step or three, where he lays for a moment as if getting beaten with a troll. His groans say he's still concious, but very unhappy about it. The rest of the teenagers jump back, a number of them half stumbling up the stairs, a few trying to carry/drag the downed ork back up.
Oct 30 2008, 02:25 AM
Nix watches the form of the ork fall backwards. As the other teens beginning moving backwards, Nix reaches out in the astral smudging and wiping the signature of his spell from the youth. He checks the time... Tic-toc, tic-toc.
Oct 30 2008, 08:49 PM
When the teens finally withdraw to the relative safety of the upper story, Nix considers a dozen courses of action as he stands on the landing with Jonus.
<<@Spider [Nix] Just in case, watch out for any signals coming out of the building. Teens are awake.>>
<<@Caliph [Nix] Teens are awake and might try something funny. Might want to watch the upper windows.>>
He waits on the landing with Jonus counting down the minutes and watching for more nonsense. At the four minute ETA mark, he and Jonus begin quietly gathering up the other boys. Whispering to Jonus, "If any of them seem scared tell them its all right and that they're going home. Don't wake up anyone yourself, we have only five other boys who are going with us." He will awake each of the other boys gently by name.
Oct 31 2008, 04:05 AM
What I wouldn't give for a third eye... Tamp down the nervousness, but it keeps coming back. Air extractions are scary, so much that can go wrong. Plus the fact that we're trying to herd kids TOWARDS something as noisy and scary as a Banshee...
Not like I could keep from glancing at the building anyway.
As the time ticks down, I get ready. ETA 3, I start moving. Lash the sniper rifle to my ruck. Run back to the building, near the door. Put the SATCOM in the ruck, but leave the data cable hooked. Grab my myomeric rope, toss it up to the roof, have it lash around the leg of the machinegun's tripod.
Move back to my hide site, prepare for the vehicle. This is too easy. Mark PZ, run to building, grab ruck, grab MG, bang on door, let kids out...
Hope nothing screws up.
Nov 1 2008, 02:17 AM
Nix - Leadership to persuade boys to come with you. +3 Modifier[ Spoiler ]
+2 Authority Figure
-1 Suspicious
+2 Jonus Assisting
Nov 1 2008, 03:12 AM
Leadership: [6,1,4,5,6,6] = 4 hits
Nov 2 2008, 01:40 AM
The children reluctantly follow Nix outside, confused and huddling together in their pajamas as Nix leads them out of the orphanage they've spent who knows how long inside.
In the parking lot next to the orphanage, Caliph waits, marking off the landing zome. Two minutes before the ETA, he ears a high pitched whine, followed by a sound like a waterfall. Looking around, he sees no source of the sounds, until the air around him begins to kick up furiously, sending trash and debris flying wildly about. The source of the bizarre barrage becomes clear moments later as a spirit of air manifests, drawing away it's Concealment of a long, sleek banshee, engines stim thrumming powerfully as it rests in the middle of the handicap parking zone.
The hatch on the side o the t-bird opens in a rush, a woman in a flight suit leaning out waiving her arm furiously, calling out to them over the roar of the engines.
Their ride is here.
Kids start coming out right around as I hear the whine. The instant I hear it, send the message I have racked and stacked for Spider - <<@Spider (Caliph) - Cut sling load, disable the alarms, clear the last bits of the trail.>>. Pull the plug on the SATCOM's cable, tuck it in my pants while I look for the bird.
AK's slung, big gun in my hands, ruck on my back. Queue the self-inventory on my commlink as I grab the myomeric rope and pull the machinegun, complete with bag, into my hands. Grunt at the horrible unpleasantness of catching it coming off the roof, grab the carry handle.
Turn all my gear bright orange. Bellow to the kids as the bird reveals itself, "COVER YOUR EARS AND FOLLOW ME!"
