Apr 25 2007, 02:45 AM
Hey. Where is everyone? (Players I mean)
De Badd Ass
Apr 25 2007, 04:24 AM
Possibly waiting for DR to post.
Apr 25 2007, 02:20 PM
I expect so, I'll get soemthing out today I hope.
De Badd Ass
Apr 28 2007, 07:17 PM
Does anybody have a medical contact that can do a DNA analysis on our hair sample?
Apr 29 2007, 02:07 PM
Nope. My character is relatively new to Hong Kong. Only a few local contacts.
MK Ultra
Apr 30 2007, 03:56 PM
Me neither, but I might be abled to contact one of Wang´s medics, if nobody else knows someone, either.
However, I´m not that sure we have that hair! Mr. Root took it and he has apearently vanished - or is the character present at the flat?
Apr 30 2007, 04:12 PM
Well, RedRightHand hasn't posted in this thread for a while, so I'd certainly arrange something so that the hair sample would be available if needed by the team.
That leaves the question of who actually knows IC about the hair sample, as Mr Root was careful not to reveal his knowledge of it to anyone.
For the story sake, you can all assume that Mr Root is no longer in the apartment and has not been since this morning.
MK Ultra
Apr 30 2007, 04:43 PM
Well, my character noticed the hair on the bed and just assumed that Root would have picked it up.
Apr 30 2007, 04:50 PM
QUOTE (MK Ultra) |
Well, my character noticed the hair on the bed and just assumed that Root would have picked it up. |
If you pursue this IC, I will make the hair sample available through some means to the team.
De Badd Ass
May 1 2007, 06:43 AM
I posted this in the IC thread by mistake:
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
12:23 Tuesday, 11 February 2070 - Flat D, 14th floor of Alpha House, 27 Nathan Road
<< CommCodes for which there is no public match
270EE25C-6914-4061-A9D5-F49278AE4CB8 * 4FADA11F-4270-4FDB-BEB3-7AA595ADD730 * 467A976A-ACF4-4B4F-8C72-FABE87B79B69 * B58FC932-55FF-4858-9635-AAC5B0D4EC23 * 28CA0EAE-5C4E-44FF-9478-0F3DB7F2135C * BA0F7638-D025-4073-AC1A-6083A1485AA6 * 61A03AB6-AF21-45D3-967C-C9B139E917E9 * 5E20D0A6-FB41-407A-9D42-90E3EACA4068 * 6C888EC1-1C1B-4DAE-BD1D-64BF686D56F2 * B56BFC45-6F03-47A4-8A65-235C79734789 B3FD2B47-0710-45BA-8FB0-867FD163BC02 6A1CCAA2-7AE4-438E-A30E-6261CC98B4CE 41A67194-D774-429B-AA44-4A26B95C9B96 90EE3BF5-9827-44D4-92FB-93AEF6FF1A4D 517C9356-FE64-4872-A681-10AAAB60295F C4E8BE0C-9A5D-4619-A1EF-AD76DD8FBF59 6A054CFE-0A9D-4832-8997-B6580FAA5B30 6210DF54-9464-425B-A249-CB52964D5060 C7314911-BEF2-4014-A897-E829C87E2283 FE3CBBDA-6883-4B76-B14F-E31FC9B385BC 8C49AD83-36BD-412E-8D65-7DE6D83AA71C 06DF363E-EAA1-4868-950F-9D84EA08C1F3 F232AC86-551A-4712-A085-DB162859843C 8848F91E-1FFC-4D6F-8ECF-53BD5CEE929C 456B8CE9-C7AD-4A78-B971-AA242AED4176 2E2FB1EE-E050-446C-B23D-42BC37CA56E6 B8A8B84E-3BDA-43A8-AC77-807A94510D75 6E594C58-32F4-40A8-9983-6750B1B8ABD1 DCDA3553-A7D1-47F4-BC69-AE6DD5209142 FE350B04-28BB-41D2-A78D-5A635397F570 14520FC4-E56F-4D82-A256-0B62A8D49962 78AFC847-3749-4BFD-B4A8-763F2CC4D31C F47281E6-0014-41DD-86AA-0D679D92E236 CA0CE6F3-06DB-4219-B9F0-564E0197F82D E543EA7B-FA96-48F8-85B2-A87D11896A6A 1744672B-906B-4140-A3A3-385A150B939F 5A364142-94D1-4304-B1BE-9688297540CC 6881E7A6-0101-4CCF-9069-8BB479AB050E 42A4AFED-EB21-496B-8A5F-77AF969050E9 