Mar 30 2004, 12:27 AM
"Well, I got a few leads for us to go with. Check this out."
He hands his p-sec over to Moira so she can go over the details of the file his Star contact dug up.
"We're thinkin' we can hang out in the parking lot of the place and see if you recognise anyone from what you got outta Izzy's head. We're just waitin' fer Bakatare to get back and we'll head out. If you spot anyone, me and Immortal can grab em and we'll bail to interrogate."
Mar 30 2004, 12:45 AM
:: Moira nods as she reads over the information. ::
"Sounds like a descent plan to me. Anybody up for dinner?"
:: Moira heads towards the kitchen and begins to hunt for enough ingrediants to make a nice dinner for the entire team. Along the way, she chat's idly. ::
"So...Immortal...Shaman's don't scare you huh? Do you really believe that Mages are more powerful?"
:: Her tone is playful, you'd almost think she were challenging you, if she were more of a confrontational person than she is. ::
Digital Heroin
Mar 30 2004, 01:00 AM
The hardboiled elf arches a slender brow at Moira's question. He extracts the cigarillo from his teeth, smoke trailing from it still.
`It's not a matter of power, either has their niche, and I don't hold anything against them. But if they abuse their power, fall prey to the darker aspects, then it had best be them doing the worrying when I come around.`
She may be playful in her questioning, but this was a touchy subject for him. He had a special loathing for toxics.
Mar 30 2004, 01:03 AM
"You are aware that Hermetics are just as capable as becoming Toxic magic users as their Shamanic bretheren...and they usually take an exceptionally darker turn such as blood magic."
Mar 30 2004, 01:07 AM
Paladin gives Immortal that questioning look and smiles in thanks when he tosses a cigarillo his way.
"Immortal and I have gone hunting Toxics and Bugs a few times, they ain't got drek over him... Damn man, when is Bakatare due back?"
Look to Moira, "Why don't you give him a call and fill him in that we got stuff going on tonight. You two seem to get along pretty well."
Digital Heroin
Mar 30 2004, 01:14 AM
Immortal nods to Paladin's statement. Bring on the magic, while they drain themselves, he'll just slap in another clip.
`Toxic, Blood, shaman, hermetic, spirit or critter, I've dropped 'em all...`
He just srugs, and considers a moment, moving over to the telecom. He needs to find a Stuffer Shack or somewhere to get his guns dropped off.
Mar 30 2004, 01:16 AM
:: Moira shrugs as she pulls out a box of Rotini and a block of soycheese from the fridge. ::
"We've been together through a few jobs. He's professional and that breeds trust. Doesn't go much farther for me. Anyway, I'm kinda making dinner, would one of you mind calling him?"
Mar 30 2004, 01:18 AM
Paladin shrugs, "Sure."
He dials Bakatare up and lets it ring.
Mar 30 2004, 02:32 AM
Murrey begins checking his navs of the area around the Body Bag club for likely routes and good surveilance vantage points. He also sets up the Felix with the instructions of a safe point to await retrieval if it needs to be abandoned to pursue.
"When woo dee want to check this place out?"
Mar 30 2004, 10:07 AM
Bakatare's voice on the phone is fatigued, and he mentions that he's only a few moments from the house.
" I'll fill you in when I arrive."
He steps into the house, dragging a hand across his face. He relates Sosofu's words to the group, word for word.
"The informtion is true, if a bit enigmatic. No, I can't tell you where I got it or how. The most obvious and positive bit of news is that the spirit and the boy were used as the focus for a spell, not half a dozen nomads conjured up and released. The boy had corporate connections, right? Yeah, that came through in there somewhere as well. He wasn't a random sacrifice, and this wasn't random violence. This was a directed attack, against someone specific. First step is to talk to Iblis and see if any of the Changelings are hooked up high up in some of the courts, or which corps want them or the Red Queen dead. I'm not really up on the current rumors and gossip though, so if anyone knows who the stone serpent, the Sleeper, and the Prince is, fess up."
He flops on the couch, peering at the rest of the group, already looking like he's been awake for another 48 hours.
Mar 30 2004, 08:19 PM
Paladin shakes his head, "It could be referance to too many different things. Lets get a little deeper into the facts before we start taking guesses at anything.
Should we go ahead and head over to the night club then? I wanted to get there early before people started showing up so we could get a good look at everyone."
Mar 30 2004, 09:17 PM
:: As she begins to pour the pasta into the boiling water, she throws in a dash of salt to keep the boiling to a minimum. ::
"Why don't we wait till after dinner?"
