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"So just what did Angel-girl drop me into this time?" Desdemona asked Shiver.
"She and I were protecting Carl from Moira and her associate in black. He has information for them about some troublemakers."
"And just what sort of trouble makers do we have today?"
"Shamans raising Nomads."
"Gah...seems I've been out of the loop for a bit. Our resident saint need to learn to cut loose every now and then..." Desdemona said, not liking what she heard. "Anyways, we going to get our 'friend' here to spill his guts anytime soon?"
"Once we get off the street, we'll go somewhere to talk."

Looking down at the informant held in his arms, Shiver sighs.

"I'm sorry, but we have played things your way once. Now you must trust me to keep you safe."
:: Moira sighs heavily, the adreneline leaving her body and the sharp pang of grief wells up momentarily before she looks at the small limp body in Shiver's arms. She gives a moments thought to the dull ache she feels from the blast, removing the injury so that the more difficult casting ahead would be most effective. Then, with a solmn face, she steps forward to lay a gentle hand on Carl and tries to take away his pain. ::

:: Satisfied that the majority of his wounds are mended, she closes her eyes a moment as she concentrates on the astral world. Looking down at her faithful companion, the empathetic feeling of saddness for their lost friend passing momentarily between them before Luna understands the request to check the remains for anything of importance. ::
Moira, Shiver & Desdemona
As the shaman casts her spells, a large wolf steps from the astral. He pads over to remains of the stairs and heads down. Carl's breathing eases as the spell knits his flesh back together. His eyes clear as the haze of pain lifts from his body. "I was just minding my own business when suddenly...........something just pushed me out of the driver's seat. I couldn't stop myself from doing anything. Some fragger walked up to me and handed me that death trap. Whoever they were they had me call and set this up. Please let Mynce know I didn't..."

The confession is cut short by a long soul stirring howl from below.
"Perhaps we should leave, now." Shiver looks to Moira for ascent since it is her vehicle even as he pushes Carl gently in the direction of the black car.

"Des, you may need this." The large troll reaches under his coat and pulls off the concealable holster that clipped at his waist. The pistol is obviously meant for the much smaller hands of the she-demon than his massive digits.

Keeping an eye in the direction of the dark noise, he begins to back towards the car.

"Don't worry Carl, I'll get you to safety until these fraggers are put to rest. Now, we really should get moving."
You move through the streets of the city. The strangeness of normal life happens just outside the windows of your vehicle. The world seems distorted somehow. All the people around you numb and cut off from the things happening just beneath the surface. The have no idea how little and fragile their lives are.

You arrive back at the safe house. The group who met Madam Yin arrive first with your employer awake and somewhat aware. She immediately stumbles for the bathroom and soon the sound of running water is heard. Her mood is subdued and quiet, if such a thing could be imagined.

Moira and her party arrive a short while later. The group is an odd sight to be certain.
Paladin looks up from his spot on the couch to the new arrivals, "What happened to you guys? Where is Blaze?"
Murrey heads for the nearest cushioned, level, space and curls up for some shut eye. Mr. Fix-it begins working on cleaning and re-prepping any weapons laid near it.
The room is covered with a thick haze of smoke and incense. Four figures stand at the edge of a ritual circle, their hands raised and voices chanting. The chants are dominated by one voice that seems to rise and crush the others. Michael's face is hard and determined as he brings the magic to an end. With a brutal snap he sends the backwash of the spells into the other three members. They stagger back as their bodies spasm from the shock.

"We're done for the night. Clean this place up and then get out." His voice drips with disdain. He locks eyes with each until one by one they look away. He turns and is lost in the dim light. A door opens and then closes in the darkness.

"I swear, one day he is going to push too far." A man of average build with short black hair struggles to his feet. "Without his little trinket, he'd be no match for any of us."

"Oh shut up Alex, do we have to hear your whine everytime he does this? He has the idol and there's nothing we can do about it. You made the same deal as the rest of us. You wanted the power and now you can't stomach the price tag that went with it." Her crisp Brittish accent cuts through the air. The woman is in her mid-twenties and has shoulder length brown hair. Her build is slim and athletic, she moves with a slow but delliberate pace.

