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Hey! Its been a while since I gamed here but with my new job I get to surf the forums daily so I am searching for some players for a SR4 campaign!

I am going to leave it open ended for the most part as far as what exactly everyone would like to play.

I have been GMing Shadowrun for 7 years so I know plenty about it and I have been RPing for 15 years.

Basic game outlines:

Prefer players who can check the forums at least Bi-daily, I will try to do daily updates myself but of course there is always life!

The current campeign idea I am looking at as the primary is a conventional start for shadowrun that moves into a new ground of some things I have been working on for a while, should be tons of fun but only if you dont know what it is so I wont elaborate further.

Anyone interested please let me know!

AIM = hallowedman1212
Sounds interesting. Where will this be starting? Are you looking for pink mohawkish characters, or more shadowy types? Will characters be standard 400 points using material up through Unwired?
Sounds interesting.

Bi daily should not be a problem.

I'd prefer it since PBEM is fairly slow.
I'd be interested in getting into another game. I have a long commute, but I can still check the board early in the morning as well as in the evening, and I am a pretty regular poster.

Will these characters be thrown together, or will they have worked with each other before?
I'm pretty interested as well. What are the char-gen rules?
Char Gen Rules arn't set yet. i want to find who is interested and what type of play they would like to see and go from there. I am capable and willing to do anything.

As far as a background goes i will work each character into the story, you may or may not have worked together before, this will depend on the type of character you have chosen and whether I feel they should know someone else's character.

I have only begun to flesh a storyline and plot, it wont take long for me to have it set up and ready but I wanted to make sure there was interest before I spent a large amount of my time working on it!

Some basics:

This will start as a normal SR game, based in one of these places: Hong Kong, Tokyo, Detriot, or Seattle. We will run as a normal game for a time, how long is up to me. After a time we will begin the transition, this is where it gets interesting. Everything you do until this point, each character flaw, each quirk, and everything you have accomplished, or not, will then become relevant. It is at this point the game takes another turn, but I wont give that away.

Lets just plan for a nice normal SR game for now and base any characters or ideas around that.

Glad to see we have a bunch interested already!

AIM = hallowedman1212
Yahoo =
I'd be interested, too. Twice a day is no problem for me, either.
Sounds very good. Keeping up with 2 a day posting is no problem for me.
Twice a day?

Sometimes I get up to twice an hour checking on games that are slowly asphyxiating.

Count me in if there's room.

Gritty, pink mowhawk? Either, I'm easy.
I like to keep things going as fast as possible, as long as the players are posting regularly, you will get posts from me. I sit at the computer 12-14 hours a day at work and I have free time pretty much the whole day to catch forums, I put Bi-Daily on here because I dont just want the extremely hardcore players, I would like to have anyone who is interested.

This game will be allowed to have up to 8 players.

Current people interested are:


Thats 6 already. Sounds like no one has a issue with Bi-daily minimum posting which is good.

So start getting me character concepts when you can, this campaign again is open ended for what type of character you wish to play.

Might also be a good idea to discuss between yourselves who is playing what ect so you have all the bits and pieces. But thats up to you guys. I will be fleshing out your startup package here today and posting either today or tomorrow with the basics.

The one thing I do ask is if at any time you are unable to play any longer or need to miss more than a few days of game play please let me know. I will do the same as things do come up for me as well and sometimes I will miss a few days. This way I can be sure to know exactly whats going on!

As far as char gen rules go we will begin with normal 400 standard rules, all books are use able, standard equiptment applies, please let me know if you have any "special" requests as well.

Backgrounds would be largely appreciated, I like to know more about the characters before we begin, however they are not required and I can produce one for you if needed.

Thanks! Can't wait to start gaming!
I would be interested as well. Like you, I sit at a computer for half of the day, and check Dumpshock every time I take a sip of coke. wink.gif I have way more character ideas floating around than I'll ever get a chance to use up.

By "all books are usable" is that up till Unwired? or till Runner's Companion?

I have all the books, and as long as certain "insane" things arnt abused I have no issue with any book being used.
I'd like to join in as well.

