Hey. I finally found a time where dumpshock was up and managed to catch up with the game!
In Game: I didn't want to post and 'spoil' what was going on, but how much information is Jan likely to get out of his captives, and if we get the info we need then where does that leave this next bit and/or Tanya? John was correct that Jan isn't too hot on the idea, but we can do that better IC.
In terms of forum: I don't want it to sound like I'm trying to sell people on Mythweavers, but I really would like to move the game there for a number of reasons.
- Dice rolling in posts (speeds up posting)
- Charater sheets on the site (Useful if not essential)
- Individual game forums (we could have a 2072 forum section)
- Discord channel (anyone not know what this is? Started over the weekend)
- Big draw of new players (already the MW Shadowrun Discord channel has 2/3 peeps LFG)
The only drawback for me, which is minor, is the colour. But I can live with that.
Obi's forum looks great, and it's a nice idea. I am however skeptical about moving our game to a forum that relies on the interest of one person to maintain. People get bored and move on, or forget. I don't know Obi, maybe he's super dedicated and I'm sure he's a nice chap. But there it is.