Dec 18 2019, 09:32 PM
QUOTE (Mulcarn @ Dec 18 2019, 10:22 AM)

Matrix Defense:
3#6d6t5 1 0 2Admin level is yours. I think.
Yup. The bits you were just rolling were to see if it detects me and sets off an alarm. It didn't.
Dec 19 2019, 10:16 AM
Analyze Laesa Node = 5 hits
Let's go with Firewall, System, Response, IC, and access ID of the user.
Dec 19 2019, 06:05 PM
@Sleep - 4, 4, 4 and gimme a moment for the last two.
@All - The building is on fire and all eight of the Humanis goons are currently outside now. Won't take 'em too long to get their bearings and find out who was responsible and start a fight.
Roll Initiative.
Dec 19 2019, 06:17 PM
Dec 19 2019, 06:25 PM
6d6t5 3Humanis Goons are all at 9.
Selina is at 8.
C.O. is at 6.
Dec 19 2019, 06:28 PM hit on initiative. Not a lot of speed here.
Dec 19 2019, 07:58 PM
BTW, Willie is already aiming at the main entrance (he said so earlier in the IC).
Dec 19 2019, 07:59 PM
Willie Initiative 14 dice:
4 hitsSo, Initiative 18
EDIT: Surprise: 3 (see post below)
Dec 19 2019, 08:09 PM
Roto-Drone 1, 4 hits + 6 base = 10
Roto-Drone 2, 2 hits + 6 = 8 (deja vu)
Doberman, 1 hit + 6 = 7
IC Princess, 3 hits + 11 base = 14
Dec 19 2019, 08:14 PM
OH! Surprise if it counts: 14 dice :
3 hits
Dec 20 2019, 03:02 PM
Humanis -
6d6t5 0None of them have enough defenses or armor to survive that first attack so I'm just gonna say that Goon #1 is dead.
For Thug #2 and #3
2#6d6t5 2 0Damage Resistance:
2#7d6t5 2 2And those two are down as well. 3 dead and 5 left.
Dec 20 2019, 06:41 PM
I will post rolls when I get off work. I am updating from my phone right now.
Dec 20 2019, 08:51 PM
IC Princess is just using the issue command action as she can't do much in the meat.
The drones will be following an aim, aim, shoot, aim, aim, shoot pattern, not calling shots.
Opening shot = 4 hits, pushing DV from 7 to 10.
Shot 2 = 6 hits, pushing DV from 7 to 12.
Each shot is a separate target.
Dec 21 2019, 04:55 AM
initiative, 3 throws (first 2 with edge):
9d6t5 4 2#9d6h5 3 2 4d6t5 1Init 13 3 passes
eeek use another edge to duck the glitch, Did I get a refresh after the bar? I think Smiley is done with the molotovs.
Dec 22 2019, 09:44 PM
I have a feeling things are going to be slow this week cause of the holidays. Happy Decemberween everyone!
Dec 22 2019, 11:21 PM
From me to all as well!
You think it feels slow to you? Imagine what it feels like to Willie!
Dec 23 2019, 01:28 AM
Oh, I'm around.
I just spent today in physical labours on the farm, so I was out of touch most of the time.
At this stage I'm hanging fire pending Thanee's post for Selina, given that my initiative is even crappier than hers.
Dec 23 2019, 07:23 AM
Humanis goons are next. At least, any alive and unwounded after the shots from Willie and the first drone.
And it feels slow and quiet to me cause I'm off a truck, alone with a bunch of cats as I housesit/catsit for friends, and have to stay sitting or lying down from a bruised tailbone. And sitting hurts. So does standing. I blame Humanis.
Dec 23 2019, 07:30 AM
Yeah, not my turn, yet.

@SleepIncarnate: That sounds unpleasant (the bone thing, cats are nice, obviously

). Get better soon!
Dec 23 2019, 06:59 PM
Well, the pain is greatly reduced today, so should be fine in another day or two. Confirms that it's just a bruise and nothing more serious. I will say this though, it did make standing and sitting a real pain in the hoop.
Dec 24 2019, 03:34 AM
Sorry for the delays everybody. I hate the holidays so much. I have no time left for the activities I wanna do because everybody wants to work/shop around this time.
Dec 24 2019, 03:40 AM
2#6d6t5 1 2Damage Resistance:
2#3d6t5 1 2I think the roto-drones have an AP of -4 if I remember correctly... I probably don't.
Thug #4 and #5 both took 8P damage.
Lemme redo the Initiative table real quick in the next OoC post.
Dec 24 2019, 03:48 AM
Initiative Table
Round 1
Willie is at 18. (Acted)
Smiley is at 14. (Acted I think?)
IC Princess is at 14. (Doing nothing at the moment)
Roto-drone 1 is at 10. (Acted)
Humanis Goons are all at 9. (Acted)
Roto-drone 2 is at 8.
Selina is at 8.
Doberman is at 7.
Thug #4 and 5 is are at 7.
C.O. is at 6.
Dec 24 2019, 04:07 AM
Fire Weapon:
3#5d6t5 4 1 0 at Smiley
Base DV is 4P + Net Hits. The second ganger's drops his gun by accident after he fires it due to a glitch.
Dec 24 2019, 04:35 PM
Roto-drone 2 hasn't acted yet, those rolls were just drone 1. They get 3 IP, and the guns are -3 AP.
Dec 24 2019, 04:38 PM
Edited the above table.
Dec 24 2019, 04:49 PM
Cool. Will wait for Smiley to do his bits before posting drone 2 IC, but here's the rolls.
Roto-drone 2 first shot, 5 hits. DV will be 7-11.
Roto-drone 2, second shot, 4 hits. DV will be 7-10.
And again, -3 AP. The shots are at another two of the upright guys.
Dec 24 2019, 10:42 PM
I think Smiley is done, throwing Molotov cocktails.
Dec 25 2019, 02:15 AM
He has to defend against their shots.
Dec 25 2019, 03:29 AM
Pffft. Bullets. Who cares? It's those fraggin' deckers and magicians you gotta worry about.
Dec 25 2019, 03:57 AM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Dec 25 2019, 06:29 AM)

