AmaSafehouses - The room is barren, but very specifically equipped. You know some flavors of safehouses come for specific tasks, like burying and interrogating witnesses, that sort of thing. Judging by the setup and evidence, this is probably something like that. Good thing, most of them assumed the target would be strapped to the chair, and protecting the outside would be more important, so you could probably walk through the door and move around the interior without much resistance from locks and the like. The bad news, specific places like this are expensive...someone's footing the bill, and it's hard to say, based on your scattered recollections, on whether the other occupants would be hostiles or friendly.
Perception - The room is bare. Nothing here but the chair and the restraints, though you can see a hallway leading off to the left and the right just outside the open door. No sounds permeate in here, except for the gentle whirr of an air conditioning unit, and the harsh sound of your breathing, suddenly made unfamiliar by the change.
All - As a note... I want to try and keep the entries in the IC thread fairly narrative, so look for results from rolls to show up here, and then you can post reactions or interpretations in the IC thread. So, don't wait on an IC post from me if you're just pausing to make rolls. I'll toss this up in the OP as well for reference.
Additionally, I'd like everyone to post a general current visual description of the character (mostly for my reference) as a line near the top of your current gear posts.
Oh, and since the games actually started, I'll need actual 'current gear' posts listed, along with pan states, astral states, and anything else that you think I might need to reference to bump things along as quickly as possible.
You'll get two weeks to finalize your character...if something pops up in the next two weeks (real time) that you want to change, you can do so without penalty, and we'll retconn as necessary. After that, character's are solid, and the only changes come through expenditures of money or karma or GM fiat in the game