De Badd Ass
Nov 20 2006, 08:18 AM
QUOTE (De Badd Ass @ Nov 20 2006, 12:41 AM) |
At soon as he realizes that external wireless signals are being blocked, Fooey opens the room door and steps out into the hallway. |
Fooey - Chinese Dwarf
Fooey looks up and down the hall. He seems agitated. He re-enters the room and heads for the table.
Fooey mutters, "I don't know about the rest of you. I'm getting paid before the police start seizing evidence". He takes one of the boxes off the table and tucks it away.
"Now what?", he asks. He wonders, "Should we drink a farewell toast to Johnny?", but doesn't say it aloud.
Nov 20 2006, 08:47 AM
I'm thinking we would do well in having a IC thread to start our character interactions...
MK Ultra
Nov 20 2006, 08:55 AM
Mh-kay, Iīll take a look around
[ Spoiler ]
Intuition (2) + Perception (1) + Visual/Audio (3) + Observe in Detail (3) = 9 dice
[5] 4 4 2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] Hits:4
Also comanding my agent to take a look around VR & scan for signals
Agent (3) + Analyse (3) = 6 dice
[5] 1 3 [6] [5] 3 Hits:3
Agent (3) + Scan (3) + Radio Signal Scanner (6) = 12 dice
[6] [6] 1 [6] 3 4 [5] 1 4 3 2 4 Hits:4
Should we state our actions planed for the next minutes here, or go through it in IC?
My actions would depend very much on the otherīs actions, because if someting isnīt done, he thinks should be done, heīs going to yell commands.
EDIT: Ah, Hack, heīs going to yell commands anyway
Nov 20 2006, 09:23 AM
Just dont be surpriesed if Hikaru freaks a bit when you start yelling, this is a stressful situation that she is having to experience for the first time. She doesnt have the background the old man does.
Nov 20 2006, 09:32 AM
Since this is OOC, may I remind you that yelling anything at a upscale hotel is both bad for guanxi(connection) and mainzi(face)? Discretion, people. And "looting" is generally frowned upon, especially if it is something as flashy as gold bullion.
Screaming, however, is expected when one chances upon a corpse.

By the way, does everyone have a bulletproof fake SIN or a real SIN? My suggestion is that we do not take the money at least until hotel security has been bought off, KE might not be as corrupt but the sec provider for the hotel might be more easily persuaded. So who is our Face?
Nov 20 2006, 09:38 AM
Well... questions might be brought up as to why we had access to a room with a stack of 9 gold bars and a dead body... Also, once they take a good look at our ragtag group their minds will scream "Shadowrunners".
Best bet would be to follow Fooey's plan and grab the gold, followed by cleaning up the mess. (I.E. the fact that we were even there) That means astral cleaning, matrix cleaning, along with physical world junk like fingerprints and whatnot.
MK Ultra
Nov 20 2006, 09:58 AM
DireRadiant did we get there straight from the run or was it finished at least half a day before we met at the hotel? My attire depends on it.
toturi well, we are not in public but in the privacy of the hotel suite (which is sound proof - the moment Fooey opens the doors, my PC will stop), and since we are a team in a stressfull situation, yelling seemed apropriate. Still he wonīt actually shout comands like a drill-sergant

I thought about the staying at the room thing, too - but no ID is bullet proof. Of course new year celebrations are a good excuse for the gethering of a group as ours, as well (but it critically depends on everyone staying to have an ID and not beeing recognizable on first sight as waring a professional criminal outfit).
KonsekiDonīt worry, I imagind heīd say something like 'learn a Stabilize spell'
Nov 20 2006, 01:08 PM
QUOTE (toturi) |
...does everyone have a bulletproof fake SIN or a real SIN? |
I doubt it, since you can't buy a bulletproof fake SIN at chargen.

By RAW, a Rating 4 SIN (availability 12) will probably fall apart under almost any inspection if the person doing so bothers to use a decent rating scanner.
