Dec 15 2006, 03:36 AM
Cloud is in as well.
Dec 15 2006, 04:15 AM
Ok, considering everyone is going with the sampling thing, Hikaru will follow suit, since she doesnt know any better. She will figure that since everyone else is doing it, they must know something she doesnt
MK Ultra
Dec 15 2006, 06:28 AM
After thinking about it for a moment and consulting everyone still in the com-conference,
Si Wu willbe the first to step forward and express his trust in the company chosen by his nephew - unless someone presents a waighty point that would speak against it (beside the obvious).
DireRadiant[ Spoiler ]
Do they ask me to remove the mask? Most face recognition scanners work with IR or ultrasound and wont be hindered by it, so much, but for fotos it it obviously an issue.
Dec 15 2006, 02:07 PM
Anyone have a Sterilise spell? The biometrics are ok, they'd get those from our SINs anyway, but if we can deny them ritual spell materials, whether they would give it back or not, it would be good.
Dec 15 2006, 02:46 PM
I didnt have Street Magic when I made Hikaru and even then, I sorta hit the cap on spells I could take with her...
Spell list (You guys would know she had most or all of these)
Increased Reflexes
Improved Invisibility
Physical Mask
Dec 15 2006, 03:39 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
DireRadiant [ Spoiler ] Do they ask me to remove the mask? Most face recognition scanners work with IR or ultrasound and wont be hindered by it, so much, but for fotos it it obviously an issue. |
No they do not.
Dec 15 2006, 04:06 PM
Willow's in, her only hesitation is the ritual samples... but beyond that...
MK Ultra
Dec 15 2006, 04:40 PM
Maybe, Ms. Green wouldgive us a ritual sample of herīs in return, that she gets back when she returns ourīs?
Dec 15 2006, 04:49 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Maybe, Ms. Green wouldgive us a ritual sample of herīs in return, that she gets back when she returns ourīs? |
Unlike the team of shadowrunners, Ms. Green can be found at the Peninsular Hotel whenever you need to track her down.
And there are advantages to negotiating from a position of relative strength.
MK Ultra
Dec 15 2006, 05:45 PM
De Badd Ass
Dec 15 2006, 06:24 PM
Just a reminder. Back when we were sharing information (11/30/06), I mentioned that the room sensors were not recording.
The sensors in the suite, and in the hallway, stopped recording at 10 PM. Blank logs won't be worth much.
Dec 15 2006, 10:32 PM
But the ones for the rest of the hotel might be useful. The elevator and stairwell one in particular (as well as a time log of when the evelvator(s) stopped on this floor.)
Dec 18 2006, 03:26 PM
To help get beyond this scene, I've listened to my players, and hopefully removed the objection about ritual samples, so people can post IC.
MK Ultra
Dec 18 2006, 04:15 PM
Oh, sorry, intended to post IC today. See what I got for beeing sooo lame - no need to provide ritual samples. Iīll try not to slow down my IC posting further, to get mor perks in the futur

Iīll put up an IC in a few hours - need to cook first :-/
Si Wuīs quick answer to
Blaze will be: So they know which dna-samples they might pick up in this suite are ours and which are from other potential suspects. Also, they might need them for our PG-employee IDs.
Dec 19 2006, 03:05 AM
MK, Vegas, you guys need to fix your location. You copied and pasted DBA's and he is outside.
Dec 19 2006, 03:16 AM
I don't know what you're talking about Konsaki

