Dec 13 2022, 01:51 AM
I just remembered the sort-of Govi painting -- AM would probably not want that destroyed.
Dec 13 2022, 05:14 AM
Yes, I had some writeup planned for that. She was too afraid ever to activate it.
Dec 13 2022, 05:45 AM
Sorry, got totally sideswiped today. I had every intention of writing a post this morning but then a fire drill dropped in my lap at work and before I blinked seven hours had gone by.
My eyes are bleary now. I should be able to crank something out tomorrow morning.
Dec 14 2022, 06:54 AM
This cracked me up:
QUOTE (Gilga @ Dec 11 2022, 11:28 AM)

Packing Taking down SIS and loading your valuables into the cars would take about an hour, but there is not that much work to be done - just a threshold of what is 'valuable' would a two-week supply of soy nuggets be considered valuable? Or a coffee machine that draws dirty pictures on the coffee?
Great callback.
This is our lifestyle with some of our shared possessions listed at the bottom:
https://stormy-waters-2075.obsidianportal.c...gative-servicesSomeone set me straight: did we or did we not sell the Dodge Xenon in Chapter 1? It's listed on the wiki page but I feel like I'm always wrong whenever this topic comes up.
We do have some Psyche if anyone named Raven wants some.
Dec 14 2022, 11:49 AM
We did not sell it, but I write AM always driving the Ford because I never remember its model name.
Dec 22 2022, 02:59 AM
Gilga, did the olfactory sensors (or the chemsniffer ring) come back with anything suspicious about the cookies?
Dec 23 2022, 11:44 PM
Is the photo from the bar on the first floor of the Gates Hotel/Casino?
Dec 24 2022, 05:45 AM
As a selfie, there is not much of a background but as far as you can tell it is likely.
Dec 24 2022, 05:46 AM
QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Dec 22 2022, 04:59 AM)

Gilga, did the olfactory sensors (or the chemsniffer ring) come back with anything suspicious about the cookies?
sorry for the delay - did not notice that. The cookies are delicious as far as the olfactory sensors can say and they do not appear to be poisoned or anything.
Dec 31 2022, 04:30 AM
Happy holidays, all. I was just thinking about Pike Hall and the Christmas festivities there a couple years ago.
Dec 31 2022, 06:09 AM
Funnily enough, so did I when I watched the Glass Onion on Netflix
Happy holidays everyone ☺️
Dec 31 2022, 07:18 PM
I just watched it yesterday
Happy holidays!
Jan 1 2023, 12:23 PM
Happy New Year everyone 🥳
Jan 1 2023, 02:22 PM
Happy New Year!

Jan 1 2023, 02:32 PM
Raven would like to disguise herself, so that someone who has seen recent pictures of her in her business attire wouldn't reckognize her.
Probably changing her hair style and coloring her hair with the Makeover spell, as well as completely different outfit.
What time is it now?
Jan 1 2023, 03:28 PM
Close to midnight
Jan 5 2023, 03:44 AM
Sorry, not dead, just been struggling to produce anything (work, ShadowRun). Not sure if this is the infamous post covid brain fog or some new face of depression or just what. I certainly didn't intend to vanish for two weeks again, but each night I pushed it off to the next night when I oculdn't think of what to say ... until here I am two weeks later.
@Jack_Space Tamarind is short of gear for much hacking. She has an attack 1 dongle that she can use with edge to go after something, but the owner will know about it. She can get marks with EW, but all the fun actions take sleaze or attack. Upgrading her attack and sleaze ratings are high priorities.
Jan 5 2023, 09:55 AM
Yeah, we need to get you a device with sleaze capability. I'll modify a stealth tag for you one of these days (It's surprising just how much Bobby can get done with a little knowledge and a bit of luck

