Jul 1 2005, 05:32 AM
So how many do I kill/wound with my burst firing, Sphynx?
Jul 1 2005, 02:56 PM
Ok, sorry about the misunderstanding with the rocket launcher. Also, Joe doesn't have a pistol but a Remington Rifle. So I'm more confused now then ever. Do I see the man with the rocket launcher this time? Can I shoot him now?
Jul 1 2005, 03:17 PM
Ah now, Fortune, why'd you go and put Tash in this car?
Well, at least I delivered two deadly guys into near melee combat... :/
And one child.
Jul 1 2005, 03:40 PM
She would have to go with him, and I had the choice of putting him in either car. I figured that he was already standing beside the Hummer, and helped to pack it, so that would probably be the natural choice. Especially as he's only met three of the group, and two of them are in that car.
Besides, I didn't want Mishka to have to run through all that gunfire just to get anywhere near melee range.
Jul 1 2005, 03:42 PM
Any advice from the other folks on where to go from here. I'm thinking of bailing out of the vehicle and slithering under the cars to chop up some ankles? Thoughts?
Jul 1 2005, 03:49 PM
You have a gun and an armored position. Why wouldn't you take advantage of those assets?
Jul 1 2005, 03:48 PM
Firearms 3...?
Plus, Ana's not really keen on being what everyone is shooting right at.
Jul 1 2005, 04:17 PM
QUOTE (ES_Sparky) |
Firearms 3...? |
That's probably what they have as well, but they don't have the armored cover your character has.
Seriously, there are now enough targets that the Hummer will probably not be the primary one (except maybe for John's hvar
) for long. In my opinion, giving up decent cover voluntarily and unnecessarily is something that requires a second thought.
Jul 1 2005, 08:17 PM
Yes Gobogen, you see the guy floating face-up int he air with the rocket launcher hanging from his fingertips.
PS. I'll edit in the morning when I do my next post and change your pistol to a rifle. My bad.
Jul 2 2005, 01:54 AM
Initiative: 6 + 3d6
First action: What do I see/hear?
Perception: 08 01
- Complimentary - Stealth/Alertness: 05 05 04 03 01
- Perceptive Edge: -1 TN
Second Action: Depends on results of the first.
Jul 2 2005, 10:35 PM
Hey Sphynx, if I want more information before I post something, but I don't want to get mired down by once daily updates (basically slowing observant PCs down), where do I ask you for that stuff? PM? OOC?
Jul 2 2005, 10:51 PM
Fortune: What are you looking at/for? You see everything described... looking for something specific?
ES: PM is best, OOC is ok as well. I usually only post between 10 and 12 GMT+1 Monday thru Friday.
Jul 3 2005, 01:20 AM
I guess I'm just not picturing the scene vividly enough without a map (hint hint
). I can't even tell if Mishka sees any actual opponents other than the upside-down rocket launching dude. I don't know how far away from him the cars are (behind which he hears the person counting).
I guess what I was trying to do was 'Observe In Detail'.
Jul 3 2005, 10:26 AM
Well, don't have any maps, however....
Hummer through 2 cars at entrance. 6 men behind the car on the right, 2 men at the door (1 is hovering in the air). All 8 men visible, as they are pointing guns in your general direction and opening fire.
Jul 3 2005, 01:32 PM
That definitely helps. Thanks.
Jul 4 2005, 02:31 AM
How many did I wound/kill with my first round of firing?
Jul 4 2005, 11:56 AM
Jul 5 2005, 01:52 AM
Sphynx, how were you planning to award karma in this game? Like in Earth's Dawn or some other way?
Jul 5 2005, 06:46 AM
How bloody fast was the Humvee moving? It needed to go at least 250 km/hour before I would start taking penalties on my first bursts.
Unless you're throwing us against folks with 8+ of Hardened Armor, or bucketloads of Armor, Body, and Combat Pool, in which case my gun is useless against them, I should have killed a few. Or you're house ruling. I applied all the modifiers listed on sr3 p.153 (Manual Gunnery modifiers table), and on page 112 (Ranged Combat modifiers table). The end TN was 2 for the first shot unless I was going very, very fast, and TN 2 for the second one unless we were going moderately fast.
Jul 5 2005, 08:55 AM
ES: Yes, I will apply Karma similarly as in Earth's Dawn, however I'll do it per-segment (segment 1 ends when you take the house back over, or move out
Nick: Situational modifiers gave you a much higher TN. Sitting in a HumVee your Gyro Harnass was more hinderance than help. It's big and bulky and sitting down, it provided 0 help, just got in the way. The only way to shoot was arm-out-the-window (which I gave the benefit of the doubt that you happened to have rolled it down) from a fast moving vehicle while it was conducting a crash test. I took half the Strength modifier for recoil (sitting, not standing braced), and the gun's recoil comps as well as the smartlink into effect. I set the initial TN at 12 and reduced that number and rolled 0 successes.
