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QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Jun 29 2013, 03:48 PM) *
And quite honestly? I do not value your "right" to have your opinions on this matter, because your "opinions" in the matter are, as stated, scanning to me, being analysed by me, as toxically acceptive of bullshit shenanigans that, if continued, will permanently and irrevocably poison a game setting that I am very much invested in. So don't pull that "I respect your opinions" nonsense on me. Either call me your enemy in this matter, or back down, because I will not accept that this is a matter on which we can agree to disagree!

The vehemence of your response is not surprising to me. I am not your enemy, I am a lover of SR since it first hit the presses in 1989. I have a great deal of respect and love for the system. I just don't agree with you that this is a wrong direction. I am sorry that you cannot accept that. I am a gamist. I say unapologetically. You are not. Fine. I'm ok with that. Are you?
QUOTE (Daedelus @ Jun 29 2013, 08:27 PM) *
The vehemence of your response is not surprising to me. I am not your enemy, I am a lover of SR since it first hit the presses in 1989. I have a great deal of respect and love for the system. I just don't agree with you that this is a wrong direction. I am sorry that you cannot accept that. I am a gamist. I say unapologetically. You are not. Fine. I'm ok with that. Are you?

At some point, it's best to just disengage. As far as I can tell, he has posted approximately 20,000 words on the issue over the last 5 days. I doubt anything anyone has said is going to change his opinion on something, or get him to stop offering his own..

Just as a point of reference there are quite a few people that don't feel it is as bad as you do. Before you jump on you soapbox I know this too small a sample to be decisive, but it may be representative of those here on Dumpshock.

How excited are you for SR5?

Extremely! Can't wait. [ 28 ] ** [41.79%]
Cautiously optimistic. [ 11 ] ** [16.42%]
Bearish. Not sure I like some of what I've been reading here, I'm on the fence. [ 19 ] ** [28.36%]
Not at all. I won't be buying. [ 9 ] ** [13.43%]
QUOTE (DrZaius @ Jun 29 2013, 05:32 PM) *
At some point, it's best to just disengage. As far as I can tell, he has posted approximately 20,000 words on the issue over the last 5 days. I doubt anything anyone has said is going to change his opinion on something, or get him to stop offering his own..


Your right. For the record I did not want him to change his opinion, just to stop the disingenuous presentation of it as fact. I will quit goading him for all of our sakes.
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jun 29 2013, 07:53 PM) *
this discussion REALLY reminds me of some discussions between religious people and atheists somehow . .

Well....yes, spin.gif

It all comes down to whether you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an invisible(wifi) all seeing(detecting those connected), all knowing(tapping a world's worth of data) presence that surrounds each and every one of us that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength(wifi bonuses) and Comfort(porn & lolcat pics) or you do NOT and turn your backs on it(Offline). nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Tashiro @ Jun 29 2013, 07:26 PM) *
Actually, the XBox One was an excellent example - doesn't work after 24 hours of no internet connectivity. THAT is almost exactly exhibit A for this.

Haven't been keeping up with the news, have we?

QUOTE (Tashiro @ Jun 29 2013, 06:18 PM) *
Err, I think this is where common sense would apply.

Ah no ... sorry, but there is no common sense is stricly metagame rule decision.

The rule states "you must be matrix connected", thatīs it. The do not state "matrix/DNI" connected. You choose to like/follow a strictly "gamist" approach to the rules, just like in a game of Monopoly. They just exist to prove a rule solution to a rule question. As in Monopoly where you roll a dice to get into jail (or out of it).

1) The tripod (and any other item or cyberware of this category) is connected to matrix and is being deployed manually => free action. You can use radio control, manual control, DNI control, voice command, pigeon letter, morse code, fire smoke sign, deaf language, whatever command, its a free action if it is connected to the matrix. Nothing else matters.

2) The tripod (and any other item or cyberware of this category) is not connected to the matrix => it is always a simple/complex action (depending on the item), even if you use DNI, fiber optics etc.

You cannot have it both way. You cannot argue with "common sense" (common sense is always based on your experience in the reality, not on the rules of a game) and thinking that it should matter how the item is used in the real world and then switch back defending monopoly style rules. If you want to follow that particular road, please be at least consequent and think two steps further.