De Badd Ass
Nov 20 2006, 01:26 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Ah, Hack, heīs going to yell commands anyway  |
Fooey - Chinese DwarfFooey's concentration is broken by loud gibberish. Fooey mutters, "Did someone say 'Time to go?'. Sounds like good advice". Fooey steps back out into the hallway.
Edit: If it is actually about the time to celebrate the New Year, then Fooey is
dressed for a party.
Nov 20 2006, 01:52 PM
IC Thread is up.
MK Ultra - The run was done a short time ago, the critical time would have been midnight when the fireworks went off. It's still reasonable to have changed in the mean time though. The run went smoothly. So unless it takes you jmore then an hour to dress, you can be dressed how you like. In fact, it might stand out to not be dressed for partying on this night.
Every character is different, and has a different understanding of the situation and how they will react.
My suggestion is this, OOC I can let you know there will be at least a few minutes grace period unless a PC deliberately does something that gest an immediate response from whatever NPC ro world might be around. However, given yout number, and the differing reactions to this unplanned event, keep the elapsed IC time of your first few IC posts short to allow for the itneraction and actions between characters.
I'll also comment that OOC discussion of actions doesn't lock you into IC actions, it's just what you state as initially what the you expect the character to do, when you actually get there, the situation might be different.
Nov 20 2006, 01:58 PM
For everyone making perception checks and posting rolls, feel free to read the spoilers at the relevant levels and you can incorporate that as IC knowledge. The information gleaned from the perception tests are the results of at least ten to twenty seconds of examination or more, so keep the elapsed time in gaining the information in mind.
If you did make a roll and make use of the info, it's presumed it took some time.
What this means is that some information might not be revealed until there is already some PC actions taking place, so keep that in mind in this initial scene.
This initial scene is an important one for establishing character interactions and the thread of future invents, so don't be surprised if we take some time to navigate through it.
Nov 20 2006, 02:15 PM
QUOTE (De Badd Ass) |
Fooey - Chinese Dwarf
At soon as he realizes that external wireless signals are being blocked, Fooey opens the room door and steps out into the hallway.
[ Spoiler ] At that point he does what I mentioned in the PM |
See PM
De Badd Ass
Nov 20 2006, 02:41 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
IC Post Format - Lits style headers - PC and NPC names in Bold - No spoiler tags - No sigs - Internal monologue in italics - AR/VR/DNI in italics and yellow |
What exactly are Lits style headers?
Nov 20 2006, 02:44 PM
I think they must be the style of header used in the first IC post - but, for reference, I'd like a good explaination too.
Nov 20 2006, 02:58 PM
[color=orange] hh:mm:ss day, date month year - address|location [/color] |
Nov 20 2006, 03:01 PM
Guys, is anyone NOT dressed appropriately? If we are, then it is not inconceivable that someone with the jiuce to book a suite invite some "friends" over for a Chinese New Year party. And as host it would have been good etiquette to have gifts. As long as we do not act inappropriately, like take the goddamned gold, and alert the proper authorities - remember if this is Chinese New Year, the top management will want to keep the incident quiet, as a publicised murder would be an inauspicious start to the New Year.
I think that we stand a good chance of just walking away if we don't act like we are shadowrunners. That is up to the rest of you to decide.
And Ultra, you'd lose guanxi and mianzi with respect to any native Chinese associates on the team if you wish to act inappropriately. But in a metagame sense, it wouldn't matter since we are all PCs and there isn't any real repercussions barring PC-PC conflict.
Nov 20 2006, 03:15 PM
Blaze will be wearing his shadowrunning outfit (black and red longcoat + urban explorer jumpsuit)- he's pretty much not seen wihtout it unless there is some reason to disguise himself. Now, we may have one, but it is entirely too late to change. He defiantly wouldn't have shown up in a tux or anything - he came to get paid.
Nov 20 2006, 03:27 PM
I think as long as no-one walked in wearing a camoflage suit/full combat armor and a shield, we should be fine. I've seen some really weird party getups in Hong Kong Peninsula Hotel myself.
