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Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1622 - The scene of the crime, Seattle

Johnny keeps his eyes open, scanning the fields and buildings below, watching for any activity. Upon reaching the car, he pays the cabbie and once he is on his way, Johnny surveys the field and down to the house that once kept Elaina captive. After that he makes a thorough inspection of the car, looking for any tracking devices or explosives. One can never be too careful when dealing with Renraku.
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1650 - The scene of the crime, Seattle

You carefully examine the car and find that nothing seems amiss. There are no extra footprints in the area and the vehicle itself appears to have not been touched. Karla nods at your attention to detail. "It is good that you are suspicious. Is there anything I can do to help?"
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1650 - The scene of the crime, Seattle

"Yeah, do you notice anything different about the house? Any cars that were there before and not now, or any new vehicles? It has been two hours since the shootout, and people were left to talk. You would think something would be going on down there; Police or corporate activity, or a cleanup crew... But I don't see any evidence of that. It all looks untouched. It makes me uncomfortable."
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1650 - The scene of the crime, Seattle

Karla snickers. "I hope that you don't expect me to walk on over there by myself and get a closer look? I admit it looks odd, but no, I do not see anything out of the ordinary from here. Do you think that we should go see?"
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1650 - The scene of the crime, Seattle

"I meant from here, and the fact that everything looks ordinary makes me feel uncomfortable. Something out of the ordinary should be going on."
Wednesday 12 June 2075 - 1652 - The scene of the crime, Seattle

After a few minutes, Johnny still cannot see anything out of the ordinary, in a situation that should be out of ordinary, even in the bad parts of Seattle. There should some outside response; Cleaners, Renraku, police, something.

Still unable to shake the feeling that things are very, very wrong, the urge to leave grows larger than the need to figure out what is wrong.

He sweeps the car one more time, looking for tracking devices or anything out of place. Finding nothing amiss, no fresh footprints or tire tracks, he gives up. "Lets go," he says to Karla, climbing into the car.
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