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I'm fine with Brick. Mages need sammies, like quarterbacks need linebackers, so he'll definitely be useful. biggrin.gif

Here's Viper, the crunch only, revised from turning in 34 BP for 68 Karma:

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@Scope_47: It's what character you want to play, but Jane definitely fills a role, that of dedicated face, especially since I'm going with Viper instead of Dancer (Viper is only so-so as a face, and really lacks the temperament for it). And the BP for Karma trade-in can get you a lot more than a specialization or two. I wasn't even min-maxing it for Viper, since I kind of treat Karma as something tacked on to the base build, and I still got to add a few things and shore up some weak areas.
Jane definitely rounds the team out better, but really, we do have enough people that we can make it work with pretty much whatever folks bring along.

On another tangent, am I the only one suddenly finding the thread title ominous? I don't know why it didn't pop into my head sooner.
Hehehe, that's why I was pulling out my characters that I could see being fulfilled by a last stand - possibly for something important (IE: 'into the light') like saving the world or something equally important but less cliched.

Jane definitely fits the bill... she's in it for the thrill, and well... death is the ultimate thrill wink.gif

- Scope
Yeah. It is a good day to die.
EZ Rough (thought I had better post something).

Any suggestions?
Still working on the gear list, but he has a weapon focus 1 and a Detection Sustaining 3.

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Quick revision of Viper, realized I was 1 over the max allotment of spells, so I reworked the Karma expenditures a bit:

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So I took the free-ish points that using Karma frees up, and I added an SUV that Abe acquired courtesy of some poachers who no longer needed it, as it were, since people were concerned about walking around, along with a few points of driving skill. I don't really know the vehicle rules to well, so if anyone has some suggestions on what should be done to it, let me know. I don't want to do anything too illegal, 'cause that'd make crossing borders a pain.

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Jane says "You know what that ride needs... NITRO! And a turbocharger too! And how about custom-workin' that engine for speed, eh? I know a guy who can hook this drek up!"

OOC, I say that you should consider just leaving it unmodified - or giving it mods that the poachers would have had.

I reworked Jane a bit with the 35BP for Karma trade in... she came out pretty well, and is now a good second-string street-sam (she has 17 dice with her heavy pistol, and has 11 ballistic armor) in addition to being a first-string face smile.gif

I'll post her full backstory as soon as she has a buddy.

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She's basically going to be buying high lifestyle every month with the money from her dayjob... if she gets a buddy, they can crash at her pad so long as they pay the 1000 nuyen that it would increase her cost by... she'd be glad to have the company that doesn't care that she's famous... and the help with ditching her own security smile.gif I'd love a buddy with a car or even better a hacker-buddy (pirate them SkillWarez for me, please biggrin.gif )

A couple of questions for the GM so I can make some final tweaks:

What would be the stats for a normal bullwhip, and could it use the same skill as a monowhip? (Yes, I'm looking for some Indy Jones style theatrics - Pink Mohawk style before substance FTW!!!)

What is the cost for an electric guitar? (I took Artisan with the intent of musical performance)

- Scope

<EDIT> Arg! I had forgotten the obvious purchase of Empathy sensor software... so I had to dump the bike's turbocharger (which makes Jane a sad panda, but is probably good for her safety). Now she has 2995 nuyen left over, and I'm not sure how to spend it. I could always buy more ammo or grenades... or some more pistols or something... any suggestions? Anything glaringly obvious that I missed?
QUOTE (Scope_47 @ Aug 12 2008, 08:44 AM) *
Arg! I had forgotten the obvious purchase of Empathy sensor software...

Perhaps someone with access to a warez group could provide that for you at a slight discount?

@brick. The Genetic Heritage quality from Augmentation would allow you to have Genetic Optimization (BOD). Costs fewer BP's and gives you a nice discount on any other Genetech you wanted.

@Gremish. No way could persuade you to allow a little initiation/submersion? I can't think of much else to spend karma on really. Or could we perhaps carry any we don't spend forward into the game?

Edit: Okay, I missed a page of posts, but nothing major.

