Suggestions welcomed.
[ Spoiler ]
Nickolas Justinen
Body: 5
Agility: 2/6*
Reaction: 5(6)
Strength: 2/6*
Charisma: 2
Intuition: 5
Logic: 5 (7)
Willpower: 5
Magic: 5/3
Edge: 2
* Cyber lower left arm
Essence: 4.14
Initiative: 11
Initiative Passes: 2
Physical Damage Track: 11
Stun Track: 11
Current Karma: 0
Total Karma: 0
Street Cred: 0
Noteriety: 0
Public Awareness: 0
Magician 15
Mentor Spirit (Wise Warrior) 5
+2 Dice Combat and Detection
Astral Chameleon 5
Phobia Senseless Bloodshed (enraged) -5
Lost Loved One (Brother) -5
Enemy I1 C4 -5 ?
Poor Self Control(Thrillseeker) -5
Addiction, Mild (Psych) -5
Addiction, Mild (Alcohol) -5
Dependants(Current Girlfriend/Local Mission) -5
CONTACTS Connection Loyalty BP
Talismonger 3 4 7
Fixer 3 1 4
=Active Skills=
Stealth (Disguise, Infiltration, Palming, Shadowing) 1
Astral Combat 1
Counterspelling (Combat +2) 3
Dodge (Ranged +2) 1
Etiquette (Street +2) 1
Perception (Visual + 2) 1
Spellcasting (Combat +2) 6
Summoning (Air Spirits +2) 1
=Knowledge Skills=
[Street] Underworld Politics 1
[Street] Lone Star Procedures 1
[Street] Corporate Politics 1
[Street] Corp Security Tactics 1
[Street] Entertainment Industry 1
[Street] Corp Dirty Secrets 1
[Street] SOTA Magic 1
[Interest] Magic Background 1
[Academic] Forensics 1
[Academic] Chemistry 1
[Academic] History 1
[Academic] Parazoology 1
[Academic] Magic Theory 5
[Academic] Law 1
[Professional] Special Effects 5
[Professional] Engineering 1
[Professional] Psychology 1
[Languages] English N
[Languages] Japanese N
[Languages] Latin 3
[Languages] Greek 1
[Languages] Chinese 1
Spells Type Range Damage DV Duration Limited?
Detect Explosives, Ext. P Touch (Radius: 200m) O (OR) 3 Sustained No
Detect Life, Extnd. M Touch (Radius: 200m) O (WIL) 4 Sustained Yes
Analyze Device M Touch O (WIL) 2 Sustained No
Combat Sense M Touch O (WIL) 4 Sustained Yes
Lightning Bolt P LOS O (REA) + 5P 5 Instant Yes
Stunball P LOS (Radius: 5m) O (BOD) + 5P 3 Instant No
Trid Phantasm P LOS (Radius: 5m) O (INT) 5 Sustained Yes
Silence P LOS (Radius: 5m) O (INT) 5 Sustained Yes
Hot Potato M LOS (Radius: 5m) O (WIL) 1 Sustained No
Physical Mask P Touch O (INT) 3 Sustained No
Mana Static M LOS (Radius: 5m) S 6 Permanent Yes
Levitate P LOS S 3 Sustained No
Cyber Eyes (2nd Handware) Capacity Used: 8/8
Accessories Rating Avail. Cap. Nuyen
Flare Compensation 4 1 375
Thermographic Vision 4 2 500
Vision Enhancment (1-3) 3 9 3 2,250
Vision Magnification 4 2 500
Body Part Replacement Type Cap. Avail. Grade Ess. Nuyen
Left Arm Obvious Lower Arm 10 10 2nd Hand 0.54 5,250
Accessories Rating Avail. Cap. Nuyen
Custom Body to 5 2 2 0 1,500
Strength +3 3 9 3 375
Agility +3 3 9 3 375
Optimized Evo Kali (+1 blade) - 4 2 2,500
Small Smuggling Compartment - 6 2 750
Modular CyberlimbÛ© - 1 0 5
Auto-Injector (reusable)Û© - 4 0 250
Auto-Injector (extra dose 6) 6 0 0 300
Auto-Injector (reusable)Û© - 4 0 250
Auto-Injector (extra dose 6) 6 0 0 300
Total 6,930
Cyberlimb stats Bod 5 Agl 6 Str 6 Armor 0
Cyberware Rating Grade Avail Cybr Ess.Nuyen Notes
Datajack Alpha 0 0.08 1,000
Skillwire 1 Alpha 4 0.16 4,000 total ratings held is X 2 X rating
Cyberware Rating Grade Avail Bio Ess. Nuyen Notes
Synaptic Booster 1 2nd Hand 5 0.6 40,000 +1 reaction, +1 Init Pass X rating
Platelet Factories Std. 12 0.2 25,000 -1 damage taken (min 1 point taken)
Cerebral Booster 2 Std. 12 0.4 20,000 +1 logic X rating
Sleep Regulator Std. 8 0.15 10,000 sleep 3 hr/day, or 48 hours awake w/no modifiers
Total Bio and Cyberware 116180
=FOCI= Force Cost Avail Bound BP Cost
Power 2 50,000 8R Yes 2
Weapon (Katana) 1 10,000 5R Yes 1
Sustaining (Detection)* 3 30,000 12R Yes 3
Usually has a Force 3 Combat Sense running.
