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No worries about the confusion. This is my first melee in a decade or so. smile.gif

If I read the numbers right, I think GD has a light "stun".
[ Spoiler ]

That gives him a total of 3 successes.

Its still Phase 19 and Chase rolls

Brawling: 2, 2, 3, 5, 5, 7
Combat Pool: 3, 5

Net Successes: 1

Resist 7M "Stun" (remember that wound penalty, effectively making it 8M)

(I shoud have stated this earlier: Chase has Plastic Bone Lacing. It grants +2 to the Power of Unarmed Attacks.)

Unless Shadow decides to contradict me, I'm going to assume that all damage is imaginary and wound levels "reset" after each battle.

That being said, I don't know if this round-robin battle royale is such a good idea. We could be doing this for over a week. Its up to the rest of you.

(plus, I'm not looking forward to Chase getting walluped by Ran and her [hopefully sheathed] katana...wink.gif]

Phase 11:

Brawling: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 (is that Yatzee or do I need a 6? biggrin.gif)
Combat Pool: N/A (saving it...muh-ha-ha-ha!)
Successes: 3 (Did you spend all that Combat Pool yet? nyahnyah.gif)

Shadow said the damage was simulated, though I think we should keep track of it for the fight's duration so that it doesn't last forever. At the end of each fight, it can reset. This shouldn't take more than a couple of days.

Yeah, I believe Ghost Dragon has a light stun wound now, probably more after I roll. I might as well use the whole pool.

Body Roll: 3, 7, 4, 1 = 1 success. Ghost Dragon now has moderate stun.

Ninjitsu (6) roll: 2, 5, 8, 5 = 0 successes

So, I miss then.

What am I resisting against? 7S with a +2 TN?
I don't mean to nitpick but unless you have a combat pool of 20 you don't have enough dice to add that many.
Well, now I'm really starting to look like a newbie. I got confused by the terminology in the book. Phase, turn... it's hard to make sense of. I'm guessing that we don't get to use our dice pools again until we reroll initiative? I'll edit my post.
Its all cool smile.gif

Posted on Jul 15 2004, 10:24 PM

Well, now I'm really starting to look like a newbie. I got confused by the terminology in the book. Phase, turn... it's hard to make sense of. I'm guessing that we don't get to use our dice pools again until we reroll initiative?

That's always been my easy remider.
Ok, I am going to move the game along a bit.
Moonstone Spider
That'll be good.
We're going through the gate soon right?
Ok sorry guys, I am on vacation. I came down here thinking I would have acess but it turns out I didn't. Till now.
Moonstone Spider
Yeah, that's happened to me a time or two as well. Well at least things are on track again now.
Anybody still playing this game?
I am. We're still waiting on Shadow to move things along. Since he's on vacation right now, with seemingly intermittent access, there may be some time to wait still.

My gut feeling is that he intends for us to pick the wrong address and have yet more hijinks and adventures.
Or get home and lose Cosmo in the process, but successfully recieve his notes on how to dial addresses in both directions.
Hallo gents and, er, I don't think there are any more ladies with us, are there? In any case, this is Tziluthi, only the old account broke, so well, here I am under a different name. Sorry about not posting for a while, but it doesn't seem that you guys really missed me anyway smile.gif
I think Shadow is still on, I hope.
He is. I think he said on another thread that he was coming back Saturday, so things would be rolling again on Monday.
Yeah, sorry again guys. I had very limited access while I ws away. The best laid plans of mice and men.
Okay, my turn to say "sorry". I was on vacation last week. Are we still a "go"??
I don't know. Two of us have posted after arriving through the gate. I think Shadow is waiting on the rest of us.
I'm still here.
Rather then let the game die out, or drag on, I decided to go ahead and end the story. This is basically where it would have ended anyways.

You all receive two months of the agreed upon salary plus another 20 bonus. Any equipment (minus alien stuff) you had on you coming back through the gate, you get to keep.

Everyone who completed the run also gets 8 karma.

We had our ups and downs, but over all I think we had a good time. I am sorry it stalled a couple of times, the best laid plans of mice and men and all.

All of you are welcome to participate in any game I run in the future, (I give preference to people I have had in a game already). I hope to see you in my next game.

Well, you know how to contact James.

And I'll be planning how to spend the loot.
We've agreed that 30,000 a month each and 10,000 per run would work well, with an additional 10,000 if we run into any serious combat

So, by my count, that comes to 100k for each of us, plus 8 karma. Nice.
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