Sprint to the bird and post up at the door. Queue my commlink to reveal itself to the airframe. Count them off as they come in, mark to make sure Jonus is in the group. Try to slam the MG into Nix's hands as he passes by. Once we're all in, back in after them, and punch the chick in the flight suit twice on the shoulder. Review the list of names in my head quick, and then give the chick the thumbs up/thumbs down. Point at my ears. "Comm me in!".
Nov 2 2008, 07:07 AM
Herding the children out the door. 1..2..3..4..5..6
Spirit, you are dismissed. Return home. The small elemental inside the ward returns to its home plane just before I step through. On the other side, the large elemental resumes watch and the whine of the engines.
Early arrival. Not wholly unexpected, this is a tight crew. Continue herding the cats children toward the bird. "Time for a ride boys, then you're all going home."
The children between Nix and Caliph the final leg of this journey begins. Senses attuned to the astral the moment his feet touch the floor of the chopper, Nix splits his attention between the children and the outside. To be leaving is surreal. He feels the MG in his hands. If It will make Caliph happy, I will hold on to it.
Nov 2 2008, 06:49 PM
Caliph/Nix- 0418 hours, Saturday 14 August - Orem - Orphanage - Outside/Parking lot
The children do as they're told, running towards the LAV, hesitating only a moment when Nix declares their destination, some running even faster, hands over their ears and ridiculous smiles on their faces.
The children pile above, directed towards the cargo compartment and netting by the shaman Rupert, while Carla directs Caliph and Nix to fold down chairs as she closes the door. She gestures quicly to headsets hanging on the walls when Caliph mentions comms. The door is closed Nix's feet clear the ground, snapping into place nearly clipping his heals. A voice comes over the intercomm.
<<<Hold onto something, we're off the deck in 5..4..3..2..1...>>>>
Practically jumping into their seats, the children holding ontothe webbing, Nix catches snips of Rupert again calling upon the spirits at his call, just as the roar of the banshee overwhelms his ears.The force of the thrust forces the crew and passengers crushing down into their seats as the t-bird lifts straight up, then rockets away, kicking into a steep turn, it's back end whipping around. For a few moments it's pure chaos as the smuggler crew tears ouf of town, children screaming, the engines roaring, the g-forces pulling everyone down to the deck, half strapped down in most cases. It's a wild ride out of town.
Caliph - Roll Logic+Willpower
As we get moving, grab the beaner off my backpack and hook it to the vehicle. I feel more comfy riding door gun, even though these things don't roll with the doors open.
Grab the headset, snake it over one ear, leave the other one open. Say to the vehicle
"Put me on the vehicle's node. Gots to make a call to our drop-off team."[ Spoiler ]
Logic 3 + Willpower 4 = [2,3,3,2,3,3,1] = No hits, no glitch.
Had to happen sooner or later.
BTW, if that was a memory test to remember that I left the grappling hook hanging off the roof, I remember that. I wasn't tracking Caliph as having forgotten that, rather consciously leaving it behind. Seeing the wisdom of stealth rope investment in the future...
Nov 2 2008, 08:11 PM
Nix grabs the nearest handful of webbing to keep upright and holds on as they rocket away.
Nov 4 2008, 03:07 AM
Carla nods an affirmative to Caliph , strapping herself into her seat and quickly jacking in herself, linking up with the Banshee's systems. The Sky People know their jobs well, everyone fallign into well practiced rolls as they high tail it out of the city.
Caliph and Nix both have subscription AROs popping up on their screens in moments.
Nov 4 2008, 04:13 AM
Nix subscribes into the aircraft net as he keeps his guard up. As the craft pulls away, he tries to ascertain if they are headed for the client's compound at the end of the flight.
Nov 4 2008, 04:29 AM
The route currently has them heading back out into the desert, well away from the cities, closer to the Sky People's compound.
Queue an encrypted call through the vehicle's comms system. <<@Dances-On-Clouds (Caliph): Airborne, with your passengers. Give us a location where we can meet you with your security forces. >>
Nov 4 2008, 11:52 PM
The reply comes quickly. Give me a moment to confer. I'll let you know the instant I do.