MK Ultra
Dec 19 2006, 11:59 AM
Thatīs not true

But thanks, anyway
Dec 19 2006, 07:03 PM
Everyone except Mister Juan is accounted for, so moving things along IC.
You can all safely move to and meet at the provided safehouse without encountering anything, if you choose to follow the directions.
You may of course choose to do otherwise.
You can take your gifts with you.
Hilary Green is obviously gathering evidence, if asked, she'll say it may take up to a day to analyze.
Fooey can also make his way to the Alpha House Flat, but will need to be let in. The Apartment building needs Codes and biometric readings.
And for flavor or mood, Nathan road, think of it like Times Square when it's busy.
MTR is the subway, it runs under Nathan road here.
De Badd Ass
Dec 19 2006, 07:17 PM
Actually, Mr Juan started it on 11/28. Toturi copied him.
DR did it on 12/4. MK copied him.
Toturi did it again on 12/7. Amra28 copied him then.
MK did it again 12/10 - 12/12. TRRH copied him then.
I wasn't going to say anything. I figured if DR did it, then who cares. Obviously, Konsaki cares. Can't upset Konsaki, can we?
Wiley can also make his way to the Alpha House Flat, but will need to be let in. The Apartment building needs Codes and biometric readings. |
Oops! I know I used the name Wiley in the heading of a couple PMs. I was distracted by real life events. Wiley is my character in Have gun will travel. Probably best to use Fooey here.
DR, your last IC has a questionable timestamp.
Dec 20 2006, 03:08 AM
Cloud Observes in Detail to make sure the biosamples are all destroyed.
I think I can safely say he's buying 4 hits with 16+ dice.
Dec 20 2006, 01:35 PM
[ Spoiler ]
As far as you can tell alll the sampels are destroyed. The equipment is setup in a way to make it easy to visibly track what is happening to a sample as it is processed.
Dec 22 2006, 01:54 AM
Moving the plot along...
Dec 22 2006, 04:45 AM
DBA, I'm not sure what Fooey is hinting at... You trying to get us to make an assensing test or something?
De Badd Ass
Dec 22 2006, 06:28 AM
Fooey shares the following:
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
The fireworks are sponsored and managed by the governing council, and are watched by millions of people. The governing council includes every major corp.
The fireworks are part of the ritual to scare away bad spirits and demons from influencing the new year.
Fooey + anyone with 2 hits or more on Feng Shui or equivalent + 3 hits or more on Arcana
*Spoiler* Part of the firework pattern and design are done with feng shui influences in mind. It is very complex and was planned with the assistance of prominent Wujen from several major corps and local cultural representatives. The major objective being to not unduly favor any particular party whilst still accomplishing the goal of keeping away bad influences.
The change made to the pattern appears very subtle, there's no obvious direct affect, though it does appear to be related with some ley/mana lines and their alignment. *End Spoiler*
*Spoiler* There are several megacorps in HK more than capable of acting with this speed and precision, if they had the inclination and knowledge to do so. *End Spoiler* |
It would seem that we upset the combined plans of every major player in HK. Several of them are capable of ordering and executing this hit this soon.
I was wondering if any of you magical types have an opinion on who the winners and losers are wrt. the altered fireworks. If this hit had anything to do with our 'run, the shift in the dragon lines should be a clue. I'm hoping one of you can detect the shift, have some wujen contacts, etc.
MK Ultra
Dec 22 2006, 11:44 AM
sorry, I probbaly mixed that up. I thought I was still in the bedroom, when Mike pocketed the hair and I didnīt bother to check, because I assumed -quiet probably incorrectly, since you expressed Mikeīs low level of trust in the other team-members- that he shared the fact that he took the hair with the team, before we concluded our discussion with Ms. Green.
In any case, my PC saw the hair himself and mentioned it, when we exchanged information amongst ourselves. Even if Mike said notheing, he would assume hewas the one holding the most information, sice he was most professionally checking the scene. He would also assume, that Mike took the hair. The eyes flickering at his pocked would either have been a correct guess, just a twitch of his nerves.
Dec 22 2006, 02:45 PM
There is an ARO trail to follow that supposedely leads you out through the basement, through the subway and then back out to the "safehouse" nearby, which should allow you to avoid encountering most people. Of course you could start going out that way amd not actually go to the flat.
Follow the yellow bouncing ball.
Dec 22 2006, 04:09 PM
I'm not going to make a big deal out of it, but the nearest cafe that would have aview of th fron entrance of the Peninsular hotel is going to be the other side of the harber. However, there are plenty of places to be from where you can watch the fron entrance.
De Badd Ass
Dec 22 2006, 09:11 PM
Fooey shares with Cloud:
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
Fooey *Spoiler* ... Of note while you are outside you have noticed the newshound and ambulance chaser matrix icons have been kept out of the hotel, and several parties of guests have left, accompanied by bodyguards, in some of the beautiful green rolls royces the hotel provides for guests...*End Spoiler* |
Dec 22 2006, 10:15 PM
MK, no worries. Mike is just a very paranoid guy. And he still doesn't trust the Hotel people (or team members wearing masks