F6FFC409-4283-499A-B195-512CB8DCAF2B 3EF481FA-6368-442D-A1E0-76F06173AB00 44724BF7-B125-4F6E-B21D-44500EF135B9 173BEA52-9D65-4539-A48E-2F8696F600CC ECBD09E8-1FD4-47F7-8346-EBF9C4CA930F 55E9EBBC-5099-4F26-879F-EA329101A6F7 3F15CD98-B404-45EB-95B6-27C8B8EC85FC ECA05C41-5399-4765-8D0C-944BC3C76239 0790E4BF-6CD4-48D3-9E16-79F104A57564 A876B79E-9C47-4FB2-B7FF-5EAA57A84D5D 6A97BD3A-FE6B-46F9-BC30-8EC6B66E55F7 38F939F1-AD43-4C90-8C8C-E79F0974F496 8A5507E0-C14B-4E00-AFB0-633927A18F75 3C4AE848-1CC6-4761-B476-EBCA03B9F005
Out of 2736 total commcodes available
No detail available No journal available
* Check these out! Do you recognize them? Fooey >> |
Is there any significance to the order in which these commcodes are listed (aside from astericks at the top)? I notice that the replies received came from the bottom of the list.
Fooey thinks Ms. Green might be Golden Lily because GL mentioned the cakes. What do the rest of you think? If you think it is relevant to this investigation, we can review the log of messages between the Wang and GL.
Two respondents seem to know of Wang's apparent demise. Is that public knowledge? Fooey will scan today's scream sheets and newscasts to verify.
On the off chance that it is a message, Fooey will try to decyrpt the apparent gibberish in the sixth message.
Does the phrase "Succulent Jade Water" mean anything to any of you?
EDIT: I just noticed:
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
No detail available No journal available
Does that mean we can't review the messages?
MK Ultra
May 1 2007, 10:20 AM
The old man knows nothing about "Succulent Jade Water". If asked, he will also share the information in the two spoilers in DireRadiants post (in the IC thread).
He is quiet sure GL is Green, too, he also suspects that 'Golden Dragon' is a lose aquaintance he has gotten contact to through Wang and if so, it´s no surprise that one knows about Wang´s condition. He is quiet sure though, that this person has nothing to do with the attack on Wang, so he suggests following all other leads first.
My Rolls to look at the Spoilers:
[ Spoiler ]
Asking my Agent about the disconnection artifact
Agent (3) = 3 dice
[5] 4 4 Hits:1
Intuition (2) + Triade-Traditions (5) = 7 dice
2 2 [5] 1 [5] [5] [5] Hits:4
May 1 2007, 02:33 PM
QUOTE (De Badd Ass @ Apr 30 2007, 11:52 PM) |
QUOTE (DireRadiant) | 12:23 Tuesday, 11 February 2070 - Flat D, 14th floor of Alpha House, 27 Nathan Road
No detail available No journal available
* Check these out! Do you recognize them? Fooey >> [/color] |
Is there any significance to the order in which these commcodes are listed (aside from astericks at the top)? I notice that the replies received came from the bottom of the list. On the off chance that it is a message, Fooey will try to decyrpt the apparent gibberish in the sixth message.
Does the phrase "Succulent Jade Water" mean anything to any of you?
EDIT: I just noticed:
QUOTE (DireRadiant) | No detail available No journal available
Does that mean we can't review the messages?
AS for the order, you don't know, though it's likely to simply the GM grabbing numbers at random from the bottom of the list.
Or it's all part of the complex master plan!