Nick: In the future, send game-mechanics arguements to me via PM. It ruins the feel when everyone sees that you question my every-single GM decision in regards to mechanics. At least if you PM me, the game doesn't feel like an arguement to everyone else.
Jul 6 2005, 03:49 AM
Nice shooting there Nine!
Jul 7 2005, 04:12 PM
Thankya. Firearms 3 ladies and gents.
Sphynx, two things.
1) Please do reallocate my dice when I make illegal gaffs.
2) Eric isn't down... I'm pretty sure it was Gnat.
Frater Inominatus
Jul 7 2005, 05:37 PM
Yeah. I know we all look alike Sphynx, but come on, keep it straight.
Jul 13 2005, 09:34 AM
QUOTE (Sphynx) |
He does look like, if he were given even a split moment to do so, he'd grab the pistol on the ground in his other hand and start shooting. |
There is no pistol on the ground. Mishka picked it up.
Frater Inominatus
Jul 16 2005, 10:12 PM
Couple of things for you Sphynx
1) After Eric speaks with his wife, what is the course of events around the arrival of Tony and his men? How did they come to be in the bar? When did the orcs show up? How were they treated etc...?
2) How many of our group expired? How many of Tony's men survived? Those that died are stripped, wrapped in a blanket and burried in the park.
3) Does my Mnemonic enhancer apply to learned spells? It's kind ofr a gray, GM decision area.
4) How will you work an astral quest? a)Send me the results so that I can do a one-post description? b) Post it on the forum like a normal action? c) something else?
Jul 18 2005, 06:42 AM
1) They chased the bug-men in, guns blazing, Tony and Mario came in and hid the family under blankets when a big crash was heard outside followed by gunfire again.
2) Our group has 2 members in critical. Tony is still alive. Post the rest IC not OOC.
3) Of course not, the ME only applies to skills, it never suggests in any way that it'd help with spells.
4) Case-by-Case.
Jul 19 2005, 08:27 AM
Please let me know if you want me to post IC. Right now there are some intense moments going on between characters that need resolving to move forward. Ie: I need to run a team-game here. If you want, I can post resolutions, but I don't want to offend the players by having them be 'ok' with others on the team they feel they shouldn't be 'ok' with yet.
This is one of those moments hardest on a board-playing GM, since it can take weeks of RPing to settle things while the game loses momentum. Quick resolution on your part would definitely help... Unless I see objections, I will post tomorrow, and anything not resolved will get resolved for the purpose of getting the story going again.
Jul 19 2005, 02:57 PM
I'll post some kind of summary of the way my character will interact with specific characters. I suggest that we wait a day or two for everyone to do that, maybe? Then you could post according to that....
Jul 19 2005, 06:11 PM
I think my post stands. She doesn't think she's welcome but wants to come back all the same. I will work towards Team-ness IC of course. But she still wants to get out there and get her family. Do tag along if you wish to go. Or offer advice if you don't.
Jul 20 2005, 05:35 PM
Sorry about my lack of posting. I have been experiencing access problems, and have been offline for the past week.
I'll try to post something IC soon, once I get a caught up a little.
Jus so you (all) know, IC is, and will remain IC. I don't necessarily endorse the actions of my character(s), nor do I take actions or insults directed towards my character(s) personally, and expect the same from others.
Frater Inominatus
Jul 20 2005, 05:48 PM
Are you kidding? This is outstanding! I wish my home games were more like this. Everyone is so worried about 'looking foolish' that they don't step into character. It gets frustrating as a GM when your players won't role play and want to ROLL play. Don't apologize man, keep up the good work!
Jul 20 2005, 06:05 PM
Yes, I'm with Fortune (and also Frater)... it goes without saying that whatever happens IC is not what me as a person would say to/do to/think about other persons. IC stuff is well... in character. Good idea to clarify this, Fortune.
Jul 20 2005, 06:53 PM
Frater Inominatus
Jul 21 2005, 09:39 PM
Sphynx wants us to RP recovering those families not present. Might I suggest we discuss the what/when/where/how's in the ooc and let one person write up the "official" post IC? I think it is the best way to maintain story integrity. Here's sort of what I had in mind:
My 'contribution' would be something like this...