Malloc.I is still looking for a buddy and someone local to Tokyo. I think he could fit, paired up with just about anyone, but being a media-whore, himself, I kind of like the idea of him recognizing Jane from her simflicks, and investigating when he got the news that she would be shooting for a new movie in Tokyo. I also like the idea of him taking everything in them as canon truth (even though they mostly are all based on shit she really did, the post-production team probably added some stuff, or made other stuff seem effortless, etc). Of course, I could do all of those thing after they met, later, as part of the bigger team, too.

Her having a simrig would be particularly useful for giving an AI eyes and ears in the real world occasionally - and, as far as I can tell, jane doesn't have/use a datajack to interface with her cyberware, so it is at least wireless-capable (figuring that most shadowrunners disable their cyberware's wireless capabilities entirely). *shrugs* I think we could make an interesting team, anyway.

Edit: As far as not caring that Jane is famous, I don't know if Malloc.I fits the bill. I think it would be less like an adoring fan that wants an autograph, and more like a psycho fan who thinks the movies are real. That's probably worse. biggrin.gif We could also work something out where he knows the score, and is less interested/impressed by the fact that Jane is famous, but still likes her connections with the media-crowd.
QUOTE (DWC @ Aug 11 2008, 09:34 PM) *
I'm fine with Brick if Grem is cool with having 10 players.

What can you tell us about why the out of towners are in Emerald City? I'm writing Vice's intro and I'd love to be able to specify why he's not at home.

You are home right now, to start off each "team" will be in their home city, and I will bring you all together. Each home ground will matter, but to start we will work into Seattle first and that will most likely (though its up to you all) be your base of operations.

More information on that will come later as we have to flesh everything out first.
QUOTE (Intro @ Aug 11 2008, 09:41 PM) *
Hey, just wondering how allergy (pollutants) would play out in game. It seems like a good negative quality for nature guy, and suits him better than some of the other negative qualities I've shoehorned in. Would it be possible to avoid the negative effects by wearing his chemical protection (6) suit and a respirator in polluted parts, or maybe everywhere he goes in the city, possibly offending people? Or how would one use it without being a total screw-up in urban areas?

And I'm fine with Brick. Will he fit in the trunk?

Chem suit would offset it, but I will be pretty lenient on most urban areas minus heavy pollution zones. Areas by factories and such would kick your ass but your general living might only give a little effect to nothing.

I think its a great neg qual for you.
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 12 2008, 04:16 AM) *
@Gremish. No way could persuade you to allow a little initiation/submersion? I can't think of much else to spend karma on really. Or could we perhaps carry any we don't spend forward into the game?

Not going to let ya do it ahead of time, but I could see bringing a few Karma into the game to start, let me know what you have leftover and we shall see.
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Aug 12 2008, 01:44 PM) *
Malloc.I is still looking for a buddy and someone local to Tokyo.

Does you not want to be my room-mate no more? Sad face....

We could probably afford a 22/24 point lifestyle between us. I was going to give it the 'perfect room-mate' quality to represent the team-mate you share with and buy a Response 3 Nexus as an upgrade for the CHN. It would be a unit within the Whampoa Data Haven so physical security would be pretty good and there would be plenty for a curious AI to get up to....

@Grenish. I was thinking of trying to save quite a bit. Enough to Link some Sprites and get a couple of grades of submersion. Looking at it it's not so hard to free up some BP's from stats or drop some of the low skills and specializations and re-purchase them with karma.
QUOTE (crizh)
Does you not want to be my room-mate no more? Sad face....

I would still be up for that, but I saw that DMC had asked to be your "buddy". biggrin.gif

That reminds me, Crizh, you cool with Granny having Vice as her swim buddy? It'd be a convenient explanation for why someone with no computer skills whatsoever has a top of the line commlink with a state of the art custom OS, loaded with useful software.

I figure, Malloc.I is pretty flexible with who he gets paired up with, so I am happy to fill in any slot, as necessary. I do sort of agree with DMCs observation that pairing up characters with differing skills is a good idea, especially if we're starting out separated.