To give you an example which is a little bit over the top: You want to open your cybernetic DNI connected finger compartment ...

1) You are not online, but you are DNI connected and you open the finger compartment with the speed of your though
a) You think "open!".
b) The finger compartment opens.
=> simple/complex action (see the list of KarmaInferno)

2) You are online, but you are not connected (for whatever reason) to your cybernetic finger compartment.
a) You open/activate/unnlock your commlink.
b) You connect your commlink to the matrix (your tripod, right now, must use its own matrix connection, because slaving it to the PAN would not work as far as I understand. Please correct me if I am wrong).
c) You log on to your cyberware/item administration software in the cloud (this was your argument as well, that the software is not on the device, but in the cloud)
d) You choose the corresponding item (the finger compartment, hopefully you have only one) and select the "open" action. Of course you use manual controls, keyboard, drop downs menues etc.
e) Your command is processed in the cloud, ignoring matrix noise, corp surveillance, legal/illegal problems, hacks, data trails etc.
f) The cloud finally finds a solution to your command and sends the command to the finger compartment.
g) The command is routed to the tripod via satellite, laser, microwave, fiber optics etc.
h) Your tripod receives the command and deploys.
=> free action

If you really want to have common sense in your came, you would have to say that a DNI thought control should be a little bit faster than a cloud processed opening order for a finger compartment, which, through the power of DNI, has become a part of your body and can be used as intuitively as your normal finger, eye movement, walking or breathing.

Otherwise itsīback to Monopolys "roll 4, go to jail" style of rules: They work, they provide a solution to a problem, but they are not really suitable to explain a fictional world, which is based on reality for some part, and for other parts on imagination.

Especially not, if this rule builds upon wrong conclusions in the first place.

QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Jun 29 2013, 07:55 PM) *
Haven't been keeping up with the news, have we?


Oh, yeah, they changed it, but originally?
QUOTE (Tashiro @ Jun 29 2013, 08:00 PM) *
Oh, yeah, they changed it, but originally?

Indeed, and how narrowly was that bullet avoided?

If the Xbox One HAD worked seamlessly as an online 'cloud like' system instead of ... well... Windows, how many people would have really complained or even noticed?

True they still have been mad about the limited transfer of used games and such, but that's another issue entirely.

QUOTE (Tashiro @ Jun 29 2013, 08:00 PM) *
Oh, yeah, they changed it, but originally?

They changed it because the video-gaming crowd - their market - collectively threw a fit and promised to go buy Playstation 4.

Now imagine the corps trying to ram this down everyone's throat. Even if all the AAA Megas somehow agreed to rip all the non-gaping, non-asshack ware out of their own militaries, break their military defense contracts to start supplying the nations who contracted with them for their hardware with gaping hackware, and used their super-secret-so-powerful-we-only-get-to-do-this-once-before-everyone-loses-their-shit backdoors to brick everybody's cyberware... Then what happens?

I'll tell you what happens: suddenly a number of AA megas who say "fuck this" and produce gear find themselves neck-deep in military contracts and business, because the AAA conspiracy have lost their mind.

Not that that would ever happen. Because if Renraku decided to tell everyone that their new gear was going to require a Matrix connection to perform as-advertised, and would have to call back to Renraku HQ to process your smartgun firing solution in Seattle, or that your cyberlegs needed to broadcast your position and get every toaster and water cooler around them to pitch in on the Math required to perform to spec because they decided to save 200 nuyen.gif and skimp on the processor, suddenly Ares and Saeder-Krupp are going to find themselves hip-deep in orders for smartguns (who buys a non-Ares smartgun link, anyway,) and cyberlegs.
Originally it would have been a 24h/always on DRM ... until the first cracked console of course (donīt forget, in SR there is an active underground market/community with worlwide networks of hackers, mechanics, gearheads, monkeys who turn your cleaning drone into an terminator of doom, your third class Ares Predator into a weapon which could kill a god and your car into something beautiful, where KITT would seem to be a outdated like a Ford T modell).

And if you want to really use this example: Sony profited immensely from this M$ DRM because their console would be delivered with a much more usable form of DRM. There is of course no doupt, that some corps in SR would love to have all the software in the cloud, especially in corp controlled and secured environments. And of course there would be other corps which would just love to have the opportunity to announce their version of decentralized software usage (aka full bonuses even when not online). And then of course there would of course the intelligence services, armies and black ops squads of corps, organisations and countries who would order a second line of procuds with full bonuses without being online, because, well, it would just be more secure for their own troops.