I'll pm you a concept in a few hours.
Can get a concept together today too, although I think airing our concepts in this thread might make for better team composition. The last thing we want is 8 hackers. Actually, that sounds a little bit awesome. Anyway, I'll probably throw my ideas out for public consumption.
I usually play vat-jobs. I can play a rigger, a cover-ops sniper, an assault rifle tactical soldier/merc, or a pink-mohawk style face/actress/stunt-woman.

I could also play something else altogether if we need it.

- Scope
Character ideas:

Vice, former company man (street samurai/secondary face):

[ Spoiler ]

Edit:Added backgrounds. Scrapped the second generation samurai idea, since I couldn't write the background without getting douche chills.
Edit:Removed Drift. Adjusted Vice's background slightly, to include some more detail.
Edit:08-Aug-2008: Fleshed out history.
Edit:11-Aug-2008: Adjusted background to relocate character to Seattle.
Edit:11-Aug-2008: Unadjusted background to put character back in Hong Kong.
I usually play faces, riggers, or hackers. Since the two of you mentioned rigger as a maybe, and are leaning towards combatty types, I'll focus my ideas on hackers.
From all the responses you might be full up by now, but if there's any space I'd be interested in playing.

Technomancer - Cassandra 'Weaver' Jones - Networker with Alis Paragon. A down on her luck PI who Shadowruns to pay off the debts she built up looking for her missing brother. Hacking with some skill at social tests to act as a back up face. Oh and a selection of street type knowledge skills.

Rent-A-Cop / Former Lone Star - Vincent 'Fornax' Ryder - Cybered general combat character, out for revenge on whoever put a price on his head. Again has some degree of back up social skills and general knowledge to round him out.

But I have to admit I've never played in a forum based Shadowrun game before, just in case that influences things.

I've edited the post to make the two characters a bit more clear in terms of who they are and what they're aimed at doing.
Since we're talking about a larger party of up to 8 people, I've had a guy kicking around in my head whose skills don't really fit in to a smaller party. A wilderness-focused physad. A loner, maybe even neo-Luddite sort. Still excellent at shooting things (got to defend yourself from those paracritters, but with shotguns and sport rifles as standard instead of pistols and assault rifles), and the assortment of outdoor skills, which hardly ever seem to get taken. I don't know if they'd ever really get used, but they could be useful for assorted things outside of the sprawl, like smuggling, etc. even if outdoor things are never a focus.

SINless since the crash of '64, took the opportunity to disappear. Instead of doing it in the city with fake SINs like most people, he did it the old-fashioned way. As to why he's come to town, the simplest is that he's gotten a message that an old friend needs help (connection to another character), or needs to get a big wad of nuyen for some other project. Personality-wise, I'm thinking fairly literate and personable misanthrope. A 2070 Ed Abbey.
Alrighty, here are some brief descriptions of characters I could play (Sarge assumes that the infected rules from RC are allowed) The last two need a bit more fleshing out of course:

Scope (yet another rehash of my first SR character): Covert operation specialist. She used to be a counter-terrorism sharpshooter with Knight Errant, but then she was recruited into a Black Operations program by a director of Ares Arms. After killing her lover on company orders, she had a nervous breakdown and was 'section sixed' - reprogrammed with a new personality (through a combo of reworking her memories and applying a personafix implant) that would make her obey her orders without emotion. Years later, an accident during a mission scrambles her programming and she escapes to become a shadowrunner. Human covert operations vat-job and excellent sniper.

Sarge: A veteran of the desert wars, Sarge is an Ork who, while never having become an officer, managed to survive long enough that in her unit her word often was taken more seriously by the men than those of the CO. She gave her life to the Saeder-Krupp military - something that kept her from the fate of most Orks on the street, but she was bitter about always being passed up for promotion for no apparent reason. During a mission, Sarge's team's t-bird was shot down in Africa, and while they were trying to regain contact with their CO they were set upon by an Asamondan border patrol. Sarge was the only survivor, but she became infected with HMHVV - becoming a ghoul. Fearing the consequences of returning to her unit commander, she instead entered Asamondo and found a smuggler that would take her elsewhere - abandoning her identity and being forced to turn to shadow-work to make end's meat... literally. Ork Ghoul Heavy Assault mercenary.

