Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1427 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, SeattleContinuing to move into the room while keeping the gun trained on the wounded man,
Johnny asked,
"Where is Shelly?"in Japanese.
[ Spoiler ]
Japanese question:
8d6t5 2[ Spoiler ]
Oct 14 2017, 04:57 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
The man slides to the floor as he tries to staunch the flow of blood from his shoulder. He gives you a look of surprise and replies in Japanese. "Who?" He is interrupted by the sounds of gunfire and screams coming from somewhere in the house. He smiles up at you. "If you mean the bitch we brought in, it sounds like you are too late, round eye."
Oct 16 2017, 06:20 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
[Johnny>Elana]>>>How are you looking? Not sure where you are?
Johnny put one more round in the guy, then reloaded. He picked up the man's gun just in case he needed more ammo. It sounded like he was going to need it.
He moved to the next doorway, ready to continue the assault.
Oct 17 2017, 05:36 AM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
As you bend over to pick up the gun, you hear a woman yelling from back down the hallway. "Hey! They're coming your............" The voice is cut off by a fusillade of gunfire followed by a choked-off scream. You can hear men running down the hall in your direction.
>>Johnny [Elana]: Taking your time out there or what? The room here was a bit crowded and one of the bastards got off a lucky shot. It hurts like hell and I could use a medkit pretty badly. I night be moving a bit slower for a bit. How much longer you got to get to me?<<
Oct 22 2017, 09:58 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
Johnny moved to the door across the room, opening it gun ready. Elana should be close, but the house is a lot bigger than he had thought.
>>>Trying to find you.<<<
Oct 23 2017, 03:24 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
As you open the door you hear gunfire. Some shots are coming from somewhere ahead of you in the direction you are going and are accompanied by a scream. Two come from behind you, chipping at the door jamb and tossing splinter about, one of which catches you in the cheek.
Oct 30 2017, 04:06 AM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
Through the door Johnny goes, gun raised and trigger ready. If he can meet up with Elana, they would both be in better shape. He pulls the door closed behind him. No need to give these assholes a free shot.
Nov 3 2017, 02:05 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
Two shots puncture the door behind you as you go into the next room, which is empty of people. Opposite you is an open doorway and you can hear some screams from within the room beyond and some cursing in Japanese. Then you hear Shelly's voice. "Shut up unless you want to lose the other arm." Then a slap before she continues. "Hey, quit moving or I won't be able to get this tourniquet tied right."
As you approach the doorway, you see Shelly kneeling on the floor next to a one-armed man. She is apparently trying to tie off the upper arm so she can stem the blood that is pumping from the stump of his lower arm. From where you stand, her clothes and face are pretty much covered in blood. There are two men on the floor near where she is kneeling, but they do not seem to be moving right now. The door on the wall behind you crashes open.
Nov 4 2017, 03:38 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, SeattleAs the door flies open
Johnny lets another burst fire go, then ducks into the room for cover.
"We got two incoming."[ Spoiler ]
Nov 4 2017, 06:32 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
Shelly nods as she remains bent over the screaming man, trying to apply a tourniquet to his arm. "So I see. Take care of them while I try to save this guy's life or we won't have anyone to question."
Your burst sends the two gunmen at the door back into the the other room, but you do not think you scored any hits. You hear yelling from a different direction and someone yelling out commands for someone to scatter and take cover. Shelly snorts. "Sounds like the guards from outside are showing up. Did you get a good count of how many we are going to need to kill?"
Nov 5 2017, 01:19 AM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
Johnny points his gun down the hallway using the SmartLink to sight the guards, ready to fire when one presents himself.
"At least six more. Probably more. Can we leave this room through a window if need be?"
Nov 6 2017, 03:29 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
Shelly finishes tying off the bandage around the arm of the now silent gangster and nods. "Sure. Can throw chair through window or maybe open from inside. Can carry man if you want to lead." One of the two men puts a hand around the sill of the door, obviously using a smartlink to try to aim at you, only to have your shot strike his hand, causing him to yell as at least one of your bullets shatters bone and tissue, causing a spurt of blood as the hand quickly withdraws after dropping the weapon on the floor. There is yelling and cursing from the room beyond the doorway.
Nov 7 2017, 06:52 AM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
Johnny keeps his aim down the hallway for the next attacker.
"Okay. Let me know when you are ready to bail. I got one disabled. Or you can put some led down this hallway with me."
Nov 8 2017, 03:09 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
There is a slight 'umph' from behind you and you turn your head enough to see that Shelly is standing with the guy over her shoulder. There is a good deal of blood on her clothes and exposed skin. She winces as she nods and forces a grin. "Am ready to leave. I am bored here. Not much of a first date. Oh, wait, first date was museum and blood on clothes there, too. No wonder you have no girlfriends."
Nov 11 2017, 05:38 AM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1428 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
"You would think the Americar would help. Maybe this will woo you," he said, holding out one of the heavy pistols he had picked up, while still looking down the hall through the SmartLink. "So, out the window? Or through the idiots?"
Nov 14 2017, 03:35 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1429 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
The initial reply from Shelly is a short gasp as she accepts the heavy pistol. "Americar is good, yes. Flowers, lots of chocolate, and great sex are better, Hmmm, Think window." She walks over to the large window, the man still over her shoulder. She is almost there when you detect several men rushing down the hallway for the door.
Nov 15 2017, 04:10 AM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1429 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, SeattleJohnny fired at the closest then took aim on the next.
"Here they come."[ Spoiler ]
Nov 15 2017, 03:08 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1429 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
Your shot is accurate and the man screams and goes down, causing the one behind him to have to leap over him. His shot is wild but he is nearly to the door when he sees your aiming point and panics, realizing that he is the next target. There is the sound of breaking glass from behind you.
Nov 16 2017, 02:55 AM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1429 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, SeattleJohnny drops the poor soul and moves onto the third man. Hopefully his luck will continue, and
Elana won't have to save his ass again.
[ Spoiler ]
Nov 16 2017, 03:11 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1429 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
The third man steps into the room and takes quick stock of the situation before backing out again and slipping out of sight. There is more glass breaking behind you and a couple of soft moans. "We should leave soon and I might need a bit of help with this."
Nov 17 2017, 05:26 AM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1429 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
"Yup, right behind you," he tells her, but he doesn't follow. Instead he moves in on the third target. No point leaving just one left to follow or give up their position.
SmartLink leading the way, he moves around the corner, ready to fire, since the man could be standing right there.
Nov 18 2017, 05:58 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1431 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
The man is standing right there. The look on his face tells you that he did not expect this. The round he jerks off that misses you completely even at this range tells you that he REALLY did not expect this.
Nov 23 2017, 03:17 AM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1431 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, SeattleJohnny's burst fires almost simultaneously. As the man jerked, the rounds looked to be slightly off target, so he followed with a second burst.
[ Spoiler ]
Nov 24 2017, 04:34 PM
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1431 - Inside Elana/Shelly's location, Seattle
The gunman stumbles backwards, his hands clasping his chest in what will eventually be a futile gesture to stem the loss of blood through the several holes you have put in him.
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