That would of course be military grade hardware and not sold to the public without a license ... just like a grenade, assault rifle, explosives, fake IDs, combat cyberware . wink.gif

QUOTE (apple @ Jun 30 2013, 02:10 AM) *
That would of course be military grade hardware and not sold to the public without a license ... just like a grenade, assault rifle, explosives, fake IDs, combat cyberware . wink.gif

The way that "military grade" tech is handled in Shadowrun is pretty damn wonky wobble.gif , so let's hope it ends up making more sense than that.
Honestly: if the authors/devs wanted to make sense they would have build upon the existing hacking options, like tacnet, radio communication, drone remote control and online commlinks, using wifi hack, nano tag hack, microdrone hack etc.

Instead the line developer simply ignored everything in SR4 on his heroic quest to return to the true SR3 Shadowrun. So I suppose that the authors will pick up the incredible fast cloud computing power which have been suggested by some players on DS and JP and will make it canon in the SR5 Unwired.


The whole XBONE fiasco does illustrate another point:

Just because you offer it does not mean it will sell.

QUOTE (apple @ Jun 29 2013, 08:39 PM) *
Instead the line developer simply ignored everything in SR4


Not quite, but that sort of intent is pretty awesome from where I'm sitting. SR4 really wanted flashy AR HUDs and iPhone functionality and needed a lot of work to reconcile the necessary technology with the setting. Everything ended up too open but somehow apparently too safe. It didn't work very well in that regard.
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Jun 29 2013, 09:47 PM) *
The whole XBONE fiasco does illustrate another point:

Just because you offer it does not mean it will sell.


True. However, if both Sony, XBox, and Wii all did it, then what happens? Well, you could turn to Steam on the PC, but then if Steam decides that you need to be logged in to play...

And that's basically what the CC decided, and how the corporations are playing. And I can see them all abiding by the same protocols. This probably got hashed out over a period of years. There are some things to be said for universal standards.
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Jun 29 2013, 08:47 PM) *
The whole XBONE fiasco does illustrate another point:

Just because you offer it does not mean it will sell.


Actually it makes the difference between our reality and SR quite apparent. SR is a world where XBone would be a huge hit with its always online, always watching with the camera, etc features not only intact, but likely even more stifling.
QUOTE (Epicedion @ Jun 29 2013, 09:52 PM) *
Actually it makes the difference between our reality and SR quite apparent. SR is a world where XBone would be a huge hit with its always online, always watching with the camera, etc features not only intact, but likely even more stifling.

QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Jun 29 2013, 06:53 PM) *
this discussion REALLY reminds me of some discussions between religious people and atheists somehow . .

Well....yes, spin.gif

It all comes down to whether you believe in a greater WIRELESS, an invisible(wifi) all seeing(detecting those connected), all knowing(tapping a world's worth of data) presence that surrounds each and every one of us that we can draw upon for Wisdom(downloads & updates), Strength(wifi bonuses) and Comfort(porn & lolcat pics) or you do NOT and turn your backs on it(Offline). nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (Epicedion @ Jun 29 2013, 08:49 PM) *
. It didn't work very well in that regard.

Strange. We are using AR, VR, hacker (combat hacking as well) remote drone control etc in our games and it works pretty well, except for the extended test. But then again it seems that we are perceiving the hacking possibilities of SR4 with different eyes.

Still wondering why it was not possible to build upon tacnets etc.

QUOTE (Daedelus @ Jun 29 2013, 06:36 PM) *
Just as a point of reference there are quite a few people that don't feel it is as bad as you do. Before you jump on you soapbox I know this too small a sample to be decisive, but it may be representative of those here on Dumpshock.

How excited are you for SR5?

