I think I'm finally done with tweaking him. Here's the final incarnation of Vice.
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Handle: Vice, short for Miami Vice. The name given to him when he went underground in reference to his old stomping grounds, and his clothing choices.
Name: Riley Travis
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: ¼ Caucasian, ½ Afro-american, ¼ Brazilian. Features are surgically enhanced to look more Caucasian, in stark contrast to his complexion.
Metatype: Human
Nationality: CAS
Date of Birth: April 3rd, 2041
Place of Birth: Jacksonville, Florida, CAS.
Height: 5’11�
Weight: 206lbs (including bone lacing)
Eyes: Originally brown. Cybereyes are usually kept replicating his original eye color.
Hair: None. Travis shaves his head daily.
Distinguishing marks: Riley has a regimental insignia brand on his left bicep, and a UV inked bar code across his throat. If scanned, the code is gibberish, and doesn’t match the checksum. He has a MedicAlert RFID tag implanted under his skin, informing any health care provider that he is allergic to opiates.
Professionally, Riley goes to great lengths to be menacing, without overtly threatening anyone, until frustration sets in. Then he has to fight the urge to hang people out windows and throw them off balconies.
Socially, he’s very much at ease, and somewhat disarmingly laid back. In the rare event that he gets to completely let his guard down, he hurls himself headlong into his addictions.
He lives well beyond his means, and works constantly to ensure he always has cash to throw into the hole in his soul. Despite maintaining his own personal code of conduct, he has no hard and fast rules about what types of jobs he will or won’t accept.
Riley Travis was born in Jacksonville, Florida, in an Ares Macrotechnology enclave. Both parents were loyal company employees, and he grew up in the “baseball, mom, and apple pie� corporate culture of Ares. After high school, company career counselors determined that continuing his education was a “dubious� investment and instead recommended that he either apply to the Knight Errant academy or join Ares Arms security force.
In an act of teenage defiance, he joined the CAS army and served for eight years as an air assault rifleman on the west Texas front. His impulse control problems kept him out of the elite echelon of special operations, but his physical toughness, forceful personality, and animal cunning made him an exemplary NCO. In 2066, he was honorably discharged as a staff sergeant with a bronze star for valor and a second for meritorious service.
After his honorable discharge, he was contacted by a Saeder-Krupp Prime recruiter. Rather than go to work for a SWAT or HTR team, or an Ares paramilitary force (Firewatch got word of his service record through his family and came knocking soon after he returned home), he thumbed his nose at his family again and went to work for Saeder Krupp Prime. After some elective augmentation and costmetic surgery, he was assigned to the Miami office as a “problem solver�. He split his time between negotiating with the Miami shadow community and shooting at them. After a year, he was a man respected and feared in equal measures.
In the fall of 2069, a new director took over his office and began purging the department of loose cannons and potential problems. Rather than getting fired or cleaned for his reckless personal life, Travis turned in his resignation and signed on with a Macao based mercenary company called Proactive Security Solutions. He spent 6 months sweltering in Vietnam, guarding opium fields and doing counterinsurgency work with the group before deciding he preferred concrete to mud under his feet. When his contract was, he declined to renew and examined his other options. Someone from the security firm put him in touch with an expatriate Californian fixer in Hong Kong looking for “freelance operators� to help him make a name for himself. The two connected quickly, and Vice was off to the races.
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Subrace: human (0BP)
Attributes (200BP+12 karma)
Body: 4 (5 for damage resist tests)
Agility: 4 (6)
Reaction:5 (9)
Strength: 4
Charisma: 4
Intuition: 4
Logic: 2
Willpower: 2
Initiative: 9 (13)
Positive Qualities (10BP)
Biocapatibility (Cyberware)
Negative Qualities (-15BP)
Mild Addiction: Vice has been a social drug user since he was 15. He quit completely while he was in the army, but relapsed completely while working in the non-stop party of the Miami underworld.
Mild Addiction: Vice is fighting a stalemated battle to overcome his sex addiction. He’s far less out of control than he used to be, but that’s just because he spends a lot more time working.
Standard SINner: As a legitimate citizen of the CAS, born in a corporate hospital and raised by corporate employees, Riley Travis was issued a SIN at birth. His SIN was destroyed in Crash 2.0, and replaced by the CAS because he was on active duty at the time.
