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Sorry if I missed you Sleep. What was your roll for the Laesa team?

And the Threshold for the autotruck's current location is (5), that's for just a single test.
Did a scan, checking for wireless devices on them. Got 4 hits.

As for tracking the truck... 7 hits there.
@Sleep - Your scan on the Laesa Proxies reveals their stylish mirror shades along with their Ares predators slaved wirelessly to their commlinks.

(Thought you were Data Searching them at first until I reread your post. Oh well, you get some free info about them.)
OK, Crossbow, that's the sum total of Willie's acting. It's your show now.
Analyze in Detail - Node = 3 hits

Gonna go with System, Response, and Firewall ratings for the node.
Jimmy the Chin: Etiquette: 10d6t5 2
Billy Knuckles: Etiquette: 10d6t5 3

@Crossbow - Give me two Etiquette + Charisma rolls with a -3 DP penalty. Failure means they turn hostile and start a fight.
@Sleep - Which node are you trying to analyze? The autotruck's node or the ones from the Laesa?
The autotruck. Laesa can come later if need be.

Also, unless C.O. is asking her question into a commlink, IC Princess can't hear her right now, but she would have something to say in response.

Edit: If/when combat with 5he dwarves kicks off, please let me know roughly how many rounds have passed so I know the aim bonuses of the drones for their first shots.
QUOTE (Crossbow @ Nov 28 2019, 09:29 PM) *
75 Edge 7
60 Charisma 6
60 Magic 6

195 Other Primary Attributes (55446433)

Unfortunately, Attributes are a lot more expensive in SR4A. The multiplier is x5 not x3.

See this post.

@Sleep - I'll have the node info up soon. Misplaced my notes about it and am still looking.
Boxing Bullies - Surprise: 11d6t5 2 They are surprised, by Quick Willie
Boxing Bullies - Initiative: 8d6t5+8 11

Jimmy, has to soak 14DV since he is surprised can't react for the first IP attack, Damage Resistance: 12d6t5 3
Welp, Jimmy is knocked unconscious in the first IP and is bleeding out from overflow in the 2nd IP. Damage Resistance: 12d6t5 6

Billy is also surprised for the first IP attack and gets no defense. Damage Resistance: 12d6t5 4
Taking 3P from that attack puts him at 3 boxes of physical damage (aka 1 wound) and defends against the second IP attack
Dodge: 8d6t5 2 the second attack connects with 4 net hits, proceed to soak.
Damage Resistance: 12d6t5 6 Billy takes another 3P.

Billy is at 6P and -2 in wounds, his current Initiative is now 9.
Willie has one more IP but I believe there are actions from team members to come. If Billie tries to run Willie will shoot him down like the rabid dog he is.
Here, gonna roll 1d2 to decide which drone is aiming at Jimmy to determine if the one aimed at Billie acts before he does or not.

Who is aiming at Jimmy? Drone 1 is. Drone 2 (8 init) is aiming at Billie.

Do I even need to roll for the headshot from drone 1 for Jimmy's head to explode? I assume it's been a couple rounds of aiming, and Jimmy can't exactly defend himself. Each round adds up to +6 for the attack roll. So that's pilot 3 + targeting 4 - called shot 4 + smartlink 2 + aiming 6/12/18/24/etc. Base DV will be 11 (7 gun + 4 headshot). And it ignores 3 levels of armor (not that his head is armored from the looks of it).
I guess it depends on whether we want to revive Jimmy and take him to the Ancients to have their way with him. It might be a kindness to let him die here.
Oh, shit, I just read Selina's actions. "Ah pity da fool!"
By the looks of it, there won't be much left for the troll, though. wink.gif

Will have this be the actions of the roto-drone acting on init 10.

First IP
Called shot at Jimmy's head with all those aim bonuses.
Aim at Billie.

Second IP
Aim at Billie both actions

Third IP
Aim at Billie
Called shot to the head

So that's +4 from aiming which cancels out the -4 from the called shot, leaving 9d6 to hit.
Domeshot on Billie misses.

It's up to drone 2, acting after Billie, to get the job done.
QUOTE (Thanee @ Dec 11 2019, 02:13 PM) *
By the looks of it, there won't be much left for the troll, though. wink.gif


With that many hits, Selina may be able to have the troll remove certain parts of his own anatomy.

Just sayin'.


I was really just spreading shots around to soften the enemy. Sorry if Willie stepped on Smiley's turf.
QUOTE (Thanee @ Dec 11 2019, 05:17 AM) *
Unfortunately, Attributes are a lot more expensive in SR4A. The multiplier is x5 not x3.

See this post.


Fixed it. That's not what the chart in RC says though frown.gif
I know, it was a pretty big change during the transition from SR4 to SR4A (quite necessary, though; the Attributes were way too cheap with just x3).

The big text I linked is the Runner's Companion errata for that part.

The current, updated version of the book actually has those values worked in.

Surprise: 9d6t5 2

Am I supposed to be rolling for initiative? He won't be doing anything but full defense
@Crossbow - Yeah, roll for Initiative. You'll only be able to get that Full Defense if you score a 9 or higher on your initiative roll.