Extremely! Can't wait. [ 28 ] ** [41.79%]
Cautiously optimistic. [ 11 ] ** [16.42%]
Bearish. Not sure I like some of what I've been reading here, I'm on the fence. [ 19 ] ** [28.36%]
Not at all. I won't be buying. [ 9 ] ** [13.43%]

To be fair this is a hobbyists board and its a discussion about the flagship product for our section of the hobby. Even as someone who answere positive for the poll the people enthused input the system not overwhelmingly outnumbering all others combined is troubling. People should be absolutely chomping at the bit less edition grognards never to be pleased.
QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ Jun 29 2013, 07:34 PM) *
To be fair this is a hobbyists board and its a discussion about the flagship product for our section of the hobby. Even as someone who answere positive for the poll the people enthused input the system not overwhelmingly outnumbering all others combined is troubling. People should be absolutely chomping at the bit less edition grognards never to be pleased.

Agreed. But it still serves to illustrate the point that the detractors (a descriptive not judgmental term) likely voted option C. There are a large number of A votes on the board. The point is that this edition is far from a group consensus on the negative side of things. I admit it is in no way a comprehensive cross section. It is a indicator that not as many people hate it as is being portrayed. There are a lot of us here that like what the system has shown us so far. You are one of the posters here who discusses matters in a civil and intelligent manner. I for one appreciate that. Thank You.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Jun 28 2013, 02:24 PM) *
4: It doesn't work that way anymore. What, you specifically say you have gear bought before 2074? It never worked that way. No, not even if your character is an old hand who got his gear in 2070, 2060, or 2055. Why not? BECAUSE RESONANCE!

They might be able to push this shit to market by selling it to the average joe as "newer, shinier, better," but they can't retcon all of their older gear out of existence, and Shadowrunners aren't going to voluntarily report to have their existing, working stuff replaced with stuff that doesn't work as well. That Ares Predator you bought in 2072 and tricked out to the max with a skinlink isn't going to have the skinlink melt off its handle. And more importantly, the corps certainly aren't going to move all their own security forces onto the "we made this specifically so it could be hacked" standard, because they don't want their guys being hacked. Militaries sure as shit aren't going to do so.

Because none of that gear needs software and firmware upgrades to function properly, right? And it's not like megacorps, who spent a lot of money to upgrade the entire matrix, would not put in options to brick the cyberware they manufactured in order to force people to upgrade to their new system up to and including ceasing to make replacement parts for older ware. Hell, I work for a major cable company and the manufacturers of our multiroom DVRs managed to put out a firmware update that bricked about a quarter of the units we had out in the field... and that was done unintentionally. The megas are pushing their new "safer, unhackable" matrix for all it's worth and they have the power to do it however they want.

We have a system for hacking devices, and could it be better? Yes, doing away with the Extended Tests could make it better, but ramming this nonsense through is asinine. Hacking to gain an immediate combat advantage should be limited to things that make sense (usurping the other guy's drones, screwing with his TacNet, messing with environmental factors like doors and lights,) and if the hacker wanted to be combat-effective, he already had options such as drawing a gun or directing a drone.

It's doubly pointless because there are two entire classes of character who does not give one explosive shit about you hacking him: first is the Awakened character. At absolute best, you may be able to screw him for a moment if he's wearing AR glasses. But you can't hack his spells, you can't hack his focuses, you can't hack the PhysAd's Power Points. This game already has a MagicRun problem wherein players seem stupid to make anything that isn't Awakened, now you'd have to be flipping suicidal! Running teams are going to consist of one hacker and a mess of PhysAds and Magicians.

The second is the Emerged character, so even odds that "hacker" will be a technomancer.

Please, tell us more about the sky's altitude, Chicken Little.

Look, CJ, simple physics are at work here. If you have a device which is emitting radio waves to enable wireless communication, even in bursts, it's emitting radio waves. If you have a corporate facility which is this highly secured, you have every object which is within the facility and emitting radio waves registered. You know what it is, you know what its radio sequences look like. You likely also have wireless-inhibiting wallpaper, to screen outside noise out and away from your gear. Suddenly, you, with you being either an agent or a hot-sim VR security spider, detect a burst of radio noise. It doesn't match any of the devices that are supposed to be in the facility, and it doesn't appear to be in the visitor registration center, rather it's on the other side of the building. You also notice there's a lot more devices.

If the shadowrunners entering your facility are good, then every one of those devices is at least loaded with its own encryption algorithm, so you don't know exactly what they're carrying. If they're not, then their commlinks are encrypted, but your pattern-recognition suite takes an instant to determine that several of those are wireless smartguns informing their owner of their status, some of them are cybereyes communicating with those smartguns, and all the other things that are detected.

