Sep 28 2004, 05:06 PM
Paladin moves to assist Moira. "How's she holding up", he asks as he kneels down at Iblis' side.
Over the comms...
Murrey, can you have a drone send in a MedKit to me?
Sep 28 2004, 05:20 PM
No cho gummer, nary a kit in sight.
Murrey does a quick scan of the Nav map for the nearest Stuffershack.
Sep 29 2004, 06:27 AM
You quickly pinpoint one about 6 blocks away.
Her body is badly burned all over and an ugly bruise has swallowed up almost all of her face. Her breathing is ragged but steady. She appears to have small lacerations all over her body, you assume from the blast.
Sep 29 2004, 06:13 PM
A shimmering, ghostly form materializes next to the group.
"We need to move, and now. None of us really want to be hanging around when the authorities show up, and I know Iblis in particular has a mild distaste for Lone Star. Those that can be helped have been helped."
Sep 29 2004, 07:22 PM
Over Comms,
There is a Stuffershack a very short distance from here, I suggest we track it up and swing through there for basic medical supplies to meat Iblis' wounds. Also, can someone get an astral tag on the slag down the block? I think they may know something and we'll want to find them later, sending what photos I can now.
Murrey then directs the van to send the photos of the suspect to the team.
Sep 29 2004, 10:30 PM
Paladin replied, "Get moving. Snag the best MedKit and a few fire exstinquishers you can find. Quickly!"
Sep 30 2004, 07:35 PM
"Go, I'll make sure we can track down everyone around here."
The form fades as he stops exerting the effort to stay visible, already focusing on the various people standing around, quickly putting each signature to memory for possible future investigation.
Oct 1 2004, 07:43 AM
"Luna and I will remain with Iblis in Astral, as soon as you treat her, I can heal her with Luna's assistance. If you need anything from me, just speak, I will hear you."
:: With that, Moira also retreats back to the invisibility that astral space offers on the physical plane. ::
Oct 1 2004, 06:50 PM
As Moira retreats into the Astral, Paladin drops his Masking for a moment, revealing his Dual Nature. He gives her a wink, then brings the Mask back up.
Oct 4 2004, 04:56 PM
Murrey calls in the remaining drones and buttons up the van and has the MK-6 and Mr. Fix-it hold Iblis steady as he makes his way quickly to the Stuuffershack.
Once inside he snags 3 first aid kits and a few Thai style quick-heat meals and gets back underway.
Over comm
Have picked up supplies, will see you in seconds.
Oct 4 2004, 11:55 PM
Settling back into his body, Bakatare stretches, collapsing the staff back into it's smaller size and tucking it under the back of his jacket. He glances down at Moira's still unmoving form and shakes his head. He flops down on the couch for the moment, waiting for everyone else to arrive.
Oct 5 2004, 05:45 PM
Paladin gets back on the comms...
Murrey, I need that MedKit here at the scene. Iblis is hurt and we'll need to treat her before I can risk moving her. Hurry up, she does't look too good.
Oct 5 2004, 08:54 PM
Murrey pulls the van up as close to Iblis and Paladin as possible and has the drones dole out the supplies along with the food for those in need of energy, saving a couple for Iblis when she wakes up.
Oct 5 2004, 09:12 PM
Paladin grabs the Medkit and attaches it to Iblis as best he can. He looks over at Moira, "Does this look right to you? I don't do this too often."
Oct 6 2004, 06:00 AM
:: Moira shrugs and wiggles her fingers. ::
"I use a different technique..."
Oct 6 2004, 05:33 PM
On the Street
The small computer on the medkit flashes a series of instructions as Paladin finishes setting up the connections. A few moments pass and then another series of directions follow. Paladin easily finds the tools needed from the kit and begins to tend her wounds. Fairly quickly her breathing becomes more regular and her vitals begin to stabilize.
Your van alerts you to the pressence of rigger traffic coming into the area.
Oct 6 2004, 05:46 PM
"Ok. I think that does it. Do your thing girl and lets get outta here."