Eric and his father are talking about what they can do to tighten the security of the fortress. Ed is a retired Chigaco PD officer. Eric has a plan to summon a couple of earth elementals to build a wall from State and Madison out to Michigan Ave., South to Jackson, West back to State, and North back to Madison. Placing openings at the Adams and Monroe streets. I can send the elementals on a remote service and leave them be.
Mike's PubHe will aslo go on one or more astral quests for spells. I think we'll need them soon.
Ed volunteers to accompany the group to recover the families remaining outside. I had intended for him to perish in some heroic fashion.
Stephanie, sick of living out of a suitcase, starts visiting with the other wives/parents/"non-PCs in an attempt to order things. She is a strong willed woman who despises chaos. She will inventory the food and supplies and set up a meal schedule that maximizes food use. She is a hard-but-fair task master, she brooks no objection in her domain. A "You know your stuff, I know mine, let's each do our jobs" attitude.
So, any thoughts/objection/additions? My vote for 'writer' goes to Sparky. I just like the way he/she(?) writes. Or Lindt, good story telling.
I'd also like some suggestions for spells to quest for. I know I need a new, non-exclusive manabolt spell. Perhaps a stabilize spell as well. What do you all think?
Jul 22 2005, 12:23 AM
Well, we should make sure we have made contact with whoever else will be "inside" our wall.
The last thing we want is to be "locked up" with gang members, psycho's, etc... We should also lay down the foundation for some sort of citizens group, governing body or local watch group, with all of the other survivors from the neighbourhood.
Best thing to do would be to pool our resources with any other survivors in the area. Since there will be no way we can guard an area as big as the one Frater wants to make on our own.
Maybe we should think smaller and more secure to start with, then expand out? Just a wall around the bar for now? It would be quicker to make and easer to guard until we recruit more helpers/guards/cannon fodder.
As for family, I have a brother and mother out in the zone. I'd like to have it that we go to my brothers place (My mom was living with him) and find it empty. I have no idea wether they are alive or dead, stuck in the zone or managed to make it out. This leave the door open to rescue missions, searches, hostages, and the like, if Sphynx ever needs a mini-adventure for us.
anywho that's my 2 bits.
Frater Inominatus
Jul 22 2005, 12:56 AM
I agree it is a large area. But if we 'start small' we may have to fight several minor wars to take any territory we may need. I think it better to construct a high hard wall that will keep out 90 percent of the rabble than to only build protection we can positively defend. Better to deal with a few with the resources to get over the wall that hundreds in a house to house fight.
What if we constructed two walls? A large outer wall, something ten meters high and as wide as the street to keep out all but the most determined of intruders. The inner wall would be around the block where the bar is located. It would be more modest but designed with defense in mind, parapets, murderholes, buttresses, etc... A force 6 earth elemental sent on a remote service (to construct two walls, thus and thus, in these areas, and so on)could do the rough work. I can quest for a shape earth spell and work the inner wall to the needed specs.
Your idea of a community governing body was where I was headed as well. As capable as our group might be, we don't stand a chance against any kind of coordinated attack. We need to organize the people in our area, oust any undesireables, and establish a loose governing body. That way we don't have to guard everything ourselves. We pool resources for the 'greater good.'
Jul 22 2005, 02:54 AM
Locke will go with anyone who's going to go pick up family as fire support.
Other than that, he will be spending his time building smart sentry guns from the resources they've looted, and aiding with the defensive preparations.
I hope that that there wall you're building has a gate, Frater. that way we can venture forth to get things once things settle down. Like food. I would also recommend building a (heavily warded) escape tunnel, so that we can escape if things go really south. Also, don't forget using Watcher spirits as astral guards.
And, when he's got the time, Locke will hit on Ana.
Frater Inominatus
Jul 22 2005, 03:40 AM
Ever heard of the 'eye of the needle'? It was a doorway built in the walls around israelite cities. When it got dark the city gates were closed and the only way in was to pass through the eye. It was a small opening, just large enough for a man to pass through. It was built like that so that if someone wanted to attack the city they would have to come in one at a time. Merchants who showed up after the main gates were closed would have to completely unpack their animal so that they could pass through the eye. Hence the 'It is easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than to enter the gates of heaven.' line in the bible. If we space these where our soon to be 'constables' are stationed, we shouldn't have a problem getting in and out.
If we need to move something larger through I can always cast a shape earth spell to let it through.
Jul 22 2005, 02:49 PM
I'm wondering what ressources are to be used for building the wall? Sorry if I missed the part where you say what you plan on using for that but I'm curious.
