Nov 29 2013, 05:31 PM
Not sure how you want to deal with time--my warding is going to take hours. Far more time than the shower and conversation going on right now.
Nov 29 2013, 05:37 PM
I got Thanksgivinged as well, hope to catch back up soon.
Nov 29 2013, 05:41 PM
We can hand wave the time thing - just jump forward to after the warding for setting up the trade?
Dec 4 2013, 04:06 AM
Agreed. I would have posted more, but I wanted to check in on the Matrix thing. Action's rolling!
Dec 5 2013, 06:53 PM
Dec 17 2013, 05:33 AM
Etiquette 7d6.hits(5)=2To present a friendly face and make a good impression.
Palming (closest I could find let me know if you want another skill instead)
6d6.hits(5)=1Edge Reroll5d6.hits(5)=2 (3 total)
To gesture for
Babs and
Amy to get out of sight.
Dec 26 2013, 04:45 AM
Bishop, Mato can give me a visual Perception + Intuition test to notice that hand gesture is something specific.
Dec 26 2013, 05:49 AM
7d6.hits(5)=3Same number of hits if the -2 for Distracted applies.
Dec 30 2013, 06:56 AM
Thanks Bishop - Mato definitely knows the gesture was intended to convey something specific, but what it was or to whom is unclear.
Dec 31 2013, 04:51 AM
Composure (to remain calm and collected)
12d6.hits(5)=2Destined to never be cool enough on this character
BishopMcQ which items are you wanting to keep if any?
Dec 31 2013, 05:03 AM
Mato won't use either weapon focus and doesn't have Anchoring. If they will be useful to Ama or Amy, keep what you want. Sell the rest.
There's a Memory blade, a Kris, a small stud with an odd, golden-silvery material instead of a stone, and a small flat silver bracelet latched with a chain, bearing an enameled blue caduceus (still has an active Health spell in it)
Jan 7 2014, 04:20 AM
Ok we are selling it all then to break that link to us.
Jan 7 2014, 04:28 AM
You're both welcome to toss out a Bargaining (Cha + Negotiations) at this point if you want to argue, or just a basic Judge Intentions (Cha + Intuition).
Jan 7 2014, 06:29 AM
Bargaining (adding Edge)
11d6.hitsopen(5,6)=2Wow and the cool is sucked of me again - no love here.
Palming (give flash the hand signal back during the bargaining)
Jan 7 2014, 06:31 AM
Bishop, a visual Perception + Intuition [2] roll please.
Jan 12 2014, 02:05 PM
I'm sorry, I just realized I haven't checked in/posted for quite a while, I was thinking about what Boots next move is and I got distracted by holidays/work leadup to holidays. Fenris, apologies for the AWOL and I will be catching back up today.
Jan 12 2014, 02:28 PM
To be clear, Boots doesn't really understand what an Admin password is, my thinking is he would try to use some kind of matrix-y metaphor to explain to Sean and the general idea of "Admin password = you own it now" is one he heard during a run.
Jan 14 2014, 02:12 AM
Perception 3 + Intuition 4
7d6.hits(5)=0 Nada on the gesture.
Assensing the buyer
8d6.hits(5)=4Perception 3 + Intuition 4 + Enh Scent 2 + Specifically Looking 3 (Best thing I can think of for picking up his scent) Other modifiers for noticeable scent, bioware to reduce etc, not modified for.
Jan 22 2014, 07:01 PM
Well, I suppose that solves the problem of how to find them.
Jan 28 2014, 05:06 PM
Athletics 3--> 4
Astral Combat 4--> 5
Updated sheet sent.
Feb 3 2014, 04:43 AM
Thanks Bishop! On that note, please do go ahead and send me updated character sheets once you've updated a few numbers.
Umaro - Please give me an Assensing + Intuition test.
Feb 3 2014, 02:56 PM
Fenris--do I need to resend the sheet or did you receive it last Tuesday?
Feb 3 2014, 05:22 PM
Feb 19 2014, 12:23 PM
Fenris - just making sure you didn't miss that ^
Feb 22 2014, 05:04 AM
Bishop - I have one from 01/28, is that the most recent copy?
Umaro - I totally did miss that
Feb 22 2014, 07:16 PM
Feb 25 2014, 03:40 PM
Assensing is 9d6 (Intuition 5 + Assensing 4)
Assensing the exterior barrier (the one that just popped up): 2 hits
Assensing the interior barrier (the one that was there the entire time): 6 hits
Mar 3 2014, 07:57 PM
Just posting to say I am still here lurking in the corners.
Mar 3 2014, 08:14 PM
Here too. Waiting for the conversation between the Infected to wrap up and thinking about our next step.
Mar 4 2014, 06:47 AM
Sincerely, thank you for your kind ways of saying to the GM that he needs to hurry the fuck up and post
Umaro - The exterior barrier is Awakened, and you recognize that it's a specific collection of different auras.
The interior is a Force 14 trap ward. It is definitely an astral barrier, and you recognize that it's the same collection of different auras as the interior ward.Sorry about that, got confused. The interior is a Force 14
Charged ward. It is definitely an astral barrier, and you recognize that it's the same collection of different auras as the
exterior ward
Mar 13 2014, 03:55 PM
Boots is casting Astral Window f5 to see inside the Charged Ward.
