QUOTE (GreyBrother @ Jul 27 2009, 03:03 AM)

I officially love you for the Shambler. I look forward to the day when i can use it against my players for freaky goodness. Could be faster if you answer me the following question: Is it possible for them to live in central european swamp territory or would that be too much of a stretch? And how big can they become? They can become toxic too, what would be appropriate powers for them to aquire?
They got modified a bit in RW it looks like. By the original rules in Year of the Comet (Which was SR3 rules, obviously), the Shamblers added their victims body rating to their own when they glued them to its shell. They got a point of armor for every 6 Body points added this way (A fresh, unshelled Shambler had 4 body and no armor). Once they got a whopping 13 Armor points, they would spawn a baby Shamble, who would live in the shell for a couple months, feeding on it, before becoming old enough to move on and start creating it's own shell. Meanwhile, the parent Shambler would have started collecting a new shell of it's own (they're not exactly the nurturing, caring parental types). They also lost QUickness and Reaction (one for every 4 Armor), thus if they don't spawn at 13 armor, they become immobile soon after when their shell gets too heavy to drag around.

13 armor puts the thing up over 40 body. Plus, that's 40 body worth of corpses. So yeah, they can get pretty damn big
As for location, there's no reason they couldn't appear Europe. They're listed as "Global" for location in RW (and while in YotC there had only been just over a dozen sightings of them, it was noted that the sightings were "around the world").
And, considering where they live and, more importantly, how they live... I'd say turning Toxic is a definite possibility for one. The things to keep in mind when giving it toxic powers is that the Shambler does NOT want to kill its victim. It glues the victim to its shell live, then feeds off it. So the longer the victim lives, the more the shambler gets to eat (It drains fluids and nutrients out of the victim, rather than devouring the flesh).
Just digging through the powers list real quick... Animal Control is a potential power for small to medium creatures that may live in the same area as it (makes hunting that much easier

). Adaptive COloration would be a nasty one to give it. Compulsion works along the same lines as Animal Control. Confusion maybe. Immunities. Mimicry could be a fun power, especially in sewers ("You hear a little girls voice in the darkness calling 'Help me! I'm lost!"

). Mystic Armor. Paralyizing Howl. Petrification. Taint. Regeneration. Silence. All could work to make the critter that much nastier.

Weaknesses are a bit more restrictive, based on the nature of the thing. Reduced Senses hearing or touch maybe. Dietray Requirement (Only Metahumans. Makes it more of a hunter than a simple trapper). Allergies or Vulnerabilities to some odd elements or materials.
Honestly, these things are freaky, creepy, and fairly rare and solitary. So if you do use one, feel free to go nuts

They make a good, fairly horrific monster to play with. The one time I used one in a game, the lead up was that the PCs heard about a rash of missing children in the area. When they came across the thing and started shooting at it, they realized that a couple of the kids glued to it's back were still alive even. Gave them a bit of a moral dilemma to deal with.