Dr. Jessica Cordell (this is another take on a character I am currently playing in a different game): Dr. Cordell started out as a crime scene investigator, having become a cop because her police-detective father vanished without a trace while tracking a serial killer, and she was obsessed with finding that killer herself. Later in her career, she was the only expert witness willing to testify against a group of Mafia hitmen. The courts convicted a number of made men based on her testimony, but she was shot on the courthouse steps in retaliation, doing permanent nerve damage to the base of her brain that couldn't be repaired. She survived and continued working as a labtech - though confined to a wheelchair, she learned to make extensive use of drones to make up for it. Working late one night after pulling a triple shift, she made a mistake in the lab while testing some blood samples brought in from a crime scene - accidentally putting her hand in a running centrifuge due to sleep-dep and distraction. The destroyed samples led to a choice between a retirement or being fired... she chose retirement so as to keep her meager pension, but was determined not to stop working. So she goes looking for work only to discover that not many people want to hire a has-been, crippled hero cop who had royally ticked off a crime syndicate. Disheartened and disenfranchised, Dr. Cordell creates a new identity and begins taking shadow-jobs (though she only participates in wetwork if she thinks the target deserves it) as her way of retaliating against the system that destroyed her life. Crippled human rigger and forensics expert - some medical training

Juliana 'Bester' Black: An ex-cop, Juliana was kicked off the force due to her unsavory methods. She is an anti-hero, willing to do whatever it takes to protect 'good' people from 'bad.' Now she runs the shadows, but only takes jobs that agree with her slightly twisted morality. A mystic adept (my first magic character concept smile.gif ) specialized in interogation and 'telepath style' magic.

Jane Reaction: Once she was a stunt-woman/actress for a Sim-Sense firm, but now she's a 'free-agent' as she calls herself - always looking for the next big adrenaline rush. Pyrotechnics, vehicles, fast-talk, and fanciful weapons are her thing - the shinier, faster, and hotter the better. A street-sam with vehicle and con/disguise ability.

I would enjoy playing any of these characters, so I'll let the team/GM decide who they like best smile.gif

- Scope_47
I've got a number of characters in games that are going nowhere I'd like to resuscitate.

Voodoo is a custom Possession Mage.

[ Spoiler ]

Or there is Granny an OAP TM.

[ Spoiler ]

The geography may need to be changed up a bit depending on the campaign for that one.

Lots and lots of other ideas depending on what is needed.
I've rediscovered one of my old (pre 3rd ed.) chars I always wanted to play and never got around to:

Streetdoc who's been told too many wild stories about runs by his customers grabs some big gun, picks up some minimal skills from a friend with connections and throws himself into the madness.


I made him as a human-looking dwarf who picked up a grenade launcher and explosives on joining the shadows.

Don't expect much from his shots but rest assured he'll patch you up afterwards if you get caught in the blasts. wobble.gif
I would be interested in playing, if available, a metasapient AI evolved from a complex dataworm program. Having emerged recently (a few months ago), the AI does not yet possess much of a background, worth detailing - although, given a day or two, I could probably put together a pretty decent summary. It would, however, be very good at getting into systems, undetected, and punching holes in their security for others, and doing the same sort of malicious things a Shadowrunning team usually wants a hacker for. I imagine it spending its non-running time collecting innocuous data, perhaps habitually (media junkie flaw), and see the program's primary motivation for making its services available to others being along those same lines (trading in paydata, exploits, backdoors, etc, collecting programs, particularly knowsofts). Also, as almost all worms possess the ability to replicate, but the AI's recent evolution has made it so complex that it can no longer do so, another long-term motivation would be for it to learn more about AIs, and perhaps find another means of reproduction (a powerful "instinct" leftover from its original programming). Mostly, I want to try out these new rules, and see how they feel, in practice.

Another possibility, my second choice, would be a character that wouldn't fit into a smaller group, but might be very helpful to a larger group - a high-class data-courier along the lines of Johnny Mnemonic (the short story more than the movie), who transfers information or data that is usually sensitive enough that the big time corporate clients don't want to risk digital transmission (encrypt programs having been rendered all but useless). He does this by using a nanoflashback system and data filter to encrypt his memories of that information or data in a format that only he can decipher - but gives the one and only copy of that memory to his client to transfer to the intended recipient. Upon receipt, "Johnny" would meet with the recipient, click on his forget-it-all cyberware, but be able to reply the memory and relay the information or data contained therein. Of course, that would mostly be IC fluff for what he does with his free time. His important qualities, as far as Shadowrunning is concerned, is a lot of senseware, making him hyperperceptive, able to recall even the most minute details, and able to put those details together to great effect.
Sub Zero!