After a couple of minutes, a message is shot back Caliph's way with coordinates for the corporate HQ, marking the helipad on an AR satelite shot.
Nov 5 2008, 04:04 AM
While he awaits the return call from Dances, Nix cross references the other freed children to contact information and tallies up the rewards for their returns. He then reaches out to their new fixer. Time to earn some points.
<<@Virginia [Nix] We have Jonus and are en route to Dances-On-Clouds. Also, we have rescued five additional children. [- List Attached -] We need to arrange secure delivery transportation, discreet contact with the families in question and laundering of rewards. The children will still be in jeopardy; The kidnappers had nefarious ends in mind.>>
<<@Caliph [Nix] As soon as this is hooked up, I got another contact to leak some details to. I also have a guy tied up and tranq'ed back at my safe house. We'll need to deal with him quickly before he goes into the wind. Question is whether or not Dances-On-Clouds will want to pay for some additional disruption. I'm not too interested in tangling with the master-minds on this deal though. Their mojo is considerably above mine...>>
Nov 5 2008, 05:11 AM
<<<Nix[Virginia] I can take care of that. Give me one hour to make arrangements. I will organize your Contact Points for a link up with your Acquired Goods, and handle the laundering of your Earned Credit. The cost to you will be 6%, off the top. I believe you will find my rates more than generous. Are we agreed?
Nov 5 2008, 01:16 PM
Nix checked the reply from Virginia. They could have cut her out of the loop and made a few extra nuyen, but his goal was two fold: First to take advantage of her connections and local network and second, to buy a little goodwill from the fixer. That goodwill should go kilometers towards their reps. There was one thing left before accepting the deal though:
<<@Caliph [Nix] I think 6% is fair, what's your take?>>
Nix -
<<@Nix (Caliph) - Don't know. Your call. We'll get to the future once we land. I'll work on getting us there.>>Switch onto the internal net and forward the sattelite shot and the coordinates to the vehicle crew.
<<Drop off spot coordinates attached. I can give them your ID code for fire clearance. You got anything you want from the ground crew? Also, yall got any earplugs for the kids?>>Call my mapsoft up while we're running, and track the flight path. Once I'm sure we've moved into route to the drop-off, hit a message to the boss:
<<@Dances On Clouds (Caliph) - Sir: enroute. Connect me with the leader of the reception party. We'll need a well-warded room where we can store the other guests and brief you on possible future threats. If possible, please bring a
12,000 certified credstick from the payment so we can tip our cabbie.>>
Nov 6 2008, 03:57 AM
He considered haggling her down, but instead elected to give her the full 6%.
<<@Virgina [Nix] We are a go. We need to move fast and be wary of reprisals and opposition.>>
Nov 7 2008, 02:53 AM
Caliph gets his call back from the pilot <<<<<One tick there son, the deal was to do a blow through pick up, in and out. These coordinates are in Salt Lake. Hoppin' into town and jumping back out is one thing. But the Mormons take their security seriously, especially in the DT Corporate zone. No one said anything about dropping you there.>>>>>
The reply from Dances comes next. <<<<@Caliph[Dances] Bring me my son and I will have your full pay waiting.
To the pilot: <<Wait one. Got a vehicle ID I can send their air traffic control?>>
<<@Dances (Caliph) - Need airspace clearance into Salt Lake for this vehicle. Approach vector from SSE, to your location.>>
Nov 7 2008, 03:14 AM
<<<< Chummer, maybe you missed the part where we're smugglers. Feeding our Ident to Air Traff and Salt Lake's air guard isn't really a great idea with the long term goal of staying alive and operating in the area. You scan?>>>>[ Spoiler ]
You can try for Leadership(Persuasion) or perhaps Negotiation if you want to try to talk him into it
Nix - Perception test
<<@Dances (Caliph) Can your dudes swing a favor with the air traffic control?>>
<<Got spoofs? Dunk a cheap one. We're forwarding it through some dudes with wasta, and they won't need too many questions...>>[ Spoiler ]
Any bonuses?[/color]
Nov 7 2008, 09:22 AM
<<<<@Caliph[Dances] I can try. What is the favor?>>>From the cockpit:
<<<<You're asking a lot there chummer.>>>>[ Spoiler ]
I was figuring -1 for dangreous, +1 becasue they trust you more or less. Apply any street cred or financial compensation - +1/5K
It's dangerous to them because they've already got people looking for them for blowing right into town. They kept it as quiet as they coul, but something that blatant/bold is going to get a response. jumping up to Salt Lake right after could cause all sorts of issues, including tensions between the PCC and the Church that they wouldn't want to get into the middle of. There's politics involved, ya' see?

