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Hey All!

Just sounding off to say I'm here with the thread restart. Looking forward to seeing how it goes. smile.gif
Still here as well!
Okay, story is finally bumped. Sorry for taking so long, but it has been a tough and tiring week. Feel free to ask Ezri questions. If you're good, I'll bump you along again. ^_^
Just quickly asking if anyone needs anything. Also, Lain and Fenris, you guys are welcome to stay at level 5, but you've got the xp to level up to 6... nyahnyah.gif
I'll give Fenris a few days to reply. If you're all good, I'll bump you all the way to the planet so I can get you closer to the action. ^_^
Just a heads up, I'm bumping you along on Monday. If anyone *cough*Sereth*cough* has concerns, voice them before I post. Also, this is my last warning about leveling up. My challenges/bad guys are going to be around level 6, so...
Not sure if it helps but he's not posting to everything right now - for some reason he has gotten in a rut about posting in a timely fashion.
Haha, thanks for the heads up. I'll work on bumping you to the adventure now. Sorry it has been so long in happening.
Ok, big bump away. The Slipstream is a Mark 2 shuttle, with a class 3 spike drive, atmospheric conversion, extended stores x2 for 8 weeks of provisions, fuel bunkers, 2 tons of cargo space, a sandthrower weapon, and hardened polymer overlay for -5 to all incoming weapon AP. I'll get a better summary of it up later.

Fenris-I need Sereth to make an Int+Science roll. That'll tell you which planet you are going to.
Okay, Int + Science: Int (1) + Science (1) (2d6+2=13)


And yes, I suck lately, definitely not anything specific to this game. Trying to get back into the groove of quicker posting, just a mental shift, I think.
No worries, glad you're still here. Also, good roll. I'll have to keep one of my story threads in my pocket for a little while longer...

Also, sorry for the change in tone with Ezri. If it makes you feel any better, at least you're not relegated to watching the fuel gauge like Alice... nyahnyah.gif
lol...nah, it's fine. We'll work around it. Everything can't be lollipops and rainbows all the time, you occasionally have to work with people you don't like in the real world, too. I find it more tolerable when they're really competent biggrin.gif
If it makes you feel any better, she's not all that fond of you guys, either... nyahnyah.gif
Updated character to Level 6 (finally)
also is neural net common knowledge? Would it affect Psionics?
Basically, it's acting like a brain network. As for whether it'll affect psionics, that'd be telling. Especially when there are some perfectly good skills to roll along wiht Int (like Science or Tech(Pretech)...
Ha Skills?? What are those.. smile.gif
Ah, the famous last known words of all soon to be dead PCs. nyahnyah.gif

You all just leveled, got 2 skill points, and it only costs 2 skill points to get a 0-level non-class skill. Just sayin'... ork.gif
@ Fenris: Added a little more to your sensor roll. Sometimes I write before I think, and I figured you should get that information, too.
Fair enough, JxJxA, thanks.

Another [Int + Science] for the Mandate tech...and Lain's note reminded me that I haven't updated my character either, so, I did so biggrin.gif Weird that you re-roll all your hitpoints every level.

Int + Science (2d6+2=cool.gif

yea thankfully it doesnt go down smile.gif otherwise I'd be squished on the first attack next time. HP stayed the same
We could change the HP rule to how we do it in tabletop games. Full for the first hit die, and then roll the others with the mercy rule (no less than half the hit die). The system is pretty lethal already.

@ Fenris: That will not hit the DC I'm thinking of (just because Mandate tech is pretty archaic). However, it will take more than an hour to reach the planet, so you are welcome to use the expert reroll. ^_^
Thanks JxJxA, was just re-reading the rules today and thinking I need to use that more biggrin.gif

I'm fine with the HP system, was just commenting on it.

Annnddddd worse - Int + Science (Expert re-roll) (2d6+2=4)

So, no, nothing there smile.gif

Quick question to the GM - Are the backpacks I bought TL 1 or TL 4? I can't remember, honestly, though I think I'd have sprung for the better ones if they're available.
I was thinking the HP system is kind of weird. However, if you are all happy with it that's cool. ^_^

I'm assuming you all have T4 backpacks. They only cost 50 credits, so it's no biggie. ^_^
So, adding to other people's backpacks (delighted to see that everyone brought a backpack!). Number in parentheses is the encumbrance values of the additions. Assuming everyone's bringing all their stowed gear.