I get the feeling that we're going to have a hard time settling who is where, and paired with who. Have any pairings been made official yet?
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Aug 12 2008, 10:30 AM) *
I would still be up for that, but I saw that DMC had asked to be your "buddy". biggrin.gif

I figure, Malloc.I is pretty flexible with who he gets paired up with, so I am happy to fill in any slot, as necessary. I do sort of agree with DMCs observation that pairing up characters with differing skills is a good idea, especially if we're starting out separated.

I get the feeling that we're going to have a hard time settling who is where, and paired with who. Have any pairings been made official yet?

I'm not really attached to any particular pairing. The little old lady technomancer and the curious AI works pretty well, too. I was more trying to rationalise based on geography rather than building a functional pairing.
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 12 2008, 09:19 AM) *
We could probably afford a 22/24 point lifestyle between us.

After redoing some of my stats, I can probably afford much less. Also, I wasn't planning on having a fake SIN anymore, which means Malloc.I's physical lifestyle would be limited to 7LP or less. Of course, if Granny's SIN was the one on the lease, I might be able to scrounge up some cash to help with rent and whatnot.

QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 12 2008, 09:19 AM) *
I was going to give it the 'perfect room-mate' quality to represent the team-mate you share with and buy a Response 3 Nexus as an upgrade for the CHN.

So, I don't get to be a disadvantage to you, anymore? biggrin.gif Fine. The nexus idea is good, that was what I was looking at for Malloc.I's home node anyway.

QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 12 2008, 09:19 AM) *
It would be a unit within the Whampoa Data Haven so physical security would be pretty good and there would be plenty for a curious AI to get up to....

Were you planning to have a day job, and have the coporate owned lifestyle quality? Because I think you/we would need that to piggy-back on their security. I wanted something like that, but I can't take the day-job quality as an AI. Otherwise, that does sound like an ideal place for a dataworm to wiggle his way into. smile.gif
Can I not have two friends, one real and one imaginary?

Whampoa is more your 'Anarcho-syndicalist-commune' kinda place but security is ultra tight. The write-up on it says the cops tried to raid it once and gave up.

DWC, I've added room on the bus for a couple of bikes to RORO whilst in motion like we were talking about before.

I've got half a dozen bits and bobs in the air atm and I'll try to post as many as possible this evening.

I'm currently working on augmenting the fake tour company with a massive LTA cargo-lifter based on a Bulldog Step Van. I'm thinking we may need some way of transporting huge chunks of gear over large distances which is what Zeppelins are best at.

[edit]Is that Jane and Brick on the cover of Runners Havens?
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Aug 12 2008, 10:58 AM) *
After redoing some of my stats, I can probably afford much less. Also, I wasn't planning on having a fake SIN anymore, which means Malloc.I's physical lifestyle would be limited to 7LP or less. Of course, if Granny's SIN was the one on the lease, I might be able to scrounge up some cash to help with rent and whatnot.

So, I don't get to be a disadvantage to you, anymore? biggrin.gif Fine. The nexus idea is good, that was what I was looking at for Malloc.I's home node anyway.

Were you planning to have a day job, and have the coporate owned lifestyle quality? Because I think you/we would need that to piggy-back on their security. I wanted something like that, but I can't take the day-job quality as an AI. Otherwise, that does sound like an ideal place for a dataworm to wiggle his way into. smile.gif

Looks like y'all are setting up shop in Hong Kong. I'll take a gander through Corporate Enclaves this afternoon and figure out what I have to adjust to fit Vice into Neo-Tokyo.
As a side note if languages are a problem for anyone everyone gets english free in this campaign and you can then spend your language points on the home town or other areas if you choose.
QUOTE (DWC @ Aug 12 2008, 04:33 PM) *
Looks like y'all are setting up shop in Hong Kong. I'll take a gander through Corporate Enclaves this afternoon and figure out what I have to adjust to fit Vice into Neo-Tokyo.

What's wrong with staying in Hong Kong? With three of us sharing we could live pretty well. I'm just about to post a sample lifestyle for me and the AI, have a gander at it and see what you think.
Well, with 9-10 players, and 4 locations, there are going to be one or two teams with three people in them. Something to consider.

