Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 12:55 AM
QUOTE (scoundrel) |
If we're going to have a leader of operations, then I, too, cast my vote for Mike. I don't see a need for more than one leader. |
Because of his home ground edge he should probabley not leave the block unless he has too, And when we split up into groups its best to know who is leading the individual parties, especialy when we will probabley have npcs around. Those were my thought behing suggesting squad leaders.
Jun 3 2005, 01:07 AM
The head boss can easily designate mini-leaders should the need arise, and I think this is an option that offers more flexibility than pigeonholing people into the roles.
Oh, and by the way, what's a home ground edge?
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 01:12 AM
I think the need arouse and passed... 1 vehicle is already destroyed....and it was right next to the pub................................ and we have been in there what 3 hours.
Jun 3 2005, 01:20 AM
Sorry, I fail to see the relevance.
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 01:27 AM
We should have had scouts out already... been clearing the block and consuldating supplies. Should have had a leader already and jobs been deligated.
People were stating some facts about meta gaming and here is my take...
1)"quarintine" make my charecter think VITAS outbreak.
2)The military hotmike confirms really bad.
3)The lack of "seek medical attention from here" broadcasts make me think they have given up on "saving" us
4)Lockes exwife being killed on the way here (while he is in heavy security armor)leads me to think totaly out of control end of the world rioting
5)The destroyed vehicle makes me think the block is already screwed.. we now have to clean it out.
6)My job is fast response and 3 and a half hours later I would begin to wonder about the groups competance and wheather I should go join a warlord for better protection.
Jun 3 2005, 01:31 AM
As I made no arguments against having
one leader, I don't think your example is very applicable.
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 01:36 AM
Im going to rip out my hair... what do you need bad guys to set the pub on fire?
Jun 3 2005, 01:38 AM
I think a little chilling is in order.
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 01:40 AM
I'm Chilled I just don't understand your rationalization.. I guess like you can't understand mine.
Jun 3 2005, 01:41 AM
Which part don't you understand?
Jun 3 2005, 01:44 AM
Locke can manufacture additional assualt rifle ammunition, given raw materials (likely being rifle ammo).
Has your character said that he suspects VITAS, Reign Maker?
To whoever asked about IDon character: Locke's stuff has no identifying features. Not even serial codes. Yamatestu did not want him traced back to them.
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 02:04 AM
No I wouldn't want to cause panic.... But that would be what my charecter is thinking. I have said only what i have posted IC
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 02:04 AM
QUOTE (scoundrel) |
Which part don't you understand? |
Nothing I guess. I just dont agree I am happy that you voted for the main leader and I am gonna leave at that
Jun 3 2005, 02:07 AM
For the record, I also think that Mike should take the lead over everything and then appoint others for specific jobs. The fact that he owns the place should be way more than enough for us to listen to him first. If others show up as better leaders, then they will become it. But as in real life, since we depend on him, he should be a "leader" de facto.
Jun 3 2005, 02:34 AM
From a meta plot stand point, the car got wrecked because we where told not to have them at Chargen.
So far the radio communacations work fine, its just the cell service and the trid services that are out.
If you where to ask Able about an apointed leader he would look at you silly. Firstly because he just arrived, but also because this isnt a situation that needs an apointed make of decisions. In his opinion.
The streets arnt safe, but the chances of armed attack mobs are slim to none right now. Much more likely the scared and starving masses will show up and demand shelter.
So lets us all take a chill, see about making the bar a secure area, and go from there. I just dont want to see 3 law enforcement personell jumping to loot a store.
Jun 3 2005, 02:39 AM
At this point, I think an appointed leader is less of a necessity and more of a convenience. Just check out how chaotic the IC thread is without one.
Jun 3 2005, 02:43 AM
Damn I had kind of missed the post about the car.... And missed the info on char gen.. oh well, at least this is much more realistic
Jun 3 2005, 02:45 AM
Er, when did Sphynx say we can't start with a car?
Jun 3 2005, 02:51 AM
QUOTE (scoundrel) |
Er, when did Sphynx say we can't start with a car? |
Nowhere. In the first post in the Recruitment thread, Sphynx even stated that vehicle modifications were allowed.