I have the urge to play with magic.

Is a Physical Adept or mage still open?

I'm not up to playing a hacker and my current character is a Stealth Sammie.

a few options....

Whisper (Owl Shaman B&E expert) -

Ithaca - Hermetic combat and detection Mage. An expert in spells but lacking on the summoning.

Hush (Physical Adept face but not a pornomancer)
Can we keep a running track of what characters have been approved (plus race and skills sets/roles)?

Perhaps we could each copy the old list and add our PC to the bottom of the list as we finalize what characters we are going to run.

That way we can make sure everything is covered and have an easy way to tell who is going to be doing what.


So we need...

One or two mages.

A rigger and a hacker.

A face and B&E expert

and of course muscle.
After checking out the other PC that have been thrown up, I'm leaning towards either:

Ithaca - Hermetic combat and detection Mage. An expert in spells but lacking on the summoning.

Or Easy (Physical Adept Face/Detective/Good shot with a pistol).

I GM mostly so I don't have any ready to go.

I'll start fleshing them out.
Updated my prospects, including backgrounds. I'm leaning towards the street sam/face type, since the game he was created for went up in smoke in kind of a lurch.
I have Dancer, from the previous game I was in that fizzled out. She is a combat adept who is also a very good dancer with some face abilities. The good thing about her is that with three areas of focus, it is easier to customize her (more face, less combat, etc.) and still not need to re-write a lot of her background.

Other concepts:

Adept detective with mental/perception boosting powers and 'ware . Not very combat-oriented, secondary face abilities.

Celtic druid eco-activist combat mage.

Dwarven sorcerer who is both a magical and a mundane healer.

Gothy chick black magician.

Two sammie close-combat specialists. One with secondary face abilities, one with a well-rounded company-man type skillset.
Gremish, I would be interested to verify if/that you're using the software degradation and piracy rules from Unwired, and see if you would be using the optional open source or freeware rules, also. In either case, I would also like your opinion as to whether any of those are options at character generation - given that no hacker worth his salt is going to register his illegal programs with his SIN, and all three other options cost quite a bit less, than usual.

Spending 50-100K on programs that will dry up in a few months seems bad, but looking back, it seems unlikely that any given character will ever see month 2 - so I'm not worried about it if you're not.
QUOTE (Blackhat @ Aug 7 2008, 01:11 AM) *
Gremish, I would be interested to verify if/that you're using the software degradation and piracy rules from Unwired, and see if you would be using the optional open source or freeware rules, also. In either case, I would also like your opinion as to whether any of those are options at character generation - given that no hacker worth his salt is going to register his illegal programs with his SIN, and all three other options cost quite a bit less, than usual.

Spending 50-100K on programs that will dry up in a few months seems bad, but looking back, it seems unlikely that any given character will ever see month 2 - so I'm not worried about it if you're not.

I will be blunt, I dont have unwired with me right now, its across the state and I cannot get it for a bit. I have not read the book much so I dont know all the little things about it, so I cant really give you a good run down. I dont really see a need to have degration of the programs though, thats a bit harsh.

Once I have the book with me again (which may be a bit) I will happily give you the run down, however for now I leave it to your best judgment, and if worse come to worse we can just not use it for now.

Sorry this wasnt much help!
OK We have 9 players, and thats where I am closing it. From the top here is what everyone has said thus far:

Ears : Street Doc - I think this is a good fit.

DWC: Streetsam/Face Type character

CNDBlank: Mage/Adapt

Glyph: Combat Adapt/Mage

Scope_47: Covert Ops / Military Ork / Investigator / Ex-Cop / Stunt Woman - Tough call, all great character types, I would love to see the stunt woman type character played but they are all able to fit into my ideas, let me know what you/the group want to do!

Intro: Wilderness guy - Great for this campaign in my opinion.

Crizh: Mage / OAP-TM - Matrix is ok... to deal with, I'm not a HUGE fan of it still, and I do the matrix a bit different than normal game play or anyone else I have heard of, I think my way is a bit more fun and interesting. I am not against matrix things at all though, so either character is fine with me.

