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Fu-Man Chu
FX: Ok, thanks - no prob about that other PC, was just a thought.

Well, I should have said Burn is a shaman with spec. in close combat and demolitions. I just summerized "demo mage" so I can keep everyone straight in my head.
In that case, if Team A is going with the rooftop assault, I think team B should try the 'long' approach. Basically coming up from the sewers and huffing up to the top. True it's longer, but it'll need more stealth and also we can eliminate and free anyone that's not on the rooftop should it fail.... nyahnyah.gif

Also we'll hit anyone who might reinforce the terrorists on the upper floors.

With Team A probably going in to support two spec op teams... then I suggest this then....

Team A
'It was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, except for the four drekheads coming in the rear in standard 2 X 2 cover formation.'
Kyle - soldier 'Trust me guys ... duck.'
Slash - muscle 'Said Simple Simon to the pie-man going to the fair: give me your pies . . . or I'll cave your head in.'
Burn - demolition/mage 'Ouch! When you get those feelings, insurance companies start to go bankrupt.'
Axe - mage 'Why does this keep happening to us?'

Team B
'Welcome to the party pal!!!'
Downtown - ex-mil sniper 'Bag it.'
Kadel - pistol expert 'Call me Roy!'
Theodor - technical adviser 'You didn't bring me along for my charming personality'
Reaper - mage 'He said 'Don't shoot'.'
Roland - Combat medic 'Are you aiming for these people! No....well, maybe that mime.'

Team Die Hard 'Now I have a machine gun! Ho,ho,ho'
Terry - soldier 'Just once, I wish I could have a regular, normal Christmas. Some eggnog, a fraggin' Christmas tree, a little turkey. But No! I gotta crawl around in this Motherfraggin' Tin Can!!'

With this I think there's a good chance. At least then I can fully support Team B with the needed patching up as they trek up the tower. The only other thing is Terry will join whichever team it just so happens. hey, it'd be nice to have it even, but stuff sometimes happens (depending on how the GM wants it to happen). wobble.gif

Sorry, had just thought Die Hard with Terry so I decided to put in some quotes from the Die Hard movies here. rotfl.gif
edit: I changed some of the language to srun terms. I just remembered that I should try and keep the posts somewhat PG.
FX, I'm looking for anything I know on them, but mainly numbers, competence, and equipment.

Okay, so it looks like I'm fire team A leader and overall leader? Is Kyle also in the running for leader, since you keep writing his name first? Anyway, I don't think a mage should be a leader, since mages will be incomunicado while they are out of body. The leaders need to be people who will always be on radio comms.

Also, while we may insert on the roof with the government teams, we will split off from them at some point, as our target is the hostages, not the nuke. We don't go for the nuke unless the government teams lose their demo guys and need our help. I like the idea of team A going through the roof and team B through the sewer, but there is one problem: I expect at least one corporation to send a team of their own in, and since the government controls the skies and has the place surrounded, that corp team will be going through the sewers. That puts team B at risk. If you think you can convince the corps to work with you instead of wasting you, that's your call, but I think the roof would be safer. If you go through the sewer, whoever passes for a faceman in this group should be with them.

FX, how much money did we get up front? 2 million, split nine ways, one fifth up front? Here is my chemistry roll to make atropine, TN 4. 1 2 2 3 6 One success. Since Burn is helping Slash out, we'll add their successes together to determine how fast we can make some atropine.
Cheesy Answer
I expect at least one corporation to send a team of their own in, and since the government controls the skies and has the place surrounded, that corp team will be going through the sewers. That puts team B at risk. If you think you can convince the corps to work with you instead of wasting you, that's your call, but I think the roof would be safer.

No sweat. We'll handle it. smile.gif
QUOTE (Panzergeist @ Jul 18 2004, 10:42 PM)
Okay, so it looks like I'm fire team A leader and overall leader?  Is Kyle also in the running for leader, since you keep writing his name first?  Anyway, I don't think a mage should be a leader, since mages will be incomunicado while they are out of body.  The leaders need to be people who will always be on radio comms.

