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Got it! smile.gif

I'm not sure I'm following this perfectly either but maybe we can eliminate some of the possibilities to make it easier to understand.

Does anyone particularly want to gamble? Mato isn't the type. He would take the guaranteed enjoyment of the 20K suite over the coin-flip of the roulette table and trying to walk away with more (taxable) income. If nobody else wants to gamble either, we can scratch that off the list.

(The odds depend on whether this is a European roulette table or an American one. The European version only has one green space - 0 - while the American version has two: 0 and 00. That makes the odds on a European table slightly better than on an American one: 48.65% vs. 47.37%. Since we're in Seattle and thus the UCAS, presumably the table is an American one, but it's possible that the Gates could be customer-friendly and use a European model instead.)

For the remaining 50K, is the casino basically holding it in escrow for us? Once the job has been completed to Vala's satisfaction, she'll signal the casino to "refund" it to us. Is that more-or-less accurate?

QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Nov 9 2022, 02:54 AM) *
Does anyone particularly want to gamble? Mato isn't the type. He would take the guaranteed enjoyment of the 20K suite over the coin-flip of the roulette table and trying to walk away with more (taxable) income. If nobody else wants to gamble either, we can scratch that off the list.

I don't think it matters. If we do not gamble, the 20k are used to pay for the suite. If we gamble, and lose a total of 20k, as we should, that still pays for the suite.

It's kinda like we have an insurance against losing up to 20k in gambling, which will be refunded, and used to pay for the suite.

Rachel will gladly take over that part, and I think it is also good for our "cover", if we stay there in the hotel.

For the remaining 50K, is the casino basically holding it in escrow for us? Once the job has been completed to Vala's satisfaction, she'll signal the casino to "refund" it to us. Is that more-or-less accurate?

As far as I understand it now, no. Vala still has to pay the money to the casino.

Thanee is correct.
Ok, thank you!
Apologies for the delay; I had missed the call for a Perception roll.

Mato has a bunch of Perception bonuses (for vision, hearing, scent, attention coprocessor) but I'm guessing none of those apply here. The IC description makes it sound more like an inner feeling rather than an external stimulus. With that in mind, I'll just roll it straight:

Intuition 6 + Perception 5: 11d6t5 4 hits

That exceeds the 3-hit threshold. Does that make me aware of the feeling in the elevator or is there more that's revealed by meeting/exceeding the threshold?
Bobby will take a close look at Mato in the astral to see what's up with him

Assensing: 12d6t5 4

Also my search for fitting banks Computer Search: 7d6t5 2
@Jack Mato is fine and has no spell-like effects or a serious medical condition.
@Tecumesh- Mato identifies the bad feeling as taking the same place as an astral being, and it happens occasionally which makes him uncomfortable.

Gilga, is there anything stopping us from getting to the van, or to a bank? If not, do you want us to narrate that?
Feel free to get to the bank.
I'm at home sick and moving slowly so if Jack or someone else could take the lead on this first visit that would help me out.
Wishing you a speedy recovery! smile.gif

For the record, Raven would still like to fetch some of her stuff to stay in the hotel at some point. wink.gif

Wishing you a full recovery Tec!
Yeah, get well soon - will take care of it
So, that businessman is astrally active then? What about the ganger?

The watcher is just around Mato in astral space?

It is a large flower that appears to blossom from your car. It would be over in a minute or so.

Yes both are astrally active, to appreciate the flower. They seem to be awed or surprised.
I think you should open the account and put something into the safe deposit box now. Then just basically hope, that the card remains dormant while heading out. wink.gif

I don't like the attention of those gangers - better relocate quickly, before they get a chance to organize
oh and here I thought Bobby liked making new friends.

I'm on the mend but now my son is sick. Add that to the Thanksgiving holiday in the US this week and I might still be hit-or-miss for a bit.

(That said, if the kiddo and I are sick then we may not be gathering with the broader family anyway. Time will tell how quickly we recover.)
- I did not want to intrude, but no problem getting to another bank; the flower would not bloom again for a while.
I'm a little rusty. Is biofiber only mentioned as an armor mod (specifically, a biofiber pocket) or is it listed somewhere else?

The biofiber pocket is Forbidden. I don't know if that's true for biofiber in general but, if so, it might take some effort to track it down.
Biofiber is in Hard Targets:

This pocket is lined with biofiber, a bioengineered form
of dual-natured plant life, which blocks Astral Percep-
tion of objects contained within the pocket. It is the
best way to hide small foci or alchemical preparations
from detection by security mages. Active foci cannot
be used if they are stored within the pocket. The biofi-
ber is alive and requires a special nutrient solution cost-
ing 20¥ a month.

At 10F it's not too easy to find, but it's also not too expensive at 700 Nuyen, so it balances out
FYI, your card came with a shoebox-sized casing that should still be at the suite, but do not let it stop you from trying to acquire biofiber at an odd hour.

I'm moving slowly for a little while yet. I'm marking a full week being sick, and Thursday is Thanksgiving in the U.S.

