Jan 8 2005, 03:38 AM
Bakatare nods to Shiver, responding in kind.
"I shall travel easier knowing that you stand beside me."
"Just so everyone knows, the ritual is fairly simple, at least to initiate. Each of us will give a small gift of blood at a certain location. If the gift is accepted, a tunnel will appear to us. We will enter the tunnel, and when the quest is over, we shall exit the tunnel. As for what will happen between entering and exiting, well, there's no way to tell. I will need a full day of meditation to prepare for the journey. If anyone else needs more then that day, please speak up. Otherwise, we will leave for the location in approximately 30 hours from now."
Jan 8 2005, 03:57 AM
"30 hours...so much for me getting to have any fun..." Desdemona commented, more to Shiver.
Jan 10 2005, 11:10 AM
:: Moira thanks Jesse for his rather unsettling advice and rejoins the group just in time to hear of Shiver and his unusually schitzophrenic companion's decision to join the journey to the metaplanes. ::
"I, too, am glad you will be joining us. I have no need of lengthy preparation, but a day of quiet contemplation would be appreciated."
Jan 10 2005, 10:27 PM
"I'll see you all tomorrow then."
Paladin bows out of the room and heads back to his ATV. Heading home, his mind is clouded with thoughts. Taking on an Astral Quest is something totally new to him. Those things they said of the Dweller scare me. I've worked so hard to bury my past...
Paladin spends the rest of the day stopping at various Underground checkpoints to make sure that security is up to par, then heads to his personal space to meditate.
Once the group gathers together for the Quest, Paladin glances around at those assembled. "Whatever we find out about each other while on this Quest stays in the group. I'm sure each of you has burried your share of skeletons in the closet. Your secrets couldn't be tortured out of me."
Jan 10 2005, 11:43 PM
Having paid for and picked up his new trackers, Murrey sets for the apartment, stopping in at a Stuffer shack for the supplies he'll need for a stake out type situation, soy-jerky, doughnuts, instant Thai food .oO(Stust remember to curse Iblis for hooking me on this muff and everyone's favorite power snack, NURPS!: now with extra purple.
Pulling into the garage and parking on a different floor than the van, Murrey gathers up his groceries, his gear and heads up to the apartment.
Once inside, Murrey reviews the sensor footage from the van, the TADS and the Felix drone as it reverts to "cat" mode and bats away at a boot lace.
"Mummers, just a quick question. These nomads, they have the ability to control the actions of their victims, right? What's to stop them from being used on you during this quest? Or me for that chatter?"
Jan 11 2005, 01:15 AM
Shiver suggests that he and Desdemona leave to collect the gear that they will need for the journey. Returning to the apartment, he keeps a casual eye on his ward, curious to see if she will leave further cryptic messages to her other half in their communal journal.
The call to Mynce is brief, an explanation of what has transpired and his plan moving forward. Neither mention his advancing age or whether another agent would be better suited for the task, they simply accept that he is the only one available and necessity curtails possibility.
As sunset approaches, the large troll pulls his conversation with Desdemona to a close and waits. This was the part that all three of them disliked, the joint-popping transformation as one body gave way to the will of another mind. Dinner is pan-seared tofu with stir-fried vegetables over rice and the conversation surrounds the events of the day since Angelina's change.
Getting back to the apartment with a small sack over one shoulder as he leans heavily on his cane, the massive troll places his hat on the rack and answers the rigger's question.
"Ritual spaces, presuming we are using a lodge or empowered circle, are generally heavily protected against outside magic. Once the ritual has begun, you could walk in or out but a spirit should be stopped even if it takes control of your body outside the circle."
"Bakatare-san, will your group have the necessary protections up to safeguard us and defend against any awakened dangers?"
Jan 11 2005, 07:33 PM
"We will. The location we'll be visiting is the territory of a fairly powerful free spirit. In addition, I've specifically requested to have a close Awakened friend of mine standing guard over us."
