Dusty Ghost
May 28 2008, 09:56 PM
You know what, I'm not sure I'm getting the right unmodified dice pool for using my medical kit. I have no first aid skill. And for some reason I got it into my head that I was rolling 6, but I think that's wrong.
Can someone check it for me?
My medikit is rating 3 and my logic is 4, should I have rolled 7?
Ah! Looks like Hex posted his medical check the same time as me. I edited my response as I only got 1 hit anyhow!
Seraph Kast
May 28 2008, 10:03 PM
Alright so Hex is going to set to work patching up Hack enough to keep him from dying, assuming first aid is enough to do that. I will probably be going out of contact tonight at some point. Moving into a new apartment, luckily I don't have too much to move. I should be back online tomorrow at some point, but it might be in the evening, so if Hex needs to do anything, feel free to post him doing it. At this point I imagine its going to be mostly fixing up Hack enough to keep him from dying, and then patching up Loki before/after the interrogation as he sees fit.
Edit: Crap, didn't see Sweeps post before I added mine. Anyone know if it's possible to delete posts here?
Double Edit (heh): okay, that works, haha. yay posting confusion!
Dusty Ghost
May 28 2008, 10:07 PM
don't delete!
I edited mine to make it fit!
EDIT! Oooooooh! I hate posting out of sync. I'll break for a bit! can you answer my question in post 351? I think I'm confused by the medical kit rules.
May 28 2008, 10:08 PM
Procedural note: The Medikit adds its rating to your logic. Sweeps should have LOTS more dice than he has been rolling. (No, with the medikit, unlike everything else) there is no need to default and take a -1 penalty to the attribute. It's so good, anyone can be helped by it.)
Hex used the right number of dice, as I understand it, because the kit adds to your skill if you have skill.
Dusty Ghost
May 28 2008, 10:11 PM
Ah! So I should have rolled 7 not 6. Bugger that glitch on Loki might not have happened!
Oh well serves me right for rushing.
May 28 2008, 10:50 PM
QUOTE (Dusty Ghost @ May 28 2008, 06:11 PM)
Ah! So I should have rolled 7 not 6. Bugger that glitch on Loki might not have happened!
Oh well serves me right for rushing.
I think it would have been 8 dice: Logic 4 + Medikit 6 - Van 2.
But no, we are not going to go back and change anything, or try to get the GM to do so. We is stuck with what we did.
Sorry I didn't catch this confusion earlier.
May 28 2008, 11:13 PM
according to the wording of the medkit gear it says it adds to the skill, not logic. This suggests that it does not as a substitute for the skill... That implies that the medkit won't do away with defaulting penalties. Ahh the joys of trying to read designers minds.
For the sake of simplicity though we'll go with Joel's assumption. The medkit acts kinda like an activesoft except it can also be used to add dice to your pool if you already have the skill. If you don't have the skill, no defaulting penalties. Should have caught that earlier. I was caught up trying to make sure all the t's were crossed and the i's dotted with the chase mechanics though.
PS Joel. If you found something I missed, do you mind giving me a page number.
May 28 2008, 11:28 PM
QUOTE (imperialus @ May 28 2008, 07:13 PM)
PS Joel. If you found something I missed, do you mind giving me a page number.
Yeah, in their typical fashion the rules are spread all over the book.
In this case, BBB page 244 says that the Medikit can be used with the users attribute and the kits level instead of skill, if the user is unskilled. You only use the kit level by itself if you only have time to connect the kit, and then have to do something else.
May 28 2008, 11:39 PM
Right you are. I read 242 and 329, missed 244, thanks.
May 29 2008, 06:50 AM
I'm going to intimidate Hack and talk to him (and whatnot) but not right now. I'm currently pretty busy IRL with a game of D&D, but we're on a short break. I'll post either late tonight or early tomorrow.
Dusty Ghost
May 29 2008, 08:37 AM
After studying the rules a bit, the linked attribute to first aid is logic, then you add the first aid skill if you have it, then the medical kits rating.
If I was to default, I would have to default to logic. As I have a medi kit I can add the rating to that. The rules seem to gloss over the -1 penalty, but I think the medikit it self may take care of that.
My medical kit is rating 3, my logic is 4 I have no first aid skill so I assume it's 7 I should be rolling. then minus any situational modifiers.
Is that ok?
May 29 2008, 01:48 PM
Use the rating 6 Medikit sitting in the van. (Mack threw it in along with his weapons case.)
Mack / Joel
Dusty Ghost
May 29 2008, 02:38 PM
...... oh yeah! ....... ooooops
My medkit is only level 3.
Oh well, you managed to sort hack out. Loki is going to heal eventually.