Total 90K
Blades Amount Reach Damage Capacity Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Ceramic Knife 1 --- (STR/2+1)P --- 4 ï¿¥75 ï¿¥75 Ars:14 Undetectable by MAD scanners
Katana 1 1 (STR/2+3)P -1 4R ï¿¥1,000 ï¿¥1,000 SR4:305
Heavy Pistols Amount Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Avail Cost Total Notes
Ares Predator IV 1 5P -1 SA --- 15 © 4R ï¿¥350 ï¿¥350 SR4:307 Includes smartgun system
Submachine Guns Amount Damage AP Mode RC Ammo Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Ingram Smartgun X 1 5P --- BF/FA 2 (3) 32 © 6R ï¿¥650 ï¿¥650 SR4:308 Includes gas-vent 2, smartgun
system,sound suppressor, and detachable folding stock
Weapon accessories Amount Rating Damage AP Armor Used Avail Cost Total
General accessories Amount Mount Avail Cost Total Page
Spare Clips 6 --- 4 ï¿¥5 ï¿¥30 SR4:311
Endoscope 1 8 ï¿¥300 ï¿¥300 Ars:149
Personalized Grip 2 2 ï¿¥100 ï¿¥200 Ars:151
Skinlink 2 6 ï¿¥50 ï¿¥100 Ars:152
Capsule Rounds 7 --- (Stun) +2 I 4 ï¿¥30 ï¿¥210 Ars:34
EX-Explosive Rounds 7 +1 -1 B 12F ï¿¥100 ï¿¥700 SR4:312
Stick-n-Shock 4 6S (e) -half I 5R ï¿¥80 ï¿¥320 SR4:312
Misc. Ammunition, per 10 rounds Amount Damage AP Blast Avail Cost Total Page
Flash-Bang 1 6S -3 10m radius 6R ï¿¥30 ï¿¥30 SR4:313
Gas 2 Chemical --- 10m radius 4 +chemical 20 + Chemical SR4:313
Smoke 2 --- --- 10m radius 4R ï¿¥30 ï¿¥60 SR4:313
Thermal Smoke 3 --- --- 10m radius 6R ï¿¥35 ï¿¥105 SR4:313
Armor and Clothing Amount Rating Ballistic/Impact Capacity Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Armor Amount Rating Ballistic/Impact Capacity Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Armor Jacket 1 8/6 2 ï¿¥900 ï¿¥900 SR4:315
Chameleon Suit 1 6/4 10R ï¿¥8,000 ï¿¥8,000 SR4:315 Applies -4 Perception Test modifier to spot the wearer
Forearm Guards 1 +0/+1 6 ï¿¥200 ï¿¥200 Ars:49
Leg and Arm Casings 1 +1/+1 6 ï¿¥350 ï¿¥350 Ars:49
Shin Guards 1 +0/+1 5 ï¿¥150 ï¿¥150 Ars:49
Vitals Protector 1 +1/+1 4 ï¿¥200 ï¿¥200 Ars:49
Armor Modifications Amount Rating Ballistic/Impact Capacity Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Chemical Protection 1 5 2 8 ï¿¥1,250 ï¿¥1,250 SR4:317 built-in 1 hour air supply
Fire Resistance 1 4 2 4 ï¿¥400 ï¿¥400 SR4:317
Nonconductivity 1 4 3 6 ï¿¥800 ï¿¥800 SR4:317
Thermal Damping 1 4 5 10F ï¿¥2,000 ï¿¥2,000 SR4:317 Add its rating to Infiltration Tests.