Oct 6 2004, 06:47 PM
Over comm:
Incomming rigged traffic. Possible emergency response units, not to rush you, but if she's not at beth's door we should dug out.
Oct 6 2004, 06:52 PM
"Drek, how long is this gunna take Moira, we got imbound traffic. Should I load her in the van and you can do it back at camp?"
Oct 13 2004, 04:55 PM
On the Street
The slim boy steps out from the astral once more. He pauses to hum a brief sweet sad song and places his hands over her body. Thin delicate weaves of mana work their way through Iblis's body. It pools around the burns that slowly begin to heal. After a few moments she appears to be only slightly injured. The boy turns to nod at Paladin then fades back into the astral.
Oct 13 2004, 05:14 PM
Paladin nods back to the spirit and stoops down to pick up Iblis. A moment later he is jogging out of the building towards Murrey's van.
"Murrey, open the rear door. Once I have her secured inside, get the frag outta here and I'll see ya back at base."
Oct 13 2004, 05:38 PM
Murrey sets the MK-6 and Mr-Fixit to assist in the load and securing of Iblis as Paladin brings her in. Once she is settled and bungeed down to keep her from sliding about, Murrey begins making his way towards the apartment, doing his best to avoid messy entaglements of drone scouts and news cameras.
Oct 13 2004, 05:41 PM
Paladin jogs over to his ATV and hops in. A moment later he is plugged in and roaring down the street after Murrey.
Oct 13 2004, 06:40 PM
Over comms
Make sure you keep an eye on that incomming traffic through the B-tac revceiver.
Oct 13 2004, 06:47 PM
Oct 15 2004, 09:36 PM
Murrey & Paladin
You carefully pick your way out of the area as relief services beginning arriving. The site of news station drones whiz by, capturing footage for yet another sensational piece on inner city violence and terrorism. As you leave the area behind you narrowly avoid a Lone Star blockade, probably set up to keep the danger in. Can't have it spilling into areas where the good SINed folks live. You travel and arrive back with the rest of the team.
Moira & Bakatare
The apartment is quiet and still. Blaze paces endlessly, waiting for something to do. The trid has feeds on a bombing or possible gang war in the Barrens scrolling on it. You see live feeds of badly burned people in grainy shots taken from drones. A reporter rambles on about the lawlessness and brutality of Barren dwellers in a honey coated voice. Her face an approriate mask of shallow concern from those "unfortunates".
Oct 18 2004, 11:58 PM
Some time later, Paladin walks into the living room and flops down. "I'm gunna kill this fragger."
Oct 19 2004, 01:29 PM
Securing Iblis' gear in a duffle and carefully hoisting her into a fireman's carry and bringing her up the service elevator to the apartment. Once inside, Murrey set's her down as gently as possible into the bed in the loudest decorated bedroom and leaves the duffle by the door.
"That's plust jain fragged, news drones on the scene before EMS."
Oct 25 2004, 10:16 PM
"Welcome to the sprawl, my friend...
Alright people, I've got us an inside to the party. The Madam is willing to work with us for a free. I didn't want to handle all the bussiness there myself, so I told her we'd be in touch. I think our next course of action should be talking to her."
Oct 28 2004, 10:17 PM
"I think we need to get some planning done. She can get us into the party, but what do we do when we're there?
Blowing things up probably aren't going to get us the result we need. We're going to have to make sure that his employers and his circle knows that he's lost control.
Ruining his party would be a start, I think.
Speaking of which, did we ever get any information on other circle members? I'm sure they'd be more then willing to help us take him down."
Oct 28 2004, 10:21 PM
"Now thats an interesting idea. But what is to say that someone in his circle won't just pick up where he left off?"