May 29 2008, 02:52 PM
Dusty: yep. That looks good to me.
May 29 2008, 03:03 PM
Imperialus, a procedural healing question:
Normally, you get onloy one try with a Medikit.
Assuming the characters can stop for 5 minutes within the next game hour or so, will you allow someone else to try using the medikit on Loki?
(I don't think we are going to get two days for a doctor to patch Loki up in the middle of this, and we don't have a handy mage with heal.)
Joel / Mack
PS: THe reason I sign a lot of my notes here is that I have trouble keeping track of who is who, so assume being a little extra clear helps other folks.
May 29 2008, 03:22 PM
yeah. I'll let you guys do that.
May 29 2008, 06:08 PM
Had some time to kill so I added some descriptive posts.
Seraph: Basically what Steely Dan is offering is a goon squad if you need it. Give him a call and 20 minutes or so later a half dozen Orks will show up to back you up. They won't be runner quality but they'll be competent enough to be useful.
Dusty Ghost
May 29 2008, 09:23 PM
Seraph: Basically what Steely Dan is offering is a goon squad if you need it. Give him a call and 20 minutes or so later a half dozen Orks will show up to back you up. They won't be runner quality but they'll be competent enough to be useful.
Did I miss something here?
EDIT: Woops! Got it! Never mind!
Dusty Ghost
May 29 2008, 09:28 PM
Never mind!
May 29 2008, 10:47 PM
Sweeps just collapsed in a chair.
I believe Hex has a nice large pistol.
Mack is standing by holding a Troll sized survival knife.
May 30 2008, 05:55 AM
If 4 hits on that fails (it very well may, as the dice seem to hate me tonight) I can use Commanding Voice for 11 dice - up to 5 words, and if I succeed he'll obey the command/question given to him in those 5 or less words.
Dusty Ghost
May 30 2008, 11:18 AM
BTW, what does BBB mean?
Oh and sorry about Sweeps collapsing, but is was due to wear off at this time.
May 30 2008, 12:49 PM
QUOTE (Dusty Ghost @ May 30 2008, 07:18 AM)
BTW, what does BBB mean?
Oh and sorry about Sweeps collapsing, but is was due to wear off at this time.
BBB is the Big Black Book, or the Big Blue Book, depending upon what color you think the background of the cover of the oversized hardback rules is. You will also see RAW, meaning Rules As Written.
No problem with Sweeps. You are playing what seems right to you. Ignoring the Jazz wearing off, no that would be wrong.
Dusty Ghost
May 30 2008, 05:42 PM
Ah! Thought it might be that! LOL
Seraph Kast
May 31 2008, 01:51 AM
Okay, back online (sporadically, thanks to a screwy router) finally. Moving is such a bitch, no matter what, gah. Took so long, heh.
Anyway, uhm. Assume I handed the gun over. Hex probably just sat off to the side, trying to stare a bit while listening in and composing a response to his contact. I'll post something a little later about that. For now though, just: I'm back! Whee!
May 31 2008, 05:55 AM
You guys also might want to look back in the IC thread a few days. See if you notice any connections.
May 31 2008, 11:48 AM
QUOTE (imperialus @ May 31 2008, 01:55 AM)
You guys also might want to look back in the IC thread a few days. See if you notice any connections.
Ouch! "Jim Crull" is Dark Angel's real name!
Dusty Ghost
May 31 2008, 04:43 PM
Oooooooh! Not had a chance to read the IC since Hack gave us the info! That'll teach me!
He fakes his own death! That policeman was possibly right when he said his daughter saw him at the Stuffer Shack! Cool! Clever twist!
Hmmmm re-reading to see if I missed anything......... Hmmmmmmm
Dusty Ghost
May 31 2008, 10:00 PM
Seriously guys, I don't know what to do next. Go for Slash or something else I might have missed!
May 31 2008, 10:05 PM
I have some preferences, but I want to wait to give the others a chance to comment.
(Mack ought not be a lead planner / thinker for this group. Even if I personally tend to plan, analyze, and consider at rather too much length.)
Joel / Mack
Dusty Ghost
May 31 2008, 10:10 PM
QUOTE (JoelHalpern @ May 31 2008, 11:05 PM)
I have some preferences, but I want to wait to give the others a chance to comment.
(Mack ought not be a lead planner / thinker for this group. Even if I personally tend to plan, analyze, and consider at rather too much length.)
Joel / Mack
Yeah, I find myself going round in circles with this one. Still points 1 - 9 I made are worth considering at least. But I don't know how relevent they all are. I hope if I missed something the others find it. I know the GM will step in if we go off track too far..... hopefully!