Cloud is wearing his Actioneer, in case DR wants to know.
Nov 20 2006, 03:39 PM
Hikaru is wearing a black sports shirt, light grey cargo pants and grey boots (standard dance fare for a club hopping girl her age). She is wearing her long shock gloves, but she has a license for them.
Right now her foci are turned off.
Nov 20 2006, 04:14 PM
Wu Xian is wearing his regular business casual clothes and black, leather duster.
MK Ultra
Nov 20 2006, 04:21 PM
QUOTE (toturi @ Nov 20 2006, 05:01 PM) |
And Ultra, you'd lose guanxi and mianzi with respect to any native Chinese associates on the team if you wish to act inappropriately. But in a metagame sense, it wouldn't matter since we are all PCs and there isn't any real repercussions barring PC-PC conflict. |
Youīre right of course. I didnīt mean to be rudely inapropriate, though - just taking charge of the situation, if nobody else dos. Yelling commands was just a colorfull way of describing that - some PCs might still feel offended, of course, thatīs up to everyone, weīll play it out IC.
In fact, if somebody turned out to be a good leader (good thinking and at least some Char/Leadership - he is beased against all you young folks after all), he will happily leave the being in charge thing to him/her!
Your suggestion is realy sound. How is the status of the SINless in general in HongKong? I mean not everyone without a SIN is a shadowunner.
Given the time available, the old guy will ware his Actioneer as well - though he will have the equipment with him in his brife case.
Nov 20 2006, 05:28 PM
To gain some insight into the current situation you may roll the following
Charisma + Etiquette
- 2 dice penalty if not native to Hong Kong
Threshold 2
[ Spoiler ]
- The hotel would most likely prefer to handle things with their internal security.
- If it's clear the team isn't involved in the death, the hotel is unlikely to pursue matters further. The status of guests of a guests, which having permission to enter the room prove, accords the team some status to be treated as guests.
- Having your Johnson die while you were working with them, even if you had nothing to do with it might be considered bad luck. Who wants to hire bad luck?
- For non natives, the long term relationship and reputation of runners and johnsons are very seriously tracked in Hong Kong. They really matter.
Actual encounter charisma rolls will be done seperately
Nov 20 2006, 08:10 PM
Just the "face" (who is that anyways)? or shoudl everybody roll?
Nov 20 2006, 08:45 PM
QUOTE (BlackHat) |
Just the "face" (who is that anyways)? or shoudl everybody roll? |
Anyone who wants to. You can default at penalties as well.
Nov 20 2006, 09:03 PM
Since i would be defaulting, I'll volunteer NOT to be the guy who has to explain this one to the hotel.
Nov 20 2006, 09:27 PM
yeah, Hikaru has 0 dice to roll after penalties...
MK Ultra
Nov 20 2006, 09:36 PM
Once the apartment is checked through (probably together with Wu Xian & Blaze) -which takes at least 10 seconds, but I guess weīd be a bit slower, to go through it wile covering each other- my PC will suggest that if the hotel wantīs to keep this quiet, we might even be abled to get payed for finding the perps (though he will call the payment 'finencially suporting the investigation').
So the Etiquette is for facing the hotel staff? I thought it was to gain some information for RPing (I only rolled 1 hit, so I didnīt read the spoiler). If it is to talk to hotel security, Iīm probably not first choice, but if it comes to me handling the talking
DireRadiant, ...
[ Spoiler ]
Iīd probably get two more dice for 1st impression & maybe (if I have to use my ID, which I would only do if necessary) +1or +2 more:
Charisma (3) + Etiquette (1) = 4 dice
[5] 4 4 2 Hits:1
First Impression (2) + Upstanding Citizan (2) = 4 dice
2 [5] 1 [5] Hits:2
So even without ID but with 1st Impression Iīd have 2 hits (tell me if it aplyes, please)
Nov 20 2006, 09:44 PM
Ettiquette rolls to gain some information.
Any rolls needed for actually talking will be handled when or if you talk to hotel staff.