Errrr... I've been putting the names with no order whatsoever. So, it's up to y'all in your team to decide who's team leader.

On another note, the expected other corp opposition. I will tell y'all this in character also. But I heard through one of my contacts that Knight Errant might make do something. So do not be surprised if we run into a KE Firewatch team. What do we know of them? From the Corp book, it says 5-7 members in a team with one rigger and at least one awakened.... hmmm....

Yeah, same as what cheesy said. we'll burn that bridge when we get there. That's why I was attaching myself to team B to reinforce it.

Lastly, Team B, whoever is in charge of demo and other technical stuff, I hope y'all have ways to breach/bypass doors/walls. shaped breaching charges, maglock passkeys, the works.
Maglock passkeys? I can barely afford the Keypad Sequencer! frown.gif
Even if by some miracle I avoid Street Index the most I could get is a Passkey 3. sleepy.gif Shoulda brought it at chargen.

Looks like I'll have to blow the maglocks in. wobble.gif

Edit: Oh yeah. I *AM* connected to a seller. So I can get the equipment after all. Just sell the car, I guess. grinbig.gif Of course, if I can still break Maglocks just using Electronics, Elec B/R and a Electronics Toolkit, so much the better. lick.gif
Cheesy Answer Electronics skill?

Edit: Nevermind. nyahnyah.gif
Beast of Revolutions
I think having team B go on the roof would be a better idea. Alternatively, if they have a mage with levitation, maybe they could land on an adjoining building, shoot out a window, and levitate over one at a time.

Chemistry test for making atropine: 1 1 3 4 4 Three successes. That makes 5 combined successes. Panzer, you forgot the -1 TN modifier from using a shop when we only need a kit. So, it takes us 3 hours 36 minutes to make 3 doses.

After the chemistry session, I summon up a few great form spirits. Do you still have to be in a great form's domain to summon it? I travel outside as necesary to summon city and wind spirits. (I'm assuming the skies are currently a wind spirit domain. My trauma damper reduces all drain by one box. As a racoon shaman, I get +2 dice on city spirits

Force 5 city spirit summoning: 1 1 3 3 5 5 13 20
Drain: 1 2 2 3 5 7
Centering for success: 2 2 3 7 10 Two successes, for one extra success
Great form test: 1 2 2 4 5 11
Drain: 2 3 3 5 5
5 services, +1 reach, no drain

Force 5 city spirit summoning: 2 2 2 4 5 5 9 9
Drain: 4 4 4 9 10 16
Centering for success: 1 1 1 4 10
Great form test: 2 2 2 4 4 5
Drain: 1 2 2 4 7 12
4 services, +1 reach, no drain

Force 5 wind spirit summoning: 1 2 3 4 5 5
Drain: 1 3 5 5 7 10
Centering for success: 3 4 4 5 10
Great form test: 1 2 2 3 3 8
Drain: 1 1 1 3 7 10
4 services, +1 body, no drain

Force 5 city spirit summoning: 1 2 2 2 4 5 5 8
Drain: 1 3 4 5 11 16
Centering against drain: 2 4 5 5 7
Great form test: 2 2 2 3 3 7
Drain: 1 1 2 2 4 4
3 services, +1 reach, 2 boxes stun damage

I then rest up to heal the damage. My symbiotes reduce healing times by 50%. Fisrt healing test: 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 17 First box takes 5 minutes to heal. Second healing test: 1 1 3 3 3 4 4 4 Another 5 minutes.

Force 6 city spirit summoning: 1 3 4 5 5 8 8 9
Drain: 1 1 2 3 3 10
Centering against drain: 2 3 4 4 4
Great form test: 2 2 3 4 4 16
Drain: 1 1 3 4 5 7
3 services, +1 body, 4 boxes drain

I then use its 3 services to have it perform 3 divinations. The questions I ask it are: How many terrorists are in the partially constructed Ritz building in Seattle, how many hostages do they have, and what are said terrorists' motives for occupying the building and taking said hostages?