Seraph Kast
Jun 1 2008, 02:20 AM
I made my post. I say we wait til after Sweeps does his thing and get as much info as we can without (hopefully) tipping off anyone else about what we want. Contacts can more or less be trusted, but asking around too much might raise some eyebrows. And it might tip off whoever that we are looking, and make it that much harder.
Edit: Also need to figure out the Yak's angle on this. Money is always important, Heaven seems to be run by them now...maybe Xanadu has ties there as well or something?
Jun 1 2008, 06:04 AM
Don't worry. You guys have been doing a remarkably good job so far. At points the adventure almost seems like it assumes that the players have an almost Sherlock Holmes level of attention to detail (like trying to remember that Dark Angels real name is Jim Crull) but I won't let you guys get too far off track.
If you guys want to RP dumping Hack somwhere that's cool. Sybercat is going to sit this bit out, she's kinda comatose but she'll lend you the van. I might suggest that if you want to prod Slash for info on the guy who hired him you arrange for an exchange info for Hack.
One other nudge I might give you guys.
It's fairly common knowledge that MCT is seen by many as a giant front for the Yak's, or the Yak's are a shadow arm of MCT. It depends on who you believe. Just how deep the connections go is anyones guess but there is no denying that they're in bed together.
Dusty Ghost
Jun 2 2008, 09:04 AM
MCT eh! Hmmmmm......
Dusty Ghost
Jun 2 2008, 08:56 PM
Hey guys? Did everyone go on holiday with Mickle5125? echo... echo.... echo.... echo....
Jun 2 2008, 09:33 PM
QUOTE (Dusty Ghost @ Jun 2 2008, 04:56 PM)
Hey guys? Did everyone go on holiday with Mickle5125? echo... echo.... echo.... echo....
I think we are waiting for Nigel / Loki to ask a few more questions.
Then we need to arrange to return Hack, and ask Slash a few questions (without intimidation, just politely) to see what we can find out.
Whoever has the Lone Star contact can ask them where the cops got the dental records.
Then we fix up Loki, rest up, and go in to the record company.
Jun 2 2008, 09:48 PM
Sorry I haven't been able to post, been busy. I'll post right now.
Dusty Ghost
Jun 3 2008, 08:26 AM
Wow! Nigel! Remind me to NEVER piss you off! You scare me let alone Hack! LOL
Jun 3 2008, 08:43 AM
Heh, thanks (I think?). It's a gift!
Jun 4 2008, 03:59 AM
I am suggesting that Hex and Loki come up with a place for the meet. Mack doesn't have a clue, Sweeps is out on his feet, and Padre is temporary unavailable for conversation.
Joel / Mack
Seraph Kast
Jun 4 2008, 04:56 AM
I'll make a post tomorrow morning/afternoon, I has a plan formulating. Sorry I've not been posting, classes and a new part-time job are keeping me running around a lot more.
Jun 4 2008, 05:18 AM
I had Sybercat suggest a McHuge's. It's one of the most common fast food franchises in the plex. They got loving attention back in what is arguably the greatest Shadowrun book ever written, the Neo Anarchists Guide to Real Life.
The cool thing about them is they are completely designed around stopping trouble. There's no usable cover, there are armed guards, and the entire restaurant can be flooded with nurostun VII.
Dusty Ghost
Jun 4 2008, 07:26 AM
Cool, Imperialus, to keep things moving, do you want to fill out the IC details of the meet?
Jun 4 2008, 08:17 PM
I will... ASAP. My intraweb connection is hating me today so I'm posting from an internet cafe right now. Unfortunatly I won't be able to post properly until it's working again. They say it should be up by the end of the day so *fingers crossed* it will be.
Jun 4 2008, 08:58 PM
QUOTE (imperialus @ Jun 4 2008, 04:17 PM)
I will... ASAP. My intraweb connection is hating me today so I'm posting from an internet cafe right now. Unfortunatly I won't be able to post properly until it's working again. They say it should be up by the end of the day so *fingers crossed* it will be.
Thanks for the update. Much easier to wait when there is information.
Dusty Ghost
Jun 4 2008, 09:04 PM
Jun 5 2008, 04:19 AM
Ok. IC post is up. Not my finest work... Today hasn't been my best day for creativity, sorry.
Jun 5 2008, 04:33 AM
No problem. I'll start the conversation with Slash, though others might want to join in. I assume your internets are working again? What was the problem?
Jun 5 2008, 05:55 AM
Oh, something big and ugly with the TV cable that had the whole south end of the city screwy. I had to go downtown this morning so I posted from down there.
Jun 5 2008, 06:32 PM
Next IC is up.
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