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Well, you just did wink.gif

Okay. And I know PBT would have loved to do this one, but it has to be done. So, I'll take Field Medic here and...

Let's use that Savior Medkit. Holee shit, close roll. DT's stabilized, but the savior's supplies have run out. DT's in Deadly. If Reaper can magically heal him, he'll be able to walk.

Sundancer also offers to heal you guys, since it's only natural (hey, you didn't shoot her on sight, you saved her friend, only makes sense she wants to help). Mr dwarf isn't offering anything though, besides a little random praise and snarky comments.
spitfire gecko
QUOTE (FXcalibur)
Well, you just did wink.gif

I would've switched the roll if I knew the 14 was coming up. smile.gif
If anybody from team A assenses the chopper, I've prepared something just in case.

[ Spoiler ]
Fu-Man Chu
Ummmm, Team A - you guys caught the part where it says Delta's comm frequencies were listed as one of the terrorist freq's right?
Oh yeah, this is bad. What's that swarm of spirits doing? Materialized or not? And helping the chopper or not?
Swarming around the copter in something akin to a sphere. They're comprised of both elementals and shaman spirits, so you see fire elementals, ethereal maids and dumpsters whooshing around the copter at high velocity. Most are materialized. As for helping the copter, nothing you outright notice.
Obvious now wink.gif

Casting a spell on the physical plane. Force 5 stunball at D. Via con dios. 10m radius. Might hit the pilot, as well, seeing as we keep seeing him.

[ Spoiler ]
Not a whole lot I can do against this chopper. Wish I had brought my sniper rifle.
Allright...sniper rifle coming up. Terry'll risk getting shot to make one. I dunno what modifiers to add, so I'll give straight rolls. Adding in 5 combat pool! I have vision magnification 3, blindfighting and will center to offset penalties.

Centering: 1,3,4,7

Rifles: 3,5,5,1,1,8,1,7,10,2

I am willing to use a karma pool point to re-roll failures. Assuming the 10 was a success, I'll reroll 9 order, so just drop them off the end when I have reached the limit.

reroll: 2,3,5,2,2,4,2,3,4. That sucked...spending 2 more karma to do it again...

reroll#2: 3,1,1,3,2,17,5,1. Well, that's enough of that.

Shot #2 without karma pool.

Shot 2: 1,1,1,3,5. That sucked big rocks!
Beast of Revolutions

Burn tosses a stunball on the physical plane, centered on the pilot. Fool should have tinted his windows instead of gloating at us. The stunball has a 10 meter radius.

Serious damage stunball. Casting: 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 14 17
Resisting 2D drain: 1 2 3 3 4 5 11 11 no drain

I then take full cover.

Terry's first shot hits. The other misses. The chopper starts to go down and out of sight, but you hear no crash.

Sorry I'm late guys. Was too tired to update yesterday.
i'll be away from the computer for a few days. real life activities plus a stupid technical problem with my computer. apologies all.

Also, could someone drive Team B forward please, thanks smile.gif
Fu-Man Chu
Status report Team B - who's still hurt as Reaper can heal too.
Downtown is now at Severe wound after being healed by Dancer. Dance herself is now at an M.
Running out of steam, are we?

*kicks game*

Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Too railroady? Or are people still busy?
How many floors is the building again, not counting the mini-towers on the top? Also, do you guys in Team B feel like sharing some information with us?
spitfire gecko
QUOTE (Panzergeist)
Also, do you guys in Team B feel like sharing some information with us?

Such as...?
Fu-Man Chu
Are DT's wounds further healable with more magic? Or was it all from a single source?
He's already been done with first aid and magic, so further healing has to be done by taking a good long rest during downtime.
Beast of Revolutions
I manabolt the one who is interogating the drealocked guy. Force 6, serious damage. Casting: 1 2 2 4 5 5 5 8 Drain of 3S: 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 11 Light drain, reduced to nothing by trauma damper.
Note to self, learn stunbolt.

Casting force 5 bind spell on one of the Ts.
[ Spoiler ]
spitfire gecko
Is it possible to turn the elevators back online with the access panel?
Beast's target dies horribly, gurgling blood and making a mess as he collapses on himself. TKG's target gets wrapped up, and the final T fails a reaction test, so he's stunned and quite unsure of what the heck just happened.

The elevators can be brought back online with a flick of a switch on the access panel. They'll work then.
Fu-Man Chu
Does Reaper see any wards on the Astral guarding the elevator?
The whole first floor seems to be devoid of wards, although you can sense a bit of a level 1 background count right now in the lift foyer.
Team B
The guy who wants to suicide rolled 3 successes on a TN 4 surprise test (standard surprise). Anyone who wants to interfere needs to beat that.