If you're the spioder, you vent your virtual bowels, if you're the agent, you take a split instant to determine the proper course of action. Either way, the following gets done, because you are loyal and value your job, or because you are well programmed: you call back to corporate security, telling them you have a huge problem, and they detail an agent swarm and some remote security spiders to asssist you. They all log on to the facility's node essentially instantaneously. About a quarter of them go to work actively searching for the enemy's hacker or technomancer in the node, so they can gang-bang him in cybercombat, a general alert is issued, critical functions are locked down, and the rest of the swarm go to work identifying enemy devices (which may take a few moments if their traffic in encrypted,) prioritizing them (disabling cyberlegs to immobilize people is priority #1, with disabling smartguns as priority #2, subverting vehicles and drones is priority #3, and disabling cybernetic sensory devices is priority #4.)

This all-out cyber-assault begins just as the on-site security team begins to notice that the red alert klaxon in their lounge is flashing and grab their guns to head out and deal with the attackers. By the time they physically arrive, assuming the runners haven't successfully managed to bug out the moment they noticed the cyber-assault and did so before the cyber-swarm could stop them, they will find a team of criminals in complete disarray, with only the Awakened characters fully capable of fighting, while the Street Samurai - who was once the very thing that corporate security guards shit their beds during the course of terrifying nightmares about - flops about on the ground like a guppy, trying valorously, but futilely, to stand on a leg that won't move, aim a gun that won't shoot with an arm that won't move, all whilst blind and deaf, while the hacker lays on the ground with his brains pouring out of his ears, and the enemy team's drones marked on your HUD as friendlies, this distinction backed up by the fact that they're suppressing the enemy PhysAd with long bursts.

All because no matter how hard they try, the Shadowrun 5th edition authors don't get to rewrite the laws of physics. Radio-Frequency Triangulation is a thing, and anything which is "wireless" is emitting radio waves. No matter how "hidden" it is, in a secure facility where the local security measures are non-trivial and include Matrix security, it stands out like a sexually-flamboyant Christmas tree with Santa Claus perched on top at Hanukkah.

If only there were a couple of character archtypes that could spoof those registrations to hinder detection and defend against cybercombat attacks if things go wrong, maybe use the ones that tended to not have an active presence in runs so that there was more of a reason for them to tag along and have something to do while they were there...
QUOTE (Daedelus @ Jun 29 2013, 09:53 PM) *
Agreed. But it still serves to illustrate the point that the detractors (a descriptive not judgmental term) likely voted option C. There are a large number of A votes on the board. The point is that this edition is far from a group consensus on the negative side of things. I admit it is in no way a comprehensive cross section. It is a indicator that not as many people hate it as is being portrayed. There are a lot of us here that like what the system has shown us so far. You are one of the posters here who discusses matters in a civil and intelligent manner. I for one appreciate that. Thank You.

That poll - and that post - was horrendously invalid, because you're using a poll with one question (are you excited about SR5) to try and support your position that the SR5 matrix shit is okay.

This is like - and real example from anecdote here - me getting a telephone pollster asking whether I approved of the job the President was doing. Now, I refused to answer that question, because it was a very loaded question.

It didn't ask me "In what way did I approve or disapprove of the job the President has been doing." Because of that, it can be determined to be a poll which is intended to gather data to support a position, not a poll to find out what's actually going through people's heads.

Just because you're excited about something doesn't mean you're happy about it. And even if you can be excited about some things (such as breaking the 1-6(7) limit cap on skills,) and ambivalant on others (Limits... I can take 'em or leave 'em...) does not mean I'm at all happy about the new matrix pile of bulldrek.

For reference for your poll: I voted A. Because I am very excited about SR5.

So go ahead, tell me that my vote of A means that I'm not uproariously angry about the new Matrix bulldrek! TELL ME THAT'S WHAT MY VOTE MEANS.

I'd like to see you try and post that with a straight face.

