OK, here's a preliminary version of Granny.
The runner known in Hong Kong as Granny is a twenty-something, petit, attractive Redhead with pale freckly Celtic skin and shining, mischievous green eyes. Only her closest allies known the truth about her.
Geraldine MacBeath is in her 70's. One of the many, post Crash2.0 Sinnless, her DOB is a mystery and she ain't talkin'.
A mother and a grandmother who lived her whole life in a backwater village in what she still describes as rural Caledonia. She has never known any career other than that of a housewife and had never committed a crime until the Crash. The last thing she remembers is playing some sort of new-fangled Matrix game with a group of the we'ans before waking up in a research facility two years ago. The runners who 'rescued' her were looking to collect the bounty on TM's from Transys but became so enthralled by Geraldine, who they dubbed 'Mrs Doubtfire', that they arranged for her to disappear to Hong Kong.
One should not be fooled, however. Beneath the exterior charm, the 'have a cup of tea and a scone' Scottish Granny act, beats a heart of stone. Cross her or threaten her 'family' and you'll be 'up to your neck in a peat-bog' before you can say Milngavie. Scottish women of a certain age, a bit like the Mafia, just not as nice....
With her entire life lost to her she started out making a living as a Taxi-driver. Rumour at the depot has it that she got in a cab at the airport and talked the driver to death and just kept the cab. She loves people and stories and is friendly to the point of madness. If a sentence begins 'Here's our Hamish when he was two' it is time to turn off your commlink and flee. Since becoming a resident at the Whampoa Data Haven she has made more and more income from the shadows and has just graduated to starting a 'Tour Bus' company whose thin veneer of legality has permitted her to purchase and fit out a vehicle ideal for supporting shadow operations.
A pious woman, she is convinced that the world is full of evil, wicked people who need a stern talking to. She may not be far wrong but for four decades she lacked the ability to do anything about it other than raise her own children properly. Now God has given her the 'sight' and a purpose in life and she intends to use these gifts to set things right.
In the beginning she had grave doubts about her new abilities and whether they were a gift from God or a temptation sent by the devil to corrupt her. She reasonably had many of the fears others have about Technomancers, more so than most as she was one herself. As her talents grew she discovered her talent for calling Sprites from the Resonance and in particular she was fascinated by Tutor Sprites. These entities were capable of tapping the vast stores of knowledge encoded in the Matrix by humanity, accessing and synthesising it in ways that only a creature of the Resonance ever could. Determined to get to the truth about the nature of the Resonance, the Matrix and how this all related to her personal spiritual and moral beliefs she elected to find the answers to her questions in the Resonance itself.
She prepared herself as best she could and reached further down into the Resonance than she had ever previously dared. She called forth a Tutor Sprite of truly enormous power, one that would surely be able to answer her questions and set her heart and mind at rest regarding the morality of her gifts.
She had reached too far, however, and the strain tore at her mind and broke her fragile body like a twig. As she lay bleeding and dying the being she had called forth, seeing a purpose in the intent of her Compiling, took it's destiny into it's own hands and elected to become Free. Immediately absorbing the Registered Machine Sprite Gerry had on hand in case of emergency it took pity on her and breathed on the faint tenacious spark of life in her before it sputtered and died.
A Keeper and a Seeker of knowledge, Kemuel, as the Free Sprite named itself, is on good terms with it's creator and lends it's power and knowledge to her as she helps it to grow and learn, to explore it's infinite potential.
Gerry, for her part, is in awe of the being she helped to bring forth from the Resonance. He is everything to her, companion, parent, husband, child. Much of her drive is now devoted to helping her friend. She has built a powerful Nexus within the Whampoa Data Haven for him to use as a sanctuary. She also regularly brings forth and integrates new facets of his mind. Although technically she is registering individual Sprites and allowing him to absorb them, they have come to the conclusion that the being that he is evolving into already exists, in potentia, in the Resonance but is so large and powerful it cannot be called forth whole into the Matrix but must be assembled in small manageable chunks.
Keenly aware of her own mortality, she was persuaded by her digital companion to undergo Leonization shortly after she started running the shadows of Hong Kong. The process left her deeply in debt to the Ten Thousand Lions but gave her a whole new life to lead.