After I get those answers, that spirit is gone, and Slash and Burn head out. I'll rest up from that drain in the car. Panzer, stop along the waterfront somewhere so I can summon a couple sea spirits; they are better than city or wind spirits at materialized combat.
Beast of Revolutions
Cheesy, are you saying you have no electronics skills, or asking if he doesn't?
No, I think Team B is better off not being in the airborne assault. There'll be lots of firefighting and flack and if anything goes wrong I do not want the last chance of disarming the bomb (our tech guy) to be there. I rather have him delivered from another direction. I think Team A is better in aiding with their fire and magic power if everything goes to heck.

edit: Greatchicken, oh ok misunderstood. If you can do it without the passkey, cool. Just was suggesting it, though I think it'd be great for other people in the team in case you buy it... oh gawd, I hope not. knock on wood.... aw crud, this is fake wood plastic material.... uh oh. frown.gif
Cheesy Answer
Beast: The latter. smile.gif
Panzer, with that roll you're pretty much going to get what the General has already given you nyahnyah.gif

Alright, your two fixers are doubletiming it to get your gear and you'll receive whatever you want (subject to SI, of course). Seattle means a lot to them and they're pulling out all the stops.

I then use its 3 services to have it perform 3 divinations. The questions I ask it are: How many terrorists are in the partially constructed Ritz building in Seattle, how many hostages do they have, and what are said terrorists' motives for occupying the building and taking said hostages?

To the first question: You get an image of several hundred of them
Second question: You get an image of roughly 50-70 of them
Third question: You get the image of a fully grown elf in some sort of black suit standing next to a young boy.

And you know how information with divination is, so how you take it is up to you smile.gif

maps and IC post coming soon. I don't think we need to split the topic - I'll only do so if it gets too confusing. Know which team you're in and where you are smile.gif

You guys get 2 mil for all, so 2 mil divided by 9 times 20 percent for the advance. Where's my bloody calculator...? Ah... The heck? 44444.4~? Uh... Round that down into 44000.

Edit: I'm gonna allow Terry to bump into any fireteam he wishes in any way he wishes. Just don't jump on them or something. I hope you guys can work it out from there. Poor guy didn't get to play much and he didn't get paid, so it's only fair he has some freedom now. It would be good if he joined Fireteam B somehow *cough*. I know, it may be metagame-y, but it works smile.gif
I used my Connected Level 1 contact instead to buy equipment I'm missing. I have vetted that post with FX (thanks). biggrin.gif
I sincerly apologize for the sucky, rushed quality of these sketches. Very sorry...

Ritz Star Outline
The whole building has this sort of eastern castle motif, especially those edges jagging out near the middle. The bottom area are those office building window types. The various crisscross lines are scaffolding. Most of the place is warded.

Ritz Towers
This is at the very top of the ritz. They're shaped like castles but have that soft blue technological glow and blinking lights - a weird marriage of modern and classic. The nuke is suspected to be in the right tower. There's a stairway to the lower levels from the rooftop.

To the right is the place where the stray missile hit. Chamber north of the crossroads is the dark tunnel with the rat corpses and bloodstains. Probably because I'm going to need to explain it, the box at the north end is the cargo elevator mentioned in the IC post.

Teams and team leaders, balls are in your court.

And once again, sorry for the tackiness.
Cheesy Answer
Stealth test: 1 2 4 5 4 4 11 5 3 3 2 5 3
High roll: 11
Not a bad stealth roll, I must say. Ah, the wonders of being an adept.
Cheesy Answer
Does that mean I make it to the lift without getting jumped? smile.gif
More or less wink.gif
By the way cheese, thems are large rat carcasses, as big as the one in the SR3 colour pages - no human ones you can see. A mandatory looks will tell you most of them were slashed badly. Anything more thorough is going to need biotech or any similar relevant skill.
Cheesy Answer
Rat carcasses? Huh...I thought they were human. Then the only human bodies are the ones that got fried by the missile?
Pretty much yeah, and those are in a seperate tunnel. I think I better sharpen my descripteeve powars a bit.
Cheesy Answer
Post has been edited accordingly.
Cheesy Answer
By the way, I just flipped through the book. I'm seriously hoping that you're not talking about that genetically mutated monstrosity when you made that reference about the size of the rats. eek.gif
Yep, that's them.
Cheesy Answer
And here I was thinking you were talking about devilrats. Damn.

