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Xahn Borealis
Aquaman has a SeaDoo, grapple arm and various climbing gear which will certainly help with boarding. Alternatively, if anyone falls off the boat, he can be your lifeguard. In which case, he'll probably have to take his top off. biggrin.gif
So, keeping with the new board policy to dump inactive threads in the RP section, our IC thread has died!
Drug it out of the deep.

(you just have change the display date range dropdown at the bottom of the forum, we went over 30 days.)
Given the continued silence of Digital Heroin, can Cherry seize power in a bloody coupe? nyahnyah.gif

Seriously, though, we should do a roll-call and shoot out PMs that we're applying CPR.
PMs would be a good idea. I'm still here; Waiting on you guys to be honest. I too got slothful during the summer, but no more of that.

Since school starts up for me tomorrow, here's my schedule:

2 classes. Yes, two. One eaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrly on Monday mornings (I gotta get up I-don't-want-to-think how early), an 0800 to 1045 class.

The other, 1800 to 2045 on Wednesday nights.

Til they stop, I reserve Tuesday nights for Covert Affairs and White Collar on TV, and Thursdays for Burn Notice.
QUOTE (Penta @ Sep 7 2010, 10:15 PM) *
PMs would be a good idea. I'm still here; Waiting on you guys to be honest. I too got slothful during the summer, but no more of that.

Since school starts up for me tomorrow, here's my schedule:

2 classes. Yes, two. One eaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrly on Monday mornings (I gotta get up I-don't-want-to-think how early), an 0800 to 1045 class.

The other, 1800 to 2045 on Wednesday nights.

Til they stop, I reserve Tuesday nights for Covert Affairs and White Collar on TV, and Thursdays for Burn Notice.

Its more active than my current schedule of do what you want each day. I really need to hammer in a work ethic for my self as 24 hours of free time a day tend to make one slack.
QUOTE (Dumori @ Sep 7 2010, 04:55 PM) *
Its more active than my current schedule of do what you want each day. I really need to hammer in a work ethic for my self as 24 hours of free time a day tend to make one slack.

It's true. Even just working a solid 8 hours every weekday doesn't really do much for my slackitude.
In about 16 hours, Cherry's going to open IC discussion of boarding tactics, which I hope will be fairly brief.
Should be we've hammered alot out here.
Atomic Communist
I noticed that you guys may be missing some players. Would you happen to be recruiting at all?
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