"You're one to talk Nancy!" Alex's voice snaps with anger. "You complain everytime he has you run the cards for him. At least I'm not kneeling at his feet 24/7 like some cheap whore."

Her body goes rigid with pride and rage. She turns and the air around her begins to distort. A pulse ripples from her into Alex but washes over him harmlessly. He turns, eyes filled with murder and bloodlust. "You want to play?"

"ENOUGH!" The last member is bald and has a slim build. He looks to be in his forties. His voice is rough and deep. "Are you both idiots? I for one, have no desire to punished again for your inability to control yourselves. Or have you forgotten so soon?" He moves to stand between the two. "Surely you have no desire to be given to Zuzana again?" At the mention of the name they both shrink in on themselves and turn away. "I thought not."

The group quickly clears the working space and spends a good portion of time wipiing away the astral space as well. Nancy takes a moment to address the older man. "Brett, do you think everything we did will solve the problem?" Her voice is tired and sincere.

"I hope so. Michael cannot afford to have a group of runners chasing him around. Either can we. If we no longer serve a purpose then we will no longer be needed. Our patron does not keep unneeded things around for very long." The group goes quiet at that and finishes their work.
Shiver rises out of the car keeping a close eye on Carl during the ride. When they arrive at the safe house, he takes care not to damage the vehicle with his powerful hands. The large Japanese troll with black scales glances up and down the street.

An upscale neighborhood, let's hope that no one calls Lonestar just because I'm crossing the street.
Bakatare flicks another bit of unseen grime from the otherwise immaculate suit, and glances up as the second party enters the apartment. He looks the troll up and down once, and glances around him to the devil that has replaced the angel, and arches a brow at Moira, waiting for introductions, bowing in traditional Japanese fashion when one's guests status or standing is unclear.
<deleted, posted in wrong forum>
:: Moira indicates to Shiver where to head and where to deposit Carl before turning to Bakatare. ::

"It seems our quarry knows about us and laid a nasty trap. Im afraid Blaze was....lost. Carl here was a victum of ritual magic but this gentleman showed remarkable concern and skill in averting danger while preserving this man's life. The young lady, Angelina was....or is, an old associate of mine, though Im not sure what talents she possess in our line of work. Shiver here would make an asset to our team, though his appearance is striking enough that it may be difficult moving about undetected."

:: Moira seems drawn, pale and emotionally closed as she takes a seat slowly. ::

"I have decided to take an astral quest. It is time for me to seek the next level, and this may give me the opportunity to alter my essence enough to fool the Cabal even as I stand before them and cast. Bakatare, I may need your help in preparation, Im sure you know the....hard path that one walks on such a quest."
Shiver looks to Desdemona and makes a small gesture with one hand as if to keep her from biting back at the mistaken identity. The troll leans heavily on his cane as he bows deeply to Bakatare.

"Thank you for having us in your home." His Japanese is fluent and precise as he uses the higher forms, placing the mage in a position of importance. He transitions back to English as he continues, "My name is Shiver, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Taking in the subdued mood of Iblis, the Oni moves across the intervening space and kneels beside her. "I have heard of our loss, my sister. I am sorry that I was not there to help you. Please accept my aid now."
Paladin smiles inwardly as he watches Shiver. However, he continues to watch the demon woman from the corner of his eyes. Looks can always be deseving, but I will watch her none-the-less.
"Desdemona now." Desdemona corrected, less vehemently on Shiver's insistence. "The combative side of the coin to Angelina's sugar and light." Unlike Angelina, Desdemona was all too consious of her angelic side, even if she couldn't remeber anything that went on while the angel was in control. As Shiver mentioned something about loss, Desdemona asked "I recall you mentioning something about Nomads...what else have I missed out on?"
Having exited the bathroom while the newcomers arrived, Iblis sat herself on the floor. Her haid wrapped up in a large bath towel and wearing what looks to be an expensive dress shirt, probably Bakatare's. When Shiver kneels, her face loses it's hard edge.