Jan 6 2023, 08:06 PM
Some basic sleaze shouldn't be too hard to do. When I went from a build based on our existing in game xp to mostly starting character, I just basically decided to cut most of the hacking ability for now and keep some other areas mostly intact, to make the re-conceptualizing easier. I'm sure I could have cut Toothless (the paramedic drone) for example, and paid for an R2 sleeze dongle, but I just decided to leave that for further development in play. Most likely first thing to do is modify her RCC to add a sleaze attribute, and continue to rely on edge for very small amounts of hacking.
Getting a sleaze attribute high enough for any degree of regular use outside of Redmond gangers will be a longer term project.
Jan 6 2023, 10:32 PM
If you want to go creative with it, I think there is a spell for increasing gear limits and we're going to have access to quickening.
Jan 7 2023, 02:06 AM
Is AM initiating and getting quickening?
She's going to have Growth permanently cast, right, rolling around and looking like a fomori from here on out
Jan 7 2023, 08:25 AM
I was thinking going from short elf to a tall elf. E.g. from 160 cms to 180 or 190.
Jan 9 2023, 01:11 AM
The only times that Tamarind is apt to be needed for hacking is when AM isn't there, at which point relying on a spell gets iffy (does she want an RCC that she can't get through wards? Maybe buy a high end commlink and hack it to have sleeze 1 and do it there instead? Eh, we can deal with it when we get there.
Jan 9 2023, 08:10 PM
I think that a "stay in the van" rigger/decker sort of fits Tamarind. Not to say she cannot act, or move to locations and so forth, but I think she can get a lot of mileage with an RCC that is never in the vicinity of wards. I agree that it does not cover all scenarios.
Jan 10 2023, 02:51 AM
She was built never to be in hot sim, but that doesn't mean that she has to leave the van all of the time. After all, "leave the talking to the talky people" is one of her mottos.
Jan 12 2023, 06:57 AM
a small timber cofferdam made watertight with clayYes, I'm sure, that must be it.

Jan 12 2023, 01:49 PM
@Beta how long do you want to keep surveliance on the Lantern?
Jan 12 2023, 02:41 PM
Tamarind will keep surveillance (including periodically checking her drones for marks) up until one of:
- Things go quiet in the Lantern
- The team is leaving the hotel
- "something happens"
- If none of the above trigger, then about 2am she'll have Aunty-1 (Flying Eye) fly back up to one of the Pellipers (delivery drones), and will send the drones to go park at Dumpings? Dumplings! (her contact's restaurant), and set her agent take over monitoring the Kanmushi, with instructions to ping her if the drone detect any of the following:
* Noise of many engines starting up
* sounds of explosions or gunshots
* the gas tanks get taken from the washroom
* the drone goes offline, gets moved, or has any marks placed on it (agent is to scan the drone regularly for marks)
And her matrix set-up (I should have mentioned this earlier)
- RCC set to run two program and provide 3 points of noise reduction
* RCC runs Clearsight and Piloting for the Pellipers (delivery drones), giving them (RCC 5 + Clearsight 6 - 1 for distance -3 for dim light around the Lantern) = 7 dice
- She is live monitoring the Kanmushi for now, but when she goes to sleep it will be using sensor 3/Clearsight 6 for monitoring The Lantern
- In her CyberJack she is running:
* her Agent (regularly checking herself and her network for marks, rolling 6 dice),
* Signal Scrub (2 more points of noise reduction, total 5, which should deal with distance and noise from The Lantern being in the Barrens),
* Stealth (+1 Sleaze, taking the total to 2)
Tamarind and her drones are running silent (resisting spotting with intuition+sleaze=7 dice while she is awake, 5 dice when her agent takes over)
Jan 13 2023, 09:13 PM
Feel free to fast-forward to the morning.
Jan 15 2023, 04:49 PM
How much time will we have until we have to go to the meeting?
Jan 15 2023, 07:07 PM
Up to you really; you haven't even shared which bank it is.
Jan 15 2023, 10:34 PM
Yeah, we want to be there just before the bank opens - on the way there we call Big Stank and tell him were to go. That should prevent an ambush just fine.
Jan 15 2023, 11:19 PM
Sunrise should be 06:48 at this time of year.
GM, can you remind me if the safe deposit box is tied to Mato's account (and thus his person) specifically, or is the key/tag neutral in the sense that anyone with it can access the box and retrieve its contents.
Jan 16 2023, 12:11 AM
QUOTE (Tecumseh @ Jan 16 2023, 01:19 AM)