As for Joe's part in all of this. He would definitely want to help with securing the area and then establishing the neighbourhood watch thing. Eventually, he will be able to teach people who need it how to shoot firearms and such. I'm looking forward for a way to have a well thought lookout spot on the roof of the bar. It would be easy to see everything that goes on on our 'turf' from a high point like that. Of course I would like to see it fortified in some way, and also camouflaged in the best way possible, so that it's hard to tell what the hell it is and what its purpose might be from a distance. Being able for Joe to 'hide' there with a sniper rifle would be an incredible asset in defending our territory.
To summarize, Joe would help with securing the area and "meeting the neightbors", putting up together the neighborhood watch, and somehow building a lookout/sniper spot for observation and retaliation.
Frater Inominatus
Jul 23 2005, 02:21 AM
Earth Elementals. I can summon them to dredge up stone from the earth and make the wall.
1. Do you have a problem with us writing in organizing the surrounding locals into a 'body politic?" or do you want us to just stick with our own little group?
2. I am going to summon 2 force six earth elementals. I need to know how many, if any, services I generate. Conjuring 5, will use karma if necessary (generating less than two serivces constitues a necessity). I will post IC when I get the numbers.
3. Do you allow someone to go on an astral quest for 'free' spells? Like a rating 4 quest for a force 4 spell, or is there a minimum karma cost of 1?
Jul 23 2005, 12:44 PM
1) I don't mind, this is as much your story as mine.
2) In non-combat situations, assume the 'average' rolls.
3) No free spells, ever.
Frater Inominatus
Jul 24 2005, 02:23 AM
So you don't mind us 'creating' NPCs for the story?
What if the 'average' is something like 0.8?
Jul 24 2005, 10:14 AM
I don't mind you creating NPCs, but don't go writing their stats down, just their story (like contacts).
Average means round up at 0.5+ or down at <0.5.
Frater Inominatus
Jul 24 2005, 06:35 PM
Would you guys mind posting names and where abouts of your related NPCs? I would like to add some non-directly related material to the story. I am looking for something I can come back to to add flavor to the story. Here's what I'm looking for
Present at Mike's
Wife - Stephanie, 33, 5'6", brown hair, brown eyes, Pre-quarantine job: Civil Engineer, Personality: Organizer, perfectionist
Son - Alexander, 7, 3'9", Blonde hair, green eyes, Personality: rambuncious boy, curoius, risk taker
Daughter - Olivia, 9mo., 23", red hair, blue eyes, Personality: Needy infant
Father-In-Law - Ed, 58, 5'9", Brown hair, Brown eyes, Personality: Hard man, has no forgiveness for criminals (now has to live like one and is learning that not everyhting is black and white), Either he likes you or he doesn't, Pre-quarantine job: Retired Chicago PD detective
Not present at Mike's
Mother - Elizabeth, 57, 5'4", Blonde Hair, Blue eyes, Personality: Peace maker, will bake cookies to stop an argument, think Jude Cleaver, Pre-quarantine Job: Retired highschool physics teacher. Current location: (?) Apartment on Franklin and Kinzie.
Mother-In-Law - Laurette, elf, 53, 5'5", Black hair, Brown Eyes, Personality: Social butterfly, Pre-quarantine Job: Solicitor General for the Salvation Army, Current location: (?)
Best friend - Lyle Estaban, elf, 5'10, White hair, pale green eyes, Personality: Cool headed, friendly, "Rock-solid", Pre-quarantine Job: Chicago Bomb squad. Location (?)
This way you can add flavor to the story without having to ask details about individual NPCs. Feel free to use these in your storytelling.
Jul 24 2005, 09:35 PM
Locke's family (in Chicago):
Present at Mike's:
Daughter- Alicia Locke, 9, human, 4'4", blonde hair, blue eyes, Personality: cheerful, optimistic
So wifey's going to help Eric with the design of the inner wall, Frater?
Frater Inominatus
Jul 25 2005, 04:06 AM
I wrote this for your inspection...
[ Spoiler ]
After some tense negotiations and agreements to set aside any issues between them for the moment, the group begins planning their next step. Upon entering the bar, they are surprised at the drastic changes they find. “What the frag happened to my bar!?!” are Mike’s first words. Words he begins to eat as the women begin admonishing him for such language, give stern looks all around and begin serving a meal. It isn’t much, but considering the materials on hand, it’s pretty good. The dim bar lamps have been replaced with brighter bulbs, the tables have been carried away except for a few set up to make one large table extending out from a booth. “All right people, where do we start?” Mike began. “I want your ideas no matter how crazy they might sound to you. I’ll start with this. I don’t know how long this thing is going to last but with the way things are going it won’t be long before the crazies and the power hungry start carving out territory for themselves. Unfortunately that means it has become a race. I suggest we reach out to the surrounding community and set up some kind of collective. That means some sort of governing body, militia which will need to be trained, food rationing etcetera. I think a four block radius around the bar is sufficient for our purposes.”
