QUOTE (Patrick the Gnome)
Not to mention that a character, especially a troll, built around possession would be summoning force 8 or 10 spirits, not 6.
See, that doesn't happen in my games. It's just too dangerous. Not for me - for the players! If you're summoning these in down time and binding them, then you're blowing a lot of money on this tactic. If you're doing this during a run, then you're just playing a waiting game until the point you get clobbered. There's a 17% chance of the spirit rolling 4 hits at Force 8, i.e. try this five times and you're going to get hit with 8P. And no, that doesn't mean you get away with it until the fifth time (well it's 80% you don't). And it's a shade under 10% chance that the spirit rolls 5 hits. And then you're looking at 10P drain - not a nice way to start a run. Again, that 1 in 10 runs doesn't mean you get it on the 10th run, it means that by the time you've tried this tactic five times, there's a fifty:fifty chance it's happened.
pbangarth asked for this to be a discussion of tactics, so this is all getting off-topic. But as he's getting involved himself and as you've raised this issue so much, I'll answer it. Let's take a look at the bear that was intended to illustrate how broken possession is.
Shifter: bear ______________ 80
Body 12 _________________ 40
Agility 1 _________________ 0
Reaction 1 ________________ 0
Strength 12 _______________ 40
Charisma 5 _______________ 40
Intuition 1 ________________ 0
Logic 1 __________________ 0
Willpower 1 ______________ 0
Edge 4 __________________ 30
Magic 5 _________________ 40
Spellcasting 4 ____________ 16
Summoning 6 ____________ 24
Specialization: guardian ____ 2
Counterspelling 4 _________ 16
Manabolt ________________ 3
Powerbolt _______________ 3
Increase willpower ________ 3
Increase reflexes __________ 3
Mind probe ______________ 3
Control thoughts __________ 3
Physical mask ____________ 3
Nuyen: 200,000 ___________ 40
Magician: voodoo _________ 15
Restricted gear ____________ 5
Restricted gear ____________ 5
Restricted gear ____________ 5
Sensitive system ___________ -15
Amnesia _________________ -10
Sensitive neural structure ____ -5
Bad rep __________________ -5
Fixer: connection 1, loyalty 1 __________ 2
Talismonger: connection 1, loyalty 1 ____ 2
Focus bonding
Power focus 4 _____________ 4
Sustaining focus 3 __________ 3
Sustaining focus 5 __________ 5
Power focus 4
Sustaining focus 5 (Health: Increase Willpower)
Sustaining focus 3 (Health: Increase Reflexes)
Ceramic knife
Form-fitting full body armour
Securetech PPP: forearm guards, shin guards, leg & arm casings, vitals protector
SWAT armour & helmet
Commlink: Sony Emperor
OS: Redcap Nix
Low lifestyle for 1 month
Fake SIN rating 4
that is a dreadful character! (No offense.

). You yourself know that it's horribly unbalanced, your point is to show how possession magic outshines others in combat and forces a GM to pull out artillery that is pitched at the possession mage's level and horribly over-powered to the rest of the team. (Correct me if I'm wrong). I don't think this character provides that. I'll list why.
Firstly, the character is
awful at ranged combat. He can stand there and roar if he likes, but he's going to feel pretty silly while his friends lay waste to the opposition and he whittles away at a security guard. So that's the first thing the GM can do to challenge this player without flattening team-mates: start the battle at more than 40m away. It's the 2070's, after all. Live by the sword, die by the gun. I'll grant you that this character would be great in a D&D game, but Shadowrun isn't or shouldn't be focused on dungeons. Have people fire on him from windows, across parking lots, through fences, etc.
Secondly, the point is that the GM response has to be elevated to levels where other party members can't take it. If we're to be realistic, I think that's not the case - faced with this thing charging at them (and it will be chargring else it's useless), I'd imagine every guard would open up with everything they've got at him. It's a great moment when a player builds a min-maxed combat monster (the archetypal giant troll) and finds that all of the enemy are targetting him. When the player protests you just ask: "well what would you do?"