"I could use all the help I can get. This people are seriously out to frag up my world." She leans forward and gives the strange looking Troll a quick and fierce hug. "I just rejoined the world of the talking and walking so I can't give you the 411 on what's going on." She turns, her face sliding back to its sarcastic cast. "So my deviants-for-pay, what's going on?"
Bakatare inclines his head, acknowledging Shiver's...acknowledgement.

He watches the interplay between the two changlings, listening with interesting as Desdemona speaks.

Looks like the odd supernatural occurences are happening on both sides of the fence this time around.

In response to Iblis' comment, he motions the new-comers to the small kitchen area and the living space. "Please, make yourself at home. As for the current situation, Michael is still out and after you with a vengenance, as this last bombing shows. We've started setting up plans to crash his upcoming party. Moira's going to undergo astral cosmetic surgery to make sure they don't recognize her and spoil the party. We're basically going to twist his group members around and turn them on him, and tear him apart. the Red Lady's made it obvious where she stands on the matter. Madam Yin, the owner of the Bodybag, which is where the party's being held, has agreed to help us sneak in and get set up."
"Look, I gotta say something here. Its been on my mind since the meet with Red Lady went down. I know she wants this Michael guy to suffer and all, but that just ain't my bag. The guy is bad, he needs to die, but this whole idea of making him suffer is out of my ethics. I'll cap him and leave it at that. I'm sure the group will still dissolve into in-fighting with him gone. There is no point to making him suffer besides vindictivness, and thats something I left behind me a lot time ago. Besides, we don't work for this woman, I work for her." He points directly at Iblis. "Now I know that she gets funding from the Red Queen, but Iblis hasn't told me to get vindictive, and even if she did, I'd take issue with it."
"If you do not wish to make him suffer, then your part can end with Michael's capture. I do not know the Red Queen but if she is funding young Iblis' activities, I suspect she is funding your presence here when you follow the money to it's source. In the end, is your ethical quandary based on your knowledge of the act or your participation in it?"

Shiver keeps a very relaxed posture during his question, obviously seeking to understand where the orc is coming from rather than criticize his position.
"More the participation, but knowledge is bad in itself. If you all insist in going foward with torture, I can't stop you, but I just don't understand how it is nessisary."
"I am still trying to catch up on what has transpired to lead to the path that you and your team walks upon. With that understanding perhaps I will be able to explain to you why torture is viewed with an air of Necessity. That course while being distasteful must be followed if that is what is required, however if another path lays open which is more to your choosing, show it to us all. It may be possible that another choice can still be made to change the flow of future events."
"Another path? Kill him. The man is wicked and he is not one who should remain long in this world. I can see that. But I don't understand why torture would be a necessity."
:: Moira listens, but seems disturbed by the sudden shift. ::

"Don't you think it's a little late to discover a moral dilema with our path? This is not something we just decided in the last hour, but something that has been known and discussed for quite some time. If you had a problem with the goals we have before us, you should have said something when our level of involvement was still in question. I feel we are at a point where we are committed to this path."
"The point, my newly sanctimonious friend, is that someone you'd rather not upset has given you a task, and you've accepted. Back out now if you like, but understand that you go alone."

He glances to Shiver, taking a moment to arrange himself confortably on a small mat on the floor, cross-legged and with the staff balanced across his knees.

"Michael has taken great pains to spread pain and suffering among the Changelings." He takes a moment to fill Shiver in on every gruesome detail of the event, including the sensations and flash backs from the site. He further goes on to talk about the attack at Iblis's house, and the subsequent bombing at last night's raid.

