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Slobbertooth needs someone else who can reliably take a punch hanging around, so I'll vote yes. As Volker said, there isn't too much for Krestov and Slobber to do in the plan. Their job is more to clean up when things go horribly wrong.
Slight correction: There isn't much to do yet in the training scenario - but as Anna keeps repeating "nothing ever goes according to plan" biggrin.gif

So yes, Krestov is more than welcome to join us again (same goes for Torrent!)
From a non utalitrain prespective welcome abroed wink.gif
QUOTE (Gilga @ Mar 16 2018, 12:09 AM) *
From a non utalitrain prespective welcome abroed wink.gif

@Jack - aren't we going to RP the Kynos chat and trying to get him to quit or worse?
As I understood you, you wanted to do that immediately before the heist to maximise confusion on Ramirez and Zola's side.

Have we dealt with the spider or the mage? Did I miss some posts where that stuff was handled?

It feels odd that the plan is progressing at all without confirming that such critical parts have been handled. I am ready as a player to rob a bank, and so I appreciate the progression of time, but can we slow down just a little bit.
Actually no: The hack and spirit attack is supposed to happen right now after the shift change but before the drones wake up. Likewise the gas bomb at the mage's quarters should go off then and there.
Why I'm confused.

List of steps

Step 1: Use incriminating evidence to get Mercenary Kynos to turn against Zola and Ramirez, hopefully causing a distraction for Zola. Check
Step 2: Visit Bank to infest building with spy drones Check

Day of break in:
Step 3: Activate gas grenade in hotel to take out mage to stop watchers reporting activities and subsequent combat spirits arriving ???
Step 4: Hack biomonitor of Corporate Decker ???
Step 5: Send spirit to knock out Decker ???

Actual break in
Step 6: Drive up with van to backside of bank Check
Step 7: Don RP capes, Flatline uses Invisibility and Spirit Concealment on team and van
Step 8: Direct connect to camera over back door and enter Security Host (R7)
Step 9: Hack camera feeds with loops
Step 10: Open door with SOK, wait for patrol to be out of sight.
Step 11: Anna enters, moves directly to women restroom
Step 12: Anna levitates to ceiling, places Gasgrenade in vents
Step 13: bnc hacks Utility host (R5) to control vents to all places where guards are present
Step 14: bnc hacks Leggio's 'link
Step 15: bnc releases the fake message from Commanding Officer to tell guards to stay at their stations and help being on the way.
Step 16: Activate gasgrenade, Slobbertooth, Krestov, Anna's spirit, bnc drone and kite drone storm building to neutralize remaining guards, while bnc data spikes Leggio's commlink (as he is most likely to withstand gas attack)
Step 17: Everyone in building is subdued with no alert (if not, it's 10 minutes running until reinforcements arrive)
Step 18: Slobbertooth, Krestov, Schmidt and Anna enter vault to empty lock boxes (6 minutes)
Step 19: Levitate loot out through staircase and backdoor into Van.
Step 20: Evacuate to boat house, unload haul into minisubs, have Kite pilot them back to the safehouse.
Step 21: Leave Island as regular, inconspicous business people (suits ready at the boat house)
Both things can and should be done remotely so the position of the crew is not really relevant at that precise moment. smile.gif
Yeah, we're just about to do that, that's why bnc wanted to check the procedure for exactly these parts beforehand.

I can't recall a 100 % sure what procedure we agreed on. I remember that we found out the password for the drone, but I don't think we needed it for our plan. Am I right?
What can I see from the matrix?
As far as you trained, no, the drone was not able to hurt the spirit and since it is separate from the matrix it can't call for help either.
Though, now you have another person sleeping inside the flat who might be awoken by the drone attacking the spirit...
With "what can I see from the matrix", I was actually referring to the person who is obviously in VR. Sorry for not making clear I wasn't talking about the drone.

Matrix Perception (silent mode): 12d6t5 3
Ah yes, nothing spectacular really: A house full of wifi enabled stuff, slaved to a high end commlink.
The bio-monitor, slaved directly to the spider's deck
But the spider's icon is absent - which is no big surprise for you since you can guess that he is logged into the bank's security host and therefore his matrix icon has vanished from the public Aztech grid.