At the last comment Eric raised his hand and asked “I think you are on to something Mike, but I think something larger would be more appropriate. We are going to have to provide for ourselves unless and until the government starts making food drops which, for the size you are proposing wouldn’t be likely to get a drop of it’s own. That means fighting for it. We have a natural barrier, the Chicago river, to the north and west. We have Lake Michigan to the east. That leaves the south open. If we erect a wall down East Roosevelt Road from the Chicago river to Lake Michigan we will effectively seal off the area. That gives us less than four and a half square kilometers to defend. I know it sounds like a lot but consider that, if we demolish all the bridges except for Lake Shore Drive north and south, Congress parkway to the west, we limit access to three points unless they come by water.” Eric stopped as he glanced around at the incredulous looks he was getting. “You don’t think small do you?” Locke asked. “While were at it why don’t we borrow a couple helos and just take our families out of here?” Nervous laughter rippled around the room. Eric chuckled as well but continued. “It’s really just a matter of numbers. If we can organize this plot of land, may be we can get to the bottom of what’s really going on here.”
He waited for some kind of response from the group. After a silence he took for consideration Mike asked “I don’t know. It IS a large area to defend. I was thinking something more… modest. I see your point and it has merits, but we still need to defend OUR territory if push comes to shove. How about we compromise and make two fortifications? One outer, covering the areas you spoke of and the other around the bar plus some breathing room. But that still leaves the ‘barricade’; do we blow some buildings, board ‘em up, and put our defenses on top?” The nods all around spoke to the wisdom in the dwarf’s words. The next words they heard nearly floored them. Eric, straight-faced, said “We build a wall.”
“You want to make a what?” Mike said, the look on his face clearly displaying his doubts Several others looked askance at Eric as well but held their tongues. Eric, seeing the doubt on the faces before him, held up a hand and said “A wall, ten meters high, twenty meters deep, and as wide as the street, that follows a path around our territory; And another one surrounding the bar and a small piece of property around it. I know it seems like a lot of territory to defend but I think we need to be bold. It’ll be easier to defend what we have than to take the territory later if we need to.” Mike waved his hand to stop Eric[/b]. “And just how do you propose to build such a monstrosity?” he said. There were a few nodding heads in the group. “Earth elementals.” Eric replied. “I can summon them to make the wall. The inner wall will need some refinements but I know of a spell or two that will allow me to do it. My wife is..” Eric checked himself and continued” was a civil engineer for the city. She can direct them in the construction.” Joe shot Eric an incredulous look. “Where do you propose to get the material for the wall, knock down a couple of buildings with explosives we don't have? You have to be talking about millions of metric tons of whatever for a wall that big!” Eric patiently waited until Joe finished and said “The elementals will dredge up stone from the earth to build the wall with. It will take a while for them to finish but it’s a fire and forget job. They’ll work tirelessly until the job is done.” Not everyone was sold on the idea but they agreed to sleep on it.
From the end of the table Ana took the opportunity to speak up. “All those things are well and good but some of us still have family out THERE!” she pointed to the front door. “I for one have no intention of sitting here while a wall is being built. I intend, alone or not, to go and get my family!” Mike responded with unusual poise “You are absolutely right Ana. So here’s what we are going to do. Eric, make whatever plans you need to get your little project going. Locke, Ana, and Mishka; You take one of those limos and get your families. Take what gear you need.” He stressed that last. "We are on a shoestring for the moment and if something happens, heavens forbid, we need to limit our losses. I know it sounds hard but that’s how life is in a war zone. And don’t kid yourselves people, that’s exactly what we are in.
What do you think? More on the way. Feel free to cut, edit, add to, take away from, etc... when we compile enough we can send it to the IC.
Jul 25 2005, 07:58 AM
Just an FYI, waiting for the IC post.
Jul 25 2005, 01:52 PM
That looks great, Eric. Nicely done.
Frater Inominatus
Jul 26 2005, 03:45 AM
We need to post the recovery of those family members caught 'outside' during the quarantine.
Who has family outside the compound that we are going to recover? I know Ana does and I think Joe does as well. Any 'events' to happen. Eric's father in law is going to die on the return trip, sacrificing himself so the group can get away from a group of gangers. Other than that there isn't much surrounding Eric in that part of the story, except for the arrival of his mother and mother-in-law.
Sparky, Gobogen, Nick012000? One of you want to tackle this part of the story?
Lindt, good to have you back.
Jul 27 2005, 02:56 PM
18 hours from now I post IC. Game's dying because I'm being patient.
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