:: It doesn't take long, but the dinner is impressive. Moira has a mother's touch when it comes to cooking and though much of the food is the standard fare, she is able to spice it up with well used spices, real cheese and a homemade sauce creating an yummy dinner of pasta, breadsticks and beer. ::
Mar 30 2004, 09:36 PM
Paladin finishes off the meal and lets out a large burp to let Moira know how good it was. He then excuses himself to the back room where he changes into his new gear. When he comes back outside, he is wearing a full body suit of all black, there is also a face mask, but it is pulled back at the moment. He colapses his Bo Staff and fits it into the stealth that runs down his back.
"Ready when you are."
Mar 30 2004, 11:15 PM
:: Moira cleans up after dinner and then changes into a pair of black armored pants and a black blouse with a kevlar vest over it. Tying her hair back into a single long ponytail, she throws the long coat over the outfit and joins the group in the living room. ::
"Im all set."
Digital Heroin
Mar 31 2004, 12:40 AM
While the others change, Immortal goes through the process of re-cleaning his Savalette Guardian. Rather, he feild strips it, and wipes the essentials down with gun oil. He doesn't change himself, he'll have to pick up his gear on the way. When he's asembled the Guardian again, he places a quick call to Robert Running Water, giving him the location of a Stuffer Shack nearby their target de jour.
`Gonna need to make a stop on the way, pick up some gear.`
Mar 31 2004, 02:58 AM
Murrey begins to prep the drones and the van, backing up current video, ensuring space, etc. The Fix-it checks the concealed weapons on the van, then Murrey double-checks them. Murrey then chooses about 6 different color schemes and appropriate plates/transponder codes to make switches faster if needed.
Once teh group is together in the house again, Murrey mentions, "I believe we may want to bring that ATV in the vack of the ban. If we end up needing vehicles following or have a second behicle to follow, we'll need it."
Mar 31 2004, 03:23 AM
"Sure thing, open 'er up and I'll pull it in. I've got a decent sensors package on it too, so I can help with lookout."
Mar 31 2004, 03:42 AM
"Good, use this frequency and encryption algorthym to broadcast ban to the vack and use the b-tac receiver to read ours."
Apr 2 2004, 02:00 AM
A double click goes out over the radios as the team is setting up to leave.
"Since we're splitting locations, I have a few more thoughts to toss out. Based on the information we have, there's a few missing pieces. Paladin, what was the time of death registered in the autopsy? Before or after our rave? Anyone have any information on this Transys Neuronet company? Who owns them? One of the big boys has their hand in the pot, I'm sure. We need to find out who. The fact that it's Advesary shamans supports the idea that it was revenge. They're of the mind that if they can't have it, destroy it.
Who's this company of Iblis's that can afford to keep spell defense, and fairly heftly defense at that, up around her 24-7? That must be worth a pretty penny, which makes her important, which makes her a target. Find out who her boss is, and who she's turned down, and I'll bet we've got our perpetrators. Hell, who knows? It might be Transys.
Also, anybody know anything about the current Council of Princes? One of them leave, lately? Get kicked out or something similar?"
Apr 2 2004, 04:36 PM
"Why do you ask? You don't think the Tir had anything to do with this?"
:: She looks almost horrified by that idea. ::
Apr 4 2004, 08:26 PM
"Those are some good questions that we will answer in time, but I'd like to work on that tomorrow. Right now we have a solid lead with this club and I think we should act on it quickly. Lets load up and head out."
Apr 5 2004, 04:43 AM
AS Murrey heads towards the van it purrs to life and the drones follow him out, pulling the ramps out and setting them up for the ATV the other drones are loaded and locked in.
"Chaddle up summers."
Apr 5 2004, 04:50 AM
As you move about the house, you hear the door leading to Iblis's room open up. She moves out into the house. Her hair done in little pigtails and sporting a plastic bodysuit with splashes of neon color. Her eyelids are glittered soaked and her belt buckle could be a small satellite. She wanders past the kitchen. "Smells good but I have an appointment with some fabulous people interested in helping Izzy start over in style." She motions with a lazy hand at Izzy. "Come on down, you're new life is ready to go hun." Izzy's face lights up with open excitement. "You're one of pretty people now." She winks and grabs up her back pack. She motions for Izzy to head on out the side door. With a smile and a raised eyebrow at the team she purrs. "You kids play nice now, you hear."