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Active Skills (128BP+51karma)
Athletics Skill Group - 3
Infiltration - 3
Influence Group - 4
Pistols - 4
Automatics - 5
Intimidation - 4
Unarmed Combat - 3
Perception - 1
Palming - 1
Pilot Ground Vehicles (Car) - 1(+2)
Knowledge Skills
BK: Small Unit Tactics – 2
IN: Recreational Drugs-2
Corporate Security Procedures-2
IN: Hong Kong night clubs - 1
CAS Army Procedures-3
Language Skills
Spanish-N (17 years in Florida, followed by 8 years stationed in south Texas while at war with Aztlan, followed by 3+ years in Miami has left him speaking spanish fluently, though his dialect is a mix of Caribbean and Aztlaner.)
English-N (free native language)
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:nuyen:250k, 50BP
Vice’s bone lacing, biomonitor and data jack were installed by the CAS army.
Sensory systems, reflex boosts and attention coprocessor were installed by Saeder-Krupp.
He added the bioware himself while in Vietnam, before he went underground.
Attention coprocessor-3
Bone lacing (plastic)
Cyber safety
Muscle toner-2
Wired reflexes-2
Enhanced articulation
Reaction enhancer-2
Orientation system
-Flare compensation
-Low light vision
-Thermographic vision
-Vision enhancement-3
-Vision magnification
Cyberears -4
-Audio enhancer-3
-Balance augmenter
-Increased sensitivity
-Select sound filter-4
-Spatial recognizer
Minor Cosmetic Modification (:nuyen:2000)
-His bosses at Saeder-Krupp slightly tweaked his facial features to closer fit the idealized classic German face. Surgeons strengthened his jawline, sharpened his cheekbones, narrowed his nose and reduced his nostrils.
Survival Knife
Ares Predator IV, matte finish
-Concealed holster
-Quick draw holster
-5 spare magazines
-Personalized grip
FN-57C, chrome finish
-Internal smartlink
-Concealed holster
-9 spare magazines
-Gas vent 3
-Improved range finder
-Personalised grip
FN P93, matte finish
-Internal smartlink
-Shock pad
-Detachable Sound suppressor
-Detachable gas vent 3
-5 spare magazines
-Improved range finder
-Personalised grip
480 rounds explosive ammo
-300 rounds SMG
-120 rounds machine pistol
-60 rounds heavy pistol
110 rounds stick’n’shok
-80 machine pistol
-30 heavy pistol
4 Flash bangs
4 High explosive grenades
Good Luck Charm. 1 dud high explosive mortar round. While in the jungles of Vietnam, an incoming mortar round struck him on the helmet and failed to detonate. He kept it as a souvenir, and it now resides on his coffee table as conversation piece
1 Actioneer Business Suit, black with white pin stripes
Armor Vest, dark grey
Lined Coat, khaki trench coat cut
Form-fitting body armor, shirt
Fairlight Caliban
-Custom OS (System-6, Firewall-6)
-Satellite link
-PAN kept in Hidden Mode
Renraku Sensei
-Renraku Ichi OS
-Decoy commlink kept in Passive mode
Disposable commlink
White Noise Generator, rating-4
Tag Eraser
Common Use Programs:
Designer sunglasses with wireless adjustable tint and lens finish (:nuyen:1145)
Sensor software
-Facial recognition-3
-Lie Detection-4
-Weapon Watcher-3
Mapsoft-6 * 5 (Hong Kong, Seattle, Neo-Tokyo, Macau, Hanoi)
Plastic restraints, 10 bundles of 10
Metal restraints, 5 sets. One set’s key don’t work.
Monofilament chainsaw. Vice has forgotten he has this, and when he finds it, he’ll have no idea why he bought it. It’s currently sitting in a storage compartment in the trunk of his car.
Rappelling gloves
Survival kit
Grapple Gun
Catalyst Stick
3 100m spools of stealth rope
Maglock passkey-4
Medkit-6, 20 restocks
5 Stimulant patch-4
5 Tranq patch-6
2 Trauma patches
Drug stockpile
-Asia, 12 doses
-eX, 25 doses
-Novacoke, 25 doses
-Zen, 10 doses
-1 can of Hurlg that some ork girl he had a drunken one night stand with left in his fridge two months ago. He has no idea whether the stuff goes bad, and if so, whether it has, and has no intention of opening it and finding out. Instead, it stays there, waiting for the next ork or troll to come into his home to ask for a beverage.
-Galak, 15 doses
Smart Combat load vest
2 Smart ammunition pouches
Fake SIN-4
-Dalton Xavier Zachary
-Private security contractor with Proactive Security Solutions, a Macau based security company that operates in China and south east Asia.