As far as the Whoompa security thing, that sounds good, but I probably won't be able to afford a high security area lifestyle.

I like Japan better than China, too, but I'm not entirely opposed to relocation.

Even if we don't end up being a working "pair", Malloc.I would be very interested to have a friend wit han account in a big-time data haven.
QUOTE (Gremish @ Aug 12 2008, 11:48 AM) *
As a side note if languages are a problem for anyone everyone gets english free in this campaign and you can then spend your language points on the home town or other areas if you choose.

I'm trusting in the Linguistics adept power and a good intuition to see me through. Bring on the Xhosa and Quechua!
Whampoa Lifestyle

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The Whampoa Data Haven is a massive, ship shaped, former shopping mall in the slums of the Kowloon District of Hong Kong. It has been abandoned for four decades and the Hacker and Technomancer community that has grown up there has become a vital resource to Kowloon's street gangs. As a result those gangs have protected it with their lives, even fighting off the Cops in an uncharacteristic display of armed unity.
So anyone else want to start in the Detroit area with EZ?

Anyone else a Motown home boy or girl?

Also EZ might have done some special effect work in the Entertainment industry, so Jane might know him.
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Aug 12 2008, 04:51 PM) *
but I probably won't be able to afford a high security area lifestyle.

If you were one of three sharing that would only technically be 7LP's....
QUOTE (crizh @ Aug 12 2008, 10:50 AM) *
What's wrong with staying in Hong Kong? With three of us sharing we could live pretty well. I'm just about to post a sample lifestyle for me and the AI, have a gander at it and see what you think.

It's definitely neat, but way too bohemian for Vice, who's more likely to to be living in a high rise condo someplace downtown. But I'll keep him in Hong Kong unless someone else wants to be the third one in the Free Enterprise Zone.
@Glyph - Weaver and Viper knowing each other is okay with me! Weaver has a tendancy to spend a lot of time crashing at random peoples houses in return for spoofing their bills. So perhaps they know each other via the friend of a friend route?

@Gremish - One thing I was wondering, how'd you rule on the Analytical Mind Quality in regards to Threading? It has the following line at the end "This quality also provides a + 2 dice pool modifier to any Data Search and Software Tests." The question then is do you count a threading roll (Software + Resonance) as something it will work with?

(Even if it doesn't affect threading it fits the character to have it, I just wanted to know in advance so I didn't assume it'd be helping when it wouldn't be.)

I ask this as I was going to convert some BP into Karma and do a few minor changes to her character sheet. Which I hope to post in an edit to this post fairly soon.

Here is the final version of her sheet. With the Karma spend totals next to the BP totals. The logic behind the Karma spending is she started out as a very out of shape hacker type and has improved her physical attributes over the last few years / months. It also makes her a bit more functional as a character, having the ability to defend herself if only poorly.

Stats and Metatype. (60 Points of Karma spent here)
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Skills and Knowledges (10 Karma Spent here)
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Qualities, Complex Forms and Living Persona Ratings

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Gear and Contacts. Plus the details of BP into Karma conversion. Mostly this section is the same, but I dropped the thing which laser cleans wrapped plastic so I could get some better body armour and a few Explosive rounds for the pistol.

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It does look like a cool write up, but I'm not sure its right for Malloc.I either.

Despite 8K being well out of his current price range, rent is up 500% because of all of those resonance qualities that don't benefit Malloc.I in the least.
Even the 10% difference in price for adding him on as a roommate is more than I am now planning to spend on housing (and who needs 750 square meters of space when you live in a box that is less than a meter in every direction).

The only reason I went over the top with Malloc.I's lifestyle in my original stats was because I had more money than I knew what to do with, so could splurge on an impenetrable fortress. I'm thinking his lifestyle choices will end up being a lot more reasonable now, and I'll want him able and willing to move at a moment's notice.
Picked up runners companion this morning. Making revisions to Brick now. I think detroit would be a great place for brick to be from, so I'll take you up on that for him and EZ to be rooming.
QUOTE (Tarantula @ Aug 12 2008, 04:48 PM) *
Picked up runners companion this morning. Making revisions to Brick now. I think detroit would be a great place for brick to be from, so I'll take you up on that for him and EZ to be rooming.