Digital Heroin
Apr 5 2004, 05:41 AM
He grunts, and shakes his head.
`Don't be asking me about the Tir, prissy little bitches never done me any good.`
He holsters the Guardian, having just checked it of reflex, and eyes their host. He's gotta be cursed, because these are definitly interesting times.
Apr 5 2004, 06:26 PM
"See ya Izzy, keep yer nose clean and give me a call if you ever need help."
Apr 5 2004, 06:52 PM
You drive through Seattle. A light rain has started, the sound echoes in the vehicle. The grey sky stretches out around the city. You begin to pull down smaller streets, moving into a small commercial area. Murrey slides the van through traffic with ease. He seems to draw little attention to himself or the vehicle as you wind your way to the club. He even pulls into a space near the establishment without drawing any attention to himself, using a small knot of traffic to cover his movement. Motion come to a halt as Murrey parks. The Body Bag stands alone on the opposite side of the street. It has a small fenced in parking lot on the right side of the club entrance. It looks like it could hold maybe 10 cars tops. The front is fairly non-descript. There is a single neon sign bearing the name. You can see a door woman. A troll in some sort of leather jumpsuit. She looks fit and alert. There appears to be no traffic into the club yet and the parking lots only has a single troll-modded bike in it.
Apr 5 2004, 07:24 PM
Murrey moves to the back of the van, opening the rear hatch as he goes and begins deploying the wheel ramps for the ATV to pull out as well as instructing the Felix to go to the primary watch position for incomming traffic.
Apr 5 2004, 07:48 PM
Bakatare eyes the club from the van, the gentle, persistent glow of astral space breaking only for the single aura.
A sharp intake of breath, and his body slumps slightly, still sitting crosslegged on the floor of the van, with the staff across his knees.
He moves, as per the initial plan, to sweep the building, pausing to assense the door troll (just in case, of course) and checking the perimeter of the building for the obvious, static wards, and those a little less obvious, such as alarm wards.
Apr 5 2004, 07:56 PM
Paladin waits for a large delivery truck to drive by, then he pulls out the ATV and parks it in a nearby alley with a veiw of the club.
Over the comm he tells Murrey, "Alriight, I'm connecting my Sensor feed to your network now so we can share data. When Bakatare comes back from his Astral watch, ask him to come join me. If we split up, I want to have Moira with you, since you have the better sensors to watch the place. But I still want one mojo slinger to be with me in case drek hits the fan."
Apr 5 2004, 08:03 PM
"Roger that, if there's trouble, head for the location parked plan B in your nav-comm. If you have a tail, I'll cover you and visa-versa."
Murrey then proceeds to set up the computer to display data feeds easily for Moira to call up as she goes.
Apr 5 2004, 08:14 PM
As you leap from the van and move towards the club. The woman's aura comes into focus. Her body has mild alterations to it. You can see something in her body running from her hands to her head. Her bones seemed to be altered and her spinal cord area in particular. Her mood is alert and she's waiting for the business to pick up. As you slide past her, taking care not to pass through her, you shift your attention to the exterior of the building. It appears clear of any astral wards or signatures.
Apr 5 2004, 09:41 PM
A twist and he's through the walls, sliding through the club, eyes alert to anything sharing his astral space.
Apr 5 2004, 09:46 PM
You push through the door and find yourself in a small hallway that goes past what looks to be a coat check and cashier. A small window opens to the hall. A woman sits behind the register in a harness that seems to be more mesh than actual clothing. She appears to be reading a magazine of some sort. A small button rests on the counter edge on her side, it appears to connect to the heavy door at the end of the hall.
Apr 5 2004, 09:58 PM
Giving a mock salute to the watchful attendant, he pushes on into the interior of the club.
Apr 5 2004, 10:07 PM
As you clear the door you see the a large room open up before you. The room seems to be 40 feet wide and 60 feet deep. A bar sits on the back wall. A man with multiple piercings and a bare chest. He appears to be stocking the bar. Four small stages dot the club floor in a diamond pattern. Each stage is about 5 feet by 5 feet. Each one has a different toy set on it. They are all vacant at the moment. The restrooms are located in the far left corner to the left of the bar. No one else is present in the club at the moment.
Apr 5 2004, 10:12 PM
Ignoring the toysets and the stages, Bakatare sweeps the area, double checking for extra entrances or exits, and heads back to the van to clue the rest of the team in.