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 03:55 AM
QUOTE (Sphynx @ Jun 1 2005, 02:56 PM) |
As for Radio messages, every band is over-ridden by the army, warning people not to leave the quarantine area in a nicely recorded manner which loops indefinitely. You'll need some sort of scrambler/booster/something to even use any waves in the city for awhile. |
So far the radio communacations work fine, its just the cell service and the trid services that are out. |
I think not my friend
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 04:32 AM
Gear carried-
[ Spoiler ]
Heavy security Armor 22kg
Helmet 0kg
Combat vest 0kg
2 pistol pouches (empty) 0kg
2 small equiment pouchs
-1, empty 0kg
-2, 4 stim patches , 2IR smoke grenades .5kg
1 large equipment pouch
grapple gun, 200m stealth grapple line, ascent/descent kit 10.25kg
6 shotgun pouchs
-1-4 empty
-5,10 shocklock rounds, 10 Flechetti 1.25kg
-6, 20 EXExplosive rounds 1.5kg
Franchi Spass 22 with range finder, sling, gasvent 4, foregrips
shockpads, loaded with 10 EXExplosive rounds 6.35kg
Cougar fine long blade .75kg
Extendable Baton 1kg
Total weight 43.6kg
I am also gonna concentrate on scanning the street and trying to get a fix on where Nine is from her reports. Try to figure out if I was a swat sniper where I would shoot at this building from. Also check out the integrity of the windows bye looking not gonna bang on them or nothing, but check for cracks and such. Ill walk around the whole building doing this.
Frater Inominatus
Jun 3 2005, 05:19 AM
Any way you slice it "we" need to decide what to do. Ideas are being voiced but no one seems to be listening. We need to start cooperating; Be it fortifying, resource gathering, getting family members to safety, or some combination thereof. If we don't, people will start doing things, on their own, in an uncoordinated manner that will cause nothing but problems.
As to leadership. I don't see the NEED in appointing one just now. It will happen, but right now we are still getting to know one another.
Quote (scoundrel Posted on Jun 2 2005, 10:39 PM)
At this point, I think an appointed leader is less of a necessity and more of a convenience. Just check out how chaotic the IC thread is without one.
I think that is due, in large part, to a lack of clear time line. Once everyone starts using TIME/LOCATION stamps much of the chaos will clear up.
Quote: Lindt Posted on Jun 2 2005, 10:34 PM
So lets us all take a chill, see about making the bar a secure area, and go from there. I just dont want to see 3 law enforcement personell jumping to loot a store.
I agree that we should secure the bar and apartment complex. But there are other equally pressing needs. Food and other supplies, not to mention family members not present.
If the military has cordoned off a section of the city, ordered people to stay inside the area or be shot, and the law has effectively disappeared, I would bet it means we are going to be here for a good while. That means we will need more supplies than a bar has to offer. Given the choince between looting and watching my family starve and/or get killed I would take looting anytime. Granted I won't take from those in need to save my own but we aren't there yet.
Move or Die, to do nothing means death...
Jun 3 2005, 06:27 AM
Too many cooks not enough kitchens...
That's not right. Too many chiefs spoil the indian. ...hmmm... that's not it either. Anyway. We've made a mess. We're a bunch of well-intentioned folks getting pulled in all sorts of directions. Sphynx is on another continent and it's hard to have much of a back and forth dialog with him so we're sorta on our own to sort things out.
I think Mike a good choice for IC leader - as it is his digs and all. But I agree with the others who have said that electing other leaders isn't neccessary and should be done as needed and decided by Mike. I think we would all feel that instinctively as we started looking to Mike and taking his assignments. BUT no one has actually asked mallet if he'd be interested.
Ana is basically going nuts because she can't get any calls through to anyone, just a little communication would do wonders for her and that's her number one priority - communications with family and buddies - if that has to be in person that's what she'll do. For now, she's happy to help recon and make sure the pub is secure. And as SOON as that's done, she's gonna hit the bricks to see what the situation is like at the nursing home. Of course, I think Galyan's is on the way there...
Again, apologies for folks who I've glossed over in my posts - I'll get my head around all of this in time.
I think Life in the Shadows has a nice format for time/date/location stamps. Gonna modifiy posts to match.