How many rounds would you say passed between them getting out of the car and the start of combat? I'm thinking 2 or 3. I ask for knowing the aim bonus for the first shot from each roto-drone. Still haven't rolled for the shot into Jimmy from that drone.

Also, did you ever find those node stats?

Selina 6 + 3 hits = 9 (1 IP)
Fiona 12 + 2 hits = 14 (2 IP) -> lowered to 4 (2 IP), because of the Glitch

That's a lot of 1's on Fiona's roll. Can you Glitch on Initiative? biggrin.gif

Since Fiona does not have anything to do, really, at the moment, she will just delay for now, when her turn comes up.

@Sleep - I'd say 3 rounds have passed. Which is roughly 9-18 seconds by my interpretation. And the node stats are 3, 3 and 3.

@Thanee - Glitches on Initiative tests impose a -10 penalty to Initiative, minimum number is 0. Critical Glitches are -20 penalty, minimum again of 0.
QUOTE (SleepIncarnate @ Dec 12 2019, 06:51 PM) *
How many rounds would you say passed between them getting out of the car and the start of combat? I'm thinking 2 or 3. I ask for knowing the aim bonus for the first shot from each roto-drone. Still haven't rolled for the shot into Jimmy from that drone.

There is a limit on how much you can aim. It is half the firing skill rounded down. So, for the drones, it should be 2. You will definitely have those by now.

Right, and it only takes a simple action to Aim I believe. So the drone should have max Aim within a single Combat Turn or Round.
Alright, so that first shot into Jimmy.
Head Go Boom, 5 hits. That pushes the DV from 9 to 13. That happened before the missed shot at Billie.
And with that, Jimmy's head becomes like a watermelon at a Gallagher special. No point in rolling since he can't defend and his soak DP isn't high enough to do jack squat.
OK, here's my lack of understanding. Willie has one more IP which he delayed. Can he use it to intercept Billie on his way in, and shoot at him again before Billie punches?
You can but Billy will still benefit from his Full Defense.
OK, thx.
Billy's first defense using Edge, Dodge: 17d6h5 4
So it connects and that's 7P to resist, Damage Resistance: 12d6t5 3
That brings Billy to 10 boxes of physical damage so far.
Second defense using another point of Edge, Dodge: 15d6h5 13

Finally! A good roll from one of the bad guys. So Billy is still charging Quick Willie.
QUOTE (Mulcarn @ Dec 12 2019, 02:14 PM) *
Finally! A good roll from one of the bad guys. So Billy is still charging Quick Willie.

Defender wins on tie so Willie avoids the attack. Next in line would be headshot coming from IC Princess' second drone.
Quick breakdown on Initiative so far. The number represents their current Initiative.

Quick Willie - 18, Shooting at the Dwarves
Selina - 12, Mind Control on the Troll
Drone 1 - 10, Killed Jimmy
Drone 2 - 8, About to attack Billy
Billy - 8, Attacked and missed QW
Troll John - 8, About to throttle Billy
Fiona - 4, Doing something...
Fiona will just stand by. She will act, if anything endangers Selina or her, but since that is not the case at the moment, she just waits and observes.

Initiative: 9d6t5 4

Bye Bye Billie, 4 hits, pushes the 9 to 12. There's a -3 armor for him as well, not that I think his head is armored.
Dodge: 10d6t5 2
Damage Resistance: 9d6t5 3

And Billy's dead. Congrats everybody.

With the wannabe mobsters dead and the troll currently mind controlled what would you like to do now?
I hope he is bringing us the girl.
IC Princess is watching the Laesa through the feed of the drone following them. Are they hitting one of our targets?
They are on their way to Tacoma. Probably going to hit the Spikes first. You can beat them there with some fancy driving. Whoever has the best Pilot skill might beat them in a race.
QUOTE (Mulcarn @ Dec 12 2019, 09:51 PM) *
They are on their way to Tacoma. Probably going to hit the Spikes first. You can beat them there with some fancy driving. Whoever has the best Pilot skill might beat them in a race.

Well we can cross them off our list. More cocktails for the bigots.

If we are sharing targets then we are going to need to hit the truck somewhere well before the planned location. If we can blaze through the next two we can hit them before they ever get off the freeway.
So, are we going to race them (Willie says YESYESYES) or are we going to warn the Spikes, "Ancients on the way to teach you a lesson?"
Kathy's standing by, as previously suggested by her actions, to summon an elemental to do serious damage. Based on her observation, nobody on her team needs medical help, so as soon as someone tells her to unleash the beast, there will be a summoning. It's a complex action, but even by the standards of high speed elf travel, it's quick. And astral travel to the locus in quo is quicker. I'll roll for it as and when relevant - but she's not going off half-cocked.
I'm going to say that I don't think we should. It they haven't even reached the spikes, we are already up one on them. The two in Puyallup are practically drive through, let's not cheat until we need to cheat. Remember, we are representing someone else, who didn't seem on board with making up new rules.
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