"We've met with the Red Queen, Iblis's employer, the person that's bankrolling this endeavor, and she requested quite specifically that we be the vehicles of his karmic come-uppance. The group has agreed, and made plans to turn Michael's group against him at the party in just a few days."
Realizing that sleep is futile at the moment, Murrey sits up.
"You're looking for some 'Up to speed' news bites. Plop your glut by the monitor over where the cat is recharging. I'll call up the footage we have. I can tell you, I don't like the idea of torture, however humiliation and tracking down his parents and making them sorry they were ever randy in the first place sounds more and more like a damn fine idea. You should understand, this guy uses little children, spirits, mana, and whatever else is expendable at the moment to push some sick agenda for what ever reason. Killing some random guy down the street will not necessarily make the world a better place, but if it ever was the case, it's here with Michael. You can either rely on karma to correct the problem or we can take a more direct approach, give the universe a helping hand and remove this waste of protein from the gene pool."
Murrey pauses a moment to take a soda can from a walker drone (Mr. Fix-it) and then continues, "Making it painful, public and messy, while normally unprofessional, may also serve as a warning for those that would follow his path so that we can spare a Mother the pain of identifing her little girl in a morgue after being strung up like a calf in a slaughter house and used to feed something from the other side. I don't know about you, but I'm willing risk a little law of three to make sure that doesn't have to happen on my watch." With that he walks to the console and pulls up his case footage.
"Anyone else up for Thome sai food?"
"If it must be, it must be. I will not back out. Something in my dreams reminded me of other days, that is all. Do not worry yourselves on it any more."
Iblis watches the interplay between the runners. Her face becomes unreadable as the conversation progresses. She seems to struggle with something then resigns herself to a choice. "Just kill him. Go to the party, break his nasty little trinket then move him over to the dead file. Kill as many of the others as you can but don't risk dying yourselves or Yin's place. I'll deal with the boss."

She rises from the couch, a wet outline of her form remains behind. She walks over to her duffel and begins to unpack some clothing. "I think him being dead is more important than making him madder. I want to make sure this twisted fragger is gone for good. My boss can be....................moody at times but she'll get the bigger picture after she's cooled down."

She talks the entire time with her back to the team, her voice hollow and distant. She finishes and moves back towards the bathroom with a pile of assorted raver wear in her hands. "You have my full support, sarcasm aside for now. If you need anything from the land of 1s and 0s, let me know and I'll get it" The door closes and the silence swells through the room.
Paladin's cool resolve fades into a more relaxed state. "Ok. We have three days. What do we need before then?"
Murrey looks to Paladin, "I need to pick the trackers I ordered, they may be useful. Also, we should avoid the limosine driver beforehand, as this Michael is so fragged he'll likely scan the driver for subterfuge but we should either neutralize the driver and replace him, or simply remove the limo from the equation during the party. Count on a second escape venue, likely an unmarked, almost as armored car."
Paladin nods to Murrey, but he seems a bit lost in his own thoughts for a moment. Then he faces Moira, "You said that you planed to go on a quest. That you are going to chance your signature. How were you going to go about it and do you mind if I join you?"
Shiver watches the footage and listens to the gruesome tales that are woven by the runners and rather than become disgusted he simply seems to solidify with a sense of resolve that speaks volumes of the drek that he has seen in his lilfe and his certainty of purpose. The massive troll in his middle years also watches Desdemona trying to notice any changes in her demeanor through all of this.

A sad weight builds into his shoulders when Iblis speaks and he follows her movements with his eyes as she leaves the room.

"I will do what you need of me. I can hold my own in a fight if that is what awaits us, otherwise my strengths lie in my sterngth and size. I am very athletic and despite my age should be able to keep up with the young and more energetic members of the team."
"From the sound of the guy, would wonder why folks would have any quandry in making him pay for the pain he's inflicted..." Desdemona contributed.
:: Moira locks eyes with Paladin and steps closer bringing the conversation to a slightly more private level. ::

"By quest, I mean a journey into the metaplanes. It's quite dangerous and can change a person fundamentally, which in some ways is my intention. Moon has believed for some time now that such a journey was necessary for several reasons, and until now, I have resisted. This time, I have to put my selfishness and fear aside in order to have a chance to remove this vile menace from the waking world.

"Your companionship would be greatly appreciated, but only if you are completely aware of the dangers. There are things that cannot be hidden beyond that veil."
"I would actually like to make the journey as well. I think I am ready for the next step on my path, and it could do nothing but help us in our task. If you and Paladin would be willing, I can arrange for transportation into the metaplanes through the Wardens, my magical association."
:: Moira smiles at both Paladin and Bakatare. Both are men she has grown to respect and each would be worthy companions on the dangerous trek they are about to undertake. ::

"Together, we are much stronger than the sum of our parts. As a Trio, I forsee success in this most important journey. Thank you both."
"What are we waiting for then? Lets get about it."
"I bid you safe travels as it sounds that Desdemona, Nikoli and myself will be remaining here."