Jun 3 2005, 06:49 AM
I started me off at 4:45... I'm sure many of you arrived before then, so I guess post accordingly.
I then picked 6:20 as the next time for my activities, but I just picked it out of the air, so feel free to use that time. I also said the conversation we've had since Sphynx's post took about 25 minutes. Sound good? Too long? Too short?
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 06:49 AM
Thats great I dont feel like editing anymore tonight Ill probabley edit mine while im bored tommorow or monday. I do like the format, do I have to use that color?
Jun 3 2005, 06:51 AM
I think we should agree on a color and use that. I don't really care, I just copied LitS.
Jun 3 2005, 06:53 AM
Holy Bejeebers, damn....
I go away for 24 hours and the thread has more add-ons than all the other threads combined. Ok, let me try to answer all the questions.
First of all, I actually try to NOT read this thread (or the IC one) until the next day, so as to not influence you too much, and so I don't forget what needs replying to the next day. I'm very happy with the level of activity, but at this level, even a GM would find it impossible to single-handedly keep things in a set motion.
My only recommendation would be to have you PM each other conversations and then post the whole conversation (one person) as an IC post. As for actions, if you're getting too confused, leave it to 1 action a day. I will only do my IC posts once a day personally, but that's because I don't do discussions.
Please read the following part, it's the most important thing in the post:CODE |
The best way to post (excluding discussion posts) is as follows: You will notice I post a bit more advanced (in time) than other GMs. I do this so you can do what I call 1 and 1/2 postings. Your posts should break in to 2 parts. First part is either re-stating what I posted in your character's point of view, or just a post expressing how he/she felt. Same-time postings. Second part is what you 'intend' to do, not actually do. If you post that you would like to 'go to the car and get equipment' then my post can let you know how well that attempt succeeded. If you post that you 'went to the car and got equipment' than I can only post what follows that. It takes away from the story if you decide what you accomplish instead of the GM letting you know of failures, ambushes, surprises. |
That being said, I don't object to the players doing the storytelling if you prefer your current method, HOWEVER, when you hit a part of the story that is pre-planned for including a conflict of sorts, I will let you know to stop doing that until the situation is over (however, that ruins the surprise, as you will suddenly know something is up and be overly cautious).
Those are my thoughts on postings. I'll try to answer the OOC questions via IC posting.
Jun 3 2005, 07:01 AM
Howdy there Sphynx.
I forgot to say, the address that I picked is an actual pub in Chicago, just north of the art institute and west of milennium park.
Miller's Pub
134 S Wabash Ave
Chicago, IL 60603
I'm not married to the location, so it can be anywhere at all really. Actually - Sphynx, that would be a good thing for you to decide...
Jun 3 2005, 07:35 AM
Hey all,
I like the 1 and 1/2 posting idea. should work just fine.
Mike is a kind of "take charge" guy in these types of situations. he's had many years as a combat team leader and millitary big shot. (leadership(strategy) 5/7, small unit tactics 6, millitary theory 6) Even though he has tried to put all that behind him, in this type of situation it would come out again. I'm cool with having him as a leader (he isn't the sort who would take well to others bossing him around in his own place). I, as a person, don't mind, but would always welcome PM'd suggestions and ideas that I can put into Mike's mouth.
I have a car. Land rover actually. Lot's of space in it. But only I or another dwarf(or a really short human) can drive it since I had to get it Dwarf modified to fit me (only the driver's side).
Also the pub is also a resturaunt. We have a lot of food and drinks (BEER!!) to keep everyone happy for quite awhile. As well as a freezer (might have to put one of them bugs on ice
) But it won't last forever...
And I guess I am just going to wait for Sphynx's IC post before I start posting again. Just doing my part to cut down on the clutter.
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 03:20 PM
How many Km is it in 2 miles? And who has the lowest quickness (our group movement rate?)
Jun 3 2005, 03:38 PM
Two miles equals ~3.2 kilometers.
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 07:45 PM
QUOTE (scoundrel) |
Two miles equals ~3.2 kilometers. |
parties movement
[ Spoiler ]
Graves quickness 5
Hennessey quickness 6
Gnat quickness 6
Lindt quickness 7
Joe quickness 7
Locke quickness 10
Hagvas quickness 10
Nine quickness 11
1)The vehicle holds exactley 8 great for getting there.