Blackhat - AI / Data Courier - Same deal as Crizh with the matrix, I dont like to use normal rules for it, I will explain that later, but I am also not trying to push people away from it. Data Courier idea is extremely neat to me.

Oenone: Techno / Renta-cop - Both ideas are good!

I will put up abit more later today as long as I have time, but flesh out what you all are thinking is best for group compision ect. Just as a FYI I am planning this campaign to fit every character type in some way shape and form, so there is NO bad character concepts. Everything works, period. Its just a matter of how WELL it works. Play what you guys want though because I want you to ENJOY the game, dont play something just because it might be a little better than a different character, I would rather you play something you really like so it keeps you more interested!
Its fine, I'm not against using it, since by default, it is RAW. You can revisit the decision when you get your book back (and I apologize if bringing this up screwed anyone else, but since I'm planning to play a hacker, it probably hurts me the most). I think the main reason they introduced software degradation was because without it, your team hacker just cracks the copy-protection on something, and shares it with the whole team for free - which raises the question why he doesn't share it with the world, for free - which, if it will always function at rating 6, raises the question why anyone would ever pay for any program, ever. biggrin.gif As soon as one person cracks a copy of a rating 6 firewall, and starts giving it away for free, every device would become awesomely protected, forever.

The degradation rules say that, by default, all legal programs work and cost, as they say in the BBB, but require registration to a specific SIN, and carry copy protection. You get regular updates from whoever you bought it from, so you're always patched and in working shape. However, if you ever use legal programs during illegal activities (such as hacking) there is a data trail leading back to you (so reduce the threshold for tracking programs by 1 for every such program used). That's pretty much a deal breaker for hackers.

The alternative is to use pirated code, which has the copy protection taken off, and is no longer registered to a SIN (if it ever was). Buying these from pirate group involves some trivial rolls to make contact with them, but then they cost 10% as much. However, because they're not patched up, they lose one rating point every month or two months depending on the kind of program. You can also buy cracked patches for 10% of the usual cost (the difference between the cost of the current and max ratings), but they don't stop the degradation, they just return the program to its full rating. You can also pirate your own programs following the rules in the BBB, but once you do, it starts to degrade - basically, if you leak a free version of MaxFirewallPlus into the wild, people start to develop exploits that target this newly common firewall, and in a few months, a better version rolls out that people need to use if they want to stay protected.

All in all, I like the concept behind these rules, and it does (help) address the issue of why people would occasionally pay upkeep on their programs to keep them up to date (or just register them with a SIN, which is the logical thing for non Shadowrunners to do), but there is no explicit rule stating that one can have searched for a piracy group at character creation (perhaps with a contact?) and buy these cracked programs at their discounted price - so I'll just continue with the assumption that I can start with pirated software, but that I will pay full price for it. Once play begins, I could use some downtime to contact various pirate groups to get discounts on the maintenance of the software.
QUOTE (Gremish @ Aug 7 2008, 10:07 AM) *
Matrix is ok... to deal with, I'm not a HUGE fan of it still, and I do the matrix a bit different than normal game play or anyone else I have heard of, I think my way is a bit more fun and interesting.
I dont like to use normal rules for it, I will explain that later, but I am also not trying to push people away from it.

I'd be interested to hear the details about this, whenever you get to it, before committing to one character or another.
Having some idea what to expect of the matrix, and what you can and can't do in it, will be pretty critical to anyone considering playing a hacker/type, I think.
What can you tell us about a starting location, so we can finalize character backgrounds?


We know each other enough to be willing to commit felonies together.

We might want to be an established team (or two teams that have worked together and are joining forces due to turn over) moving to a new city with new IDs.

Of course some of us would already be familiar with the city (and have contacts there).

Do we want to have a common enemy (someone we all agree will be after us or should be a prime target?)
Not everyone needs to be in on this, but having some common enemies will make the team building easier.

Location would be helpful on background.

Gremish, do you plan to use the double your Charisma in free Contacts house rule?

Also are we going to move this to a email distribution list or stay up on the dumpshock boards?
QUOTE (BlackHat @ Aug 7 2008, 10:21 AM) *
I dont like to use normal rules for it, I will explain that later, but I am also not trying to push people away from it.

I hate the number crunch of the matrix, I like more Role play involved. Meaning your not going to be making as many "checks" against programs and such as often, its going to be allot more role play intensive.