Mysteriouser and mysteriouser.
Beast of Revolutions, might I also suggest you summon as many watchers as your charisma allows at the highest force you can manage? Kind of as a mobile perimiter guard...have 'em patrol in a circle around you and warn you of any people they see. You can have 'em scout each new room before we enter any.
Team Alpha, I wish you luck in the tower. Oh and pray for us sorry slots down in the sewers.... wink.gif

Team Beta
I guess Kadel is scout, before we had gone down the sewers we probably would have agreed to mode of operations. In this case, since I hope a lot of us have thermo, we can see whatever hand gestures you give in the dark as you scout up ahead. Thereby we can maintain as much radio silence.
I also probably would have pestered the team mage. so what kind of wizzer spells he can do? all of them big boom stuff? anything quiet or nonlethal?
Also Team Beta, Marching orders?
Kadel in in lead scout, probably me and sniper while the mage and the technician take up the rear? Oh and what is our technician carrying in terms of weaponry, I'm just curious.

All: We probably would have preset our respective team frequencies and overall group frequencies before going in, right?
Ah, the Watcher Attack Pack™. Was wondering when that would be showing up wink.gif
Cheesy Answer
Sounds good. smile.gif

FX: Why do you think Terry should join Fireteam B?
Ah, I got the teams mixed up. My bad. A would be a better choice, to get an even number on each team.
I'm behind, I know. I'm going to catch up tonight smile.gif Sorry, guys. This whole "going to work at 4 am" thing is messing with me.
Attention Team Beta:
One thing I would have done before we had loaded up on the heli.
What are we all packing?
I am bringing along an M22A2 with underbarrel grenade launcher.
lots of Flashbang grenades (dual charge concussion and flash grenades), cheaper by the dozen. (i can distribute this out amongst those who can use this).
an ares predator with silencer, and a mossberg shotgun, mainly with shocklock rounds.
several medkits and lots of patches, stim, trauma and antidote.
and lastly, my shock gloves. nyahnyah.gif

What does everyone else have that are willing to let the others know, that way we can figure things out. Plus, I have an extra predator 2 pistol if you need one and also an extra sling for your rifle/shotgun/smg if you forgot to bring one.
Cheesy Answer
Kadel has a pair of pistols, a taser, and a belt o' grenades of various types.
Well Kadel, I'd have you carry my extra SMG (ingram smartgun) along because I can't theoretically carry all my weapons. You just got volunteered.... biggrin.gif Don't worry I do have a sling for it so it can be put out of the way on your back or something. hehehe. Sorry, I just wanted the extra firepower if need be.
Cheesy Answer
You can ask Kadel to carry your stuff, but he's just going to blow you off for thinking he's your mule. nyahnyah.gif
The sigs in the IC are killing me! wink.gif
Great, now Roland will think we got a stupid wannabe gunslinger adept who probably thinks he's a combat monster, but has nothing but pistols when we're gonna go after terrorists with assault rifles and rpg's. Oh boy, guess he's bait. nyahnyah.gif
Cheesy Answer
Then don't make him ask the question. Problem solved. wink.gif

Edit: Besides, why do you need extra firepower when you have a friggin shotgun? biggrin.gif
I don't suppose the boy Burn's spirit showed him is the boy in the wheelchair that the general showed us?

I stop at the docks on the way to the fort so Beas can summon some sea spirits. I am taking all the gear I own except for the Barret and chemistry tools. I also tell everyone what the city spirit divined before we take off.

Callsigns: Downtown is the leader of B team right? Also, how many people are on the Blackspec team?