The ward resists with Force.
Boots: Spellcasting (6) + Magic (6) = 12d6, 5 hits.
Resist drain: Intuition (5) + Willpower (5) = 10d6, 3 hits/no drain.
Mar 15 2014, 05:27 AM
Ward Resists with Force -
Force (14d6.hits(5)=4)
Mar 15 2014, 07:05 PM
Boots is assensing the carpet and the living creature. In particular, does the living creature's aura match the ward (ie is s/he the creator)? Assensing(4)+Intuition(5)=9d6, 1 hit on the carpet, 3 hits on the person.
Mar 19 2014, 06:40 AM
Any rolls you want to go along with the IC content? Let me know.
Mar 19 2014, 04:17 PM
I've got Kn: Shamanism, Arcana, and Instruction if any would help to talk her through the experience.
Mar 23 2014, 05:27 AM
Umaro - The carpet is alive! It seems healthy, and is Awakened.
The man is Awakened, has 2 spells active on him, has a Magic and Essence are equal to yours, he's Awakened, you recognize his aura as one of the aura's from the ward, and he seems focus and intent on his work.
Bishop - You can definitely roll Shamanism.
Mar 24 2014, 06:11 PM
Boots have any idea what the carpet is? Parazoology (possibly with the Spirits specialization) and Magical Theory are the relevant skills I can think of.
Other questions: multiple auras in a ward means it was made by multiple magicians working together, right? (If you want a skill check - Magical Theory)
Has a Spirit Formula already been made/is it here? Or is he still making one? Has he started a Binding ritual?
Parazoology (6) + Logic (2) + (if applicable, Spirit specialty) 2 = 8d6 or 10d6.
Magical Background (4) + Logic (2) = 6d6
Carpet: 3 hits with Parazoology or 4 if it is a spirit,,
Magic Background on the carpet, 1 hit Background on wards with more than 1 aura, 2 hits
Mar 26 2014, 03:04 PM
Umaro - Parazoology is enough to identify that the carpet isn't an animal. Magical background and the fact that it's astrally present means it's mostly likely some kind of astrally active plant.
And yes, wards with more than one aura are generally the result of multiple magicians working together to create a ward either larger or stronger or more long-lasting than a single magician could by himself.
Mar 26 2014, 04:50 PM
What about the question on the spirit formula/binding ritual?
Mar 27 2014, 06:24 AM
Umaro - The internal pull you feel says that your spirit formula is beyond the inner ward. There's no link between that and your Astral Window spell, as far as I'm aware. There's no way for you to tell if your spirit formula was in the room without actually seeing it. He's not touching anything that's astrally active, besides the carpet, so it's hard to say exactly what he's doing - all you see is shadowy shapes the obscure vision representing furniture in the room, and him crouched or sitting.
Mar 27 2014, 11:03 AM
I think
Boots actually can tell if the spirit formula is still in the room, and if not he can tell where it is now. Astral Barriers don't actually impede a free spirit's ability to tell where its formulas are:
QUOTE (Street Magic)
]A spirit is instinctively aware of the location of all copies of its formula—where any of them are when they are created, moved, or destroyed—no matter how many astral barriers exist between the spirit and the formula. If a new copy is made, the spirit auto-matically becomes aware of its location.
As for whether he's started the Binding Ritual - if he's started it,
Boots is compelled not to hurt him. Or would
Boots not know without trying?
Mar 27 2014, 02:40 PM
7d6.hits(5)=1Assensing Amy --
Mar 28 2014, 11:41 PM
Umaro - Boots can feel the location inside the smaller ward, but none of that would translate through a purely visual ability to view through the ward itself. You can tell it's somewhere within the ward, could walk directly to it, actually, but none of that somehow guarantees you can see it using your Astral Window spell. I.e., if you were in the room you could walk right up to where ever it was stored, but I don't see how that would directly correlate through your use to effectively used a specialized form of Clairvoyance to see inside the room.
Bishop - The image looks like an obvious Mentor Spirit - a variant on the Dark King or the Dark Goddess, by your best guess.
Assensing - She's slightly fatigued, you see a Combat Spell active on her, her Essence is 5.2, her Magic is 5, you will recognize her aura, she's Awakened, and very nervous, a little scared, and guilty.
Mar 29 2014, 02:10 AM
Oh, okay, that makes sense.
Apr 7 2014, 06:58 PM
I'm here but sick with a capital S so I'll post as soon as I feel better.
Apr 16 2014, 05:35 AM
Alright guys, things are ramping up here at home with the kids and some other changes, so I'm not going to have the time to follow up on this game with any regularity. I'm going to go ahead and put it on hold/close for the moment. There's a chance I might be able to pick it back up in a couple of months, but no guarantees, so I'll PM people if that suddenly comes up
Thanks guys, it's been a lot of fun in the alternate format, and I've really enjoyed being able to give individual characters so much attention, along with the NPC's. It's a rare occurrence for a role playing game.
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