Pffft. Bullets. Who cares? It's those fraggin' deckers and magicians you gotta worry about.
... says the tusked horror that just dropped three guys with his bullets ...
Dec 25 2019, 05:09 AM
Pffft. Guys. Mooks one and all. Smiley could eat them for breakfast if Willie hadn't pureed them first. But it's those sneaky people, who pry into your mind and fry you from the inside out. Nothing to be done against them ... except maybe shoot them first.
Which brings me to an important point. With the way IPs are working in this campaign, we have to do something about speeding up our magicians. Sooner or later Mulcarn is going to get tired of Willie dropping three opponents on the first combat turn, and start sending things that a) can't be dropped by bullets or b) are faster than Willie. We could be in deep shit if that happens. Willie will always try to take out anything that doesn't look like one of him first. The other side might behave the same. That would be: Can Opener, Selina and IC Princess.
What we are facing in this shakedown cruise is nothing compared to what can/will happen later. Say a F6 fire spirit (Initiative 15, IP 2) materializes behind Willie, Sends his weak mind screaming away in fear, and then flames one of the magicians. Or another kind possesses Willie and starts shooting at the rest of you. Or a decker turns off his machinery and he becomes a tusked target. Now we look like the mooks.
Willie is the first non-Awakened character I've played in .. 15 years? I'm having a lot of fun with this augmented beast, but I have no illusions. He is a weak link in the group in many situations. I look forward to the rest of you keeping him alive then, thank you very much.
Merry Christmas to us all.
Dec 25 2019, 06:24 AM
It's the Prologue Mission. I didn't intend for it to be hard. The House Rule for IP was meant to speed things along and to allow archetypes like the Street Sam and Phys-Adept to shine bright during their spotlight moment. Getting to act multiple times in quick succession allows for a dirtier, grittier style of fast-paced combat. And it opens up a bunch of different tactical options as well. One optional rule I'm debating on implementing is changing how Damage Resistance functions. There's mention of a optional rule in SR4A of removing most DR tests and instead modifying the DV of every attack directly with one's Armor Value.
For instance, the Humanis Thugs are all wearing Secure-Tech Armored Clothing. Which is 4/0. So instead of rolling their Body + Armor (3 + 4), I would automatically subtract 4 from any ballistic based attack. Modified by Armor Penetration of course. This would cut down on dice rolling and keep my fodder alive longer. I am however worried about "Tank" builds being nigh invulnerable to anything that isn't a toxin or some kind of elemental/magic attack. That's why I have only toyed with the idea in my head.
Dec 25 2019, 05:27 PM
Don't sweat it, Willie. If Kathy has to put you down, she'll do it in the most flagrantly over-the-top way available, culminating with burying an axeblade in your skull.
Anything less would be an insult.
Dec 25 2019, 05:31 PM
I like the way a scene moves along at a faster pace than usual in PbP. That is a big improvement over some of my experiences in the past.
I don't think the game is all that skewed in favour of Willie or Smiley. I can't wait to see Fiona get into action. She has the same Initiative score as Willie (and an Edge of 6!) and can do some of the weird shit I mentioned earlier. And if Selina chooses to put Increase Reflexes on her, Fiona becomes the quickest in the crew and able to cast four spells/do four effects before anything else happens.
That's what still worries me a bit, despite the fact that I am having a blast ... giving several blasts. Slow characters (player and non) face the possibility of having a situation resolved before they get to do anything. I suspect both GM and players might not find that very much fun. There's a saying from way back in this game, "Whoever shoots first, wins." Not always the case, but the current mechanism moves us towards that. Willie or Fiona or whoever doesn't have to spread the pain around. They could aim everything at one NPC who looks really dangerous.
Yeah, Willie is a "Tank" with ballistic armour 17. I think I rolled once so far with enough hits to get a couple of DV through that if armour is used to directly reduce damage. And if Can Opener lights him up with an Armor spell, then even a shot like that would not get through. Hmmm. But a Called Shot would become a much more viable option if armour is more important. Keep that in mind. "The troll takes aim with the assault cannon at Willie's left kneecap."
Dec 25 2019, 05:31 PM
QUOTE (Koekepan @ Dec 25 2019, 12:27 PM)