Assuming I can get any activity at all anyway.
spitfire gecko
[ Spoiler ]

7 successes.

Called shot to the man's gun:

[ Spoiler ]

16 successes.
Fu-Man Chu
No need for Reaper to do any intervention as it looks like Kadel's got it nicely cool.gif
Anyone else in team A still around except for the two mages? Are we still in the middle of a firefight, or did I miss that?
Panzergeist, Beast and Terry are left, besides you. Activity is slow, though. You're not in a firefight anymore.

Next time, I bold and enlarge the part of the recruitment where it says I want regular, daily posts. Spitfire's told me he's going on vacation in two-three weeks. Let's wrap up the run before then, since it's been dragging on for a fair bit already, and more and more people are going to go on vacations and/or dissapear. Can I ask for whoever's left to please make a sacrifice for me, your poor GM, to post more actively? Every day, if possible, so we can bring this to a graceful end.
spitfire gecko
You might want to consider giving minor karma awards for consistent posting in your future games as an incentive to keep people posting regularly.
I probably will. Fenris' 1 karma per real life week you're active sounds pretty good - I'm already trying it in another forum game.
spitfire gecko
QUOTE (Fu-Man Chu)
No need for Reaper to do any intervention as it looks like Kadel's got it nicely cool.gif

Feel free to help out with the interrogation. It sucks to be the only person doing the talking - besides, the guy looks compliant, so face skills probably aren't necessary to bleed information out of him. smile.gif
Fu-Man Chu
He's on the way to make sure no more baddies are coming down the tube - black armor or no
spitfire gecko
Magic background check to see if I have any clue what the guy is talking about:

[ Spoiler ]
Fu - heavy ward in place.

Assense success:
[ Spoiler ]

Kadel doesn't quite know. The T doesn't give much detail after all. You can think of the invisibility spell...and that's pretty much it.
Beast of Revolutions
Sorry bout that FX, I have been really busy for the last few days. Panzer has been moving to a college dorm, did he not mention that to you? He should be back any time.

Is the west tower the one Blackspec landed on?
Blackspec went for north, found nothing, moved east, got into a firefight, currently battling their way through goons and automated defenses to the south. They'll switch to west when they get the transmission.
Sorry about the delay guys; I've been having heaps of trouble getting my internet connection in this dorm to work. But it should be stable now, so I'm back.

Slash will attack the other planner (the one not bound by Axe) in melee with his swords. The weapon focus, which is the primary weapon, has a base damage of 10M. I use my reach advantage to lower my TN to 3. 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 11.
spitfire gecko
Team B: which way?

Up! smile.gif

Assuming that Reaper isn't able to get past the force 12 ward, I guess we'll be taking the other elevator to the 62nd floor and begin the search for the night one kid.
Fu-Man Chu
Yeah, that ward is a wee bit sticking tough! Sheesh, force 12 ward. . .
spitfire gecko
We've been seeing a lot o' them force 12 wards lately, it seems.
FX, my apologies, I am really not this flaky. Life has just been conspiring against me.

If you still want me I will redouble my efforts.
dead tired tonight. can't update. tomorrow, promise. And shadow, as long as we keep the posting up somehow I'll be happy.
spitfire gecko
Eh? wink.gif
I know, I know. Feeling really burnt out.
Hullo everyone. I'm back on my feet after several days of good rest. I'm all for continuing the game. I hope not everyone has left. And if you're one of those who satyed with me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart smile.gif Let's see this one to the end, folks.

TEAM B, Combat

Anyone who wants to identify what the bloody 'ell those things are need to make a Paranormal Threats (or similar) roll. For now, I'll be calling them the cute name Kadel came up with: Faders. However, I cannot confirm or deny these things are what the guy in the lift was talking about wink.gif

FADER 1 - Defeated
FADER 2 -19
FADER 3 -17 (Light Wound)
FADER 4 - Defeated
FADER 5 -18
Kadel -22 -12
Roland - 11
Downtown -23 -13
Reaper -20 -10
Theodor -10

Each Fader is standing in front of one person respectively. Fader 1 is in front of Kadel, and so on.

Note that this place has a level 5 background count. Step back into the other art gallery and the count shoots back up.
spitfire gecko
Expending 1 simple action to quickdraw and shoot. The other will be held for the moment until I see how the shadow reacts to my first shot.

[ Spoiler ]

13 successes for 14D+++++1
Fader 1 down, and a few changes. Kadel still has one more simple action. I'll handle DT when shadow comes in.
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