As there will be some three people teams anyway, how about we make the first one with brick, ez and clamp?

You've taken a streetdoc connection for brick anyway. So if Brick knows Clamp you get essentially the same thing and can add a different connection. wink.gif
It comes to mind that an AI could know and work with all of us at one time or another.

The same to a lesser extent for the TMs.

No offense to Brick, but in Detroit we might be a little lacking in the tech connection.
There is a very good reason for the streetdoc connection that Brick has. Its who put him back together. I'm trading a few qualities around, having seen the new ones in runners companion. Dropping bad luck for paranoia and vindictive. Paranoia will fit well I think because it requires him to move every couple of months, and vindictive just fits. biggrin.gif

Or, quick edit, using the BP-> karma thing, I can just eliminate all his negative qualities all together. Though... I might just leave paranoia there because it seems like what'd happen after you had to get most all of you replaced.
In that case I'm going to go with.

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And here he is, in his finalized glory (With Pain Editor!) Brick!

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QUOTE (Oenone @ Aug 12 2008, 12:37 PM) *
@Gremish - One thing I was wondering, how'd you rule on the Analytical Mind Quality in regards to Threading? It has the following line at the end "This quality also provides a + 2 dice pool modifier to any Data Search and Software Tests." The question then is do you count a threading roll (Software + Resonance) as something it will work with?

(Even if it doesn't affect threading it fits the character to have it, I just wanted to know in advance so I didn't assume it'd be helping when it wouldn't be.)

I ask this as I was going to convert some BP into Karma and do a few minor changes to her character sheet. Which I hope to post in an edit to this post fairly soon.

It would work for threading
OK, here's a preliminary version of Granny.

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Arrgh, can't stop fiddling with the numbers. Noticed how to make Clamp a bit more useful in combat. Gremish if you think I got too efficient with the Karma (90 BP for 35) I'll just tone it down again.

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So, who'd like to team up with Clamp? Doesn't our stuntwoman need someone to patch her up again and again?
Downloading a new set of all the SR books right now so i have them on my comp at work.

I will be printing them (Yay for free work printing MUWHAHAHA!) and will have them all at my desk from now on while im here =)
Edit: Okay, all fixed up. :embarassed:

New version of Malloc.I

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A Handful of Background Questions
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Only thing I have a question on is starting languages. The impression I got from Gremish's comment on getting English for free was that it was everyone's natural language, and that if they wanted to spend points on their home-town language they could. It seems sad that the people from China or Japan can't be fluent in their native tongue, though. For Malloc.I, I had hoped to have his "native" language be the evolving iconographic language of Matrixese (unwired, pg 29) rather than the language of any particular region in the physical world. I also like the idea of an AI with usual speech patterns due to an imperfect understanding of human languages.

I'm not married to the idea, though. I can make his native language English if Gremish prefers (just to make communication easier), or if the intention was to make English a bonus language, and he doesn't mind me passing on that, I'm okay with that too. With intuition 5, he should be able to carry on a basic conversation in any language, and he can carry on complex discussions about matrix-topics in English or Japanese.

As far as location. I like the idea of Japan, still, and I like his lifestyle so doubt I'll be rooming up with anyone. I still think Malloc.I could be paired up with anyone, even across the world (in fact, the farther from Tokyo he operates, the safer his home node is), and it would work out fine. He might even spend a lot of time in their node, or in their home - it just won't be HIS home.

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That list is geared towards getting a team in and out of their target whilst providing Matrix overwatch and the tools to allow wireless penetration of even the most secure facility.

Granny's other speciality is providing comm-security, I've left plenty of cash there to create a comms-package for every team-member to run that ought to be pretty much impregnable. I plan to buy software for her CHN with starting cash as well which ought to provide a pretty cool base of Matrix operations for the digital-team to use.

I've intentionally not purchased any combat drones. I don't think it's really her style, although if a run requires it allowances could be made.