Don't sweat it, Willie. If Kathy has to put you down, she'll do it in the most flagrantly over-the-top way available, culminating with burying an axeblade in your skull.
Anything less would be an insult.
Thanks, Koekepan. I feel much better!
Dec 25 2019, 05:50 PM
QUOTE (Koekepan @ Dec 25 2019, 10:27 AM)

Don't sweat it, Willie. If Kathy has to put you down, she'll do it in the most flagrantly over-the-top way available, culminating with burying an axeblade in your skull.
Anything less would be an insult.
Which is why IC Princess would dump his body unceremoniously into the bay, even if the meat is still living. That, or sell him to Tamanous.
Dec 25 2019, 08:59 PM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Dec 25 2019, 06:31 PM)

(and an Edge of 6!)
"only" 4. Edge works differently for ally spirits, they do not simply get their Force in Edge (on the plus side, they can actually use it).

Dec 25 2019, 11:36 PM
Hmmm. I'm going by the entries for spirits in SR4A, pg. 302 - 303, where Edge = Force. Has this changed? Am I old and outdated? Have I lost relevance? Have I any reason to live???
Dec 26 2019, 12:27 AM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Dec 25 2019, 08:31 PM)

That's what still worries me a bit, despite the fact that I am having a blast ... giving several blasts. Slow characters (player and non) face the possibility of having a situation resolved before they get to do anything. I suspect both GM and players might not find that very much fun.
Don't sweat it on my account. I'm quite content to play support characters.
Otherwise I might have played the troll demolitions expert with a taste for smooth jazz.
Dec 26 2019, 01:01 AM
QUOTE (pbangarth @ Dec 26 2019, 12:36 AM)

Hmmm. I'm going by the entries for spirits in SR4A, pg. 302 - 303, where Edge = Force. Has this changed?
No. But ally spirits are different than normal spirits.
Dec 26 2019, 01:28 AM
QUOTE (Koekepan @ Dec 25 2019, 05:27 PM)

Otherwise I might have played the troll demolitions expert with a taste for smooth jazz.
Trogdor the Burninator shall be remembered fondly.
I'm always partial to the troll physad infiltrator. No one expects it.
Dec 26 2019, 01:38 AM
Alas, poor Trogdor.
Thrown out of the Hallowe'eners for bringing them into disrepute by starting a TriD show comparing various brands of hot sauce as condiments for his victims.
There was a lot of talk about "misplaced synergies" and "losing sight of the key mission" and "creating a distraction" but all he could see through his tears was that he was being shunned from the only family he had ever known.
But in his fifteenth episode they made a fine base for his comparison of Dragonfire and SecondExperience hot sauces. Dragonfire was ***** for heat but a disappointing ** for flavour, while SecondExperience was upgraded from *** to ***** for heat after he visited the drekker.
Dec 26 2019, 02:32 AM
Has anyone seen or heard from Crossbow? It's been a few days since his last post. And can anyone find his finished char sheet? I can only find the rough draft version.
Dec 26 2019, 02:49 AM
QUOTE (Mulcarn @ Dec 26 2019, 05:32 AM)

Has anyone seen or heard from Crossbow? It's been a few days since his last post. And can anyone find his finished char sheet? I can only find the rough draft version.
Nothing since he started flinging bottles, sorry. There was the OoC post related to that on the 21st.
In New Beginnings DAWN OoC he posted:
The team already has access to all of the data in Feral Cities, feel free to peruse that for info. I don't have a lot of access right now, I am at Disney with the fam this week
I guess that's the explanation? Disney's security army have him bound in a dungeon somewhere while demented ex-actors for Mickey Mouse costumes spank him with candy canes.
Dec 26 2019, 02:55 AM
Hmmmm, I'd hate for you guys to sit in Limbo while we wait. But I also don't wanna skip him either.
Dec 26 2019, 02:58 AM
Well, isn't he getting shot at? I think you could at least post some rolls for goons trying to quickdraw and so on.
Dec 26 2019, 03:10 AM
Using the Quick Draw action is a simple action of two tests. Usually a Pistols + Reaction (3) Test. If successful you may fire a SA weapon using the same simple action. The goons are using a simple action to Ready Weapon followed by another simple action of Fire Weapon.
The attack rolls from the thugs are back on page 9.
Dec 26 2019, 03:13 AM
From the suggestions Mulcarn gave, which Crossbow said would need a little tweaking, He has a Full defense of 18 dice, so you could save Smiley from damage with even a half-decent roll, we could carry on, and Crossbow can have fun with Mickey.
Dec 26 2019, 07:35 AM
QUOTE (Mulcarn @ Dec 26 2019, 03:32 AM)

Has anyone seen or heard from Crossbow? It's been a few days since his last post. And can anyone find his finished char sheet? I can only find the rough draft version.
Everything there is is in his first post in the OOC, where all the character sheets are.
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