Nov 9 2008, 01:42 AM
Perception Test: [3,2,1,6,3,6,3,5] = 3 Hits
Nov 9 2008, 02:15 AM
While finishing up a call, Nix notices his AR screen rezzing slightly, the system running a bit slower.
Nov 9 2008, 04:52 AM
Nix checks the new agent that Spider had installed on his com earlier, instructing the agent to inspect the system for intrusions.
Nov 9 2008, 10:33 AM
The agent goes on the move immediately, going into active alert. Even as it begins it's hunt, the screen flickers again , rezzing hard.
Nov 9 2008, 12:23 PM
There are few things that Nix knows. The first is that he hates technology. The second is that he hates technology. The third is that Spider always told him, If the com is compromised: Power off. If there's a hacker in there at that moment, he won't be happy. With that Nix presses that power button. While doing so he pull outs his com and gestures to Caliph, pointing to the com and then drawing a line across his throat.
There is always the chance that the hardware was just giving out, but those things don't just fizzing out. The only change had been subscribing to the evac crew's Net. He had five possible scenarios going through his head: Faulty hardware, opposition hacker, sold out by the evac crew or Dance's corp security is trying to make points and jumping the gun.
None of them made him feel comfortable.
Nov 10 2008, 05:57 PM
Abort the next message I was preparing. Pop immediately to the headset.
"Yo, we're dropping comms. Might be a hacker looking into one of our commlinks. Abort going to Salt Lake. Yall know Jek, right?"
... Don't know if this crew knows that motor guy, but I wouldn't go home straight up if I were them. Maybe Jek's got my car rolling.
Crouch a bit and ease the big rifle into my shoulder. Comfy position, but I want to be able to turn around in case there's trouble.
Nov 11 2008, 12:54 AM
'Course we know Jek. He's our electrician. Got a e-sniper huh? Kill your 'link if you haven't already, we'll sweep our system. Didn't know your crew was gonna be coming with so much baggage chummer.
Nov 12 2008, 04:41 PM
<<Word. Links dead. We got three options - we can call our patron and have us meet him somewhere, you can drop us at these coordinates (attachment), or if Jek has my truck working you can drop us with thim and we'll drive out from there. As for the baggage, yeah. e-snipers are better than the alternative.>>
- The attachment is dances house. If they go for that one, I'll review my mapsoft and give them the coordinates of a PZ sized spot on one of the covered and concealed approaches to his house that I ID'd the other day.
Swear violently too myself at the comm hurdle. I've been telling Dances to fucking move to a neutral spot for a half hour, and he gives us his fucking office address. If I could just get him on the fucking phone he should be able to get this beast airspace clearance...
Nov 12 2008, 06:24 PM
Now is one of those times that Nix wished he had a throw away com. Add that to the list for the next run.
His spirit still augmenting the spirit of the smugglers, Nix is fairly confident about the astral. In order to be more confident, he calls forth a watcher. Alert me if we are being followed.
Buy hits for 1 hour and drain.
Looking to Caliph, he disagrees with a change in plans. "I still say straight to Dances is the best option. He knows we're coming. His security forces know we're coming. Virginia knows we're coming. If all hell breaks loose, we will be in better shape than getting caught in the desert without back up." He looks to his sole remaining partner for his thoughts on staying the course.
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