Also, for those interested. I dropped Warezhouse 24 as a contact, and picked up a more specialized, more pervasive, and tighter-knit group of digital spies. I'll probably make contact with a piracy group, through the usual channels, once play begins.
So it looks like we're here for locations:

Clamp (Ears) - Street Doc - Detroit
Brick (Tarantala) - Brick - Detroit
Easy (cndblank) - Mage - Detroit

Viper (Glyph) - Mage - Seattle
Weaver (Oneone) - TM - Seattle

Granny (crizh) - TM - Hong Kong
Vice (DMC) - Investigator - Hong Kong

Malloc.I (BlackHat) - AI - Tokyo

Jane Rxn (Scope_47) - Face/Vehicles - ?
Abe (Intro) - Wilderness Adept - Seattke?

Given his background, North America is strongly favored for Abe, so Seattle for him. That leaves us light on the ground in Tokyo, since MallocI won't be spending much face time there, and Jane'd be all alone if we tried to keep at least 2 entities per city. Suggestions?

EDIT: BlackHat, I have no idea what you're talking about. Nothing incorrect here, no siree.
With 10 players, two cities will have 3 and two will have 2, unless we basically abandon one city. biggrin.gif Since we don't want to do that, lets stick with that plan.

It looks like Detroit has three, already, so, like you said, Abe could go to Seattle, making 3 there as well.

Hong Kong already has two? And I don't mind firming up on Tokyo, since it looks like nobody is fighting over that slot. If Jane picks Tokyo too, we're all set.

On one hand, there is only one physical body in Tokyo. On the other, it could be a lot easier for Malloc.I and Jane to get together than any other team - so she needn't be alone for longer than it takes to place a commcall. I'm fine with this distribution if everyone else is.
Edit: Good job correctly capitalizing everyone's user names! biggrin.gif

Also, Malloc.I can spend as much face time in Tokyo as necessary. He just doesn't own any gear for making that convenient. He'd have to hijack a drone every time he wanted to go somewhere physically (not too difficult). Having even one other character in the area makes that a lot easier - so makes it more likely that he could be embodied.
Let me just say this as a bit of help / teaser... It will be highly important to have at least 1 person per city later in this campeign. From what I'm planning, however if you choose to skip a city thats fine as well.

Also I am on AIM all day at work, if you have questions or anything please try to contact me on there if you can, I dont always see posts right away but I always respond to AIM while working.
In that case, Jane can pretty much go wherever Scope wants her to - keeping in mind the above hint. wink.gif I don't mind policing Tokyo all by my lonesome if I have to. biggrin.gif
Jane can do Tokyo... I'll just have to adjust her languages a little bit... which is fine since I need to tinker with her gear anyway.
Blackhat, I'll be posting Jane's lifestyle breakdown in a bit, let me know if you want to live at her place smile.gif

Also, what were the chargen effects of buddying up? I remember there being something about splitting equipment or software piracy swapping... but can't remember for sure. If I could cut down on the money spent on software though, it would be nice smile.gif

QUOTE (Gremish @ Aug 11 2008, 06:49 PM) *
As far as shared gear goes, I am going to have you each Pair up, it looks like Seatle will be our start location which is fine by me but I want each of you to find at least 1 other person to "start" with, you will know each other and have some special things for each of you in your city.

he didn't say it, exactly, but I got the impression that the pairing up was tied to the sharing of gear (including software). Also, if people live together, that becomes cheaper.
I'll take a look at Jane's lifestyle, but I am guessing a Rich famous jet-setter is living a life I can't afford - plus, I like the tiny closet I have set aside for myself. Still, its boring, sometimes, so Malloc.I might pay Janea visit in whatever mansion of a hotel she is staying at when she's in town.
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Aug 12 2008, 04:13 PM) *
he didn't say it, exactly, but I got the impression that the pairing up was tied to the sharing of gear (including software). Also, if people live together, that becomes cheaper.
I'll take a look at Jane's lifestyle, but I am guessing a Rich famous jet-setter is living a life I can't afford - plus, I like the tiny closet I have set aside for myself. Still, its boring, sometimes, so Malloc.I might pay Janea visit in whatever mansion of a hotel she is staying at when she's in town.

Once it is set in stone where everyone is I will hand out the little surprises!
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