Correct, Wang's Agent trashed the journaling and history of commcalls, so you only have the list to work off of
Decrypting cryptic message
Computer/Hacking Threshold 1
[ Spoiler ]
It looks very much like an artifact you might get in breaking a connection, something that might have happened if the node firewall caught something probing.
May 1 2007, 02:36 PM
"Succulent Jade Water"
Appropriate Security/underworld/matrix skill Threshold 1
[ Spoiler ]
It's likely a meaningless code phrase to identify an operation or project, typically used to thwart eavesdroppers and oth3er unintended recipients.
Need to remember that editing posts with multiple spoiler tags doesn't work.
May 2 2007, 01:25 AM
I have only 1 contact, and I think from the IC, he's out of town, so I do not think Cloud will be much help with the legwork segment apart from scouting places. So if you got a place to stake out physically, feel free to tell Cloud about it.
May 2 2007, 01:29 AM
Only 1 contact here as well. Since no one works on the New Year then I will not be in touch with him, not that I think he would be able to add too much to the legwork.
May 2 2007, 03:31 AM
One of my contacts is Johnny Wang (Useless right now)
The other two are my parrents in Japan, which I have already called up, but they are out of country.
May 2 2007, 03:57 AM
Nothing really on Willow's end for contacts either. Wang, a bartender and her uncle
May 2 2007, 02:12 PM
Some of you may remember that Hilary Green at the Peninsular Hotel had a set of diagnostic medical equipment. You certainly went through a lot of trouble to avoid it.

And -everyone- knows Aberdeen is where WuXing HQ is. There's also that astral gateway thing just sitting out there as well.
May 2 2007, 03:07 PM
I know it's probably wrong of me, but I cant help but picture a doc in the ER trying to jump start some guy's heart evertime I see this thread bumped up... It sorta seems like it's floundering due to indecision and lack of ability...
We dont really have a chain of command, we dont have a true team dynamic since we never ran the run in which caused all this and we are missing key details since we didn't perform the same. That's sorta three hits against being able to do this mission well and I never really saw it until we jumped in head first.
Is there some way we can turn this around and get this going again? Ideas anyone?
May 2 2007, 03:23 PM
Fooey is doing something that should kick things off soon.
In any case, I see things have been more a case of everyone IC looking to hide and conceal and other wise be not involved. When the basic situation requires the team to be actively and openly investigating. This involves a different mind set then most shadowrun characters have. Thus I haven't had a real problem with working through this.
If you don't go around poking a stick into it and stirring things up, then nothing is likely to come to the surface.
Otherwise I can do "random" encounters, but since you've all successfully kept yourselves hidden, that wouldn't be very fair.
De Badd Ass
May 2 2007, 04:12 PM
QUOTE (Konsaki) |
Cake IS cool and all but... I'm in for any leads I can reasonably have Hikaru look into. |
Fooey is a hacker and blissfully unschooled in things Magical.
Now that DR has connected Wang to Wuxing,
Hikaru being a shaman, might want to investigate a possible connection between our actions and the Aberdeen Shallows. It's possible that Hikaru, being Japanese, isn't familiar with Wuxing and the Shallows; however,
Runners Havens says the Shallows is world famous.
Perhaps, Hikaru and
Blaze should make a field trip out to Aberdeen for some personal observations. It's possible that our actions are already having an effect. Maybe the other magic types:
Willow, Wu Xian, and Cloud can tag along. The book suggests that astral perception isn't always required to observe the goings on. OTOH, the gunsel can be your protection.
According to DR,
Fooey is occupied for the next 4+ hours. At our current pace, that would be 2+ months IRL unless the other players do something to advance the game clock. A field trip could be just the ticket.
EDIT: Is Wu Xian related to the Wu's of WuXing? That could elevate his status to suspect!

Just the person to take along to watch your backs....
May 2 2007, 07:30 PM
And that funny message from that guy calling himself Goose... What's that all about?