2)Ground movement on the way back will have to be based off the slowest charecter. 3,200 meters divided by 5 slowest quickness= 640 combat turns
640 combat turns/20(20 combat turns =1 minute) = minutes of travel =32 minutes.
3)If we can keep the 3 charecters with quickness under 7 in the vehicle it would cut our time to 22.9 minutes.
4)If we only have quickness 10 and better walking travel time is 16 minutes!!! and thats walking it.
5) He said 2 hours before the city wakes up that gives us about 1.5 hours of looting time in the store - any combat time. I suggest you all take a look at that web page when you get a chance and kinda pick things out.
6)Spynx also mentioned how much we can carry so I suggest you figure how much your gear actually weighs, and how much extra you can haul. Mallet I think you should decide on what the cargo for the suv is..(we get room to load stuff we personaly want? Or is the wellfare of all greater than that, and what is "the wellfare of all" not trying to put words in your mouth but if you tell us medkits only then medkits it is) once discussed here it should probabley be adressed IC when we get to the site.
Jun 3 2005, 08:05 PM
Ok. Here we go again...
Scoundrel / Reign Maker. We have to get everyone on the same wave length before we post anymore.
Reign Maker already posted all of us getting in the van (which I am good with because it moves things along) But Scoundrel you are posting like we are still in the pub (which means you ether didn't read Reign Maker's post, or you are not going to let another player control your character in post. Which is also a very valid point, and is your right.)
What we have to decide is wether we will let other players "control" our characters to keep things moving (like Reign Maker did) or that No, only we post what our own characters do.
The first way moves things a lot quicker, but can lead to some issues, editing, infighting, if people do not agree with what their characters have done.
The other way id a lot SLOOWER, but gives everyone a say over exactly what their characters are doing.
Before any more misshaps, I think all the players need to vote as to which way we want to play this game. majority rules (Sphynx can break the tie or veto if he chooses)
But something has to be done, or half of us will be at the store looting, while the other half will still be 1/2 hour in the past working on security/saftey for those we left behind and talking to characters who are no longer there.
Jun 3 2005, 08:21 PM
In a game like this, it's pretty much a given that posts aren't going to be made in chronological order, or the less active posters would get left in the dust. As long as the time gap isn't too large, I don't see why it's a problem, nor understand why it's being brought up now when this is what we've been doing since day one. If you're getting confused, we can always use Frater's time stamps. I, for one, am up for it, but it seems that Sparky is the only person in the group using them right now.
Incidentally, I am also of the opinion that the GM is the only one who has any right to direct another character's actions, but that's just me. Although I don't think that's what Reign did in this instance.
Frater Inominatus
Jun 3 2005, 08:39 PM
It is one thing to take minor liberties with someone else's character; Like posting both sides of a conversation rather than trying to work the conversation out with the other player over thirty or so posts. You just need to be careful to pay attention to the other players style. It might be a good idea to get permission as well.
It is another thing to make major decisions for other characters; Say posting an action by another player that would benefit your's.
I agree with Mallet's assertion that allowing for minor liberties will speed up the game. Though posting intent to do so in the OOC might be a good idea.
Reign Maker
Jun 3 2005, 08:41 PM
I said that I "WAIT" for the others to pile in..completely leaving their action up to them...In FACT MY ACTION IS CONTROLLED BY OTHERS ENTERING THE VEHICLE! I dont see how I controlled anyones actions. If I could do that we would have been to the nursing home and back..and blocked off the block within the first 10 minutes real time of the game starting lol
Anyway yeah I didn't add a time tag cause well Idecided that is more controling then anything else if i am one of the first posters... make you guys cram a long conversation in a short time depending on my time post. And it would be useless if we are not going to split up.
Frater Inominatus
Jun 3 2005, 11:39 PM
Rain Maker, I don't think anyone was accusing you of anything. If I gave that impression you have my apologies. It was unintended. But you did raise a point I would like to address.
I get the feeling from Sphynx that he doesn't want us to split up. Sphynx, feel free to chime in here. I feel like I'm being corralled into an action that is tactically flawed. I understand the need for forwarding the story, I really do. And, as a GM, I understand the problems associated with splitting up the party in table top gaming. But if there was ever a forum to facilitate it, this is it.