Bakatare gives a small smile. "My pity goes out to any spirit attempting to violate something she guards."
Answering the other questions about the ritual to the best of his ability, Bakatare retreats to a corner of the largeish bedroom, a location obviously used fairly often for such meditations. He tinkers briefly with several small electronic devices, and a web of lower powered lasers fill the corner, forming an intricate network of crossing lines. He settles in the center, reaching out with his will to close the circle, and infuse the beams of light with the magic necessary to create a hermetic circle.
He spends the next 24 hours there, deep in meditation with the power focus active and humming as it lays across his knees. His eyes flick open occasionally, consulting unseen information scrolling across the inside of the mirrored shades he favors, and lapses back into mediation.
A small western dragon, no more then a metre or so in legnth, prowls the apartment restlessly during the time.
Meditation finished, he rises, shutting down both the circle and the lights, retreating to the bathroom for a solid thirty minutes, and returning looking centered and refreshed.
Jan 12 2005, 04:46 AM
:: Moira spent the day thinking. Thinking about her past, about the future she lost but also about the future she has ahead of her instead. The world seemed at times like such a cruel punishment. Hate, death and destruction reigned supreme. Yet towards the end of the day, her mind turns to the hope that hides like a dandelion peaking out from a crack in the sidewalk. Things like the technicolor young boy they found and saved from the hell of the barrens, the warm comfort of Jesse's fur covered living room and the hushed anticipated silence of the regulars at the Underground in the breath before her first song. ::
:: The road she was about to take would be difficult, painful and terrifying, but in the end, she truly believed that she was doing this for the right reason. To protect that which still remained in the world and to honor the memory of that which was gone. ::
:: Standing beside her traveling companions, she listens to Paladin's words and her eyes lock on his and she smiles softly. ::
"Thank you for that. I swear by the moon to protect the secrets this journey will reveal as well."
Jan 12 2005, 02:42 PM
Using his time to relax, Murrey performs some basic maintenance on the vehicles and drones, making sure the tanks are filled, the windows are clean and the weapon ports are clear. With a few hours to go before departure, he packs his gear and groceries into the van and drops the toyota off at a monitored parking deck.
Once back at the apartment, he showers and catches a nap so as to be as fully rested as possible for the upcommnig over-watch.
Jan 13 2005, 06:50 PM
AllThe night is crisp and cold. The landscape is eerie devoid of street lights and the ambient noise of the metroplex. The area is devoid of buildings and people as you all gather. A single light can be seen in the distant through the light foliage, it appears to be a propane lantern resting on the ground. As you move across the field a single
figure comes into view. The entire area is open and empty. Upon seeing you approach, she bows deeply. She addresses
Bakatare in crisp formal Japanese.
"The way stands ready. I will remain here until you return." She removes a tanto from the small of her back and presents the hilt to
Bakatare "The price must be paid for the door to open."
Jan 13 2005, 09:01 PM
Shiver walks through the field, leaning on his cane. He keeps Angelina close to him, this area spooked him for some reason and he wasn't sure why.
Seeing the figure in samurai armor, tension ripples across his forearms. It has to be her, there can't be that many traditional Samurais left in Seattle. I must watch her and see how things unfold.
Jan 13 2005, 09:35 PM
Paladin waits for the blade to pass to him. While he waits, he watches Angelina, wondering who the new girl is and trying to figure out where Desdemona is.
Jan 13 2005, 10:08 PM
As those taking the journey begin preparations, Murrey deploys the combat drones and begins setting up a rendeavous point for the drones and a virtual range card for later use. Once the drones are set he then begins monitoring radio frequencies for suspicious chatter.
Through the MK-6 intercomm
Be sure to phurn off anything with a cell tone.
Jan 16 2005, 04:50 AM
Bakatare strips all the technological gear off, the HUD shades, the cell phone, the guns, leaving them all inside the van before he heads across the field.