Electronics Amount Rating Response Signal System Firewall Persona Limit Processor Limit Avail Cost Total Page
Commlink Accessories Amount Rating Avail Cost Total Page
Skinlink 1 3 6 ï¿¥50 ï¿¥50 SR4:318
Disposable Commlink 2 1 3 2 1 — ¥300 ¥600 Unw:196
Renraku Sensei 1 2 4 --- ï¿¥1,000 ï¿¥1,000 SR4:317
Tag Eraser 1 6F ï¿¥150 ï¿¥150 SR4:320
Voice Mask 1 8R ï¿¥500 ï¿¥500 Ars:58
Software Amount Rating Firewall System Avail Cost Totals Page
Mangadyne Deva 1 2 3 --- ï¿¥800 ï¿¥800 SR4:215
Running 1 1 8 ï¿¥3,000 ï¿¥3,000 SR4:110-126
Virtual Surround Music 1 --- ï¿¥50 ï¿¥50 SR4:321
Sensors Amount Rating Capacity Signal Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Vision Enhancers Amount Rating Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Contact Lenses 1 6 ï¿¥50 ï¿¥50 SR4:324
Glasses 1 --- ï¿¥25 ï¿¥25 SR4:324
Vision Enhancements Amount Rating Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Low Light 1 +4 ï¿¥100 ï¿¥100 SR4:323
Smartlink 1 +4R ï¿¥500 ï¿¥500 SR4:323
Audio Enhancers Amount Rating Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Earbuds 1 --- ï¿¥10 ï¿¥10 SR4:325
Audio Enhancements Amount Rating Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Audio Enhancement 1 3 +2 ï¿¥300 ï¿¥300 SR4:324
Select Sound Filter 1 3 +8 ï¿¥300 ï¿¥300 SR4:324
Spatial Recognizer 1 +6 ï¿¥100 ï¿¥100 SR4:325 Adds +2 dice pool modifier to Perception Tests to find the
origin of a specific sound
Sensor Packages Amount Rating Capacity Signal Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Sensor Functions Amount Rating Capacity Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Non-Linear Junction Detector 1 6 1 12R ï¿¥600 ï¿¥600 Ars:59
Kits Amount Avail Cost Total Page
Operations Cleanup Kit 1 12F ï¿¥500 ï¿¥500 Ars:63
Biotech, Chemtech, and Genetech Amount Rating Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Biotech Amount Rating Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Biomonitor 1 --- ï¿¥300 ï¿¥300 SR4:329
Disposable Syringe 1 4 ï¿¥10 ï¿¥10 SR4:329
Medkit 1 1 --- ï¿¥100 ï¿¥100 SR4:329
Antidote Patch 1 6 6 ï¿¥300 ï¿¥300 SR4:330 Add rating to any toxin resistance tests
Stimulant Patch 3 6 12 ï¿¥150 ï¿¥450 SR4:330 Ignore injury modifiers of stun damage
Tranq Patch 1 6 12 ï¿¥120 ï¿¥120 SR4:330 Inflicts stun damage equal to its rating
Trauma Patch 1 2 ï¿¥500 ï¿¥500 SR4:330 Placed on dying patient allows a stabilization test using Body instead of
First Aid/Medicine
Inoculation 1 6 ï¿¥300 ï¿¥300 Aug:134
Antivirals 1 6 ï¿¥120 ï¿¥120 Aug:134
Antibiotics 1 6 ï¿¥60 ï¿¥60 Aug:135
Antiparasitics 1 6 ï¿¥150 ï¿¥150 Aug:135
Drugs Amount Avail Cost (per dose) Total Page Duration
Jazz 6 2R ï¿¥75 ï¿¥450 SR4:249 10x1D6 min
Psyche 6 --- ï¿¥200 ï¿¥1,200 SR4:250 (12-Body) hrs
Toxins Amount Avail Cost (per dose) Total Page Vector Speed Penetration Power
CS/Tear Gas 2 4R ï¿¥20 ï¿¥40 SR4:329 Contact, Inhalation 1 Combat Turn 0 5
Narcojet 1 8R ï¿¥50 ï¿¥50 SR4:329 Injection Immediate 0 10
Nausea Gas 1 6R ï¿¥25 ï¿¥25 SR4:329 Inhalation 3 Combat Turns 0 6
Neuro-stun 1 12R ï¿¥60 ï¿¥60 SR4:329 Contact, Inhalation 1 Combat Turn 0 10
Pepper Punch 50 --- ï¿¥5 ï¿¥250 SR4:329 Contact, Inhalation 1 Combat Turn 0 7
Compounds Amount Rating Avail Cost (per dose) Total Page Notes
PocketMage Library 1 3 3 ï¿¥1,800 ï¿¥1,800 Ars:67
Library 5 2,500
Fetishes Amount Avail Cost Total
Combat 1 8R ï¿¥200 ï¿¥200
Detection 1 2 ï¿¥50 ï¿¥50
Illusion 1 2 ï¿¥100 ï¿¥100
Manipulation 1 6R ï¿¥300 ï¿¥300
SINs Amount Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Fake SIN 1 4 12F ï¿¥4,000 ï¿¥4,000 SR4:322
1 2 6F ï¿¥2,000 ï¿¥2,000 SR4:322
Licenses Amount Avail Cost Total Page Notes
Fake License 3 4 12F ï¿¥400 ï¿¥1,200 SR4:322
Squatter 1 ï¿¥500 ï¿¥500
Squatter 1 2D6 ï¿¥120 ï¿¥120
Roughly 44K out of 250K
Karma spent
35 BP --> 70 Karma
6 Raise Str from 1 to 2
6 Raise Cha from 1 to 2
6 Raise Agility from 1 to 2
02 Buy Combat specialization for Spellcasting
02 Buy Combat specialization for Counterspelling
10 Buy Stealth (Disguise, Infiltration, Palming, Shadowing) 1
04 Buy Astral Combat 1
06 Buy Dodge 1 (Ranged +2)
06 Buy Etiquette 1(Street +2)
06 buy Perception 1 (Visual +2)
06 Buy Summoning 1 (Air Spirits +2)
10 left over