Oct 29 2004, 01:34 AM
Murrey ponders the possibilities, "We need to know more about this group, what are they gaining from these slaughters? Surely they do this to gain something, last time I checked there was nothing to be gained in bigotry aside from reprisal. These rituals, they bring these spirits of badness into meing, right? Where do they go afterwards? Do they remain here or do they return? Who is their master, these fools summoning them or some other force we have yet to see? Those that hunger too greatly for power are often willing to fake toolish risks to attain it. The story of Faustus teaches us this."
Oct 30 2004, 02:33 AM
"Because it's a personal thing. It's him against the Red Queen. Once he's gone, there goes the motivation and this particular focus. It doesn't matter if someone in the group picks up the group, they will have no reason to continue chasing the Changelings."
Oct 31 2004, 06:10 AM
"Im not so sure about that. I got the feeling while speaking to the Red Queen that she had turned down the offer to join the ones this group answers to. Apparantly, they were too happy about her refusal and sicked this lap dog on her as a way of disapproval regarding her decision. I personally think the guy is self destructing anyway and he may actually be escaping their controls. I also think that the previous attack, the spirits used, were nothing but tools. No more significant than the bomb used the second time.
"Basically, we are answering this groups's message with one of our own. We'll pull this group down from the inside by cutting off the head. If they are all advasary shaman's, then they will probably self destruct once they lose their leader. They will fight for leadership and brutally enough that whoever does take the reins wont have much of a group left to lead."
Nov 1 2004, 06:32 PM
An evening sky is seen from the balcony of a richly appointed room. Carvaggio leans against the balcony. His suit jacket slung over the railing. A single glass of a pale wine rests loosely in his hand. His gaze is distant and preoccupied. His face is open and sorrowful.
A single chime is heard back in the room. Stefan steps from a artfully concealed elevator. He's dressed in corp club wear, holding a small manilla folder in his right hand. He walks towards the patio door leading out to the balcony. He stops a good 10 feet away and assumes a relaxed standing pose.
The minutes creep by until Carvaggio turns with his face restored to it's former mask of civility and warmth. He passes back into the main room. "Yes?" His voice is fatigued but friendly.
"The 3rd Circle has had another vision surrounding the woman." Stefan hands over the folder. Carvaggio takes it and reclines into a chair near a small fireplace and begins to read the file in the weak light of the fire. "They did as you asked and sent warning of the attack on her and I have recieved confirmation that she has survived and is safely returned to their protective custody." Stefan moves as he speaks. Taking the glass of wine from his employer and returning it to the small bar in the room.
"They feel the next turning of the wheel is unavoidable. The steps we took to ensure Immortal's life have caused this permutation to manifest. They feel any further tampering will move the entire situation beyond our control. If we can abide the loss we should let the events unfold as they have seen it." He returns to stand near Carvaggio.
The minutes slide by again, the only sound the crackle of the fireplace and the steady breathing of the two men. "I agree, any other path leaves too much out of reach. Allow this to pass uncontested. Tell them to continue to monitor her and inform me of any significant changes." He hands the file back to Stefan. "Please reschedule the dinner I have with Ms. Loh to another night, one a few weeks off. Convey my regrets and see that her next few nights at the club are memorable." Once again the sound of dismissal is carried in his voice. Stefan withdraws from the weak warmth of the fire.
Nov 2 2004, 07:29 PM
"Great. So lets get rid of him then. How do we go about it? I assume sniping him or me cutting off his head in front of his friends isn't flashy enough?"
Nov 4 2004, 09:51 AM
"We could just kill him, but the Red Queen's offering alot more to humiliate him first."
Nov 4 2004, 02:26 PM
"We could always kidnap him, shave his head, paint it red and attach him naked to a barrel with a bign on his sack saying 'I hate troggs' and leave him near the Hellions turf with us nearby, filming."
Nov 4 2004, 06:02 PM
Paladin snorts with laughter, then stops, "Actually, you may be onto something. What if we snag him outside the party, then take him someplace to mess him up, film it, and send it to his circle with a warning message?"
