Wow, this thread has gotten out of hand. I think there are 4 or 5 different arguments raging, all of them having very little to do with the original topic. All right, so the term RAW has been thrown around a lot lately on this thread. I think we can all agree that the RAW for possession spirits is generally unclear and the primary reason for all of these arguments. Whether you choose to interpret the rules as saying that hardened armor does or does not stack with worn armor, you aren't going to convince anybody of the validity of your point by repeating arguments multiple times, cursing, or name calling. Whether or not you choose to use the FAQ as a reliable source of rules changes is up to you, it does represent the opinions of at least one developer and clarifies a number of issues, however, nearly all of its clarifications lean towards making things more powerful and open the door for PCs to break the system of the game, so I would say that rather than use the FAQ as RAW, RAI or whatever that you should instead simply use it at your own risk. One thing I believe I must weigh in on is the use of Ghost Cartels as a reliable source of game examples. Here are the three possession examples used in ghost cartels-
[ Spoiler ]
B 3 (11)
A 3 (11)
R 3 (11)
S 3 (11)
C 8
I 8
L 8
W 8
M 8
Edg 4
Ess 6
Init 19
IP 2
Condition Monitor Boxes (Physical/Stun): 14/12
Armor (Ballistic/Impact): 16/16* (* Immunity to Normal Weapons)
Skills: see description of Yajé, p. 154
Powers: see description of Yajé, p. 154
Fists [unarmed, DV 6S, AP 0, Reach 0]
This first example is fine except for the fact that the spirit doesn't have 8 edge as it should. It uses certain rules interpretations but does show the potential of a force 8 spirit possessing a being with average physical stats.
[ Spoiler ]
B 4 (8 )
A 3 (7)
R 4 (9)
S 3 (7)
C 4
I 4
L 4
W 4
Ess 6
Init 8
IP 2
Condition Monitor Boxes: 12
Armor (Ballistic/Impact): 8/8*
Skills: Assensing 4, Astral Combat 4, Dodge 4, Perception 4,
Close Combat Skill Group 4
Powers: Astral Form, Deathly Aura, Energy Drain (Karma, Touch
range, Physical damage), Fear, Immunity (Age, *Normal Weapons,
Pathogens, Toxins), Paralyzing Touch, Possession (Dead Vessels)
Machete [Blade, DV (Str/2+2)P, AP –1, Reach 0]
Steel Pipe [Improvised melee weapon, DV (Str/2+1)P, AP
–1, Reach 1]
Fists [unarmed, DV 4S, AP 0, Reach 0]
Weaknesses: Allergy (Sunlight, Mild), Evanescence
This second example of a dead body possessed by a shedim is where things get a little hairy. Looking at the stats, it's obvious this person is possessed by a force 4 spirit, and yet his initial reaction of 4 is brought up to 9 by possession. Also, he has a listed Initiative of 8 when it should be 13, or 12 if using proper possession rules. This is all a little off, but it could just be bad math. It's this third example that's really bad.
[ Spoiler ]
B 4 (10)
A 3 (9)
R 3 (12)
S 3 (9)
C 6
I 6
L 6
W 6
Ess 5.2
Init 15
IP 2
B A R S C I L W Ess Init IP
4 (10) 3 (9) 3 (12) 3 (9) 6 6 6 6 5.2 15 2
Condition Monitor Boxes: 13
Armor (Ballistic/Impact): 12/12*
Skills: Assensing 5, Astral Combat 5, Counterspelling 5, Dodge 5,
Perception 5, Spellcasting 5, Close Combat Skill Group 5
Powers: Astral Form, Astral Gateway, Aura Masking, Banishing
Resistance, Compulsion, Deathly Aura, Energy Drain (Karma,
Touch range, Physical damage), Fear, Immunity (Age, *Normal
Weapons, Pathogens, Toxins), Possession (Dead Vessels),
Regeneration, Sapience, Shadow Cloak
Optional Powers: Noxious Breath, Silence
Spells: Stun Bolt, Pulse, Mana Static, Power Bolt, Clairvoyance
Weaknesses: Allergy (Sunlight, Mild), Evanescence
This guy has a force 6 possession spirit in him, and yet his reaction goes from 3 to 12 while possessed. If that's an oversight it's a pretty huge one, but I venture to guess that that is, in fact, exactly what the developer intended when designing the character. This guy is a boss, he needs to have high stats. My guess is that the developer chose to design this character's attributes outside of the original rules for the purposes of creating a challenging boss fight. The reason I don't think a module should be used even for RAI is because they are designed to be fun and challenging, not 100% accurate to the actual rule books. Either that or they're just rife with typos. Either way you shouldn't take examples from them out of context and use them as supports for an argument.