Slash Alpha 1
Burn Alpha 2
Axe Alpha 3
Kyle Alpha 4

Downtown Beta 1
Kadel Beta 2
Theodor Beta 3
Reaper Beta 4
Roland Beta 5
Sorry guys I got confused, I thought I was on the Alpha team.

PBT, DT would probably make the best scout. But I am more than happy to let you do it.

This is my load out:

G36 – Check
-12 mags of xx – Check
P-90 – Check
-3 mags xx – Check
USP Match – Check
-4 mags xx – Check
FFBA – Check
Night Cammo suit – Check
Comm. unit on - Check
Encryption 6 Active – Check
Subdermal mike/Ear piece – Check
Insulated gloves - Check
Wire cutters – Check
Bayonet – Check
2 Thermal smoke grenades – Check
2 Standard smoke – Check
Chem. Mask – Check
Flashlight - Check

The spirit didn't roll too well on the test wink.gif It's an 'image of a boy', not many distinguishing features. He's standing up through, whilst the night elf boy the general wants you to save is wheelchair bound. The outline and shape is pretty similar but that's all I can tell you.

Edit: About six or seven people got off the blackspec heli, the aerial battle was a bit rough so you can't say for sure. Roughly that number.
Oh, I also applied the atropine to my swords before we embarked. And I took one dose of oxygenated flourocarbons, and left the other dose at home. Only orered 2 in case Burn couldn't get any.
Going for overkill, eh? smile.gif

Yeah, I know. Can't be too careful, especially on runs like this wink.gif
Stealth Roll [Open Test]:


Perception Check:

11 10 04 02 02 01

Danny is going to stay next to one of the walls, and crouched as they move through the sewer. He will also keep his weapon pointed in the direction of the elevator.
Cheesy Answer
Kadel's going to peer up the service ladder and see if he can gauge how far it goes up as soon as DT gets there. He's also going to keep the barrel of his weapon pointed in that general direction for anything that tries to jump down at him.

Shadow: Don't forget to roll stealth as a complimentary test. smile.gif

Sidenote: Shouldn't the GM be doing perception checks, since he actually knows whether or not there's something to look for?
However FX wants to handle it. But generally speaking a perception check is when you are being extra careful to look for stuff. Not just walking around willy nilly. So what I am saying as DT walks down the sewer is that he is being super aware.

I wouldn't think Stealth could be a compliment to perception unless I was specifically looking for someone hiding. Or I had awareness as a specialty.
I usually call for perception rolls when it's important, or if i just want to spook everyone nyahnyah.gif If you're looking for something or just keeping an eye out cautiously or something, then go ahead and roll perception. I usually tell you the more obvious things without needing a perception roll.

Rule of thumb, roll Stealth (awareness) when doing perception checks, though just Stealth works too, since it helps if someone is using stealth to hide from you.
Beast of Revolutions
I'm bringing everything except my enchanting kit. I've got my flamethrower in hand right now, and my jumpsuit set to an appropriate camo pattern.

Here are the other spirits, which we kind of skipped past summoning:
Force 4 great form sea spirit, 4 services, +1 reach
Force 5 great form sea spirit, 4 services, +1 reach
Force 3 watcher, 4 hours
Force 3 watcher, 3 hours
Force 3 watcher, 3 hours
Force 3 watcher, 3 hours
Force 3 watcher, 4 hours
Force 3 watcher, 6 hours

The watchers were summoned right before we got on the choppers, so about a half hour ago. No drain from them, and plenty of time to heal the drain from the sea spirits. I also activate my improve reflexes +3 sustaining focus at the base.

Now, I need to punch a hole in this ward to get my army of spirits through, right? I astrally perceive and assense the ward: 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 5 10 14 Three successes.

Cheesy Answer
Alertness is a specialization of Stealth. Base skills encompass all their roll Pistols when you want to use a Predator, but don't have a Predator specialization, and you roll Stealth when you want to make a perception check, but don't have Alertness. I could be wrong though.

Edit: <snippage> smile.gif
Perception checks are straight intelligence. Sometimes you get stealth/awareness as complimentary dice.
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