Nothing has reached that point yet IC. MK Ultra you can keep that rolls if that situation comes up.
Edited OP post to be a little clearer.
Nov 20 2006, 09:57 PM
After TheRedRightHand, Vegas, and Mister Juan do IC posts and character reactions, we'll head into the next few minutes, more or less time depending on choices made. In the meantime feel free to post IC up to 02:18:00 Tuesday 11 February 2070 and fill in the time.
Nov 20 2006, 11:03 PM
Sorry was at work all day and only could read on my phone, never had time to post. Just got back from the doctor, so I'll re-read everything and toss up my IC asap, and while I'm at it, for giggles, here's a cha + eti roll:
CHA (4) + Etiquette (2) = 6 dice
[5] [5] 4 [6] [6] 2 Hits:4
De Badd Ass
Nov 20 2006, 11:43 PM
The "Mother! Oh God, mother! Blood! Blood!" quote from the movie Psycho is actually inner dialog. It's Fooey's way of not totally freaking out.
Nov 20 2006, 11:47 PM
Removed post.
Nov 20 2006, 11:56 PM
Perhaps a silly question of the team but do all non-natives speak Chinese/Cantonese or do all natives speak English? Or do people have linguasofts in play?
Nov 21 2006, 12:03 AM
Hikaru has a 5 in English and a 3 in Chinese due to her father being a native English speaker. The Chinese was taught by her father just in case she ran across someone that spoke it, being in the Asian area.
I belive we are all either speaking Chinese or English, though I'm not sure which.
De Badd Ass
Nov 21 2006, 12:03 AM
QUOTE (Vegas) |
Perhaps a silly question of the team but do all non-natives speak Chinese/Cantonese or do all natives speak English? Or do people have linguasofts in play? |
Fooey speaks Hong Kong Chinese, whatever that is.
Nov 21 2006, 12:15 AM
Hong Kong Chinese language is Cantonese.
I think almost everyone either speaks it, has a linguasoft, or was provided one by Johnny Wang.
MK Ultra
Nov 21 2006, 12:17 AM
Native Cantonese, English 3
Mister Juan
Nov 21 2006, 12:22 AM
GabeConcerning languages, Gabe speaks (without linguasoft) both Cantonese and Madarin rather well. His English is pretty much impecable, but there is a slight hint of an accent. When he swears, he does so in Quebec French. He can also get by in Russian.
Etiquette (2)Pool: 9 - 2 : 7
Rolls: 6,1,6,4,1,3,1
Hits: 2
Composure Test (this might just be appropriate for Gabe)
Pool: 8
Rolls: 5,1,6,1,2,2,6,4
Hits: 3
Nov 21 2006, 01:25 AM
I could have rolled a Composure Test for Hikaru, but I figure that choosing not to and having her crack will help temper her for later on. She has seen the dark side of the shadows now, everything up until this point had only been shade, she has now seen into the depths of what it means to run. Though the only thing she doesnt know is, it can get darker, much darker.
Mister Juan
Nov 21 2006, 02:01 AM
This is the very first time Gabriel has seen a dead body up close

I just wanted to mention that if the rest of the team wanted it so, Gabriel would have setted his own head a communication router for all team interaction.
DRGabe is going to hack, on the fly,
Johnny Wang's headware commlink. The guy might be dead, but
Gabriel has enough experience to know that a fixer of his kind might be packing some cold IC... and so, he's only going AR.
Current Matrix Loadout-Stealth
-Reality Filter
Hacking on the fly (Firewall, 1 IP ) Extended TestTarget: Johnny Wang's implated commlink, personal account
Hacking+ Exploit+ Codeslinger (Exploit): 11
Hits: 3
Hits: 1 (Total 4)
Hits: 4 (total 8 )
Hits: 5 (total 13)
If by 13 hits,
Gabe still isn't in....
Once in,
Gabe will put his Analyze program in "scanning mode", looking for any icon connecting, or connected to the node (IC, Agents, other Hackers, etc...). Unless he comes under attack from someting, he'll procede in digging around for any sort of stored recording from personal sensors (image recording unit, sound, etc...).