De Badd Ass
May 2 2007, 10:40 PM
QUOTE (Redjack) |
And that funny message from that guy calling himself Goose... What's that all about? |
Goose failed to introduce himself OOC the way the other PCs have. As I don't know anything about him, I can't make any suggestions on how to include him. I thought DR would do that.
Perhaps a "what everyone knows" post about
Goose might kick start things. It doesn't even have to be the truth - just whatever a quick investigation might uncover.
Fooey is tied up for the next 4+ hours. Perhaps another PC will conduct that investigation.
QUOTE (Konsaki) |
Is there some way we can turn this around and get this going again? Ideas anyone? |
Last time this question came up, Black Hat suggested a Shadowrun - stealing the original plans for the fireworks. DR had suggested that having those plans would speed up your analysis.
Now we have reason to believe that a copy of those original plans might be at WuXing....
If they are online, then
Fooey might be able to obtain them remotely, or it might take some on-site work. Good thing you are already planning a field trip!
iirc. Willow is a thief! Also, we did have a chain of command. Problem is, the old guy doesn't work on holidays.
If you need additional help, you know Wang knows this
Goose person. I wonder what [s]he's good for?
May 3 2007, 01:27 AM
QUOTE (De Badd Ass) |
Goose failed to introduce himself OOC the way the other PCs have. |
I had assumed that the team knew nothing about him so neglected to provide any details... To rectify that, here goes:
Goose: 1/2 Chinese-1/2 Australian Male Dwarf; Rigger/Hacker
What everyone knows:
Goose seems old school in that he has a datajack behind his left ear that is usually connected to his com-link via a fiber optic cable. He keeps a suit handy, but prefers his Hawaiian style print shirts. He eats as much as a troll and hardly ever sleeps.
He stand 1.32 meters (4' 4") tall and weighs in at 77 kilograms (170#). His dark hair is cropped short and his face clean shaven except for a goatee. He's somewhere in between his 30's and 40's in age and usually maintains a positive, if not jovial, disposition.
What the team knows:
Goose is an out of place Aussie in Hong Kong. Though he is a very capable hacker and rigger, he is unfamiliar with the customs and ways of Hong Kong. He is frustrated at being out of his element, but is making every effort to learn what it takes to fit in. His Cantonese vocabulary is strong, but his pronunciation weak; A key sign that he relies on translation software.
De Badd Ass
May 5 2007, 10:50 PM
QUOTE (Konsaki) |
I know it's probably wrong of me, but I cant help.... |
"You're either part of the solution or part of the problem".
MK Ultra
May 6 2007, 02:54 PM
Ok, I was waiting for some planning to be done ICly, but it obviously dosn´t workthis way, so lets just do it OOC and then put it into IC retrospectively.
I think De Badd Ass suggestion is not bad, though getting into the sky-tower will be a realy tough run, I´d imagin, still, using the time to scout the surrounding,in case we have to go there (or anything unusual can be witnessed with the shallow orsomething), wouldn´t hurt.
My own suggestion to gain insight into the fireworks would be to breakinto one of the temples so prominent for their feng-shui-lore.
Also making some noise around the places Wang last visited (and planned to visit next), might get us some intel (or trouble - or both).
May 10 2007, 01:50 AM
Has Goose met or heard of any of the team?
May 10 2007, 03:10 AM
QUOTE (Redjack) |
@DireRadiant Has Goose met or heard of any of the team? |
Not yet.
I'm going to take a look and see what I cna do to bump this along.
De Badd Ass
May 11 2007, 02:53 AM
QUOTE (DireRadiant) |
I'm going to take a look and see what I cna do to bump this along. |
May 15 2007, 10:44 AM
May 18 2007, 03:18 PM
Alright , I have taken some time to reflect on this, and first thing, sadly, is that I'm going to shut down this forum game.
You are a great group of players, and it's been a fantastic trip down memory lane for me, and everyone's made a great effort at the flavor part of the game. Unfortunately I just have unable to make the effort and commitment to keep the game moving for everyone involved. For that I've been kidding myself otherwise, it's just been obvious I haven't done the work to stimulate the story along for all of you. So rather then continue to limp along, I'm just going to call it done.
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