There is also a moderate level commlink present with R4 and 7 defense dice - likely belonging to the spider's overnight guest.
Matrix Perception (silent mode): 12d6t5 2
And what's it doing atm?
being in sleep mode smile.gif
ah. Didn't you say that Anna saw its owner being awake and in VR?
No, the spider is in VR, the guest is asleep in the bed.
ah, great, that makes stuff a lot less difficult.
Hi, I am waiting for the mage grenade thing to be resolved before moving on to the Spider.
Flatline's unoccupied, isn't he?
He is doing overwatch for you and your van, but yes, he has capacity to send a spirit.
Erm, just to make sure I comprehend the situation. Why exactly can't the drones we sent to the flat for that very specific purpose not tell us whether we hit the mage or not? I asked Kite to send drones there to confirm the mage beingt take out, or, if something went amiss, to do the job instead. What happened to them?
The drone is in the air outside the room/building.
If you take a look at post #22 you'll notice that Anna left only the gas grenade behind, no spy drones.
Sure, but aren't there any windows at all?
Sure, but those are one way and the curtains are drawn (as can be expected at 6 in the morning)
Thats why radar sensors are employed by Kite
That was a misunderstanding. I was under the impression that it was the drones' task to check on the mage. That's why I didn't bother for extra sensors. In #592, I even reminded Kite to "keep [her] drones prepared if something goes amiss" and gave her a few seconds time to react. In my imagination, that implied that she at least has a possibility to do so and wouldn't just sit in front of a drawn curtain and say oops when it's too late...
Eh, don't sweat it. The drone didn't register an alert and the mage's body is in fact lying there. So you can be sure at least that there hasn't been a total fuck up.
all right, thanks. My rolls for the spider are okay, right?
@hacking bio-monitor
Yeah, since it's slaved to the owner, your hack and spoof combo works without a hitch.

@hacking spider

I'm not quite sure what you are trying to do: The spider's persona is based on his deck at the moment, not his commlink. So any outgoing calls he makes will come from his deck/persona - and that is inside the host, so can only be hacked while you are also in the host. But you do have nonetheless a MARK on him, due to hacking the bio-monitor.

Now there is a commlink of his, that is lying around that you can use for this trick (actually there are three), but these have agents hardwired to them (as his girlfriend told you in the cafe).
Those also defend with 12 dice, so we can keep your results of the hack.

Finally - and I hope this isn't too confusing - there is the other comlink - namely that of his guest - in the bedroom (7 defense dice, no persona at the moment)

In conclusion: Your GIGO trick works, but you need to specify a different trigger.
Is the biomonitor slaved to his deck or his commlink?
Slaved to his deck
Well, the simply substitute "link" with "deck". I marked the biomonitore or other slaved gear 3 times, thus have 3 marks on his deck, and so I'm able to GIGO it, have it utter the passphrase and block the biomonitor.
Hacking on the Fly: 3#18d6t5 4 2 7
Opposed roll: 3#12d6t5 3 4 5

As for the second one. These are my rolls. One went amiss, so it's only 2 marks. I guess he would be notified, but he's asleep anyway


We're not waiting on Slobbertooth, right?
Nope, it's Anna's move next: Opening the door, making herself invisible and placing the grenade
Will see if can post later today.
last week was crazy.
Some rolls if they are necessary. If I understood correctly Anna is invisible and concealed. Wearing an FBA provided by Schmitt and an RP cloak (not sure about the rating).
some rolls...
Sneak: 11d6t5 5
Perception: 11d6t5 4

@Jack few questions.

1. Is 'Debora' still with us?
2. Can she enter the bank?
3. If she can't, can a spirit be summoned inside the bank?

If cornered I assume she'd like some help, or simply use invisibility which would make her in addition to the other factors very difficult to detect.
You used two services, so yes, your spirit is around outside
She can try, but would have to contend with an F12 ward
Yes, you can dismiss her and resummon inside the building.
If it was a bound spirit, you could send it to its home plane and recall it inside the bank again.
Can I see Leggio's commlink in the matrix?
How much time can we estimate till we make contact?
Are all of the guards, especially the 4 who are making their way towards us, within the area of influence of the gas grenade, once bnc activates the ventilation?
doublecheck: Anna herself is protected, I don't need to wait until she gets out, before I activate, right?
Not without a successful matix perception test.
Hard to say: between 30 seconds and 2 minutes
Yes, the wents go everywhere inside the building
If Anna wears her helmet and armor, she is protected
Anna wears FBA + Helmet just like planned. I doubt she'll take the helmet off to fix her makeup knowing that the gas grenade is about to go off.

Unlike the plan - she would suggest using the spirit to find Leggio figuring that Krestov and Slobber can handle what is left of the patrol after the gas grenade.
Not sure if "do nothing" is the right option, but it definitely always feels like the worst choice.
Actually, that is a very intelligent course of action wink.gif
A trap and you didn't take the bait biggrin.gif
Nice going! Anna is too much of a thrill seeker to be this reasonable.
Just for the record: I assume, Anna sends the spirit after bnc gives her the go. As it is right now, the spirit would materialize and attack Leggio before the gas is released or bnc has sent the fake message.
Otherwise... yeah, this could get very interesting.
This was my intention.

I was also thinking about a more general service as to disable any guard still standing after the grenade goes off but perhaps I was missing something and there is a need to focus on Leggio especially. Not that it matters much as she has enough services.
The simulation showed that Leggio was the one most likely to withstand the first three seconds of the gas attack - enough to pose a threat.
Fine wink.gif I do recall something along that line. Let's wait for Volker to pull the trigger.
My following post is sent under the assumption that I am indeed in control of the whole system. If I got this right, they just turned off the vents. So there's no real change in my course of action, is there?
Leggio sent a command to turn off the ventilation, but you can turn it on again without problem.
Just tell me the order of operations you are using smile.gif
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