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Let's take your comparison with the AVI file.

Let's compare the brain with a TV, the SimModule will be the TV-Out part of your graphic card. Your computer (commlink) receives data from the internet (Matrix) through an ethernet cable.

What you will do is get the streaming AVI file and play it on the computer, the graphic card will convert the data so that it can be displayed on your TV. Good.

Now let's say you just send directly TV-Signal on your computer (for example you hack together a composite->ethernet cable). Your computer will receive strange data from the ethernet cable, which it won't understand and will ignore. If you want your computer to be able to send that directly to the TV-Out you'll have to code drivers by yourself, and it won't be easy. I'm not even sure that the hardware in itself will be able to support it.

So I seriously doubt you can route a decoded brain signal through the Matrix just like you can't send a standard TV Signal on the Internet without passing it through all the layers.
Rotbart van Dainig
But you can tunnel it.
If both are compatible. If you have a numeric input and an analogic output, you can try to tunnel it but the signal you'll get won't be the original signal. Even if both are numeric but one is -5V,+5V and the other is -10V/+10V it won't work.
Rotbart van Dainig
If. And even then, doing so is a technicality, most of the time.
But the Sim Module hooks up with the brain interface with the exact same layer and protocols everything else is using.
How do you know?
Rotbart van Dainig
Because there is no other Interface.
How? Why? proof.gif question.gif
Rotbart van Dainig
A sim module connects to a (nano) trode net with the standard WiFi interface by RAW.

That's all there is. Especially for the nano version.
Excuse my skepticism but do you have a exact page reference?
Ok, I see what you are getting at, but there isn't anything that I've found stating that trodes and other DNI devices don't need something on the hardware side of things to accept a sim-module's translated neural data. Granted there's nothing saying there is either, but there has to be something blocking Ritual Sorcery for Deckers or it would have appeared in the fluff at some point because it is BIG.
Rotbart van Dainig
QUOTE (Blade)
Excuse my skepticism but do you have a exact page reference?

p. 319 gives them a Device Rating.
Why have the SimModule as a physical component then?
we may never know...
Same reason you have a graphics card rather than software to do it for you. It's faster and more efficient, and requires less processing power outa the CPU.

Also, because many users don't actually need a sim module for what they're doing. Despite Fortune making commentary about emotive tracks in AR - and yes, they are POSSIBLE - such VR tracks in AR are SPECIFICALLY stated as being very rare.

So we can assume the average user just doesn't need that level of functionality.
I'm fuzzy on one aspect - do you need a sim module to command your commlink via mental commands, or just trodes? What do you need to stop waiving your hands in the air like a retard to operate your AR?
Yes, you'd need a sim module to give mental commands. The sim module is what translates the 'think speak' into 'machine speak'.
QUOTE (Adarael)
Also, because many users don't actually need a sim module for what they're doing. Despite Fortune making commentary about emotive tracks in AR - and yes, they are POSSIBLE - such VR tracks in AR are SPECIFICALLY stated as being very rare.

So we can assume the average user just doesn't need that level of functionality.

Perhaps, but remember that the same bit of fluff that says AR Emotive Tracks are rare also says that the majority of people use a sim-module to hook up to AR because it's the easiest.

QUOTE (Backgammon)
I'm fuzzy on one aspect - do you need a sim module to command your commlink via mental commands, or just trodes? What do you need to stop waiving your hands in the air like a retard to operate your AR?

No-one really knows for sure, I say that yes you need a sim-module to issue mental commands to your non-impanted gear, others say no. I asked the question in one of the first pages of the "Ask the Authors about AUG" thread, but haven't recieved an OFFICAL answer.
QUOTE (Backgammon @ Aug 1 2007, 11:44 AM)
I'm fuzzy on one aspect - do you need a sim module to command your commlink via mental commands, or just trodes? What do you need to stop waiving your hands in the air like a retard to operate your AR?

You need both. You need the sim module to translate thought into action through VR and you need the trodes to communicate thoughts to the sim module.

If you don't have trodes, you need AR gloves or feedback clothes to wave your hands in the air to control stuff via AR and a linked glasses/goggles/contacts to see AR and a earbud to hear AR. Feedback clothes also give you some simulated touch sensations (not necessary, but lots of fun on the right sites).

I don't believe you need a sim module to control AR because the errata/FAQ says a spirit can control the matrix via AR.