Sunrise should be 06:48 at this time of year.
GM, can you remind me if the safe deposit box is tied to Mato's account (and thus his person) specifically, or is the key/tag neutral in the sense that anyone with it can access the box and retrieve its contents.
It is tied to Mato's bank account, but he needs an additional security measure rather than biometrics/SIN to open the box. I assume he can grant permission to some other SINner to open the box, leaving a digital trail of the permission though.
Jan 16 2023, 07:47 AM
Ok, let's see...
First, create Increase Charisma F6 (Contact) Preparation.Alchemy + Magic
6 hitsPreparation's Force
3 hits (Potency 3)
Drain Resistance (DV 4S)
3 hits (1S)
Use the Preparation.Increase Charisma Preparation
3 hitsSummon Spirit of Air F6 (Elemental Attack, Noxious Breath).Summoning + Magic
9 hits (6 Limit)
Spirit's Force
2 hits (4+1 Services)
Drain Resistance (DV 4S)
6 hitsCreate Improved Invisibility F5 (Contact) Preparation.Alchemy + Magic
4 hitsPreparation's Force
1 hit (Potency 3)
Drain Resistance (DV 5S)
5 hitsCreate Gecko Crawl F6 (Contact) Preparation.Alchemy + Magic
4 hitsPreparation's Force
4 hitsDrain Resistance (DV 4S)
2 hits (2S)
One last try. Create Gecko Crawl F5 (Contact) Preparation.Alchemy + Magic
4 hitsPreparation's Force
2 hits (Potency 2)
Drain Resistance (DV 3S)
3 hitsResting for one hour.Recovery
2 hitsIn total:Spirit of Air (F6; Elemental Attack, Noxious Breath; 5 Services)
Improved Invisibility F5 P3 (Contact) Preparation
Gecko Crawl F5 P2 (Contact) Preparation
1S remaining
Jan 16 2023, 07:19 PM
Just to restate, what he actually said:
"Deal! Meet me at the entrance to that bank at opening hour, I'll bring the 60k."

Jan 16 2023, 07:59 PM
Alright, bank it is.
Jan 16 2023, 10:26 PM
Heh. That wasn't meant for you, but for Bobby, so he can hold him to his word on the phone.

Whether he will live up to it, is not for us to decide.

Jan 17 2023, 04:59 AM
I did not mean to make him go back on his word, but I did not remember. A bank with all its cameras just seemed like a bad place to make an illegal transaction.
Jan 17 2023, 05:30 AM
It's not an illegal transaction
And this is the sixth world - banks are basically always complicit in white collar crime.
But this still works.
Jan 17 2023, 06:12 AM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Jan 17 2023, 05:59 AM)

I did not mean to make him go back on his word, but I did not remember. A bank with all its cameras just seemed like a bad place to make an illegal transaction.
Ah, alright then.

Jan 17 2023, 09:14 AM
QUOTE (Jack_Spade @ Jan 17 2023, 07:30 AM)

It's not an illegal transaction
And this is the sixth world - banks are basically always complicit in white collar crime.
But this still works.
You really don't know the card's origin, and Vala did not exactly provide any evidence for her claim. The bank is complacent and would accept the money but there is a digital trail that you stored it there/brought it there/sold it there or there may be. (up to other GMs I presume).
Jan 17 2023, 05:06 PM
That's the beauty of the art trade - unless it is stolen goods (i.e. taken from someone who can prove they owned it legitimately), there aren't many regulations (this is why the art world is rife with money laundering schemes). In point of fact, Vala asserted, that she created the cards, making this nothing more than selling original art.
Jan 17 2023, 06:16 PM
QUOTE (Jack_Spade @ Jan 17 2023, 06:06 PM)

In point of fact, Vala asserted, that she created the cards, making this nothing more than selling original art.
Well, at least the buyer can't know that, since that is the whole point.

Jan 20 2023, 01:50 PM
@Gilga: Your IC posts #450 and #451 are (almost) the same (double post). I can delete one of them, but would need to know, which is the correct one, that is supposed to stay, as they are slightly different.

Jan 20 2023, 10:38 PM
OOC: Am I understanding the situation correctly, that the casino security sabotaged our auction so they would have less work to do?
Jan 20 2023, 10:49 PM
Well one could argue that they were trying to keep the temperature down at the Gates, although hacking our burner and falsifying messages seems like a very roundabout way of going about it.
Man, Bobby cranky tho.
Jan 20 2023, 11:39 PM
@Thanee - I edited a bit to improve the writing. deleted one of them.
@Jack -
1. Yes they sabotaged your auction.
2. They are not exactly hotel security but a bunch of criminals Gates keeps around in case someone manages to get passed their normal security. They pretty much get to do whatever they want as long as they are available when Tony calls. Tony explained a bit about it when you asked him about security.
3. They did not try to make it easy for Gates security - they had their own selfish motivations. Either greed or perhaps to get back at Vala.
Thing is, they knew about all the information exchanged in the burner link but not on Big Stank's offer because that one was made through your normal comlinks because he already had it. So once you made it clear that the card was sold and that their ruse did not work, Frisson confessed because she saw no point in screwing you over if she does not benefit from it.
Jan 22 2023, 06:37 AM
@Jack, Tammie would take a few minutes to respond, so I'll resolve it after the current scene.
If you try to sway a big stank from destroying the card I'll need a social dice roll. Either con or intimidation works (and I think they are possible because of your knowledge/reputation in arcana).
@all where is the burner link?
Jan 22 2023, 02:42 PM
The burner link was left at the hotel
alright, one intimidation roll coming up:
10d6t5 4
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