Thirdly, this character is much weaker when not initiating the combat themselves. For a character this powerful, you're going to expect decent opposition. A few guards with assault rifles firing bursts are going to badly hurt this character before his spirit can possess him (remember, it's a phase to instruct his spirit, a phase for the spirit to attempt possession and this character's initiative is dire when he's not possessed so he's not likely to get much of a start on the enemy). And keep in mind target number one will be the big scary voodoo dude with the gris-gris who looks like he's summoning a spirit or is starting to glow.
Fourthly, this character has weaknesses that other characters - even other magicians - don't. This is a powerful PC - he'll only be running against serious opposition. Give them an astral magician hovering out of reach. No dual natured creature can catch someone purely on the Astral so pepper him with Stun bolts. His high body and ItNW will count for nothing. A high force spirit will afford some protection but the character will still suffer. Keep in mind that until this character gets Channelling, he can't even use his own Counterspelling skill. Similarly, give him a spirit or two to fight on the astral and you'll likewise be threatening him without impacting on the rest of the group.
Fifth, this character is lighting up like Christmas on the astral plane. Every time he goes through a ward, he'll set off alarms. His team mates wont thank him for that. Of course he can deactivate the sustaining foci and recast the spells, but he can't do anything about the power focus, and Extended Masking is a long way off for this character. And it's not like this is a small tweak to fix - this character is hugely dependent on his foci. If he has to give them up to get into a place or loses them, the character becomes a big dead weight.
Sixth, this character is an absolute liability outside of combat. As I said earlier, for dungeon crawls where the GM plays nicely-nicely, the character is fine. But in a normal Shadowrun game, he can't socialise, he knows nothing, knows no-one. He just sits around and waits for something to hit.
Seventh - and I should have put this in earlier as it's a big one - this character has little sustainability. So he commands a spirit to possess him and attack a group of enemies. Fine - they run away. Honestly, if you were a security guard and a glowing bear in form-fitting body armour came charging down the hall at you, isn't that what you'd do? So great - service spent. I suppose you could command the spirit to "kill" the group of enemies, but you'd probably only make that mistake once as the spirit took you rampaging away from your group all over the compound, city or into reinforcements. .

Basically, once this character hits running battles, he's in trouble. A samurai can keep pumping out bullets all day long, but this guy will burn through services rapidly. If you as GM want to challenge this player, it's easy - you just keep them under sustained pressure. This character can't take that.
And that brings us on to the risks of summoning. Force 8 has been bandied about a lot in this thread. That's absurdly high. Let's say this character tries to summon such a spirit mid-run (I keep bringing up the cost of binding materials but some insist it's fine to summon on the run). On average, this character will get (against a Guardian spirit), 6 hits against the spirit's 3 (I rounded up in both cases). Then he'll have to take the drain test. As I posted earlier, after he's cast this for the sixth time, he's likely to have been hit with 10P drain. He'll quite likely have been hit for 8P as well. His average drain resistance is, what? WIthout sustained Increase Willpower, an amazing less than 1.

With Increase Willpower boosting him to WIllpower 5 (see earlier note about foci and having to recast these), a still pitiful 2 hits. So either at the start of the run or during it, he suddenly whacks off half of his condition monitor. I pity him if he ever gets the one in fifty odds of the spirit six+ hits in the middle of a fight. Basically, if the GM can think of nothing else, all he has to really do is wait and the character will have a good chance at killing himself.
And we haven't even touched on the subject of the spirit's personality. For a start, this character does not have Channelling. The spirit is fully in control (and you'd better hope when those services run out that it didn't mind you summoning it and gives you your body back). Even with Channelling, you're still subject to the spirit's whims. Basically, it's at the GM's pleasure as to how much control to give you over the character. The higher force the spirit, the more it's going to dislike being controlled by a "moron". At Logic 8, it's going to know better than the character how to go about fighting battles, etc., so why should it carry out services the PC's way?
Anyway, that's enough of a list for now. Keep in mind that my intention is not to show that this character is useless or unplayable, but simply to demonstrate that he's far from forcing the GM to obliterate other PCs just to threaten him which has been the stated objection he was to illustrate.
Basically, for all sorts of reasons, this character would do very badly in my game. Basically, because my games aren't a series of fights from room to room. And I don't simply mean that my games are combat-lite. They're probably typical. But I play it like Shadowrun, not D&D. The other players would get tired of babying this character around. Tone the character down a bit, he'd be better. As it is, he's a very fragile thing inviting destruction.
EDIT: Sorry - wrong pronoun used throughout. I am assuming from the name that Ursula is a she.