I'm certain you don't need a sim module to control implanted gear. I'm pretty sure you don't need a sim module to control external gear either: just a DNI device such as datajack or internal commlink and a way to communicate to the external device (such as wireless, skinlink, wirejack).
Umm, if you don't need a sim-module to issue mental commands to your non-implanted gear then you don't need one to use AR either, you can just use your brain instead of a keyboard and mouse to adjust the volume, and browse the Matrix.
Yeah, now that I think it about it, it is confusing. Anyone have any page numbers or FAQ/errata links?

Is a sim module ONLY good for experiencing sim like full VR matrix running or VR games or hot sim for BTL?
My understanding is that a Sim Module is only necessary for converting incoming data into sensory information for your nervous system.

You can issue commands to any device that you have access to through a DNI.
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (neko128)
My understanding is that a Sim Module is only necessary for converting incoming data into sensory information for your nervous system.

You can issue commands to any device that you have access to through a DNI.

Speaking off-the-cuff and away from my books, I believe that's correct.
Demonseed Elite
Also, part of the confusion about whether a sim module is necessary for AR is because AR is a pretty broad and vague category of signals. Most AR is not simsense and does not require a sim module. Video overlays and audio overlays over your existing senses do not require ASIST signals and so you don't need a sim module. Not even the haptic feedback requires ASIST. So, no sim module necessary, even spirits can use it.

Some AR does, however, also carries a limited ASIST signal, like an emotive track. To utilize this "high-definition" AR, you'd need a sim module. VR is entirely ASIST signal, so you'd need a sim module for that also.
So, would any person in 2070 really need a Sim Module, other than to actually access VR?
QUOTE (Fortune)
So, would any person in 2070 really need a Sim Module, other than to actually access VR?

i don't think anyone would *need* sim module other than to access VR, no.

it is, however, a great deal cheaper to just get a sim module than it is to get all the various links separately..
Thyme Lost
QUOTE (Jaid @ Aug 1 2007, 03:56 PM)
QUOTE (Fortune @ Aug 1 2007, 06:51 PM)
So, would any person in 2070 really need a Sim Module, other than to actually access VR?

i don't think anyone would *need* sim module other than to access VR, no.

it is, however, a great deal cheaper to just get a sim module than it is to get all the various links separately..

Will a Commlink and sim module allow you to use all the other features of AR without needing anything but the commlink and sim module?... ie no AR gloves or keyboard...
QUOTE (Thyme Lost @ Aug 1 2007, 07:29 PM)
QUOTE (Jaid @ Aug 1 2007, 03:56 PM)
QUOTE (Fortune @ Aug 1 2007, 06:51 PM)
So, would any person in 2070 really need a Sim Module, other than to actually access VR?

i don't think anyone would *need* sim module other than to access VR, no.

it is, however, a great deal cheaper to just get a sim module than it is to get all the various links separately..

Will a Commlink and sim module allow you to use all the other features of AR without needing anything but the commlink and sim module?... ie no AR gloves or keyboard...

the sim module requires a DNI to work at all.

which means, you don't need the gloves, provided you're going to have a DNI if you're using a sim module to access AR.

if you don't want to use a DNI, you need some kind of senselink (ie image link, sound link, touch link, etc) and some method of controlling (could be AR gloves, could be the commlink's built in hand controls even if you want).
So, if a person is already accessing AR via DNI, but not through a Sim Module, he would still be able to manipulate whatever he needed around him?
QUOTE (Fortune)
So, if a person is already accessing AR via DNI, but not through a Sim Module, he would still be able to manipulate whatever he needed around him?

if by "accessing AR" you mean manipulating it, then i would say yes. nothing says you need a sim module to translate brain information to machine information, which (to me) strongly implies that's what the DNI actually does. and i'm fairly certain there's (fluff, admittedly) examples of using a DNI in such a manner without a sim module.

if by "accessing AR" you mean viewing it, then i would have to say that you can't view AR through a DNI without a sim module. thus, the answer to your question would be "that's a moot point, you can't do that"
How many people use sense-links beyond audio and visual, though? And those can be handled with a pair of intelligent sunglasses connected into your commlink.
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (Jaid)
if by "accessing AR" you mean viewing it, then i would have to say that you can't view AR through a DNI without a sim module. thus, the answer to your question would be "that's a moot point, you can't do that"

You don't need a sim module to view AR, as long as you have some other method for displaying the video signals, such as an image link (p. 323, SR4). A commlink and image link sunglasses will show you all the AR visuals you want. Add in some earbuds to the mix and you can hear all the AR you want. Toss in AR gloves with the commlink and you can manipulate AR objects. If the commlink is implanted or if it is connected to a datajack, you can get this data and manipulate it with mental commands (you will still need something to project the data onto, such as visuals to a cybereye or audio to a cyberear, etc.). With the above, you will not be able to get simsense signals in the AR, such as emotive tracks.