Alice - added 7 encumbrance.
  • Rations x3 days (3)
  • Binoculars (1)
  • Lazarus patch (1)
  • Thermal Flare x5 (*)
  • Climbing Harness (1)
  • Rope, 20 meters (1)

Ravenna - added 7
  • Rations x3 days (3)
  • Binoculars (1)
  • Lazarus patch (1)
  • Thermal Flare x5 (*)
  • Climbing Harness (1)
  • Rope, 20 meters (1)
Ok, just to keep us rolling along, let me know what you are taking with you when you land. Once we have that, I'll bump you planet-side. ^_^

Here is the dossier on Perath from my wiki:

Type: Small rocky world
Atmosphere: Breathable Mix
Temperature: Warm
Biosphere: Immiscible
Population: None
Tech Level: N/A
Summary: Perath is a small, rocky planet. It appears to have a native biosphere incompatible with Human life.

Don't worry about the Tech Level entry. Obviously, you know that it has Level 5 Tech on the planet, but it doesn't have a known colony/society that is using it (as far as you know ork.gif).
moved gear list from stowed on ship to carried (readied or stowed)
@ Lain: Please keep in mind that you can't wear a vacc suit and armor at the same time (see p.42). It's unfortunately one or the other, unless you have an exosuit. :-/ If you choose the vacc suit, it does give you an AC of 7. Whichever you choose to wear, you are of course free to carry the other.
Yep thats why the vac suit is stored, and the field uniform is in readied. (its 0 encumberance)
the atmosphere is breatheable right?
Yup, sorry, I misread that. You're fine. ^_^

Yeah, the atmosphere is breathable. The biosphere is immiscible with human biology, though. Just giving fair warning.
That basically means we can't eat anything right smile.gif
Or whatever is down there will trigger a nasty allergic reaction...You can run one more scan or have Ravenna start to walk towards an open airlock to see if it's deadly...
Scanning the sensor logs



Mandate information

Just a quick recap of the IC stuff:

Tech/Psitech: You pick up residual traces of the drill gate in the system, but not the structure
Tech/Med: The immiscible biosphere is inedible, and will provoke a mild allergic reaction similar to hayfever
History: The Terran Mandate used AIs to provide for frontier worlds, but their purpose and function is lost to the Scream and time.
Okay, bump is up. I'm guessing Alice will make a few trips rather than pop the psi points because a human weighs anywhere from 50-70 kilograms, and I'm guessing that Sereth is taking his assault suit (that's gotta be pretty massive). Just let me know what you want to do once you reach the surface. ^_^
Bumped us to the surface, interpreted that there was no immediate obvious issue.. if so I can delete post.
@Lain: Nope, that's fine.

@All: I'll need Physical Save from Alice and Ravenna, and a Tech Save from everyone.

@Buddha: Terminal Reflection does not trigger, so you know at the very least that there is no danger within 60 seconds.
20 physical 15 tech, both should make it.
Alice will use her mastery of telekinetic shield to deflect anything that looks like it might hurt if it hits, larger rocks etc..
Sure, but nothing really big is flying around. Just small, gravel-sized pebbles.

Also, I believe your rolls, but please link to invisible castle if you can... nyahnyah.gif
added link (sorry was on phone yesterday trying to keep things moving)
Let me know if I need to make any rolls for the medical angle - a way to deal with allergic reactions etc. I have mastered Omen and Terminal Reflection so we might get a heads up before something or someone or whatever eats us. smile.gif
Sure, just need the Phys and Tech roll. For Phys, let me know if you roll a "1". That would be the only way for terminal reflection to come into play here. As for omen, it's a once per hour power and I think you have to choose to use it. Also, kick Fenris and tell him to give me a Tech save roll. nyahnyah.gif
@ Buddha: Also, are you including Ezri in that link or just the PCs? Just want to make sure. ^_^
I'd like to but I can only use psionic powers on things or people I can see with unaided vision and I didn't think of it before we left the ship. I'll know better next time. smile.gif
Tech Save: Tech save(9) (2d6+9=21) !

Wait...saves are 2d6 + your save score, right? Or is it the d20 over the save number?
You roll a d20 and try to get over the save number. Nice roll, though. nyahnyah.gif
Sorry totally missed the call for saves!



Made the Physical but not the Tech.
No worries, I'm just waiting on Fenris to make his save roll with a d20. nyahnyah.gif
Bleh - 1d20=19

Ha! Saved anyway.
Cool, I'll bump you guys along in a bit.
Okay, bumped, and sorry for the choppy/cheesy narration. I'm suffering from writer's block and just trying to fight my way through it. x_x Let me know what you want to do. ^_^
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