He bows to Onna as she approaches, a small smile touching his lips at the sight of her decked out in the samurai armor. I remember when she was a nothing but a nose poking out of a backpack.
He takes the sword from her with reverence, having some idea of what it meant for her to offer it. He clenches his hand around the blade, drawing it sharply across the skin. Holding up his, fist clenched shut, he lets several drops fall on the ground in the field, bowing to the ground and passing the blade over to Paladin.
Jan 17 2005, 12:09 AM
Paladin takes the blade gently from Bakatare. He holds the blade straight out in front of him, then lifts his other hand out, running his palm along its edge. He holds his hand out and lets a few drops of blood fall into the grass, then passes the blade over to Moira. Letting the blade pass, he reaches around to his back and pulls out the two foot rod you all know is his staff. With a swift spin it expands out to its full length. Something new then happens, he plants the staff in front of him and grabbing it with both hands twists it at its middle. With a sound akin to a sword coming from its scabard, a foot long blade spings out of the top of the staff, turnning the staff into a pole arm. He stands, waiting.
Jan 17 2005, 09:27 AM
:: Moira takes the small blade in her left hand and opens her right. Staring at her open palm, she hesitates. In many ways, she does not feel fully ready to experience the journey they are about to undertake. Taking a deep breath, she pulls the blade along the pale skin of her palm and watches as the dark red blood instantly springs to the surface. It pools a moment in the center before she tips her hand and the blood drips into the amber grass. ::
Jan 17 2005, 06:39 PM
Shiver holds out his hand for the short blade, it almost seems to vanish into his massive hands. Holding it with some care, slides the edge of the tanto beneath the black scales that trace across his skin. The troll exhales slowly as the folded steel cuts across his arm. Feeling the warm blood build up on his skin, Shiver hold his hand towards the earth so that his life essence made physical will work down the scales and drip to the absorbing ground.
Turning to Angelina he holds the tanto out to her.
"I can do it for you, if you would prefer. Otherwise run it lightly, don't press hard or it will injure you."
Jan 17 2005, 06:49 PM
"I'll be fine." Angelina said, accepting the tanto from Shiver. Though vehemently opposed to combat, as a healer, she knew the way of edged weapons. She winced in pain as she made a shallow cut, allowing her blood to join that of the others. Being the last of their party to make the sacrifice, she returned the weapon to it's owner.
Jan 18 2005, 08:14 PM
The small solemn woman takes the tanto. She pulls a small cloth to clean the blade before returning to the small of her back. As she takes this action the landscape seeems to shrink in on itself. You find the details at the edge of your vision blurring and becoming indistinct. The sound around you seems to be flat and hollow. With a painful snap, your senses spring back and everything leaps out at you. The ground near the tiny samurai now has a small hole, about 3 feet in diameter. It appears to slope downward into the ground. She looks down and shakes her head.
"The way is open. May the kami keep you safe in the dark places you must walk."
Jan 18 2005, 08:24 PM
Down the proverbial rabbit hole...hopefully this goes better than storybooks.
"I shall travel first, if something should be waiting for us on the other side, I will be able to hold it until you arrive."
Lowering himself down on arthritic knees, Shiver looks deeply into the hole and begins crawling forward. He pulls his sleeve down over the cut on his forearm to ensure that loose dirt does not work its way in to cause infection. Pushing in to the cramped tunnel, the demon-touched troll folds in on himself as much as possible and crawls ever onward.
Jan 18 2005, 09:09 PM
Paldin nods to Shiver, "I'm right behind you."
He lowers himself down and follows behind.
Jan 18 2005, 10:14 PM
Not wanting to let Shiver get too far ahead of her, Angelina followed shortly after Paladin.
Jan 19 2005, 03:29 AM
Nodding once more to Onna in thanks and to reassure himself, Bakatare grimaced slightly as he lowers himself to his knees.
Grass stains are always expensive to get out...