-fake license-4
--wired reflexes
--reaction enhancer
--heavy pistol
--machine pistol
--concealed weapon permit
Fake SIN-4
-Tyrone Draft
-Independent simsense industry military consultant
-fake license-4
--wired reflexes
--reaction enhancer
--heavy pistol
--concealed weapon permit
Chrysler-Nissan Skyline GTR
-Hyundai Shin-Hyung competitor w/High Amenities. I priced this at :nuyen:17000 (base cost of a Shin) + :nuyen:1000 (for the High amenities vehicle modification).
-Gunmetal grey paint
-Spoof chip
High Lifestyle, 1 month
-Vice lives in an apartment on the 46th floor of a skyscraper in Central Hong Kong
-Comforts (4BP): The furniture is high end, and neo-minimalist. The art on the walls includes hand-made reproductions of famous ancient Chinese pieces. The building has a cleaning staff that comes around once a week. The rest of the housework is handled by drones, maintained by the building staff.
--Entertainment (4BP): The building’s concierge staff has a block of standing reservations at all the popular night spots, restaurants, and stadiums in Hong Kong.
-Necessities (4BP): Vice lives in a 287 m2 apartment, with vaulted 5 meter ceilings, floor to ceiling windows looking south at Victoria Peak (he doesn’t know about the prestige of having a harbor view), 2 guest bedrooms (one converted to a home gym), 3 and a half baths, two reserved spots in the underground parking garage, and his measurements on file at several clothiers in the trendy part of Wanchau-Causeway.
-Neighborhood (4BP): The building is located right in downtown Hong Kong. It has an extensive fitness center, two restaurants exclusively for tenants and guests, an indoor pool, and a rooftop garden.
-Security (4BP): The building’s matrix host is well secured and monitored constantly. It has an onsite security staff, mostly to deal with unruly guests of residents, and maintains its’ own contract with Knight Errant, independent of the city’s. His neighbors are reasonably sure he’s a career criminal, but, as is the way in Hong Kong, would never be so rude as to say so to anyone.
-leased blue and white Suzuki Mirage
-premium MPS service
(4d6 + 12) * :nuyen:500
1d6=6, 1d6=4, 1d6=5, 1d6=6 Contacts:
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5BP, plus 8 points from Charisma * 2
Vincent Cocetti - Fixer (L:3/C:2)
Vinnie C grew up in the San Fernando valley, surrounded by wiseguys. After going to college and business school, he got into the “olive oil� business rather than the corporate world. As a mob finance man, he was able to avoid the hail of gunfire when the don went to war with a yakuza clan. When his capo and don were slain, Cocetti expanded his operations beyond organized crime staples and expanded into contract corporate espionage. When he got sick of LA, he moved to Hong Kong. After several productive years, an old acquaintance who’d gone into the mercenary business put him in touch with a former company man looking for work in the Free Enterprise Zone, and he’s handled Vice’s shadow career ever since.
Mai Li - Executive Personal Assistant (L:2/C:2)
Mai Li grew up a corporate brat in a nice, quiet part of Bellevue. While she was in high school, she and her friends began sneaking over the wall into Redmond to experience the “ork culture� glorified in the orxploitation movement firsthand. In college, she got an internship with a startup record label called Rhymin’ and Stealin’ Records. The VP of marketing offered her a job as his personal assistant when he discovered she had grown up on the fringes of the world that the company was selling albums about. Now, she offers her perspective on artists, picks up his dry cleaning, keeps track of all the meetings on his calendar, and drives his daughters to ballet lessons. Mai met Travis jogging in a Renton park while he was in Seattle to extract someone. She quickly figured out what he does, and after spending all day working with studio thugs, loves the giddy thrill of associating with a real criminal when he’s in town.
Hokato Ota - Fixer (L:2/C:2)
Ota grew up in the slums of Osaka and fell in with a “starved wolf� gang. Eventually, he caught the eye of the Snakeheads in charge, who saw the advantage of having a native Japanese member in their operation in the port city. Over time, the smugglers moved him to their Neo-Tokyo operation, to handle arranging bribes to the more racist officials who wouldn’t deal with an outsider. The gang specializes in kidnapping young girls from mainland China and Vietnam and smuggling them into Neo-Tokyo to fill the bunraku parlors and hostess clubs, and smuggling weapons and munitions back into the warzone to fuel the ongoing conflicts. The gang is also the JIS end of a pipeline that smuggles opiates into ultra-conservative Neo-Tokyo. Vice and Ota met when he was in Vietnam working for PSS, a Macao based mercenary company that the Snakeheads’ opium growers had hired to protect their processing sites.