Nov 5 2004, 06:38 AM
The darkness is absolute. No light and no sound. Suddenly, the air displaces slightly. You feel the tingle along your skin. With confidence you begin to tap shoulders near you, sending students into the void. A stream of students are launched into action. You listen as the sounds of melee begin. You begin to recreate the combat in your mind. Your feel a swell of pride as the sounds of bodies hitting the mat or being knocked aside.
You allow the lesson to go on for several minutes. With a sudden clap, you bring it to a close. You hit a switch and the room is flooded with light. A woman stands off to the center of the mat, her body decorated with several developing bruises on her torso. A light sheen of sweat covers her. The students, 4 in number, return to their positions on the edge of the area.
At the edge of your vision, the door opens to the classroom and Mynce quietly enters.
Your body aches as you get up. They must have run every test in creation on you over the last few weeks. You know they want to help but it still seems so..........invasive. You look around the room, nothing seems disturbed. The odd combination of bright colors and dark woods are all around you. The place is posh beyond belief, but Shiver seems down to earth.
You get up and begin your day, he said he'd be back in the late morning and take it from there. You move into the kitchen and begin breakfast.
Nov 5 2004, 09:06 AM
Shiver walks forward and places his massive hand on Sully's shoulder. She had done well, blind and no magic to help her she had deflected the attacks from four armed opponents.
"You did well, hit the showers."
Turning away from his star pupil to his other students, he bows once and they begin pairing up with others to continue their sparring practice. The aging Japanese troll then turns to Mynce, stepping across the room he joins her near the door.
"She's getting better. I know you think it is necessary to push them all beyond their limits, but there must--my apologies, I am sure rehashing that same debate is not what you came here to speak to me about. How may I help you ma'am?"
Nov 5 2004, 03:45 PM
Before anything else, Angelina checked her pocket secretary for new messages. She still found it hard to believe that there was another part of her that was doing things when she wasn't consious of them. Baring anything that needed to be acted on now, she continued on to the kitchen to make breakfast.
Looking into the freezer, she found the blueberries she had gotten. Not remebering whether or not Shiver liked them, she made half of the pancakes with them, half without. She also set some bacon to frying and made some toast. Hopefully Shiver would be pleased with her when he got home. She so liked to make people happy.
Nov 5 2004, 06:54 PM
Mynce's face begins to tighen with irritation but relaxes as you shift gears in mid-sentence. "I wanted to talk to you about the woman." She gestures for you and her to walk as you talk. You move out of the training area and through the halls of the building, heading for your office.
"Her tests show some remarkable things. It appears her genetic structure is in a state of flux. They assure me it won't destablize or mutate any further than her current state. They found traces of a hormone they've never seen before but it seems to affect the configuration of her DNA. As far as they can tell the hormone is natural or at the very least, something her body produces on its own. They believe that's what causes the shift in her being."
She pauses as you open the door and step inside. She closes the door behind her and leans against the wall adjacant to the door.
"We have a lot more definitive information on her biology than on her condition. The people we have researching her less tangible aspects are floundering. They say that there is a magical component to her transitions but they are at a loss to explain exactly what. There has been some speculation that the recent spike in mana levels and the comet are somehow linked but they can't offer anything concrete. Someone even threw out the idea she was a Drake that somehow only partial reverted but who knows at this point. What I can tell you is she needs to be watched for the time being until we unravel more of this mystery."
Mynce pauses, waiting to see if you have any comment or questions.
Nov 5 2004, 08:13 PM
Shiver nods a few times as his employer explains his new companions condition. His electric blue eyes watch Mynce's weighing the possible outcomes for Angelina.
"I am supposed to have breakfast with her this morning before we head down to the shelter. Was there something specific I should be looking for in her behavior as I watch her?"
Nov 5 2004, 09:48 PM
"I don't think so. Just keep her close. In her current incarnation we have little to worry about. Its the other one we need to keep reins on for the moment." She pauses, taking a deep cleansing breath. Her body, for a moment, shows its fatigue.