Gabe will unload his exploit program, in favor of his Browse, to help him locate what he needs.
Nov 21 2006, 02:19 AM
Cloud's Cha is 2 with Influence Group of 1. But if no-one else is going to make the Etiquette, then I'd blow an Edge for 9 exploding dice.
Guys, my posting times might be out of sync with the rest of you as I am in Asia. so bear with me.
RollsEtiquette: 4 hits (max hits, I assume, so I won't reroll the exploding 6es)
I'd post in IC, if no one else is doing the face thing, once I get off work.
Mister Juan
Nov 21 2006, 02:25 AM
Well, Gabe would roll a pool of 9 (+3 Edge if needed)... but the Hotel staff might have a hard time dealing with someone who looks like they're 18.
As for posting time: I'm usualy back from work at around 19:00 East Coast time.
Nov 21 2006, 02:27 AM
I rolled a pool of 6 above (Cha 4, Eti 2) don't know if there's any edge/advantage to having a Native "face" for dealing with the hotel staff (DR can ring in on that or something) but it's an option...
EDIT: My work schedule varies each day/week so... I'm usually on by 5p CST and often first thing in the morning (3a-4:30a CST)
I was using my cellphone to read the forums all day from work and foaming at the mouth to get home and post while you guys got started
Nov 21 2006, 02:31 AM
Mister Juan
[ Spoiler ]
IP 1 - No access, alert triggered
IP 2 - You gain Personal Account access - The Agent on the system begins taking actions. Personal account access will not control the agent.
SHould you chose to continue Hacking Plus Exploit.
IP 3 - Security Access
IP 4 - Admin Access, and you can shut the agent down.
After this a quick review of the logs reveals the Agent made some files unrecoverable.
Data still available include about two current weeks of calendar/schedule, and commcode logs that may take much more analysis(time time time) to decrypt and analyze.
Nov 21 2006, 02:33 AM
QUOTE (toturi) |
Guys, my posting times might be out of sync with the rest of you as I am in Asia. so bear with me. |
I consider it my job to keep everyone in synch and give the oppurtunity to participate. If you feel things are getting ahead, give a yell.
I'm still waiting on an IC post from TheRedRightHand I think. Until that gets resolved please hold to the IC timeline.
Feel free to discuss anything OOCly you want to, or not, as needed.
Great stuff so far everyone! I'm enjoying what I'm reading.
Nov 21 2006, 02:36 AM
Hi guys, just added my post.
DR, I turned on my eye and ear recorders at the first hint of trouble, and will keep them running for the next little while. Apart from looking for evidence, I will be espeically interested in the other team members words, actions and reactions.
No offence guys, but this is the first time my guy has worked with/met any of you, and as far as my guy knows we are the only one who knew where Wang would be for this pay-off/meeting, and we all had easy access to get in here. Also, if people had split-up taken the time to change clothes,etc..., then any of you could have raced over here and done this.
Nov 21 2006, 02:38 AM
Earlier in this thread I posted in spoilers the results you can see with various perception rolls. You can buy a striaght 3 hits, or roll your dice and go for four hits, and read the spoilers if you haven't done this already.
Nov 21 2006, 02:40 AM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
Earlier in this thread I posted in spoilers the results you can see with various perception rolls. You can buy a striaght 3 hits, or roll your dice and go for four hits, and read the spoilers if you haven't done this already. |
Dr, I have already. I just thought that was OOC so I just wanted to "act it out" in the IC thread.
Nov 21 2006, 02:42 AM
Okay, we've gotten everyone their chance to post. Even if you summon Hotel Security or relay the signal to Yokogawa Ambulance services you won't need to worry about Gm Nasties for about another five minutes. Neither security nor the ambulance will arrive for that time if someone tries for them immediately.
Therefore feel free to extend the IC scene accordingly by five minutes.
Mister Juan
Nov 21 2006, 02:43 AM
Do you need any more rolls from me?
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