@Beta How goes it? Been a week since we heard from you. How's the winter wonderland?
Happy Thanksgiving to you in the Americas smile.gif

My roll for the talismonger (Rating 5 = 10 dice) - Ava is 10 for 1 cubic meter of FAB1 at 50 Nuyen. I'm paying 200 Nuyen for an additional 9 dice to the talismonger's pool:

AVA FAB 1: 10d6t5 2
Talismonger: 19d6t5 8

Yeah, seems he has them in stock - and can deliver within 6 hours.
No problem - which talismonger does he call?
Bill Whitewater - Bobby's talismonger
Alrigt, feel free to RP getting the material from him. I wanted to write something but you haven't actually contacted him so I'll wait until its finalized.

Any input needed from me?
Very sorry on the repeated absences. Was just so burnt out that I kept forgetting all about SR being ignored (and remembering at times that I couldn't go post). Hopefully getting myself back together.
I think we're ready to skip forward to Bancomex.
Hi, gave you a bit to work with. The bank deposit would go without a hitch. Feel free to RP it as you see fit.

It is afternoon now.

In your IC please specify where you are going to be at 18:00 or so. (you still have a couple of hours).
Working on a post.

Looks like I blew all my knowledge karma. If we survive the chapter I'll spend some on some business Contacts. The lawyer from the interlude, I would think. A banker, why not.
Long post is long. I was indulgent because I used to work for a bank downtown so I was reliving my 20s.

Clarification: is the digital key a physical object (like a keycard) or a digital code that we would transmit somehow, like via our commlink?

Second question: how much time does Bill need to get the FAB? That might determine where we are at 18:00. Jack, where does Bill Wildwater live/work?
Bill would have the FAB in 3 hours. Jack rolled really well.
Great, thanks.

What's the nature of the digital key? Is it a physical card with digital components (like a keycard) or is it purely digital?
I was thinking more of an RSA encryption key, either in software on your link or separately if you need it more secure. It's a device that spits passwords every minute or so, and you need to enter the current one to get in. Logically it is a key - if you have the device, you can get in otherwise, you cannot - and you can transfer it to someone else.

The separate device option is more secure because comlinks can be hacked, but offline devices can't.
Okay, great. I just wasn't sure if the key had a physical component or not. I'll treat it like an RSA encryption key. I used to use those all the time back when I was in banking so that makes sense here.

So let's figure out where we are at 18:00.

Depending on time of day, it's only about 30 minutes from our current location to SIS HQ. I presume that Bobby would have the FAB delivered there but Jack can correct me if that's wrong. From the OOC posts above, it sounds like 18:00 is in a couple hours and the FAB will be available in 3 hours, so maybe we're hanging out at SIS HQ having dinner when 18:00 rolls around. The FAB would be delivered at 19:00 and then we'd probably head back to the suite, which is about 15 minutes away.

Does that sound broadly correct or were people imagining something else?

Since Raven would like to pack some stuff for the hotel, it makes sense to be at SIS HQ. smile.gif

So, yeah, sounds good.

Fine by me 😊
I'm completely lost - who ordered a commlink?
Nobody did. That's the point. This is some cloak-and-dagger stuff.
You did not order anything. Seraphina is connected to Bau Chau (who sent you a postcard after Bernt's chapter and likely helped her with the negotiation and networking to rescue Bernt.) Beta linked them (almost at random).

You know him from one of the first chapters as one of the guys interested in tarot cards. I don't remember exactly what, but you did right by him, as I awarded him as a contact a relatively high loyalty.
In the scenario that I was loosely using, Seraphina is the niece of your primary fixer, who helps her with negotiations. I liked the idea that there is a reason they came to SIS, so looked through existing contacts for one that the whole team had and who I thought might work behind the scenes like that.
Did I ever give these to anyone? I don't need them now that I have cyberears:

Earbuds R3
+ Sound Link
+ Audio Enhancement R2
If we go with driving the cars off and making sure to lose tails, here are some rolls. On the first one I forgot about Code Slinger: Command Device (another +2), so rolled seperately.

sneaking for car 1 5+6+2=13: 13d6t5 4
codeslinger dice: 2d6t5 0
total of 4 successes

sneaking for car 2 5+6+2+2=15: 15d6t5 6
I am not entirely sure what sneaking with a car means in this context. Care to elaborate what you try to achieve?
Looks like we won't be doing it --- Bobby is for the convoy to be obvious that we are leaving.

For future reference, it is more about losing trails and not attracting attention. A mix of looking like you belong and are forgettable, and using traffic and turns to break line of sight of get away from anyone following. For what it is worth, sneaking in vehicles is a thing, since there is a set of qualities (one per vehicle type) that can be used to give you +2 at sneaking with vehicles.
Thanks for the heads clearification.
QUOTE (Beta @ Dec 12 2022, 02:34 AM) *
Looks like we won't be doing it --- Bobby is for the convoy to be obvious that we are leaving.

For future reference, it is more about losing trails and not attracting attention. A mix of looking like you belong and are forgettable, and using traffic and turns to break line of sight of get away from anyone following. For what it is worth, sneaking in vehicles is a thing, since there is a set of qualities (one per vehicle type) that can be used to give you +2 at sneaking with vehicles.

Just to be clear: Bobby doesn't want to make the decision about sneaking or not sneaking - he is just not particularly concerned about getting seen leaving. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be discreet in where we are going.
Feel free to advance a couple of hours into the night.
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