His reactions have no baring on my personal feelings.
Dec 23 2006, 01:02 AM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
I'm not going to make a big deal out of it, but the nearest cafe that would have aview of th fron entrance of the Peninsular hotel is going to be the other side of the harber. However, there are plenty of places to be from where you can watch the fron entrance. |
Duly edited per GM's comments.
Dec 23 2006, 11:46 PM
Casting Improved Invisibility R5 on Hikaru
Spellcasting + Magic = 11 dice
1,3,3,5,4,6,5,3,2,1,5 - 4 hits
Drain resist - 3Stun
Charisma + Willpower = 8 dice
6,3,4,5,2,5,1,1 - 3 hits (full resist)
MK Ultra
Dec 26 2006, 12:14 AM
Sry, hollyday business mixed with hollyday lazyness makes posting slow down - but Iīm probably not the only one, who expected this in advance. So everything for the rest of this year most likely wonīt come fast and it wonīt come in huge chunks.
Have a cool time everyone!
EDIT: Iīd suggest Cloud scouts the safe hous first -backed up by willow and catgirl, or so- after Fooey scanned it.
Gabe might be usefull at the Hospital, too, if we get in, as some anti-wifi mumbo-jumbo might hinder the hackers to support us from afar in the evvent of a new assoult on Wang.
EDIT2: Blaze can do counterspelling, right? Otherwise Iīd want to have Hikaru in the QE instead of him.
De Badd Ass
Dec 26 2006, 01:16 AM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
EDIT: Iīd suggest Cloud scouts the safe hous first -backed up by willow and catgirl, or so- after Fooey scanned it.
Fooey has his own safe house. He has no reason to go to a safe house watched by Ms. Green, and who knows else. If you want someone to scan it, ask Gabe. He already has a pass to gain access. So do you, old man.
Dec 26 2006, 01:31 PM
Everyone feel free to post IC their activities up till about 4 am. That should give people time to disappear with their loot, go to the hospital, check out the safehouse, or do something else in the meantime. Unless you do something spectacular nothing too bad should happen till then.
Dec 26 2006, 05:50 PM
How far is the QE from the hotel? I expect that the traffic is extra heavy due to the holiday, right? So in the characters opinion, what would be the quickest way to get there?
Dec 26 2006, 06:02 PM
QUOTE (amra28) |
How far is the QE from the hotel? I expect that the traffic is extra heavy due to the holiday, right? So in the characters opinion, what would be the quickest way to get there? |
It's 3 am. While there are people out and about, it's still 3 am.
The hospital is in the King's Park area, a hill to the north along Nathan raod that also houses a bunch of other opens space facilites, such as the Kowloon Cricket Club.
The fastest way to get there is usingthe MTR(subway) that goes along under Nathan Road and get off near King's Park and walk a block or so to Gascoigne Road.
It's actually not far, no more then a couple miles north.
Dec 26 2006, 06:10 PM
MTR MapIt's actually one stop north, Tsim Tsa Tsui to Jordan Road
Dec 26 2006, 06:12 PM
Dec 26 2006, 07:32 PM
Part of the reason we gave the hotel bio samples was to be listed as hotel employees correct? If so what type of employees do they have us listed as, security? How does this affect the possession of weapons by the character?
Dec 26 2006, 07:41 PM
QUOTE (amra28) |
Part of the reason we gave the hotel bio samples was to be listed as hotel employees correct? If so what type of employees do they have us listed as, security? How does this affect the possession of weapons by the character? |
Using the Peninsular Group Codes you are permitted to carry concealed weapons with availability 4R or lower in areas under Hong Kong Governing councils KE HKPF jursidiction. e.g. non extra territorial areas.
Amusingly this includes Katanas and pole arms.
Dec 26 2006, 08:10 PM
OK, Willow is gonna take a convoluted route back to her own place to crash to get gear, change clothes and drop her "gift" in a safe location. She'll take the MTR, altering her appearance when she makes a change through trains/stations/stops whatever.
By the time she hits the safehouse she'll be a relatively tan, blonde human looking woman.
Are photos attached to any ID's provided by the PG?
Dec 26 2006, 08:30 PM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Are photos attached to any ID's provided by the PG? |
Yes. However, most of the trideo and biographic data can be updated by yourselves as needed.
Dec 27 2006, 03:09 PM
3 am is not normal visiting hours at the Queeen Elizabeth Hospital.
Dec 28 2006, 02:08 AM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
Using the Peninsular Group Codes you are permitted to carry concealed weapons with availability 4R or lower in areas under Hong Kong Governing councils KE HKPF jursidiction. e.g. non extra territorial areas.
Amusingly this includes Katanas and pole arms. |
I take it that the permit for concealed carry is totally legit? We can still bring in other weapons of availability >4R under our own license/permits right?
Mister Juan
Dec 28 2006, 02:19 AM
Sorry I went midly AWOL for the past 2 weeks.
I'm reading up on everything and catching back tonight
Dec 28 2006, 01:28 PM
QUOTE (toturi) |
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Dec 27 2006, 03:41 AM) | Using the Peninsular Group Codes you are permitted to carry concealed weapons with availability 4R or lower in areas under Hong Kong Governing councils KE HKPF jursidiction. e.g. non extra territorial areas.
Amusingly this includes Katanas and pole arms. |
I take it that the permit for concealed carry is totally legit? We can still bring in other weapons of availability >4R under our own license/permits right?
If you have other permits, you can use those, but then those are tied to some other SIN. It may be some kind of flag for weapons detections systems to have weapons permit from more then one SIN being identified on a person.
MK Ultra
Dec 28 2006, 03:20 PM
I asume the bank deposit boxes are lifestyle. For the gifts, incense & flowers (plastic would be ok if real ones cost too much), Iīd pay 88

Iīll leave al the stuff not covered by the hotel licenses in the deposit box.
Dec 28 2006, 04:28 PM
So is PHG issuing a whole new SIN? Or is it sort of like a employee pass kind of thing that we can link to our existing SINs(real or fake). If we cannot link, then I'd just think of something else.
Dec 28 2006, 04:31 PM
QUOTE (toturi) |
So is PHG issuing a whole new SIN? Or is it sort of like a employee pass kind of thing that we can link to our existing SINs(real or fake). If we cannot link, then I'd just think of something else. |
Yes, it's a Peninsular Group SIN, that way you don't have to let them know yours.
Dec 28 2006, 04:33 PM
OK, then.
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