QUOTE (vapor @ Jun 29 2013, 10:02 PM) *
Because none of that gear needs software and firmware upgrades to function properly, right? And it's not like megacorps, who spent a lot of money to upgrade the entire matrix, would not put in options to brick the cyberware they manufactured in order to force people to upgrade to their new system up to and including ceasing to make replacement parts for older ware. Hell, I work for a major cable company and the manufacturers of our multiroom DVRs managed to put out a firmware update that bricked about a quarter of the units we had out in the field... and that was done unintentionally. The megas are pushing their new "safer, unhackable" matrix for all it's worth and they have the power to do it however they want.

No. They really don't. They wouldn't collude on such a scale, because, lest you forget, they are competitors. Sure, they'd be pleased as punch if the other guy's shit was using ass-gape ware, but they're sure as hell not going to open their own security and military forces up. The national militaries who support their defense contracts wouldn't take that, either, and if you think they'd just let the Megas breach their contracts by bricking all that military cyber and hardware and telling them to come get new ones, oh, and we're not going to honor the terms of our support packages that say we'll continue to support your cyber, well, think again.

This move would never happen, because it's basically predicated on the largest competitors on the setting colluding in a massive conspiracy against the entire rest of the world, and nobody in the world is willing to stand up and say "this isn't right, give us money and we'll make cyber that isn't ass-gape hackable."

And hardware (such as cybernetics) seldom needs firmware upgrades; and even if it does, Shadowrunners are paranoid, because paranoia is a survival trait. They're not letting their gear (which may not be legally owned, anyway,) connect back for firmware updates. They're going to wait for JackPoint or ShadowSEA to examine it and declare it safe before they get it, at bare minimum. Most likely they're going to have their own hacker check it out.

If only there were a couple of character archtypes that could spoof those registrations to hinder detection and defend against cybercombat attacks if things go wrong, maybe use the ones that tended to not have an active presence in runs so that there was more of a reason for them to tag along and have something to do while they were there...

Newsflash: radio waves are radio waves. Even a successful spoof is going to make it appear as if half the appliances on floor 17 are duped on floor 3 and moving in tight formation. That will set off alarm bells, too.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Jun 29 2013, 08:20 PM) *
So go ahead, tell me that my vote of A means that I'm not uproariously angry about the new Matrix bulldrek! TELL ME THAT'S WHAT MY VOTE MEANS.

I would never do that. That is the primary difference between us. I am sure there are detractors that voted A. I am sure there are supporters that voted C. I was just using it to point out that odds are the opinion on the matrix is not one sided.
QUOTE (ShadowDragon8685 @ Jun 29 2013, 11:20 PM) *
No. They really don't. They wouldn't collude on such a scale, because, lest you forget, they are competitors. Sure, they'd be pleased as punch if the other guy's shit was using ass-gape ware, but they're sure as hell not going to open their own security and military forces up. The national militaries who support their defense contracts wouldn't take that, either, and if you think they'd just let the Megas breach their contracts by bricking all that military cyber and hardware and telling them to come get new ones, oh, and we're not going to honor the terms of our support packages that say we'll continue to support your cyber, well, think again.

This move would never happen, because it's basically predicated on the largest competitors on the setting colluding in a massive conspiracy against the entire rest of the world, and nobody in the world is willing to stand up and say "this isn't right, give us money and we'll make cyber that isn't ass-gape hackable."

Keep fucking that chicken, buddy.

1) The Corporate Court is apparently colluding on the new Matrix, because according to the fluff they established a new security paradigm overnight to close all the gaping security holes that existed.

2) Miltech in Shadowrun is weird to begin with, but nothing's stopping the militaries from using heavy decking overwatch to protect their regular assets. Small teams can embed a combat decker, run silent, and go hot if necessary. Just like a runner team. The new tech is like a gun -- loud and traceable when it's being fired, but usually very quiet and hard to detect.

3) Bioware is unhackable, and cyberware is for peasants. Elite corp units that have carte blanche for their gear can use bioware. Runners operate on a budget, which doesn't concern the AAAs all that much. Lone Star agents guarding the 4th floor garbage chute would be using 'ware, covering their assets with decking overwatch (or, god forbid, relying on Grid Overwatch). Renraku elite assassin squads probably deserve bioware at this stage in the game.
Alright folks. I'm done. Take a break. Warnings will be issued, there are personal attacks, flaming, baiting, responding to baiting with more personal attacks and its gone on long enough. We will discuss reopening this thread after giving you 24 hours to cool off.
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