Reign Maker
Jun 4 2005, 05:11 AM
Took me about an hour to find what I wanted I think we need as many of these as possiable says 4lbs each
solar generator!! Other good items
Combat vests3)
Tactical night vision goggles4)
security systems-PRE MADE!!!!!!5)
It may not look cool but.... (they have some other models with weights capacities of up to 240 lbs)
Just some of the cool things I found on the sight...
Jun 4 2005, 06:02 AM
Not to mention the
PDA w/ built in GPS, the
8 GP memory card, the
maglock, and let's not forget the
warning stickers. Also there's
ultrasound emitters,
nightvision scope w/ flashlight,
full-auto paintball guns (load 'em with ball bearings or Gamma-Scopaline+DMSO, if we can get our hands on it, or mod 'em to fire real bullets), and
water filters.
Sphynx: Is Victory-line sports armored clothing available at the shop?
Jun 4 2005, 07:33 AM
I don't mind people splitting up, but I'll never do 'solo' threads for people. However, I do create scenarios intended for the whole team, and when the bad-ass monsters attack, the fact that it's only half-the-team will not reduce the power of the monsters.
Nick, normally they do sell it, but if you don't see it on that site I gave you, than that means it's all been stolen already.
Reign Maker
Jun 4 2005, 07:44 AM
?? So if its on the site we can still grab some?
Reign Maker
Jun 4 2005, 07:52 AM
OK well sweeping like I said using respirator for air, and switching between my visuals (thermo, low light, ultrasound). I wont try to take anything until the sweep is complete and well I hope the reflexes dont make me shoot some squatter hiding in here... Other than that Ill wait for your confirmation before looting. Also eye camera is rolling storing to headware.
I Sense combat coming.....
Jun 4 2005, 07:59 AM
oh, and I have my ear "on full" listening for the sounds of anyone in pain or just anyone at all further in the building.
Jun 4 2005, 11:21 AM
QUOTE (Sphynx @ Jun 4 2005, 02:33 AM) |
Nick, normally they do sell it, but if you don't see it on that site I gave you, than that means it's all been stolen already. |
Well, the site has
these, the equivalent of which in SR is the victory Rapid Transit line helmet.
Locke is in full gear: sec armor/helm, gyro harness, HVAR in hands, chemseal + respirator activated. He will be using low light + ultrasonic vision, and his ear mods are cranked to the max.
Perception test-
[ Spoiler ]
27, 14, 5, 3, 2, 2
(count everything as 10x closer, and -2 to TN)
Stealth (Awareness) complementary test-
[ Spoiler ]
7, 7, 5, 2, 1, 1
Jun 4 2005, 12:59 PM
Yes, Reign, if you find Body Armour on the site, you can find it in the demolished store.
Nick, I might have forgotten to post this, but you don't have to roll dice in my games, I take care of that for everyone (usually just going with averages if the result is not a huge concern, so with your perception of 6, TN of 4-2, you'd auto get 5 successes, unless it's an important roll.) I don't do anything 'special' for rolls higher than the TN.
Jun 4 2005, 07:29 PM
Someone with mad 1337 computer skillz should hack the site to make it offer every single piece of equipment in the books.
Reign Maker
Jun 4 2005, 07:50 PM
Frater Inominatus
Jun 4 2005, 08:47 PM
Eric will perform an astral recon of the interior AND exterior of the building. He will look for other living beings (People, Animals, anything with a living aura) first. He will then look for astral barriers, secret rooms (perhaps “Dick” did more than sell sporting goods?), basement, vehicles, etc…
Reign Maker
Jun 4 2005, 10:39 PM
Oh.. I also have gang identification 3 I'm wondering if I recognize what gangs were involved or at least how many different gangs were involved if I can't tell exactley who!
Jun 6 2005, 07:44 AM
Does Locke hear the bugs fighting the mage? On average, he should make 4 (2.5 normal, 1.5 complementary) successes vs. TN 4 (4-2 spacial recognizer+2 rooms away), or 1-2 successes vs. TN 6 (4-2 spacial recognizer+4 same floor).
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