Add in a sim module and you can receive and interpret those emotive tracks. In addition, you won't necessarily need to have image links or cyber-senses to project the visual and audio data into, since it can be overlaid directly in the sensory areas of your brain, fooling your meat senses into thinking it is there. In addition, with the sim module you can go full VR, completely replacing your meat senses with false data in your brain, fooling them completely.
QUOTE (Jaid @ Aug 2 2007, 11:40 AM)
if by "accessing AR" you mean manipulating it, then i would say yes. nothing says you need a sim module to translate brain information to machine information, which (to me) strongly implies that's what the DNI actually does. and i'm fairly certain there's (fluff, admittedly) examples of using a DNI in such a manner without a sim module.

if by "accessing AR" you mean viewing it, then i would have to say that you can't view AR through a DNI without a sim module. thus, the answer to your question would be "that's a moot point, you can't do that"

How can you be able to manipulate it without being able to viewing it?

I assumed that the person 'viewing' AR would have an Image Link.

I'm still not at all clear about the whole necessity, or even the actual usage of the Sim Module outside of hacking in VR.

edit: But the above post helps quite a bit. Thanks.
QUOTE (neko128)
How many people use sense-links beyond audio and visual, though? And those can be handled with a pair of intelligent sunglasses connected into your commlink.

actually, iirc AR gloves have some degree of touch link, as do feedback clothing (and let's face it, lots of people are interested in the touch link part, if only for porn...)

however, you are probably right when it comes to temperatures (i am not aware of anything in the clothing that simulates temperature), some touch (probably hard to replicate the effect water, for example), smell, and taste.

QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
You don't need a sim module to view AR, as long as you have some other method for displaying the video signals, such as an image link
sure, but then you wouldn't be viewing it through your DNI, which leaves my original point intact wink.gif (that is, you can manipulate but not view with only a DNI, if you wish to manipulate and view *through DNI* you need a simsense module)
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (Fortune)
I'm still not at all clear about the whole necessity, or even the actual usage of the Sim Module outside of hacking in VR.

They probably are not commonly used in everyday online usage. Implanted sim modules are the sign of a hacker, true simphile, or BTL junkie. External sim modules would be popular among people like gamers, who would want them for the latest and greatest VR games, and people who want to be able to experience simsense media content on the go (as opposed to being tied down to a home set-top simdeck).
QUOTE (Fortune)
How can you be able to manipulate it without being able to viewing it?

I assumed that the person 'viewing' AR would have an Image Link.

I'm still not at all clear about the whole necessity, or even the actual usage of the Sim Module outside of hacking in VR.

you're quite right, you couldn't (easily) manipulate it without viewing it. if you have an image link you are viewing it through, you're not viewing it through a DNI, however, you're viewing it through an image link. you could still manipulate it through a DNI, with no need for a sim module.

as for the use of a simsense module outside of full VR, well there's 1, and 1 other that's sorta outside of full VR.

the one that's not quite outside of full VR is for experiencing simsense, such as when you slot a simsense entertainment chip. this is basically the same as full VR, except instead of attaching yourself to the matrix, you attach yourself to a simsense recording.

the one that is fully outside of full VR is that a simsense module can completely replace all the other sense links. no need for image link, sound link, scent link, taste link, touch link, or anything like that. you can smell AR bread. you can feel AR porn. you can taste AR chocolate bars. you can see AR signs. all for a much lower cost than it would otherwise require.
Demonseed Elite
QUOTE (Jaid @ Aug 1 2007, 09:26 PM)
sure, but then you wouldn't be viewing it through your DNI, which leaves my original point intact wink.gif (that is, you can manipulate but not view with only a DNI, if you wish to manipulate and view *through DNI* you need a simsense module)

That's not correct. You can manipulate and view through DNI without a sim module. An example that would work would be a commlink connected with a fiber optic cable to a datajack and a set of cybereyes with an image link.