He briefly runs his fingers over the few small articles stashed around his person, twisting and locking mana into each on in turn, the power focus being the last to be activated. Feeling at least superficially safer now, he follows Paladin into the small hole in the ground.
Jan 21 2005, 05:58 PM
Moira gives one loast look to the sky and her totem before following the others down the crude earthen tunnel.
Jan 21 2005, 06:24 PM
As the last of the team settles down on the grass, Murrey sets the van and TADS for passive sensor sweeps, he makes a visual scan of the area as well as a sweep of local radio chatter.
Drek, I hope they finish this soon, I'm already talking to myself.
Jan 21 2005, 06:52 PM
The pounding music reveberates off the walls and the lights dance all across the bodies of the well-to-do and the connected. On the raised platforms of the dance floor a man and a woman, fine specimens of their gender, do an elaborate dance by themselves. Their bodies painted with neon colors and designs. Their movements echo each other and speak of distance and longing, of a need to be with the other.
Stefan moves through the club, dispensing smiles and warm looks as required. Each guest confident that they are true associates, bosom friends of the club manager. That the others are just catered to by necessity. He moves along the outer wall, stopping at the back bar to pick a drink on a small tray from the bartender. He balances the drink with practiced ease as he moves to a spot on the wall. Flipping open a concealed panel in the wall, he enters a code into the security panel and a small door opens that he quickly slips through.
As the door closes the sounds of the club are shut out completely. He moves down the short hall, his destination a small neat room with an old battered wooden desk. Carvaggio is seated, looking over ledgers and sales receipts. A small pair of reading glasses perched on his nose. His eyes flicker up at the noise of the club and a brief smile passes over his face at the sight on Stefan with drink in tow.
Stefan places the drink on the desk, in arm's reach of his employer. A whispered "Merci." is his reward again for faithful service. Several minutes pass as Carvaggio reviews the paperwork in front of him. Stefan merely stands in a relaxed posture. Carvaggio finally finshes, gathering up the papers and sliding them into a folder. "It seems we're below last year's numbers for this month." He removes the glasses, tucking them in his shirt and stretches as he continues to talk. "Look over the member list and see if they are any events we can suggest to them to boost our business. Birthdays, anniversaries, and the like." He reaches out and takes a generous swallow of the drink.
Stefan replies with his customary "Yes sir." as he picks up the folder and walks it over to small file cabinet to put away. "She left the message that they are leaving tonight, just as the Third Circle predicted." Carvaggio sighs heavily and begins to massage his eyes. "Make sure to pass on my thanks and a small token for a job well done. They may go home now and assure them I will not call them to gather for at least a month. Call Jake and tell him to monitor the situation discretely. Make sure they are not disturbed." Once again the clear note of disimissal is heard in his tone as Stefan leaves the small office with a "Yes sir."
He walks nine steps and pauses. On cue Carvaggio's voice carries down the hall. "Thank you Stefan, once again you've been invaluable." A small secret smile lights up his face as he resumes his pace to the door and the club beyond.
Jan 21 2005, 06:59 PM
Your sensor network opens up before you, you feel the familiar strain as your mind expands around you through the rigger network. In a small corner of your awareness you lock onto your team mates. You track them as they descend four meters into the earth and then stop.
Jan 21 2005, 07:21 PM
The Questers
The damp earth yields to your weight as you crawl downward. The heavy wet smell closes in around you as the light fades from above. You feel roots brush again your face and the back of your neck as you move deeper. Your sense of your surroundings begins to distort. Sounds seem to fold in on themselves and time seems to pause, heavy with tension, all around you. The slow panic hovers at the edge of your breath, thoughts of being buried alive or trapped in this tight place gnaw at you. The breath of the others and their shuffling soon become the only sounds that seem grounded in the here and now.