"I'd like to say that was all I came down for but things are happening that require our attention. A few nights ago one of our informants brought us some info about an attack of a local changling rave. The Looking Glass, I was given the impression you had some contact with that crowd." She waits for some sign of recongition to pass over your features. "We verified it and need to deal with some loose ends from that. Apparently, some ritual magic was used to create or draw Nomads to the area. I am going to send Rayne and Sully to track them down and eliminate them. I will be joining them since we suspect by now that their numbers have grown. That covers the cell here except for you so I need you to contact a local runner team. They have been seen at several key locations tied to this incident. It's my hope they have been hired to deal with the ritual group who summoned up this nastiness in the first place."
She walks forward and places a card on your desk. "See this woman. She should be able to point you in the right direction. Contact them and let them know we have more information for them. An informant will meet with them but only with one of us there to ensure their safety. I'm sorry to do this but we need to make sure this group is stopped now." She once again pasues for any questions.
Nov 6 2004, 02:42 AM
Tension pulls across his black iridescent scales as Shiver learns about the attack on the Looking Glass. He forces his muscles to relax, anger would not cause the attack to become undone. His time around Angelina had taught him to control his emotions.
"I will do as you need, the shelter can wait since we were just following up on a few cases that Angelina had seen last week to make sure they are all well." The instructor reaches out to look at the card. "I'll be in touch with them soon. Because I am supposed to watch over Angelina is it okay if I bring her along on this one? She and Desdemona may have some insight into this shaman group and I know Desdemona takes a personal interest in keeping the streets clean of any taint that is not her own."
Nov 6 2004, 03:09 AM
"The Red Queen was very explicit about what she wanted done.
She wants hims broken and humiliated at the party in front of his guests and his Circle. She wants the totem or foci that he carries destroyed, and she wants him dead, 'broken' and 'choking on his own blood' if I remember the conversation correctly.
Moira, I know you've got a few spells that affect thoughts and emotions...can you turn his pet and/or his Circle against him at the party?
So, we need to contact Madam Yin again and find out exactly when the party is, and make arrangements to get us with all of our gear inside on the night of the party. That should give us a decided advantage when we do face him. Paladin, since you talked to her last time, you should probably be the one to call this time. If you have any questions about what we need to sneak in, let us know. I, for one, just have a machine pistol and my staff. Keep an eye on the Boss while you're calling, make sure she doesn't sneak out a window to go to another party or something.
I've also got another contact I need to speak to that should have more information on 'Adam' himself, so we know what kind of focus we're looking for and what we're up against. I'll need someone to go with me since we're not going anywhere alone anymore, and she's downtown. Moira, would you grant me the pleasure of your company?"
Nov 6 2004, 03:09 AM
"Go ahead, if her condition is permanent she needs to learn to live out there." The card has a name, Mama Fortuna and an address in the downtown area. Scrawled beneath that is the name House of Horrors. "If she can help resolve this issue sooner than I am all for it. It would go a long way towards proving to us that she's not a threat but rather an oddity."
Mynce turns to leave, pausing at the threshold. "You need to make her fit in somewhere, if she can't we will have to fix the problem for her." She leaves closing the door behind her.
Nov 6 2004, 03:29 AM
Knowing the threat that is left lingering in the air does not soften the blow at all. Shiver pulls on his heavy coat, rests his fedora between his horns and heads out. Posting a notice that classes are cancelled until further notice, he heads home.
The scent of pancakes reaches him as soon as he steps out of the elevator into the chic Tacoma penthouse. Gently placing his coat on the rack and his hat on the post next to it, he checks that his cane is still in place next to the door before crossing the open living room.
"Good morning, Angelina. I hope that I didn't wake you on my way out this morning."
Nov 6 2004, 03:43 AM
Placing the last of the pancakes on a plate, Angelina turned to greet Shiver. "Oh know me, I sleep like a log. As you see, I have breakfast ready. Couldn't recall if you liked blueberries or not, so I made half without. Oh has your day been?" she asked, remebering that he'd been up for awhile now.