I prefer to build a matrix "world" and let you travel in it just like the real world, but instead of the normal things you do as feats ect, you do checks against programs and such. its almost more complicated but it allowed me to choose when you should be making checks based on what i feel is nessecary rather than a "ok i do data jacking" roll... " ok you pas, you find this file".

I prefer more like:

Wuu Approaches the doorway cautiously, he can see the ice blanketing the outside of the data building preparing to attack anything that becomes a threat. Wuu carefully places a disguise program to trick the system and then moves slowly closer. The system notices him "Wuu: Shit! Dice roll time!" Wuu rolls to crack the ice and enter the building without getting squished and you do your normal stuff from there on.

I am just not a fan of pure data stream and to be blunt the matrix is my WEAKEST part of GMing Shadowrun, I love the concept of it and doing it ect, however no players I have EVER had wanted to run in the realm, so I lack the knowledge and perfection of actual play in the matrix realm. I have only begun recently to table top it with a new group because one of my oldest players decided to start a hacker.

Before that point we merely used very simple rules whenever the matrix came up.

I will read everything and get caught up on it though easily enough im sure and you are welcome to help me where i make little mistakes on it.

QUOTE (BlackHat @ Aug 7 2008, 10:26 AM) *
I'd be interested to hear the details about this, whenever you get to it, before committing to one character or another.
Having some idea what to expect of the matrix, and what you can and can't do in it, will be pretty critical to anyone considering playing a hacker/type, I think.

You all have a choice, we can have a vote on it:

Hong Kong
or Tokyo

Which place would you all like to start in, any are fine with me and all work fine for the campaign ideas i have!
Okay, I see what you meant by more fun, and I agree, that does sound like fun. I'm game, so long as the actual rolls (dice pools, threshholds, etc) are still based on the same things they were before, for the most part.
QUOTE (cndblank @ Aug 7 2008, 11:04 AM) *

We know each other enough to be willing to commit felonies together.

Thats not clear yet

We might want to be an established team (or two teams that have worked together and are joining forces due to turn over) moving to a new city with new IDs.

If you want to be established I can work that in, if you all want to be separate thats just as easy for me

Of course some of us would already be familiar with the city (and have contacts there).

Most likly you would all be familiar but there seems to be a few people, like the wilderness character, who might not be

Do we want to have a common enemy (someone we all agree will be after us or should be a prime target?)
Not everyone needs to be in on this, but having some common enemies will make the team building easier.

I will take care of this part =)

Location would be helpful on background.

Gremish, do you plan to use the double your Charisma in free Contacts house rule?

Yep, thats fine, but I want the contacts in all 4 cities, not just one. Detroit, Seattle, Tokyo and Hong Kong. you dont ahve to have them all but spreading out is a good idea...

Also are we going to move this to a email distribution list or stay up on the dumpshock boards?

Either way is fine by me, I like Dumpshock but if people prefer email thats works also.

QUOTE (BlackHat @ Aug 7 2008, 11:25 AM) *
Okay, I see what you meant by more fun, and I agree, that does sound like fun. I'm game, so long as the actual rolls (dice pools, threshholds, etc) are still based on the same things they were before, for the most part.

It is, and the dice rolls ect are all the exact same. I just dont use them as often as normal matrix rules require.
QUOTE (Gremish @ Aug 7 2008, 11:24 AM) *
Hong Kong
or Tokyo

I would be up for any of those.

Seattle is the one I know best, just because it is the default setting. I live near Detroit IRL, and shudder to think what it would be like in 2070. wink.gif Still might be fun to roll there.

Another option, if your idea is flexible where travel is concerned - is to have some of the team have safehouses in each of these places, and have the initial missions take us to all of them. The out-of-town team could crash at whatever pad the townies' have there. Based on your comment about having contacts spread out, that might be what you have in mind, anyway - but having 2 or so characters local to each location might make the jobs there easier.
QUOTE (Gremish @ Aug 7 2008, 10:24 AM) *
You all have a choice, we can have a vote on it:

Hong Kong
or Tokyo

Which place would you all like to start in, any are fine with me and all work fine for the campaign ideas i have!

Oddly, I've got a weird retro craving for Seattle, though I'm fine with all four.