Apr 6 2004, 03:02 AM
:: Moira shifts to the front seat in order to get a better view of the people coming in and out of the club. She studies each with the faces etched in her memory after the horror of reading Iggy's tortured mind. ::
Apr 6 2004, 03:05 AM
You find an emergency exit along the right corner that opens up to the parking lot alongside the club.
Apr 7 2004, 12:19 AM
The light rain continues as the evening progresses. The flow into the club begins to pick up. You see people begin to trickle in. The parade of fetish wear is impressive to say the least. You see many matched sets of masters and slaves file in. The crowd seems to be an intimate one, with small groups pausing to chat before going in. A few cars pull into the lot and more than a few motorcycles. The troll working the door seems to have the flow of people going into the club under control. The day goes from Thursday to Friday. Around 1 am you all see a figure that grabs your attention emerging from a limo that stops in front of the entrance. Not the first one this evening. It looks like "Adam". He appears to be wearing a full body suit of leather with a small petite woman chained to his wrist. His hair is gelled up in short spikes. The woman walks behind and to his left with her head down. Her long brown hair screens her face from view. She's dressed in a sheer creme gown of some sort with her lingerie clearly visible underneath. Her feet appear to be bare.
Digital Heroin
Apr 7 2004, 12:33 AM
Immortal watches the pair through the scope of his Alpha, hardwired reflexes humming in anticipation that maybe, just maybe the guy'll try something stupid. He's seated in a slumped back style for comfort, Alpha at the ready position, held tight to his shoulder. He's been that way for hours, only moving to adjust his field of vision.
`Got our boy in my sights, looks like he has company. Not a bad piece of ass at that, but I get the feeling she doesn't have much fight in her.`
Apr 7 2004, 03:19 AM
"Yeah...maybe. And maybe that's one hell of a disguise for a competent bodyguard."
:: Moira blinks and shifts into the astral, studying them both carefully and actively trying to pierce any masks they might have up. ::
Apr 7 2004, 03:39 AM
The wash of the astral space sweeps across your vision. You focus in on "Adam" and begin to read the delicate flow of life through his aura. He appears to have cyberware in his eyes and some headware. There are no signs that he is awakened at all. His mood is eager for the shows scheduled tonight at the Body Bag. The woman's body is whole and unmodified. She is awakened and it seems her path is that of an adept. It looks like her focus is in melee combat. The mana seems to stain her spinal cord, her hands and her head. Her mood is alert and completely focused on "Adam".
Apr 7 2004, 03:41 AM
:: Chuckles slightly as she recognizes exactly what she expected to in the slender slave. ::
"Damn, Im good. She's a phys-ad...looks like a melee expert."
Apr 7 2004, 03:49 AM
:: Whistles as she finally gets a fix on her magical power. ::
"Whoa...and not just your average Bruce Lee. She's only a single grade below me, and her skills are all physical. She will work you over without breaking a sweat if you don't know what you're doing. If anything goes wrong, put a bullet between her eyes before you do anything else. Otherwise, you'll be in a world of hurt."
Apr 7 2004, 03:58 AM
"Roger bat, the beauty is a theast."
Digital Heroin
Apr 7 2004, 04:05 AM
`I never intended to dance with her up close babe. I can throw a punch if I need, but her type warrants a lead salad.`
A whisp of smoke curls from Immortal's lips as he keeps the pair in his sights. He's looking them over through his mundane perspective, for any signs of armament.
Apr 7 2004, 04:09 AM
As you take in the multiple sensor feeds you capture a clear shot of his face. His eyes are a blue-green. He doesn't appear to have any scars. His features are rough but easy on the eyes. The sensors show no signs of radio traffic originating from the limo. The car appears to be in excellent condition and closer examination shows a company logo, Dream Rides, on the the license plate.
Apr 7 2004, 02:20 PM
"Ok, so we found them. What are we doing with them? I have a feeling a friendly chat probably wont get us very you think we can get a bug on their limo and follow them afterwards?"
Apr 7 2004, 03:55 PM
"We can try for a bug, but I'd like to just snatch his ass. Put a GS round to the head of his slitch and failing that, I'll go toe to toe with her. I want to take this guy and interrogate the drek outta him.
Murrey, can you're kitty drop a tracking signal on that limo? And how exactly do we go about getting a bug on the inside to listen in on em?"
Apr 7 2004, 05:50 PM
"I might be able to carry something in it's mouth, but that's a hired limo, chances are the driver is not going to let anything other than his fare get sear without gnome interrogation."
"Moira, you man that scug of his?"