Then the world.............slides. You find yourself being pulled down by steady wet waves. Drawn under, you feel warmth and then a numbness that starts at your feet and claws it's way up your body. It's liking having your body eaten without any pain or trauma. Your body just leaves as if it never was. Your last thoughts pass by you as the numbness swallows you whole. You are nothing, there is nothing.
Jan 21 2005, 07:30 PM
The only figure that remained above ground, seems to set up a small campsite. She moves a short distance to a small shrub and drags out a duffel. She pulls out a small tripod. She starts a small fire underneath it and hangs a small pot from it. She adds water to the pot and crushes a few handfuls of leaves, possibly herbs into the water. She withdraws several candles that she lights and places around her. It creates a small nimbus of light in her area. A small arctic fox suddenly steps into existence and pads over to the open bag. A small bag floats from it and places itself in front of the animal. The fox thrusts a head in and drags out some jerkey and begins to gnaw at it. The small woman withdraws a meditation cushion, she sits down and removes some prayer beads from around her neck. The soft sound of chanting soon fills the air.
Jan 21 2005, 11:35 PM
This must be how the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
Jan 25 2005, 01:46 AM
The Questers
"Ring around the rosie..."
You slowly awaken to your body and sense of self again. You find yourself sprawled out on a floor. It's a brilliant white that almost seems to glow with it's own light. The surface is smooth and unyeilding. You can see other bodies arrayed around you.
"pocket full of posies..."
A thin and light lilting voice echoes through the area, the sound seems to echo out forever. You can not place a single point of illumination. The light is simply everywhere. You can hear the sounds of the others stirring as they come to. You begin to stand and everything aches as if you had been beaten with clubs. You are surprised to find yourself attired as you were when you began.
"ashes, ashes..."
You take in the area around you and find that is seems to stretch on in an expanse of white. You can feel the floor below but as you look down your stomach twists. You can not make out the floor, other than pressure under your feet. A small human child, dressed in a precious little blue velvet dress, stands some meters away. Her hair is a soft honey color and tied up with matching blue ribbons. She looks to be five or six years old. Her bangs hang over her eyes as she looks down at her feet.
"we all fall down."
Hanging impossibly in space are a series of windows, for lack of a better word. You quickly count seven in total. All of them except for one are grey inside the borders. The last in the row is solid black, the color seems to eat the light around it. Each window has a small shelf attached to it, with a different object resting on it. From left to right as you face the little girl, you begin to make them out.
The first seems to be a strange helm, bulbous in shape. It has two red lenses on the side, suggesting eyes and a long trunk extends from the bridge of the nose and curls over and under the shelf.
The item on the second shelf seems to a simple silver ankh, about the size of a human hand. It rests with the hoop facing the bottom of the winow.
The third item is a small crudely fashioned ring. It rests perfectly balanced on its edge. A single hook with a wicked barb extends from the top. It looks as if it would fit a troll's finger.
The next in the line is a squat tome. The pages seems aged and weathered. It rests closed and halfway down it's spine is a chain fused into the book. It ends in a manacle, the interior of which is lined with small spikes. Clearly anyone donning it would impale their wrist on them.
You slide to the next shelf and see it holds two human eyes. Their is no sign of blood but the eyes themselves are mismatched. One eye is a vivid emerald green, spattered with silver flecks that move; the other eye is vein blue. They look to be casually placed there.
The sixth has a heart made of glass. The color is a deep red you've only felt or tasted. It seems to pulse slightly out of beat with your own. You almost feel the heat from it fan against your skin.
The last shelf, the black window, holds a helm of medieval design. One side of it holds the visage of lion and the other a bear. Both animal look enraged and prepared to attack. As you ponder the objects and their meanings, she speaks.
"You should not be here."
Jan 25 2005, 01:53 AM
Paladin jumps to his feat, his head sweeping from side to side, assesing the situation.
Jan 25 2005, 01:57 AM
Shiver turns his head, scanning the room. Where's Angelina? Finding her as unharmed as the rest of the people nearby, the troll absorbs what is surrounding him.
