As I'm doing anything to get Special K back, obviously, I'd vote for: come on in! I can give you a short summary - to be fair, not
that much did happen, as some of us, too, had had a rough time. We're right now doing a simulation of the real bank robbery, and we're just about to start the second walk-through the second time ^^ (if you know our politics, you'll see how much of an Austrian thing that is

Here's the plan:
Step 1: Use incriminating evidence to get Mercenary Kynos to turn against Zola and Ramirez, hopefully causing a distraction for Zola.
Step 2: Visit Bank to infest building with spy drones
Day of break in:
Step 3: Activate gas grenade in hotel to take out mage to stop watchers reporting activities and subsequent combat spirits arriving
Step 4: Hack biomonitor of Corporate Decker
Step 5: Send spirit to knock out Decker
Actual break in
Step 6: Drive up with van to backside of bank
Step 7: Don RP capes, Kite uses Invisibility and Spirit Concealment on team and van
Step 8: Direct connect to camera over back door and enter Security Host (R7)
Step 9: Hack camera feeds with loops [agent system!]
Step 10: Anna opens door with SOK, wait for patrol to be out of sight.
Step 11: Anna enters, moves directly to women restroom
Step 12: Anna levitates to ceiling, places Gasgrenade in vents
Step 13: bnc hacks Utility host (R5) to control vents to all places where guards are present
Step 14: bnc hacks Leggio's 'link
Step 15: bnc releases the fake message from Commanding Officer to tell guards to stay at their stations and help being on the way.
Step 16: Activate gasgrenade, Slobbertooth, Krestov, Anna's spirit, bnc drone and kite drone storm building to neutralize remaining guards, while bnc data spikes Leggio's commlink (as he is most likely to withstand gas attack)
Step 17: Everyone in building is subdued with no alert (if not, it's 10 minutes running until reinforcements arrive)
Step 18: Slobbertooth, Krestov, Schmidt and Anna enter vault to empty lock boxes (6 minutes)
Step 19: Levitate loot out through staircase and backdoor into Van.
Step 20: Evacuate to boat house, unload haul into minisubs, have Kite pilot them back to the safehouse.
Step 21: Leave Island as regular, inconspicous business people (suits ready at the boat house)
There's not so much to do for K, but I'd still appreciate his looming presence

Oh, and one more thing. I think, one post a week will totally do. pbp should be something that makes your life nicer, not more stressful. If it's a stress factor, better don't join. It's a game, nothing more.