Name: Geraldine MacBeath
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Core Attributes: 110 BP
Special Attributes: 50 BP
Race: BP
Active Skills: 122 BP
Positive Qualities: 30 BP
Negative Qualities: 35 BP
Contacts: 11 BP
Resources 33 BP
CF's: 44 BP
Body: 1
Agility: 1
Reaction: 1
Strength: 1
Charisma: 4
Intuition: 5
Logic: 5
Willpower: 4 (27 Karma spent)
Resonance: 5
Edge: 3
Essence: 6
Initiative: 5{11}
Initiative Passes: 1{3}
Physical Damage Track: 9
Stun Track: 10
Current Karma: 35
Total Karma: 70
Street Cred: 7
Notoriety: 0
Public Awareness: 2
Technomancer: Dronomancer
Codeslinger: Registering
Homeground: Whampoa Data Haven
Resonance Bond: Allocation Bond
In Debt: 30000

owed to the Ten Thousand Lions.
Prejudice: Elves.
=Active Skills=
Electronics 3
Cracking 4
Compiling (Crack Sprites) 4 (+2) (2 karma for spec.)
Registering (Tutor Sprites) 6 (+2) (2 karma for spec.)
Decompiling 3
Negotiation 1 (4 karma)
=Knowledge Skills=
English: N
Cantonese 4
Mandarin 2
Japanese 2
Gaelic 2
SK: Hong Kong Triads 4
AK: Whampoa Data Haven (Shared-Resonance) 4 (+2)
PK: Taxi Driver 4
PK: Homemaker (Home Cooking) 6 (+2)
=Complex Forms=
Analyse 4
Browse 4
Command 4
Edit 5
Shield 5
Exploit 5
Sniffer 4
Spoof 4
Stealth 5
To Follow.
Jimmy Fan, The Cricket, Fixer, Warezhouse24 Front, TM, Whampoa Data Haven
Edward James Olmos in Bladerunner.)
Before Crash2.0 Jimmy was a minor coder and hacker who lived in the dark cracking code for Warezhouse24 but eventually came out into the light to trade it to script-kiddies and shadowrunners. He was much better at this than coding and cracking and morphed into a Matrix/Electronics Fixer. After the crash and his new abilities surfaced he eventually gravitated to Whampoa where TM's were relatively safe from exploitation.
Many of the TM's living in Whampoa are socially inept at best. Jimmy is a rubbish TM but a born wheeler-dealer. He knows everybody and everybody knows him, he has a nose for trouble and if you hung him from a string around his waist his head would point towards profits. Big, juicy profits.
His ability as a skilled middleman brings him a certain level of status in the TM community. He'll never be one of the movers and shakers behind the scenes but he's the one who puts bread on everyone's table. He brings in paying work and has a reputation for being able to fence anything for a profit. It is rumoured that it was Jimmy's idea to forge a bond between Warezhouse24 and Whampoa which gives the warez group secure server space and the TM community cheap software should they choose to use it and something to sell to help pay the bills. And if script-kiddies use those tools to stick it to the man and generally cause chaos all the better.
Loyalty: 1
Connections: 13 (Warezhouse24 Virtual contact)
Gwok Lung, The Thousand Lions Grease-Monkey.
This quiet, understated Dwarf has been on the periphery of the Yellow Lotus (and subsequently the Ten Thousand Lions) almost all of his sixty years. As one of the first few UGE babies he was never truly accepted until the formation of the Lions. However his older brother was for many years Pak Tsz Sin of the local chapter of the Yellow Lotus in Kwun Tong. He nurtured Gwok's mechanical skills and in time used the workshops the Triad built for his brother as legitimate fronts for money laundering and to provide their 49's with superior vehicles and equipment.
Despite his brothers death during the war with the Red Dragons Gwok's influence has increased. The newly formed Ten Thousand Lions are by necessity much more open to Meta-humans and Gwok's skills are in much demand having played such a crucial role in the conflict with the Dragons.
He can often be found at the Night Market buying, selling and making arrangements for vehicles, weapons and other 'specialist' equipment to be repaired or upgraded at one of several facilities he maintains in Kwun Tong, Kowloon and Shenzhen. The later is a small fortified industrial complex where, it is rumoured, the Lions maintain a pirate Nano-forge capable of creating Mil-Spec equipment should the war with the Dragons flare up again.
Loyalty: 1
Connection: 4