Shiver moves towards the rigger and asks to be shown how to control the playback so that he can review the recording of the aftermath in more detail.
Murrey, attempting a cheerful tone, "Try not to play too bough kids, I'll be rack shortly with the new toys I ordered. I'll be keeping tabs through the cat. If there is trouble, pick it up and make a dash for the van, which will be waiting along with some firepower to deter pursuit. The B-Tac will have the pertinent feeds if you need intel on the way down."
With that, Murrey walks out the door, with his ruck in tow and jacket on. He's connected to the drone feeds, but focusing on the meat world for now.
Once in the Elite, he swaps the color and transponder and plugs the deck into it's creche in the console, allowing him to monitor the drone while driving. Along the way to Jack's 'shop' he stops at a payphone and calls Jack, letting him know he is inbound, and resumes the short trip.
Once inside, he greets Jack, slots the yen and leaves, making a little conversation in the process, but nothing deep. He's tired and it shows.
:: Moira nods at Paladin's exhuberance with a soft smile and reaches in her pocket for her phone. ::

"I may have to make a quick errand before we get started."

:: Stepping outside and sliding the door shut, she dial's Jesse's number. A smile touches her lips when she hears the other end answer. ::

"Hey Jess, it's Moira. Remember how you've been pestering me to make a foray into the Metaplanes? Looks like this current business Im involved in is pushing me in that direction and I was wondering if you could give me a bit of that advice you had offered. The only other time I've been was with...them, and Im sure that was Tainted just like everything else they do."
You hear him take a deep breath. "Hard to say, every trip is different. The place itself is formed by thought and intention. The few accounts I have heard only ever have one thing in common. The Dweller on the Threshold. It is some sort of guardian to the metaplanes. Every person has had to confront this entity before proceeding any further on their quest. The few people that have talked about it afterwards said that the Dweller knew every dirty, shameful thing they had done. It knew them to the bone and blood."
Bakatare takes a moment as Moira steps outside, a quick tap of his finger bringing his own cell phone to life.

He pauses, a smile touching his lips as he listens to the ringing, imagining Onna fumbling with what was still unfamiliar technology.

"Imoto, how are you?" He nods, listening and smiling occasionally. "Excellent. I need to know if the site in Snohomish is available."

"Yes, I have several people with me that will be coming as well. May I ask a personal favor, as well? We need someone to watch over us while we're visiting the metaplanes. Yes, we have a member that will be standing by, but he exists completely in the mundane. Yes, I would appreciate it very much.

Thank you, Imoto-san. We will be ready within the next day or two. Excellent, excellent...thank you."

He glances up and around at the group, specifically including Shiver and Desdemona.

"We're set with the location. We need to do this quickly, so as soon as everyone can get ready for the trip. The location is in Snohomish, and we'll all have to give sacrifice to the spirit that will be transporting us to the metaplanes. Each of us will need to cut outselves, a small cut, and leave a bit of blood as a gift."
A frown crosses Paladin's face, but quickly passes. He ain't the type to mess with blood magic, must be something else.

"Just let me know when and where. I'll be there."
Shiver turns to his ward, still trapped in her demonic form.

"Well, what do you think? Are you ready to do this or must we wait for your other half to return? This is your chance to make the decision rather than be swept into a tide of events by our young angel. I know that she will travel with me beyond the veil of reason, do you wish to do the same?"

Facing Bakatare, his voice shifts to a softly-spoken Japanese.
"Thank you, for this invitation. My sword and hand will do their best to see you safely through this journey."
Paladin gives Shiver a rather confused look after his speach to Desdemona.
"Hmm...a trip to the metaplanes. Haven't done that before. The Guardian will likely have lots of fun with me...but I'm who I am and that's not about to change anytime soon." Desdemona pondered out. "'s worth a try."
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