Rising up, he offers a hand to his wayward angel before turning to the young girl.
"And yet here is where Necessity and Destiny have collided to bring us. Please, tell me, where are we? Are you the one who stands between worlds and keeps the threshold?"
Jan 25 2005, 02:23 AM
Paladin turns to the girl, "And yet, we are here none the..."
His words fade as he and Shiver have the same thought at the same moment.
Jan 25 2005, 02:32 AM
A small brittle laugh escapes her lips. "Of the two you named, only one is known to me." She appears to be addressing Shiver. "He has little interest is what happens now." As she speaks she smoothes out her dress, running her hands down the length of her clothes. "As for where, you are no where. The place bewteen what is and what was. Nothing resides here but me and I only exist to tend the gallery."
Jan 25 2005, 04:29 AM
Bakatare struggles to concsiousness, reaching out for the reassuring contact of the mana flows around him as he opens his eyes, climbing to his feet and glancing around.
He listens to the brief conversation, glancing at each of the "galleries" in turn.
"Then one would assume we need the galleries to leave this place, to move on?"
Jan 25 2005, 07:58 AM
"What may I call you? Child would seem rude for someone of your place and position. We seek understanding, how do we leave this room? If we are not meant to be here, there must be a way to travel to one of these places." Shiver gestures to the assorted gallery windows.
Jan 25 2005, 03:40 PM
: Moira slowly rises to her feet as well, her eyes slowly taking in the neverending light and the few strange oddities that occupy the area. Stepping closer, her steps hesitant on the invisible floor, she draws nearer the first two windows standing about 3 feet away, trying to study each item closer to learn any clues to be found. ::
:: The child, strangely enough, unnerves her. She is normally drawn to the children she sees in the world, her maternal instinct always desperately searching for a purpose since the death of her son, yet this child makes her much more nervous than compassionate. Besides, Shiver, Bakatare and Paladin seem to be attempting to open lines of communication with the small hostess. ::
:: Listening with half attention to the conversation, she focuses her mind on the objects and the windows they adorn. Most of the items seem to have a cruel intent associated with them, but the Ankh seems serene and harmless in comparison. Glancing over her shoulder at the young girl, she ponders what would happen if she were to reach out and touch the silver symbol. ::
Jan 25 2005, 11:12 PM
She turns to face you, as she looks up her eyes appear empty. Where her eyes should lies only nothingness, a lack of all things. "The way forward is here but each of you will have to give of yourself for the others to pass. Each realm exacts a price but you can move from one to other." As she speaks you feel your blood slow in your body, like a sluggish tide. Your chest grows tighter and the air thinner in your lungs. Spots begins to dance at the edge of your vision then she turns to address Shiver and you gasp in air and sway on your feet.
You watch Bakatare's body spasm as she turns from him and locks her gaze on you. Her face is smooth and petite, like a doll's. Her eyes an impossible blue, bright and clear. "I am nothing. I am only here because they wish it. Naming me would not change that fact." As she speaks her face begins to age and decay. Her skin sloughs off is flakes and bits. Bone begins to peak through the dry fiberous flesh of her face. "As for travel, one of you need only chose a sigil and petition to enter the realm tied to it. All are open to you but the last. His realm has been silent and closed to all." At the end only a skull with a few wisps of hair remain. With a sudden shift she is restored as she returns to adjusting her dress.
"Be warned though, they do not welcome visitors gladly and each place holds it's own peril. "
Jan 25 2005, 11:46 PM
Paladin addresses the group, "I guess the question is, which realm do we enter first?"
Jan 26 2005, 12:03 AM
Seeing Bakatare spasm, Angelina quickly asked "Are you alright?", wondering just what the little girl had done to him.
Jan 26 2005, 12:26 AM
Bowing his head slightly, Shiver closes his eyes and watches the vision of the ancient, lipless mouth whisper the last few words through his subconscious mind.