EDIT: Looks like you edited. Ah well! nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
QUOTE (Jaid @ Aug 1 2007, 09:26 PM)
sure, but then you wouldn't be viewing it through your DNI, which leaves my original point intact wink.gif (that is, you can manipulate but not view with only a DNI, if you wish to manipulate and view *through DNI* you need a simsense module)

That's not correct. You can manipulate and view through DNI without a sim module. An example that would work would be a commlink connected with a fiber optic cable to a datajack and a set of cybereyes with an image link.

that's not through DNI. that's through an image link. the fact that it passes through a DNI is irrelevant, it's not the DNI that makes you able to view it, it's the image link that does the work. if you just changed it from being a cable through your datajack to being a wireless signal to the eye, you could still view AR. if you changed that example to through a DNI and straight to your brain, you wouldn't be able to view AR.
My updated AR, VR, and Sim FAQ thread explains things (now with page numbers!).
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
They probably are not commonly used in everyday online usage. Implanted sim modules are the sign of a hacker, true simphile, or BTL junkie. External sim modules would be popular among people like gamers, who would want them for the latest and greatest VR games, and people who want to be able to experience simsense media content on the go (as opposed to being tied down to a home set-top simdeck).

And that's even more helpful. Thanks once again.
QUOTE (Jaid)
the one that is fully outside of full VR is that a simsense module can completely replace all the other sense links. no need for image link, sound link, scent link, taste link, touch link, or anything like that. you can smell AR bread. you can feel AR porn. you can taste AR chocolate bars. you can see AR signs. all for a much lower cost than it would otherwise require.

I've seen this debated quite a bit,but is this actually the case?
QUOTE (Demonseed Elite)
EDIT: Looks like you edited. Ah well! nyahnyah.gif

edited what? i don't recall editing the post you quoted, and it looks like it's still there... the post you quoted before that is also the original i'm pretty sure (i have a very strong tendency to [edit] tag posts unless it's within about 10 seconds or so of the original, and i'm correcting a spelling or misleading wording that will tend to make it look like i said something different from what i meant...
QUOTE (Jaid)
that's not through DNI. that's through an image link.

But that is what I meant, and tried to clarify that fact above. As I said, I assumed that the person would be using some kind of device other than just his brain to view AR with.
QUOTE (Fortune)
I've seen this debated quite a bit,but is this actually the case?


QUOTE (SR4 page 209)
Th e easiest and most common way to get your AR fi x,
though, is through simsense. You need a sim module for your
commlink to interpret the signals and feed you the data via a
cyberware simrig, worn simrig, trode net, or datajack. Partial
simsense feeds take AR a step further

that's from the last paragraph in the 'augmented reality' section.
QUOTE (Fortune)
QUOTE (Jaid @ Aug 2 2007, 12:37 PM)
that's not through DNI. that's through an image link.

But that is what I meant, and tried to clarify that fact above. As I said, I assumed that the person would be using some kind of device other than just his brain to view AR with.

hmmm... i had intended to mention that you would need an image link or some other similar thing in that scenario... obviously it got left out of that post embarrassed.gif
If all you want to do is kill someone, you don't even need Hot Sim. Black Hammer does Stun damage against people in cold sim. But on pg231 it specifically notes that Black Hammer can overflow the stun damage track into physical. Since BH does physical damage directly against hot-sim users, this clearly indicates that the stun damage that cold sim users suffer can overflow, and kill them.

Assassinating someone via the matrix:
1) Locate their system
2) 0wnz0r it.
3) Log them into their local node
4) Attack their persona using Black Hammer. You'll need about 2 strikes to knock them out, and other two to kill them. A Hot-Sim hacker with a Simsense Booster can do this in one combat round.
5) Delete all evidence of your presence. In fact, set their commlink to continously overwrite everything.
6) Cover your tracks
I addition to non-neural sim you can see AR with the AR switch on your sim module. See my FAQ thread (or the actual book) for details.
Don't worry. I've been watching that thread with great interest.
Cool, if you see anything you want to add, let me know and I'll add it right away.
Sparky IC. I want to add Sparky IC.

Oh, you meant something there were rules for, huh?
Ok, just for you I'll add Sparky IC to the rules once I own SR5. I think I'm next in line to buy the Shadowrun franchise after Catalyst gets bored with it, so I'm saving my pennies. I'm not sure how the Shadowrun intellectual property marketplace works, but I'm pretty sure it's on a bimonthly rotation, so you won't have to wait long. Once I have some fine henchmen like Synner and Frank working for me, my overly circuitous plot to take over the world will be one quarter complete. Tell you what, after I've owned the Shadowrun franchise for a couple of months, I'll sell it to you for a fair price...say, a nice ham sandwich?
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