Edit My first choice is Hong Kong. Seattle is second, followed by either Neo-Tokyo or Detroit.

On the other subjects, I'm comfortable with all the options. I love the comedy of seeing groups thrown together, but at the same time I really like being several small crews that get thrown together for something big. The cliquishness and paranoia could be great.
I don't mind playing either character, so I'll go with whichever choice helps the group most. So if we're short on muscle I'll play the cop and if not the TM.

With the TM her contacts are likely to end up matrix based if you don't have a problem with that, so location might not be as much of an issue. (Mainly as BP are scarce by that stage of TM chargen). The Stream she'd be using gives quite nice Sprite powers like Traceroute and Info Sortilege which are good for helping with legwork.

The cop idea needs the main local police force hired for the area establishing before I send it in, but aside from that it's done. He's geared up for Shotguns, Pistols and close combat. With reasonable cyberware and armour. I suspect he falls under the muscle catagory

Location wise I know Seattle a bit better, but I have the setting books for Hong Kong and Tokyo too. I know the least about Detroit, aside from it being a city with many borders and factions. So Seattle gets my vote, with Hong Kong in second place as the book made it seem pretty cool.

One thing I should note is I'm in the GMT timezone, so while I'll check the forum as often as I can if the majority of players are US based and posting in the evening I might not be able to reply as fast as I'd like.

Below should be the Spoiler Tagged Character sheets. I'll do more detail on contacts after I know which character to expand upon. Hopefully the spoiler tag thing will work.... As I haven't used them before.

Vincent 'Fornax' Ryder
[ Spoiler ]

Cassandra 'Weaver' Jones.
[ Spoiler ]

Hopefully the math is right on both of them. If not let me know where I've made any errors and I'll sort them asap!
Edited because I fouled up the Spoiler tags.
to do a spoiler tag, wrap the characterlike this

Yeah i cant read a damn bit of that right now, its black text on black background because there isnt a spoiler =P
Heh cheers. I managed to figure it out before I spotted your post, just took me forever to find the /hide in all that spam. :/
Here is the Magic Roster so far

CNDBlank: Easy, a Utility Mage/Mystic Adept - not much of a summoner.

Glyph: Combat Adapt/Mage

Crizh: Mage / OAP-TM

Grizh, Let us know if you are going Magic or Matrix.
Do we have a dedicated Face yet?

I'm leaning towards Easy, a Utility Mage/Mystic Adept (has Imp Mask, Heal, Imp Invisiblity, some Detects and the like with a stunball to round it out) Easy is not a summoner (Skill Rating 1) but can be either a primary or secondary face.

I could also do a face with a latent Awaking, but a PBEM games moves fairly slowly. Maybe if Easy is the primary Face then he has just awakened (knows a couple of spells and is a natural with Counter Spelling.)
My vote is for either Seattle or Hong Kong...

Hong Kong has more of an exotic feel, and I know Seattle better.

I like the idea of every character knowing at least one other character beforehand, but as a whole the group being thrown together - it makes it less likely for anyone to be ganked by the others due to paranoia (or justifiable prejudice) while keeping the character development from people being curious about each other.

BTW, guys, I've narrowed it down to either playing Sarge (the heavy combat Ork Ghoul) or Jane Reaction (the stunt-woman)... but I just can't decide which. Sarge would be a heavy-hitter/tank in combat, Jane would be basically a get-away driver and mostly a face... so-so in combat, but fairly squishy (style over substance, so she'd be just wearing a bomber jacket for armor, giving her 3/3... 4/5 with her aviator's helmet)... she could fly aircraft and stuff too, but given availability and cost she wouldn't actually have such a vehicle.

I'd appreciate it if people could tell me which character they'd rather have on the team (I know our illustrious GM likes Jane better, but she seems to overlap a lot with a lot of other proposed characters, so I'm not sure how useful she'd be... and her big thing would be her vehicles, which if we go globe-trotting would likely get left behind)

- Scope
Both sound like interesting ideas. From a first read I would have to agree with our GM, Jane has the cool factor going for her.

Depending on the skill of the matrix support we could possibly get the vehicle moved with us or simply hijack ourselves something locally. Or maybe the 5 point quality from RC which lets you have an item up to availability 20 would help? (Although I guess finding suitable boat/planes for starting character cash is tricky)
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