"May the Master of this house look well upon you for your hospitality and care."
Turning to the group and keeping a watchful eye on the child, the old man looks over each of the sigils once again.
"We came here seeking knowledge, knowing there would be a price to pay and pain to be had from such knowledge. I would suggest the boo--hold a moment."
Shiver shifts his full attention back to the girl once more.
"Naming is important to me and therefore I shall call you Locket, for you hold knowledge close to your heart. Please, what are their names, the ones who keep you here unnamed and alone?"
Jan 27 2005, 03:39 AM
Her laughter is empty and cold. "You can call me whatever you want, it matters little to them and so in turn little to me." She turns from the bulk of the party, pausing to address Moira.
"You would be wise to wait before beseeching her." As she looks towards you, her features blur and settle into a painful memory. Your mother's face, drawn tight with pain and fatigue. "You must agree as one which realm to move to from here." Tears stream down her face, like then, begging for release from the agony and slow dying of her body. "Confusion will only lead you from the paths and stray far enough, and you all will be lost." You feel the blood drain from your face and the sadness begins to creep back into your spirit.
She moves from looking at Moira and with a grand gesture, arms outstretched in a wide V, looks to the windows.
"May I present the gallery of the Eternal. They are endless and undying, they have been and will be forever." She drops her arms to her sides and with one begins to sweep from left to right, pausing at each as she names them.
At the end of her recital, she seems smaller and less vibrant.
Jan 27 2005, 09:18 PM
He holds one hand up to Angelina, nodding and indicating that he was fine. The other hand instinctively rubs at his throat as he coughs, body still reacting to the very real sensation of asphyxiating.
He watches as the little girl speaks to other members in turn, curious as to whether the phenomenon was limited to him, or if they would experience similar discomforts.
Jan 29 2005, 12:47 PM
:: Moira snatches back her hand as the girl's face metamorphs, a look of seemingly shame, like a child with her hand caught in the cookie jar. This was not the face she wanted to remember of her mother. Not this time, not with pain but with happiness, not with fatigue but vibrant beyond her years, not old but wise. Closing her eyes tightly on the apparition, she works hard to conjure up her mother in the prime of her life, glowing with love and generosity and alive with motherhood. Despite her efforts, a steady stream of salty drops falls from her eyes. ::
Jan 30 2005, 05:03 AM
"So, Mania judging by her name and icon seems to be a little on the wild side. That would lead me to think that Epithumia has something to do with love or at least lust, given her symbol. Potmos as i said before seems to be something with knowledge, but it comes with some kind of painful cost. Can anyone make anything out beyond the basics I just covered? Did anyone recognize the names?"
Feb 1 2005, 04:06 PM
:: Wrapping her arms around herself, she turns to face Shiver. ::
"The only name that I know about is Oneiros. In Greek mythology, the Oneiroi were the sons of Hypnos, the god of sleep. They were described as black-winged daemons and they were said to live on the shores of the Ocean in the far West, in a cavern near the border of Hades. The gods sent dreams to mortals from one of two gates located there: true dreams emerged from a gate made of horn, whereas false dreams threaded their way from a gate fashioned of ivory. The daemon or god Morpheus is the most well known of the brothers so you may have heard of him."
Feb 1 2005, 06:48 PM
Hmm...Teluthe is death. Aponia is the Greek word that refers to unreason. Unreason being seen as the misuse of thought. This is different than simply not having thought, as the inability to "put things together" can be worse than not even knowing they do in fact fit."
Feb 1 2005, 07:09 PM
Paladin looks troubled, "This ain't right... Frag it, we're here, lets see what the planes have ready for us. I vote for Death. At least there I have a better idea of what we face than the realm of Unreason."
Feb 1 2005, 07:25 PM
Her hollow and bitter laughter rings out. "You're more foolish than I thought. You did not intend to travel here?" She turns as she speaks, her eyes flashing with mischief and evil glee.